9 X sinned back. "Are you going te ask JULY 2b, 1923 HALSEY ENTERPRISE PAGE 3 me to believe that Frank Bosley took this money and— ” Parker, who naurdurkJ Sher­ Exactly. He came for the package that his wife left, and you weren’t iff Dunlap, was convicted and here. He had to have It quick, 'cause he d got scared and was planning a sentenced to be hanged Aug, 31 was be­ This is good advice; “ I f yon live get-away, go he came in for 1»; and I while the Enterprise don't have to remind you, Car'llne, ing printed last week. This was jn Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live lor sale. Purebred. 60 ewes, 12 rams, 35 lambs. in some other town, trade in that town.” that it’s easy to find things In this Dk. J. W, C o o k , Brownsville house. He found the package, and Judge Kelly’s first death sent­ But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do there was the money beside It. Why ence. J. C. Porter of this place at least part ol their buying in the Alio was foreman of the jury. Par­ not take If, as long's he waa going out larger town Those who go to Albany ker is in the death cell at Sal­ to transact business will find the firms of town anyway?" □ siued below ready to fill their require­ “What are you talking abont, Uncle em. Jerry? Why was he getting away Warden Smith, iu accordance ments with courtesy and fairness. (Continued from l) find— ” f 9 x l2 fo r $ 1 7 .0 0 with his policy of gentle, kindly Ibauy Bakery, 321 Lyon street, j Albany Chautauqua net- “ Shaw, now, Car'llne, the Idea of treatment of prisoners, allowed C*. Best one-pound loaf of bread made. your being confused ’cause I began at Parker the liberty of the ja il yard 7 cents ; 3 for 20c. Wedding cakes to ed $70.00 profit. the wrong end of my story. I ’ll take by day, btu Governor Pierce put order. W. R. Kirk and wife have a the other end If you'd like It better. a stop to this and the murderer ibany Floral Co. Order« filled son, born last week Tuesday. You see, I been trying out a little who had dug out of the Albany carefully for everywhere or any sleuthing.” jail when given a similar liberty, time. Flowers, wire anywhere in U. S. Miss Lavelle Palmer is homo ‘Oh!" Mrs. Penfield drew a deep or Canada. Flower phooe 458-J. ftom the hospital and improv­ breath. On the instant her memory and who had murdered the sheriff io the hope of escaping alter an A IB A N Y GARAGK. “ Simla- ing rapidly. caught up a few perplexing occur­ arrest for a minor offense, is in rences In the past months. baker'' and “ S tar“ automobiles. The pavement at Harrisburg loader now! Thad w i i ne*r;~ she General repairing sad supplies. Tee. I ve always hud a leaning solitary confinement, as are sev­ w ill probly be ready to travel knew I t Stumbling over rubbish, half G. T. Hockensraitb— Lloyd Templeton. toward It— read a good deal and fol­ eral other convicted murderers to in thirty days. fulling before she could regain her lowed ghat other fellers had done, whom Smith was showing similar D l u e B ird Restaurant. 30« Ly­ footing, she made for the direction and all that; and when I got my leniency. A daughter of C. V. Curtis on street. Eat here when in A l­ from which the moaning seemed to knockout for the woods, I naturally had Dr. Marks after cutting off bany. Open from o to 2 and 5 to 8. come, and encountered a rough wall. wanted to go Into something that ap­ a toe recently. Mas. B lount . But there was a door. There wns a pealed. I had a lot of personal recom­ key. I t turned. As Lettie dashed Into ü K I N S \V 1 C K Miss Bray, who taught school mendations and a letter to a man uao- the room, she heard steps on the stairs. term, visited Mrs. P H O N O G R A P H S here last nected with the lumber company. There was noise everywhere— steps at Through him and considerable red Hose Powell last week. overbead. Things were happening. W O O D W O R T H 'S tape, 1 finally got sworn In aa a spe­ Folks were after her. Bhe must hurryi By W A L T E R W . H E A D Last week the Lebanon can­ cial with the secret service, when they Ip jstb u rn Bros.— Two big grocery F irst Vice-President, Am erican Bank­ “Oh. I wanter go home,'’ whimpered nery quit handling any small were taking on a number of extra stores, 212 W. First and 225 South a small voice. " I want Penzle." ers Association men to work on the Bosley ring. My Main. Good merchandise at the right fruit not contracted for. “yes, darling— you shall have her," particular assignment has been to Every baaksr prices. A carload of pint and quart panted Lettie, bending over and un> shadow Bosley. Believe me. I've sweat sad business man being used in tangling Thad from a ragged q u ilt in the country la P ln ix i’e dry goods store is tbs beet Marón Jars are blood over that feller, dura him !” * place in Albany to buy dry goods, putting up Lebanon’s She could see nothing, but her senses honev interested In the Mrs. Penfield's eyes were fixed on furnishings sud notions. Service is our crop. 3 were sharpened by emergency. She farm from anoth­ motto. his face. "That's why you came here— could make out the window as a gray took the loft and—” er viewpoint than The completion of the pave­ patch lu the blackness, but there was merely a place to EVirtiuiller Furniture Co., furni- Sure. I wanted to be 'round aa ment between Shedd and Tnn- not light enough from the street to raise farm prod­ casually as possible. I've worked ev'ry ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves rsnges. making speed like a shine In. She dragged Thad toward ucts and live­ Funeral directora. 427 433 west First Jrent is scheme I could concoct to worm myself snails. the window, unlocked and lifted I t stock. Above all Street, Alhany, Oregon. Into that feller's life. But he w’as a pushed him through. As she followed, the farm la one slick one In his own line. He's been W alter W. Head Mrs. Alford of Rowlar-d is somebody stumbled Into the room, of the p l a c e s p3|lnis developed and printed. stringing me on a real-estate deal, and * We mail th u iA ig h t back to you. swooped down upon her. nursing a convalescing arm w h e r e we can I ’ve allowed myself to be strung. Of Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ best bring up our boys and girls. "Leggo!" screamed Lettie. In a which was broken in a fall a course He didn't suspect my object, but egon. panic, kicking and struggling. short time ago. I sort o' made him nervous, hanging Thousands of men and boys each year “Leggo!” 'round and getting In with his cronies." are flocking to the city. Clerks in the I t lo lm a n & Jackson— Everything “Shut up, or I ’ll kill you," retorted ,, L ’ke, Bergen Hollow and “Uncle Jerry, you're worse'n a wom­ city are barely eking out an existence * * for vour table nxcent the linen and they cannot expect to receive Highest quality anil prices reasonable .Mount Pleasant districts defeat­ a hoarse voice, scarcely more than a an for not getting at the main point. much more In the way of compensa Paone 43 Opposite Postoffice You may be a star detective, but you'd ed the proposal for a consolidat­ whisper. It was the woman. She had tlon. never make a reporter. Now will you school district with followed. She waa trying to pre­ M e n »nil money are best when ed high But back on the farms are men kindly stay still In your tracks till vent. . . . working for a reasonable return, and A * busy. Make your dollars work in Gaines and Lacomb. you've told me whut you wanted him The next Instant they were outside— In addition they have their houses, our savings department. A lb a n y S ta tu for?” It is expected that there will Thad, Lettie, the woman. “ I Got Him, Penxla," She Mumbled. the wonderful sunshine above In B a n k . Under government supervision. 'Oh, that!" Jerry Winston chuckled. be eighty boy scouts at the en­ “Stop, there I" shouted a voice. I t the daytime, the wonderful freah air lM ille r Motor Sales I t was only a surface wound, the Yes, mebbe I did overlook that. It's campment at Fish Lake, begin­ was a mun'a voice, from the yard. and all the things that the soil pro­ bullet having grazed the flesh for some been In my mind so long. Why, he’s Oakland and Jewett cars “ Stop, or I'll shoot. Stop I m shoot.’ duces. The boy who Is raised on the ning July 30, including a num­ Supplies and accessories distance, but the subsequent violent been a leader In a ring that's been It was the climax of terror for Let tarns will have an entirely different First and Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon ber from Brownsville and per­ exercise had made It bleed freely. Mrs. supplying drugs to a lot of fiends In tie. The command to atop was the aspect of life and approach the vari­ haps some from Halsey. Penfield washed and dressed It. refus exchange for their passing off counter­ ous problems with which he has to orton A Speer Service Com­ signal to run. She snatched Thad In­ Ing meantime to listen to the wild, ex feit money. Choice circle, and a big deal In later years In a different way pany to her arms with a strength that had Silver cups are offered at tin? cited stories which both Lettie and one, tool All nations represented—Chi­ from the boy who Is raised In the Headquarters for good tires never before been hers, and struck itate fair for the best fat bog Thad were determined to tell. They nese and whites! Lettie put me wise city. Phone 65 First and Lycn through the broken fence. Into the va under 200 pounds, the best were home and safe; nothing else mat to their money-factory. I was sure In this period of unrest we are cer­ cant lot. The woman ran, too— In a oscoe ames hardware young Jersey herd, the kx&t fe- tered. they had one, but— " tainly vitally Interested In rearing flight of her own, although Lettie did the It was a long rime before she “L e ttie !’’ Mrs. Penfield came to her both on the farms and In the eUles ♦uChlcken.; 11 io P lu m e d not suspect I t W IN C H E S TE R STO K E soothed them ; and after they had gone feet. "What do you mean?” that there will be a number of boys and girls with the proper out­ 322 W. First st. A shot rang o u t Another! A to sleep, Mrs. Penfield kept vigil. Holy smoke, Car'llne, don't get so look for the future. Imbued with the the latter there. trngd 1 Lettie bounded through the The crooked old clock had traveled excited! Lettie didn't know what she belief that the activity In which they specialized shoe repairing. G'>ori- alt, spurred on by the very things Melba Neal has jur.t got home to half-past nine, and she bad heard was doing, and I haln't never men­ are engaged la. after all, something ° year welt sole sewing White's which should have stopped her. A hot nothing from the police station. Then tioned it to her. Catch me quizzing a that will provide them both with the Shoe Repair Service. Opposite Hotel from doing housework for her tingling ran across her arm. . . . • Jerry Winston tramped Into the kltch kid 1 Ko, all la, I overheard her tw it­ necessary things of life and with hap Albany. brother Lonzo Brownsville Many voices behind h e r! Thad slipped en and threw als hat on a box. ting Bosley, bout slinking Into a house plness. For In happiness there Is con and now she is helping her out of her grasp. She pulled him by 8. G I L B E R T & 8 O N "They got the money, Car'llne. I next to one of the vacant lots. I tentraent, and In contentment In father in the field and is the one baud. . . . she must reuch the wish I could have brought It to you, hugged the lean to and listened; but, America there is safety for our lust! best boy on the place, and not ravine In the back of the lot. They Cbinawtre and gift shop tutlons. but It'll take an order from the court believe me, I did more prowling than 3.10 West First Albany a tomboy, cither. could hide under the live-oak trees. to release I t " Lettie has 'fore I found the vacant lot Every single banker should feel At last they got there. Lettie Its “The money! The money that I — ' and the house. Raiding It wgs purt of that tha problems bis farmer custom­ C T IM SON T H E 8 HOE DOCTOR E. B. Penlard, Frank Hadley tailed. Ko one was following—not He nodded. "Two hundred and last night's work. ers have to contend with are not only Second street, opposite Hamilton's and B, M. Miller and their even the woman. The first danger twenty-eight dollars—bills and one store. (T o be continued) the farmer s problems hot his prob wss over. There were bouses near. families and H. C. Davis were “ Sudden Service.’ check Inside ’em. They found 'em on Isms as welL Ha should feel not only She drew Thad close to her behind a aniong Halsey attendants at the The Canadian Presbyterians* that the farmer must be prosperous the rascal, envelope and alL He tree. She must rest s minute. Her Congregotionalists and Metbndiets so that ha can deposit more In his VL^aldo Anderson A Son, dislrib- Methodist Campmeeting at Cot­ hadn't had time to—’’ in n felt h o t; It hurt. The sleeve wns have merged and formed the U n it­ bank, giving the banker more to loan ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ tage Grove Sunday. "The rascal I Who!" wet. mers, Esses, Hudson ¿k Hupmobile cars. and thereby Increasing h it profits, but Accessories. Supplies 1st A Broadalbin. “Bolley." ed church of Cenada. They started on again, but It was William White is arouarf that alto there la something which "Bosley!” Mrs. Penfield leaned back a hard Journey home. Ixittle wavered again after being laid up for a cannot be measured In dollars and against the wall, limp with consterna along the sidewalk; that wonderful centa. It Is the thought of rendering while with some broken ribs the tlon. “You don't mean— that Frank strength had left her. She tried to such service to their customers—re­ Bosley stole— " result of lieing trampled by a carry Thad, but she could scarcely lift Your second crop of gardless of whether they a rt farmers, Jerry Winston shook his head. “I cow, Mr. White was knocked him, to aay nothing of carrying him In or men working ta the shops, or big don’t mean he started out to do It— down and run over by a cow in , SHOE her arms. He dragged along beside business men of the cities—that will no. He's been playing for bigger a stampede of cattle a year or' her, tired from bla storm of sobbing, bring not only prosperity but con­ SERVICE stakps'n tb it. But we got him at last but growing nervously excited over tentment as w e ll Tbs banker should Shoes that cost less per month of wear two ago and badly bruised up. I t ta also l good tima to sow — confound his picture, we got him 1 his experience now that he had the take aa bis motto; “ Who serves best He brought his fist down on the table Pine Grove (district J39JB aaourance of safety. profits most" with a blow that teetered it on its frail has a new schoolhouse a short Lettie brought him at last to The legs (Aisturd Cup. The big door was distance this side of the church Mrs. Penfield sank to the wssb- seed and closed, so she went around the house which will be dedicated Satur­ bench. “The world's a-swlinmlng. end opened the kitchen door, pushing day evening. There will be a Uncle Jerry. Would you mind pinning Thad In ahead of her. bought, sold and exchanged i t all times cafeteria supper, beginning at “I got him. Penile," she mumbled. me to something somewhere?” 7, after which a program will H e laughed. “Why, no. I f you'll got him for you. I —” lia r .eye­ B E N T. S U D T E L L Quarters of for canning lie rendered. The proceeds of keep mu in about It—Cross your heart lids fluttered; her body swayed d lu lly . and hope to die, or however Lettie purposes at canning prices Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin sL, Albany the supper will go to the school. She threw up her arm— and plunged , puts it— I'll tell you the whole story. c . H- F A L K forward to the floor at lira. Penfield's You'll sas my part In It can't be pub­ v Burdell Chance, son of ^LRANV. ÜR Î . STORI feet. L. W. Chance of Salem, died in lished." As M rs Penfield gathered Lettie " It shall be aa Lettie stje." the a hospital in Seattle Friday Into her arms, she was horrified to Pone if you are in a hurrj after an operation for appendi­ box's and she told Mrs. Bosley as a find that the child's sleeve was soaked We are making five-year loans on citis and was buried at Albany piece of neighborly gossip. I came with blood. Lettie bed not fain ted ; Linn county farms st 5J<% plus commit around to bunt up Mrs. Gussle and Sunday afternoon. W. H, sion. Call on she had fal'en from dlizlnesa. She Laundry sent Tuesdays was Just In time to catch a glimpse Chance, the young man’s lindé . B k a m Lawn Co., was still dizzy. Mrs. Penfield carried Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing of her taking a taxi. I'd ha' caught 133 Lyon St., Albany, Ore. with his family, and Mr. and her Into the bedroom. her at the station If the darned engine <«U, Seuionced to Hang D IS H E S >any i//¿ re c to ry Shropshire Rams and Ewes Just arrived. Good Prices. Good Quality. Com e in and look them over. Jots and Titties CONGOLEUM IQ . , f RUGS A H ILL & A x THE BEST THE FARMS PRODUCE M R Plant now Garden Peas Winter Turnip Winter Radishes "I Fresh and Cured Meats S " FURNITURE AND u ” d FARM MACHINERY BEEF Modern Barber Shop FARM LOANS UNivERsrrY°f O regon A B ES PLACE A m e rica n E a g le W hy suffer from headache ? Have your eyes examined S. T . F R E N C H The U N IV E R S IT Y o f O R E G O N contains; Fire Insurance Co. Optometrist, with The College of Literature. Science and the A rts with 22 department» The professiorsl schools o l A rc h i­ tecture and A llie d A rts — Business A dm inistration—Education—G ra d ­ uate S tu d y— J o u rn a lis m — Law — M e d ia n e — M u s ic — Physical Edu­ cation— Sociology— Extension Hay is worth ju st as much in storage as you m ight get for it in case of fire. The jAmerican Eagle lir e Insurance company^ ; will pay you 85% of the cash value in easel of loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent 4 F. M. F r e n c h Alluringly Attractive The Newport “ F a s h io n ” Frame For a eotolofot or w>p mformotton Xho Fafittrar. U ntoorirtf of Orrfon Fufona Oregon The dark or cherry tone on the crystal frame. Ask to see the samples. T W iM Y w l Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians Albany, Oregon r2J.W23 a. S o n s J E W E L E R S - O P T IC IA N S Meade & Albro, Albany, Oregon Mrs. Bateman, the latter an aunt, attended from Halsey. It is expected that more than 100 Jersey cattle will lx? at the county fair. The Shedd boys’ and girls’ club expects to have twenty calves there. Robert Archibald will show eight cows all from one sire. Other intend­ ed exhibitors are; Jay Palmer. Henery Stewart, IL H. Eastman. Walter Hense, J. C. Brown & Son, W. H. McConnel, W. B. Davis, Ernest Pugh, C. C. Dun­ can, M. E. Munson, Robert Burkhart, Frank Gibson, Mar­ tin Cummings, J. Dickson & Sons, James McConnel and D. O. Woodworth. DELB ERT STARR funeral Director and Li* Friday evening Frank John­ censed Embalmer son fell from a bridge at De­ Eficient Service. Motor Hearse. troit where he was fishing and was drowned. His bride of two Lady AtteedanL formerly Miss Ruth Brow nsville................................ Oregon weeks, Thomas of Harrisburg, w a s