broken and aba received numerous other injuries bat is expected to recover. Smyrna Like Hell A. A- Tutting baa a Daw auto­ Self Pity Most Despicable) mobile. Louisa Robnstt will taacb th« Alford school, of All Traits An interview with Dr. Esther Pahl Lovejoy, written by Louise F. Shields Uaraldine Cook ¡a home iron.’ and published in the Portland Ore­ Salam on a visit. gonian of July 15. ia so full of Worth- District 2, Providence, voted not I while ideas that a dozen sermons | to join Crabtree in a union high — ,J be built ----- could unon it that would in­ 17216786 Arrow Garage Repair Service W e w ill overhaul your Ford engine for $20 labor “ Chevrolet engine for $22.50 labor “ reline transmission band for $2.50 labor overhaul rear axle and rebush springs and perches when necessary for $7 labor All work guaranteed H A LSEY G A R A G E Telephone 16x5 school Alford Arrows Have just put in stock an assortment of Connecting Rod Bearings for all popular makes of automobiles, trucks and tractors. Pathfinder Tires a t m ail order house prices. Let us furnish your T ractor O il for harvest. Autom obile Paints. Complete lin e of accessories and Ford parts. Trouble calls given prompt attention GANSLE BROS. spire intelligent hearers to nobler I Pine, big beeves, barbecued by lives. We Quote, with comment, a I an expert, will ba a feature of the few sentences from It. but wish every reader of the Enterorise could re-1 Linn cauuty fair. |flectively read the entire article: Mrs T. P. Patton’s nephew, D ‘‘Self-pity is the most despicable I Bannatt of Portland, and wife (Enterprise Correspondence) form of human frality. The only ware visiting here last week. l people ^ . v who have « tu be oe caiieai E’ Howard and wife and son, a ««m right to called Logans and blackberries were i martyrs long since since dead dead I P ernon> and nephew, w Ralph of j n u t i j u a are ie those mubc ionji p a Travis, jt m v « , o I cannot a be in danger of falling I Silverton, visited at the A. E. Whit- so softened bv the rains, and a rip I who _A_. aLi- __ a habit a«. of . s e lf-1beck I hfu-lr tirsmm _ aoed so unevenly after them, that • into home QatimJa.. Saturday »Inks night — and Sun­ this disgusting day. the dryer ia Albany closed Salur pity." d . y t . await prune time. Dr. Lovejoy elucidated the meaning imiuti which wuiEii I' l som and wife went to Eugene lir e . Ardelia Ringo and daugh- of thia sentence by another t»r, lira. P. B. Grabar, of Salem calls attention to one of the most Satnrday evenW . returning Sunday. Equipped for Quick FOOTE Isom attended the funeral of Mr. Isom’s half-brother, Dal Duncan, at Shedd Saturday afternoon. E. A. Starnes and wife and daugh­ ter Henrietta went to Albany one day last week. BROS ProDx HALSEY RAILROAD TIME N o rth South Sauce for Goose Should Do for Gander No. 18, 11:37 a. m. No. 17, 12:15 p. m. 24. 4:2$ p. m. 23. 4.28 p. a . 22, 4:30 a. m. 21. 11:32 p. Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. Some years ago the present editor B. E. Cogswell and wife of Port­ land spent several days at the ranch of the Enterprise was on a Lane SUNDAY MAIL HOURS last week. county homestead. By planting seed The delivery window of the Fred Houck and daughter, Helen, of in August, transplanting in the fall H alsey postoffice is open Sundays and giving good care he had a load of from 1:050 to 11 a. m. and 12:15 their granddaughters, De E tta sad Portland came up Sunday to see af­ were guests of Mre. Adda Ringo prevalent of human frailties. ter the cutting of Florence Cogs fine cabbage which he took to Eu­ to 12:30 p. m. and other relatives Wednesday “Since my return to America I Doris Robnett, accompanied them well’s grain crop. Mr. Houck is gene before there were any other Sunday mail goes ont only on I have been impressed by the number I home for a visit. and Thursday of laat week. Florence’s uncle. home-grown cabbage there in the the north-bound 11:37 train: of women who tell me that they have ____ ____ „ ______ George Parker is on trial at Al Miss Hattie Dannen and Esther The dealers told him they Lee Ingram and family visited in spring. hany for the murder of Sheriff not five minutes to give to this great I Starnes visited at the home of“ tbe were getting cabbages in California Springfield Saturday and Sunday. relief work, and yet who spend an latter’s parents, E. A. Starnes and Dunlap. Hie lawyer makes the J. H. Rickard has been making hay for half a cent a pound and that the •stenishtng claim that Duulap Tired hour reciting the kinds of work they J wife Sunday. at his ranch across the river the past freight charge was half a cent. They firs»,' The jurors are George II. are doing and the demands made up­ would give him a cent a pound for D. J. Isom tod wife sad Mrs. J. F, week. on their time. I just hate a living Anthony, Orleans precinct; Lucy his load. He did not know what they A dm ittance H ere 5 Cents I. Gard. Albany ; B. F. Sander», martyr and don’t care who knows it. paid in California, but he knew the a Line I hope this may reach some of the Albaay ; George W. Shelton, Syr­ freight charge was 70 cents a hun­ acuse ; Everett M. Willard, A l­ women who ought to be busy helping dred, but he did not tell them so. He instead o. of A . F. Kirshm an, dentist, at H o. b an y; S. A. Clausen, Calapooia : I to ~~ make the world better msieaa took an extra day, pedled his cab­ Alexander Pollock, Sunrise- j peeling sorry for themselves and talk tel H alsey Tuesday and Friday W C la ir la w . A — ___* a l i n i T a h n u t t i l a i r ornrirl /Jmmrla ” bages to those dealers’ customers at afternoons. W , Oakley, Center : Anna A ing about, their good deeds. their prices and sent the proceeds to An instance of the way money con Clark, Shedd; Edward J. Foltz. Chicago for the goods he wanted. The Oak and ash wood for sals. Jordan ; J. C. Porter, H aliey, and tributed for the benefit of the starv local dealers thought it was awful in ing and dying Is selfishly appropriât J. N Long, Solo E. 3 . H ayes , H alsey him not to give them his trade. — I ed by people who smugly pose When there was a fruit cannery at Sines l u t week’s issue of the seli'denyin* missionaries of relief Old papers 5c a bundle at the "O rego n's old Brownsville the only way a resident Enterprise, a supplement to which |',t*ndi out from the following state Enterprise office. vorite resort" could get any of its products was to contained a picture of a roomful meat: buy it by the case at the cannery. of banqueting Southern Pacific “My traveling steerage on my re "Portland’s popular There was plenty of California can Resort» •• pensioners, announcement comes turn trip to America has caused more ned fruit to be had at retail in the that 41 more, whose combined comment than ever on my supposed stores. iEnterprise Correspondence) service totals 13854 years, have sacrifices. But I wish to assure my "N a tu re 's State Market Agent Spence says: boeu added te the roll. John friends that traveling steerage on the Subterranean Won- Thelma and Wilbur Gibbs came up " T h e Sapphire Sea “A farmer a few miles south of Cor­ from Portland Friday to visit their derlaud " Wright, of the Sacramento divis­ Berengarla was much more comfort of Sileoce” vallis relates how he was forced to uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs. ion, heads this list, with a record uble than first-class on many of the ship a quantity of garden produce to of 4tt| years of service. He begun Greek steamers I have been thankful Ralph Wade and family went to Portland because he could not sell it as a watchman, became an engin­ to use. We had excellent food and Albany Saturday to visit Mrs. Wade. in Corvallis, and that the same stuff . Where the cares of yesterday ire soon forgotten ” eer and ran the second through good beds. When I realized that for They returned home Sunday. waa shipped back to Corvallis mer­ passenger train which was operat­ $78.60 third-class. I could go just as Fred Frady and family drove to chants and retailed. Express char­ ed to Ogden. San Francisco fast to America as the people who Portland Los Angeles Cottage Grove Saturday to visit rel­ ges for two hundred miles, and com­ paid that $300 or more. I couldn’t re­ " T h e City I.oved A- atives. ’’ T h e C ity of “ Cosmopolitan A mission profits to Portland dealers, D R E A D F U L LOSS sist the temptation to get such a bar round the W orld " Roses ” Ideal tourist c ity " Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Githens and were added to the retailers’ profits gain.” when the consumer bought the pro­ Mr. Cain drove to Albany Saturday. Robert W. Chambers said at a The regular first-class fare was duct. luncheon in New York: Last Wednesday evening the quar­ How many self-satisfied Another farmer across the rivet tet of the Milton college gave a pro­ "Literature in these deflation "rescue workers’’ have taken the ex from Corvallis states that in one of day« ia in a very bad way. The tra $167.50 from the funda contribu­ gram at the chbrch which was enjoy­ “ Oregon O utdoors’ and "C a lifo rn ia for the the largest grocery stores of that ed by a good crowd. T o u ris t" Booklets. G et your copy N O W i Those present other afternoon at Coney island a ted for the perishing and have spent city not a bushel of Benton county were. Prof. Winther and Messrs. gaunt, haggard individual with long it for the selfish gratifications of potatoes were carried. Ask O ur Agents for Further Particulars er W r ite Robe, Black and Br. wster. hair accosted a policeman excitedly. having their friends know that they The Farmers’ Union reports that traveled first class? “ ‘Officer,* he aaid, ‘I ’ve been Miss Cleone LaMar visited ... garden truck raised at LaGrande had her "A few of us who happen to be JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, friend i, Miss Durbin in Salem for robbed. I waa sitting on that bench to be shiped to Portland for a mar conspicuous in our service are award­ Portland, Oregon there with the manuscript of threa ed medals, but thousands of more ket and was then shipped back to few days last week. Walia Walla and retailed. One ship­ abort stories beside me when a girl heroic souls serve more nobly in ob­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Githens and son, per stamped his name on the bottom Merle, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. LaMar paaaed in a one-piece bathing suit, i - scure - —» places mu and wunoui without recognition. recognition. of a crate and his produce came back and two daughters, Helen and Arlene, I wasn’t gone a minute, but when I I1 have s«en them die quietly on land in the original crate. “ * k m -i.----------------- • • . bad . .. and Dalton Gibbs spent Sunday at got back ray manuscript dis­ or f|oat out t0 sea poor civj,iang The Banner-Courier at Oregon Bryant park at Albany. Then appeared. Three short stories I Oh, without applause Or notice. City, under date of June 22 .stated there ar« women refugees who took officer, can nothing be done?* Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs and fam ily and tor the previous twenty-five years that 75 per cent of the cabbage sup­ up strange babies, not knowing whose Thelma and Wilbur Gibbs of Portland T ou can write the stories over would be too high tor some eommodl ply carried by the stores of that city they were and caring for them as ties and too low for most of them. was grown in California and shipped drove over to George Coon's in Ben­ again, can t you F said the officer in their own. I found one dark-eyed More Adverso Criticism With such details the Edison plan 1s a good-natured tone. to Oregon City through a Portland ton county Sunday. woman caring for a blue-eyed baby. not concerned. commission house. The paper relat “ 'Yes,’ said the litterateur, *but__ She said that as she was pushed on­ Mesdames Taylor. Abe Abraham, by Mr. Foster t Banks Fairer to Fanners ed how a nearby grower at Canby Henry Abraham and Munson gave a but--’ here hia voice broke—‘but to the boat a man from whom she had "The general practice of the banks brought a quantity of choice cab­ T ie unfairness to the farmer ot there was a hot-dog sandwich been accustomed to buy groceries, but la not only tahrer to farmers, but tt Is bage to the city and could not sell it. miscellaneous shower for Miss Millie Smith at the Taylor htome last Fri­ wrapped up in those short atones, whose nam« she did not know, had the Edison-Ford "commodity money" »seeder business. There Is no Justi- day- A very enjojmbl« afternoon thrust the baby into her arms as he scheme, although oetenslhly aimed to fioetion for baaing the lean value of officer.’ • was dragged away by Turkish sold­ Improve bla economic position. la die anything upon average prices In past was spent. Those attending from TRADE WITH ORIENT GROWS Peoria were tjesdafnes Fruit, Dunn, iers and had told her the mother was cuaeed In the present article, which years. Bound banking practice looks in the burning hospital. That wo­ la the third la a series prepared by the to the future. A bank—for the pro- American M anufacturers Mere Than Geo. Githens. Rusaell Githens, J. S. tocOoo of Ito depositors. If for no LaMar and J. W. LaMar. Twenty- man deserves the decorations more American Bankers Association, re­ other reason—most consider above Holding T heir Own Deepita Fierce viewing the exposure of the weak seven ladies were present. than I do. but even more, she deser­ European Competition. neasea of the plan as presented by everything the prospects of getting ves food for herself and th, baby.’ An attempt to use the ferry at ■ William T. Foster, Director of the Its money beck. And a farmer's proa The sales of American manufac­ Let us turn for a moment from the pacts of repaying a loan from the sale Peoria which has been out of com­ Pollack Foundation for Economic Bo- of bis product depend entirely on fu horror of the moment when that fath- search. tures in the Orient continue to mission for three week», was given tore prices, not at all ea past prices Jer was torn from his babe to be Brisffy. the plan, sponsored by Thom Last year's runs do not count in this grow, despite the efforts of foreign up. It was in such a bad shape so conscripted into the Turkish army rivals to check the demand for the the county court has derided to build as Fdlsoa and Henry Ford, would pro­ Fear’s game." colors old and new wiiile his wife and others were being vide far Oovsroiuent warehousing of An to the claim that the Edison Product of American factories which a new one. Work will commence burned to death by the Turks and haalo commodities, against which ear Plan would tmrb speculation la form develop in that part of the world at once on it. straw hats, satin, silk all the maidens carried off by them rency would be loaned, during storage products, Mr. Foster says: during the war. Merchandise sent and canvas slippers, as spoils of war. to the actions of the to the producer without Interest, up to "There Is nothing In the Edison from the United States to the The “embattled farmers” of Minne­ government of the United States and half the average value of the prod­ ptan that wonld toad to aboHsh speo- leather bags, belts other nations whose warships stood ufotlon. Even after the farmer had Onent, according to figures com­ sota elected their candidate in the ucts tor the previous twentyflve stored his products and obtained a by, witnesses of these atrocities ,and. piled by the National City hank, federal senatorial contefct Monday, and basketry. Fears. On the other half of the value loan from the Ooverament, he wonld defeating the republicans by a big In the name of “neutrality" permitted the producer would receive certifi­ •tiU be free to seU his prodseto out­ formed only 8 per cent of our total majority. the fiends to pursue their chosen way cates which ha could sell eg use tor right to speeulafissh. The farmer exports in the year preceding the of lust and rapine. Can hell he any hank loans would have all the Inducements to sell war, but has steadily increased and There are approximately 126 miles ’ ___ worse than Smyrna was then? that he has today, and speculator! now form« 15 per cent of the total of unpaved highway In California Reetrleted Credit ’ would have all the Indneemento to fa that provision allowing tor Gov- buy exports for that part of the calendar and 11 in Oregon. •rument loans only np te half the 1923 ior for which which records are “C learly, then, the Edison plan year Jaz3 a*«vege value far twenty-five years would aot provide a money that Is I *T*il*hJk Practically all of the I nder anti-gambling laws news­ Mr. Faster finds particular weakness sounder than gold mosey; it would merchandise sent to that osrt of th. papers in the province the schame. He pointe out that prohibited from publishing race track Prtoes have rlasn ee high etaoa 1$H fluctuation In value; It would not as news, but there is no such “kibosh” k “These figures,'’ says the bank, able farmers to obtola larger that the former could borrow on meet on “agricultural hosR trots” at our ownpare the operations of eight county fair. product! much less iliaa half the prea- than they eaa bow ebtola; It would aot divorce agriculture from the months of the calendar year 1922 eat value of the prednrta—much lees. Exclusivo Agent for ** f***» than he could borrow directly baaklog svstoa; aad tt would not with those of the full year preceding eliminate speculation la form toor-i the banks. Leans ea the other acta." the war. We now have details of the half the value, which would be on exports to the various grand drvi- virtually a second mortgage bests, he •eye. would not be destrahle ter the sicns in the eight months ended Quarters of lha economical feed for calves, pigs and chickens o o iu n ia r t for brazil for caasing hanks with August, 1923, and by com- purposes at caaavjg prices "Tfhe plan Is not fair even - to farra- A propoaaJ to settle 15,000 fani- P*nng the percentage of the 1922 •re; tt involves unjust dlserlmlna- Also a complete stock of _______ c - H- F A L K r °«t*r says. "The Edison bva from England in Brazil i. re- distribution with the corresponding PUn fixes u s loan values ot a l prod- ewving consideration; a million official figuree of the year pre wdmg acta absolutely, uniformly and artrt- the war it is apparent that the share Dwrtly It Ignores the retail vs proe- acres i* «aid to have been bought; which the Orient takes of our ex­ H cts of different eaaneodfty markets. the emigrants are expected to be Fint-G la« Work Only by the merest ch.soee »-Olid such former service men and their fami­ ports has steadily gained year by ? . ? a*^<>d **Tn • tatr loaa wJuatioa. lies to whom land msy be sold on u>- year, while that token by the other Agent fe» Eugene Steam Laundry J X <■«$ of t t i _ 4 M i t e Prts, itallmeate. sections of the world has declined ” Seat Tuesdays. Paid-for Paragraphs Your Vacation where to spend it Newport Oregon Caves Tillamook Beaches Peoria Pointers Crater Lake O regon’s M ountain, Lake and R iv e r Resorts Low Round Trip Tickets on Sale all Summer Long FREE! Southern Pacific Lines Edison-Ford Plan COLORITE RINGO’S Drugstore o . w . FRUM Jersey Milk Food Compound Fresh and Cured Meats FEED A ND G R A IN Barber Shop n Baths —New J* W. STEPHENSON, From