Û1 Vy V f I HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X I HALSEY. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 24. 1923 JO TS A N D TIT T I F.S Brownsville Briefs Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County (By Ralph Lawrence) NO. 51 Shedd Shots PEC U LIA R A N D INTERESTING By Anns Penneii) Some of the Quips and Quirks Observed by Gleaners ot Current News, Glen Hill and family spent the week end at Belknap springs. Mr. Widdows and family of Barlow visited their son, Abe Widdows, who is working at Saddle Butte. Ellen Speerstra left Sunday to visit friends in Canby. C. J. Shedd and family and Mrs. Dora Davis drove to New­ port Sunday. Will Porter and wife, who have been living in Corvallis for some time, have sold their resi­ dence there and moved to their former home in Shedd. Mr. and Mrs. Stoller, with their son Fred and wife of Can­ by, visited relatives in Shedd on their way to Holley Sunday. Mrs. I. Roger spent the week end in Albany with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. C. A. Troutman of Al­ bany visited friends in Shedd Wednesday. Harry Sprenger and family and Mr. Sprenger’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sprenger of Al­ bany, went on a picnic at New Era. _ __________________________ ._____ _____________ ______ Mr». J. C. How« and daughter Mrs. B. S. Clark was on the for a visit when the son stopped Emma want to Colombia City [for F in e d for Striking.— Seventy- er met a non-smoker who was sick list last week. « fow days’ visit aud to lake inkhe here. eight of an English steamer crew sorry that he did not smoke. Baptist convention. Rev. W f P . Revs. C. G. Morris of Browns­ J. C. Standish was at the Elmore is also attending the Con­ «ere fined 910 each in a Liver­ Isn’ t that significant? I f to­ ville and C. T. Cook of Halsey county seat Monday. pool court lent week for etriking bacco is such a fioe thing why vention. for more pay before leaving New exchanged pulpits last Sunday. don’t its victims rejoice? W hy Miss Marie Sneed returned York lor the English city. Payne's team ran away do not men like Woodrow W il­ Miss Amanda Mitzner is now this week to Seattle, where she and Albert be jumped from the wagon son basten to scqnire the to- Chicago Pest-ridden.—Billions of employed in the D. H. Sturte­ will again take up her work in and injured hie arm so seriously bacoo habit?— Luther Burbank Band Heat have invaded Chica­ vant store. the library. th it a doctor hud to be called. io Dearborn Independent. go's lake front, routing batbere Mrs. A. J. Hill is recovering Mrs. D. H. Sturtevant and J. C. H arriron sold ane of hit ou the beaches, blanketing plate Great Shakes.— At 11:28 Sunday from a severe cold, which con­ three daughters returned Sun­ fine glass windows and swarming registered heifers to Lyman night an earthqaake wee telt from fined her to her bed for several day from their stay at Brooten Hove last week. about arc lights end electric Los Angeles to the Mexican line day». Springs. eigne. and into Arizona, centering at The Baptist pulpit is still va­ Mrs. B. S. Clrk and daughter cant. James Rector has been on San Bernardino, where fttOOO to The pastor. Rev. M . 8. Buffalo for Sale. —Starting with the sick list since he returned Georgia spent Tuesday with Woodworth, is at Palo Alto, Cal , $10 000 damage was done to sixteen animals nineteen year* from Portland the first of the Mrs. Clark’s sister, Mrs. Henry visiting the J. G Anderson fam ily. buildings and sidewalks. Four ago tbe government buffalo h>rl Brock, in the country. week. people were injured, but noue Mr. Anderson writes that they in Montana has increased until seriously. Redlands was hit Mrs. Marley Sutton and chil­ both are painting, making $10 a Uncle 9am has more than be Former residents of Linn 925,000 worth and other towns dren of Hamilton, Ore., left for day. [Since the foregoing w a wants to feed and be wants to county, members of the Albany, less. Artesian wells near Nan tell 400. Brownsville and Lebanon so­ their home Tuesday, after a written M r- Woodworth has r«« Bernardino that had been d ry turned,— Editor.] visit with friends in this cieties, will hold thiir annual vicinity. Some Wheat.— The Portland flour for years gushed forth. Shooks m lilt bought a quarter of a Because the canneriea have picnic at Laurelhurst park Sat­ were reported from Vancouver, million bushels ot wheat from urday, July 28, starting at 4 Mrs. Fred Taylor returned to larped down ths loganberries the B. C., and Seattle at tbe same Ben Grets of W alla W alla la it o’clock.—Albany Democrat her home in Corvallis Fiiday I f a l berry man have thrown open time. At H o llvw o o ', a d epatclu week. I I Ben keeps on selling and expected to leave soon with their fine fia'da to the public. I t «aye, tbe chief damage was to> Miss Laura Ross of Salem friends for Pacific City and