V FACE 2 H /iL S E Y E N T E R P R IS E IU L Y Jfc 19*21 ths pruducars t h / \ I the .-list speculator* use to hold back success of the In Union is Strength organization and often break i t HALSEY ENTERPRISE . J. SKIRVIN When fanners will learn the -» O T » m ir a i— B e n i- »HKD MMSCUAMT Co-cperation May Save lessun th a t big business has a o ! »•*•!•■»« tn»rr I'b u rsS n r F W » . H . W H E K I KR many times given them — th at A ll kinds of Feed the Farm er controlling m arkets is th e only New and second gram Halsey, Oregon sacks. Sack twine notions, ti.e e a year la advance. Sucessful farm ing cannot be way to fix selling prices—then Clover seed. Chop­ will there be fair profits to Advertising, 20c an inch ; no discount ping done to suit. done without brains. She same growers. Loyalty seems to be lor tim e or space ; no charge lor com- C A P IT A L A N D SU RPLUS $35,000 Prices right. oust tion or changes. is true of successful marketing. the first necessity. Sa “P aid-tor Paragraphs," Ic a lie n FLO UR A man may be a good farm er advertising disgu ised as news. Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited Golden Loaf___ $2.00 and such a poor m arketer th at Sunday before last 837 cars W hite M ountain 2.15 he goes bank ~ pt. A successful crossed the W illamette on the HALSEY. Lina Co.. Ore.. July , 197.1 m arket m anager m ight go bank­ H arrisburg ferry. rupt trying to carry on a farm. MAKE THE PRICE OF WHEAT Every man to his trade, there Finally she gripped the child’« shoul­ are men between the farm er der, whirled her about, and forced The price of wheat has entered and the consumer who under­ ber Into a chair. "You sit there.” she stand their business. They into partr politic« and has made hissed. "Don’t you move. You’re a profit at the expense of both. lun’tlc. We’ll have you put In a ’ey- a beautiful me«« of the situation. Co-operative m arketing ap­ luns.” Your Next Goal When we were at war Europe pears to be the only hope of the Lettie glared steadily back at her. could gat no wheat from South The grip on her thin shoulder bed con­ farm er today. But there are You have finished high school America and Australasia beoause ol vinced her that physical resistance as many chances of failure as and, like all wide-awake grad­ was Inadvisable, but she was serene In of success in co-operative m ark­ tbe German raeuaee to transporta uale», are looking to college. the knowledge that she was not a lu­ eting. At the head of such an tion from those place«. She could The state of Oregon offers you natic. enterprise w hat is needed is not tbe best of training and a col­ get non« from Ruaiis because in­ “I want my little brother.” she re- a good farm er but a good m ark­ legiate degree in the leading peated, with diplomatic calm. dustry there wai paralysed. The eter. Where properly managed A tide of color surged into the wom­ pursuits and professions, ss United Slat«« must feed tbe allies co-operative m arketing is a suc­ an'« face. She looked as I f she were follows.- J cess, and the more co-operation or they would starve and the Ho- strangling. "Ain’t nobody here," she Engineering, Agriculture, C om ­ snapped. the greater the sucess. A good henzollern egotistic»! madman A terrible fear clutched Lettie's market m anager can command merce, Forestry. Home Eco would become the ruler of the heart. W het If Thad really were not a good salary. The most ex­ nomics, M ilita ry Science and world. We were not producing here? She bad been so blindly certain pensive thing on the m arket is Tactics, Mining, Pharmacy, V o ­ of bis presence that she bad not faced enough to do this. Our govern­ brains, and it is the most the opposite possibility. cational Educationand Music. ment, to stimulate production, profitable thing th a t can be "Please— ” oowvwksmt a, aeoaoe m . doaam cdhbaw Y bought. Student life at the college is guaranteed ■ good price and as a “ Shut up.” rich in opportunities for lead­ 0. E. Bradfute, president of The woman sat down across from (Continued) * result American farmers raised the ership and personal culture. the American Farm Bureau fed­ table— a rich woman. She wag count­ Lettie. They glared savagely at each wheat that fed the men who woe eration, announces a gigantic ing her money and patting the green other. The shade« were drawn down CH APTER X X the war. below the wi» .ow-sllla, so that aot a FALL TERM OPENS plan to boost the price of this Now Russia hss wheat to sell ray of light could penetrate outside. year’s crop of wheat. Lettie on the Firing Line. SEPTEMBER 28, 1823 Ho bars Argentina aud Australia. . No one would dream that a little W ithdrawing 200,000,000 Lettie’s plan was definite, but only girl was a prisoner In this house, dark, For information write to The seas are free again for them bushels of surplus wheat from a child would have formed It. Her deserted, for all that a passer-by could to send their grain to market, the m arket and storing it on suspicions were red-hot, but only a T H E R EG ISTR AR tell. . . . The room was dose and fear- child of ten-second Impulelven« farms is proposed. It is estim at­ Amerioa has more than she can somely silent. The gas spurted up Oregon Agricultural College would have acted upon them. The ed th a t $125,000,000 of the now and then with an angry sizzling. sat and nobody else will buy the was a great deni of Inflammable mate­ Corvallis Lettie’s frightened glance traveled 5660,000,000 made available un­ sarplus at a price th it will pay around the bare room, seeking for der the new interm ediate credit rial In her n a tur a and no one could the cost of raisiog it. some means of outwitting the woman act will be ample to finance the tell what chance spark might aet before her. Nothing occurred lo her. On the first page is a quota- J stored grain. off. The evidence that had recurred Senator Brookhart, represents Suddenly she heard a sound thet to her, under the stress of Mrs. I'en- tion from L uther Burbank on to­ the farm bloo, presumably, and Good farm wheat bins would fleld's suffering, was slight even un­ was like a feint moan. I t seemed to be proposes, as a ours for overpro- bacco. But there is no tobacco be designated as regular United reliable, but her Imagination had, In­ come from a distance. She heard It HALSEY STATE BANK 0. A. C. Custard Cup Florence Livingston States bonded warehouses and thus duction, that we repeat the course,®'*1 tlurban k. provide bonded warehouse re- which produced increased produc­ .... m u j- , . .iceip ts to be issued against the tion before—government guaran. When Mr. Harding protested piain stored on the farm> Jlc_ again. I t might be In the basement. vested It with integrity. Again! She was sure It was below her From Mrs. Sanders' living-room somewhere. window she had caught the merest "O h!” Lettie started to her feet. " I glimpse of a man with a child In his hear him. I t ’s Thad. Let me— “ tee of a minimum limit of price. I against the “farm bloc” in con- cording to the bureau plan. arms, hurrying out of The Custard The woman pushed her back Into He is a political homeopothist. I gress it was a cloud no bigger The grower could borrow Cup. Looking from a lighted room her seat ’You fo o l! T a ln 't nothing He thinks like cures like—that en -I than a mans hand. Now it I through the intermediate credit iRto the deepening tw ilig h t she had but cats." seen neither clearly and had net Lettie struggled to free herself. “I t couragemeut and continuance of I looms up as a tempest. system up to three fourths of thought of recognizing the man or the Is, too. I know It’s Thad. Leggot Ih . U I . U. I ________ the m arket value of his stored child. But when she had found that . . c 0 U ib t, I grain, enabling him to withhold Leggo! Darn It all, leggo!" Thad was missing, she had Jumped "Shut up. I got ways to keep you I rices down will bring them up I I* rancisco \ ilia slaughtered I ¡¡is wheat until prices advanced to the congenial conclusion thet she still.” She seized the child's arms end I without mercy. Now he ha? to the point where it would be had seen Frank Bosley carrying Thad twisted them back with a swift eway. Why Frank Bosley? Chiefly advisable to sell. wrench. Lettie gasped; she turned because Lettie disliked him, distrust­ which could be revived with good | - H e th a t’ ta k eth up the" sword An immediate and tremend- faint with the pain. But when the ed him, and because in build he was first agony had passed, she wee filled not unlike the man she had seen. The ihe with renewed defiance. I t flashed Into fket that Frank Bosley could have no her mind that the woman was waiting «„,1 i, . . uai» i , I t " storing of this grain in farm wheat, sad it prohibited the raul- Lane county has compeltsd the bins kept safe under lock and poeslble Interest In kidnaping a Cus­ for something. Lettie wished tt would tard Cup child, did not occur to dis­ come. Whatever It waa. surely she plication of that profit by reside. I market road from Coburg to the I key. turb her conviction. True to the Im­ could— The Capper lew against trading Linn county line. This strength- C. E. Spence, state m arket pulsiveness which was the keynote of "What Are You Doing Hara?” Sha The moan struck her ears again, a la futures could be strengthed end eua competition with the Harris- I says.;, , her nature^ the had jumped to a con­ Demanded. long wall of human suffering, the des­ better ...forced for the farmer’, burg bridge -the bridge what ain’t. L There will »» a bum per po- clusion. I t was several blocks to the Eve- bills Into different piles. There waa olation of a child that Is spent with good. When the miller pay 11.50 _____ tat° Cr° P , n .Ore* on’ farm- ridge street house, but Lettie covered wrapping paper on tbe table, a ball of crying. Lettie's fingers worked, but , „ _ , . . .. L n. .. ers are wondering w hat to do cord, a «tick of red wax. ahe held herself «till. Perhaps the them rapidly. There was no light In tn May lor wheat that the grower From the roar that arises when with it. They a re wondering There was no child In the room. woman would go to sleep after a while. any window, but she rang the bell. ■old in September for 90 cents and Mrs, Poindexter etirs up the ani-1 if the price they will get will 'T U begin decent," she thought to her­ Having glanced around to make sure, Nobody could stay awaka always. . . . the board of trade graindealer tu*l» at Washington with a tiny w arrant the harvesting. self. She was sure that queer people Lettie tried to withdraw quietly, but The gas shot up at one side, sank | There is a wonderful grain came here, and somehow she didn't the doorknob «Upped In her hand. It again with a dismal gurgle. makes half a million dollars in a pen point we infer that if she hud clicked sharply. The woman turned Presently there was a sound outside yield in Oregon and the north­ expect them to do anything so mild year the farmer gets too little or been in either house of congress —faint, momentary, like a step. Let- west and growers are wondering ss to respond to a bell. Giving them with a violent start, sprang up. the poor men's bread costs too in the place of ro.ue of the old “What are you doing here?” she de­ tie's heart gave a bound of relief. But if the m arket will give them the chance was her way cf discharg­ manded. evidently It was not the eonnd th at tha women we have sent there tbe Con­ wages and cost of seed. much, or both. ing her formal duty. Lettie shivered at the sound of her woman had been watting for. She- sat The financing of farmers in gressional Record would have There was no answer. Lettie set her Many growers are stampeded voice. It was low hut harsh, cold, as stralghter In her chair, in an attl hide holding 200,000.000 bushels of bean more interesting literature. by stories of great surpluses teeth and proceeded to business. different as possible from Penzle’s_ of alarmed listening. The «mind rame "Thad’s In there," she thought stead­ and lack of transportation. They ily. “and Tm going to have him.’’ wheat in storage, which the farm Uke voices she had been accustomed again. The woman sprang up, tnined will conclude th a t they had bet­ to In those lean years before she came off the gas, and went out quickly to­ bureau he* helped to bring about, Quietly she circled the two-story ward the front of the house. Into The Custard Cup. W ith a Jerk ter sell before the m arket is house. I t had a high basement. as narrated in another column, bas Instantly Lettie dashed the o tte r completely glutted and while There was s basement window toward the woman had covered her money uot the enthusiastic approval of LAWYER AND NOTARY there is a chance to get tra n s­ the vacant lot, but It wae fastened. with one of the papers. She turned on way, through a door which ahe had tbe board of trade. portation. It has ever been thus. Immediately she reflected that if alie Lettie with eyes that glittered, previously decided mnet lead to tha H ulsey , O regon The officials of Northwest got into the basement, she would threatened. H er face had a ahut look. kitchen. Groping her way around tha HANG MORE* MUR DEREKS | “I want to see M r. Bosley," Lettie wall, she opened a door Into anoOisr W heat Growers’ Association are probably want to get upstairs and ■oundered. room, and then one which opened Into ro t scared by this speculators’ might find herself locked away from . T h ® woman gazed at ber coldly. spare— the stairway. main floor. She knew that the The best place for a deliber­ HALSEY propoganda, but the grain glow­ the She plunged recklessly down tha key wee not likely to be on the base­ "Ain't nobody here by that name." ate m urderer is under ground. er on the outside has not their ment side. Tbe windows on the first “He comes here.” dark stairs, her nerves keyed high by source of crop and m arket in­ floor were all closed—except one on "He don’t, neither.” One of them, convicted in Mich­ the fear cf pursuit. The moaning was "Tea, he does," Insisted Lettie dee- formation. If three-fourths of the other side from the vacant lot, igan expressed his delight at (To l-e continued) Cash paid tor the grain of the northw est was probably the bathroom window. Thet l'* rately- “I ’ve seen him.” his good fortune in having chos­ "Tou haln't, neither,” retorted the Cream, Poultry, Eggs and, contracted to thfis association, wee raised e few Inches. I t was very en for his scene of operations a woman with vehemence. She came these stampede stories of sur narrow, but so wss Lettie. Mentally forward, “rou get out—” She broke FOR SALE state in which the penalty of Veal. M . H S H O O K . plus yields and car shortage she pounced on that window She called upon her wide experience off in the midst of her intensity and would have little scare effect. m urder is relatively light, says glanced back at the table, as if con­ If there was a state-wide m ar­ In prowling to help her. In the beck sidering how much the unwelcome the Oregonian yard she found an old box; la other keting association to handle 60 beck yards she found other boxes. visitor had seen. “How’d you get In?" “ If they give nte life, I’ll I* percent of the potatoes of Ore­ She borrowed four of different sixes, “Through the window. I wouldn't place in Albany. Paying big. Stands out in sixteen years, anywaw,” gon, fanners would not be won­ and with every Intention of returning na, done It If you’d answered the belL” investigation. For tale on account of "What did you come for?” other business. Inquire Enterprise. he said. “I'm going to be good dering if their potato fields them. No one knew better than Let- “My little brother. Please let me when I get in.” All work done piomplly and reason* would be worth digging. tie how Important a piece of personal The prisoner pictures an even The state co-operative egg property an old wooden box may be; have him— quick.” woman’s brows drew together ably. Phone No. 2b*> less unhappy prospect. “ You association of California, Ore­ and in spite of her acquisitive ten­ to The a horrible scowl. "There ain’t no- dencies. she had a rigid reaped for «•ops. he is quoted as saying gon and W ashington, under a body here but me. Pm alone-and I furth er "would not be surprised, merger, do not fig+it each other prior claim«. been alone all the time, too. What do She placed the boxee on end. by way would you, if the judge let me Second st., opposite Halsey Garage for the eastern m arkets—they making them reach. Then through you mean, yon little devil?'’ She made off with two to th irty years tie- do not all dump on and demora­ of * diva at Lettie; then paused. I t was Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. a . WILDE Y LODGE NO. M. acquired agility and with the help of cause I'm confessing?” “Of evident that she conld not make up lize the same m arket. nails thet bed once fastened a vine to Regular meeting next Saturday course,” said one of his accom­ Any successful co-operative the well, she climbed within range of her tqlnd what to do with the Intruder. plices, “when you go out on a night. m arketing association, large or the ledge, pushed ap the window stickup job. you intend either to small, cuts ju st th a t much out softly, squeesed her thin body , through. ___ .... et the bird’s money or to shoot of the prefits Of the speculator ! ’'ruB< downward With her wiry hand« un, you know." —profits th at are by all rights ir*»P|n< the «111, and touched her feel Amor A. Tussing Cream and Produce Station Best Confectionery, Candy & Lunch F. M . ¡G R A Y , DRAYM AN Dad’s and Mam's Restaurant I. O. O. F. Square Meal, 50c £ f I QTIII Furniture ulli T The reason the restoration of Exchange the death penalty in Oregon has Li L i failed to reduce the number of Fei t end largest tine of m urders is th a t in spite of the law we don’t hang enough of tham. Heedqnsten for C a m ping O u tfit« Used F u r n itu r e , Contempt of a contemptible judge it not naceaaarlly contempt • f the court he disgraces. iTood aatd r w u i T J A R S 3OC a dozen whit« .he, last * - • " * < ifirsl st.. Albany, Oregon the producers. It is but a mat- j f0 ,he floor She w s. inside With the exuber­ ter of co-operative loyalty and efficient management to merge ance of Ignorance, she felt thet her wss nearly accomplished She and extend these associations. quest stretched out her hands tUI she dle- But the great drawback of or­ <*overe