V X y HALSEY ENTERPRISE * r > VOL XI HALSEY. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 19. 1923 JO T S A N D T I T T L E S Brownsville Briefs Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County • Mr«. H arry Commons is ill with was an interesting program and a ere cold. good feed. Hay baling time is hers and Mrs. Pearl Trne underwent a there uever was more hay to bale. surgical operation at Corvallis 7 NO. 50 Shedd Shots P E C U L IA R A N D IM P E R T IN E N T (By Ralph Lawrence) By Anna Pennell) Rev. Mr. Cline preached at the Baptist church Sunday morning. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Millikan is to preach. Mr. Cline and family go from here to Columbia City to the Baptist convention, which begins July 25, continuing ten days. Mrs. C. J. Howe and daughter, Emma, ex­ pect to take in the convention. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Kennedy are moving to Chelan Fails, Washington. Some of the Quips and Quirks Observed by Gleaners of Current News. Easy Money. —Delmer Morrison ' home and «ever came back. The waa fined $5 at Albany last I mother lives on a two-acre farm A large number of friends week for amoxing cig .rets, being and relatives attended the with a oow and some goat’ and a minor. Thera ajv a few $5 chickens. funeral qf Dal Duncan Saturday bills lying around H alsey if the Riba In His H ead .—They're bet­ Beed McElvain of Portland, officers will pick ihern up. ter there than wheels. The We- was in Shedd on business last Cigaret Got Him.—At Index. natch«« Sun of July 13 lays: A t week. ' fr o l. Bnglish's mother and sis­ Thursday. ter Edna, from Eugene, were here Karl Bramwell’s mother, Mrs. ever the week end. Mae M iller of Eugene, wisitad the Dr. Garnjobst departeu Sunday for Mr. and Mr». J. A. Stevenson Bramwell family Thursday. Wash., last week Robert Ran­ St. Anthony's hospital Wednes­ Seattle to take a ten days lecture are visiting their «on Glenn and Mr. Brown is grading roads kin, 18, member of a railroad day A rthur Keefe was n n d jf an Mrs. M. M. Ward of Browns­ course in post graduate work. family in Portland. Xpvej Sui-ua8 *p aqg jo qpou crew, got his clothes saturated anesthetic for several hours ville visited at tbs K arl Bramwell George Crume and wife from Scio to pave. with gasoline while traneferiing while bis bone« were juggled Rev. C. T. Cook and D. 8. Mo- boms from Thursday until Satur­ spent Sunday with Mr. Crume’s par­ that fluid in bis work. Then b« from one m r t of bis body to an- W illiam« and their wives were day. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Kennedy lighted a cigaret end was burned ents. o her. M r. Keefe fell off a train Corvallis visitors Sunday evening Mrs. K arl Bramwell and chil- of Seattle are visiting Mr. to death as e result. here in the spring and suffered Clara Hasset of Lebanon spent Kennedy’s brother and wife, « Word has bean received that Joe dren returned Saturday from a a »ever« injury of the skull, Sunday with the Burson family. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kennedy. Bowing to Mammon.— Burt Koro. Colp, who baa been ill for some visit to Eugene. which left a large opening, pro­ bert was found kneeling io the Mrs. Hazel Moyer spent Friday at time, ia in Portland taking treat- tected ouly by the scalp. He Mrs. O. M. M ille r and son Dale the J. C. Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Link St. John library of Father Gregory, a ”jf»nt from a specialist. came back and asked to have of Cottage Grove were Halsey busi­ drove to Newport Sunday to Catholic priest, in Portland the operation performed. Two Frank Darling, sr., spent the week­ visit Mr«. W. H Green and daughter ness visitors the la it of the week. their daughter, Georgie Monday, but be waa not wor­ of his floating ribs were taken end with his sister, Mrs. Barbara Henry. Charlotte of Pasadena, Cal., are shiping God nor any of the or­ Mrs. H . M. M ille r is recovering Darling, in Albany. out aud placed in his skull. expected to a»n»e Saturday to thodox aainta. Hi« deity was from the effects of the fall she Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Pennell speod the summer with their Mammon. H j waa in front of a Prince of Wales Locked Out.— Thos. Harrison, who was quite ill drove to Portland Friday and suffered last week. daaghter and lister, Mrs. W . F. The Prince of Wales forgot hi» •afe. He ia now safe in jail. for a time earlier in the summer returned Saturday. M r. and Mrs. W. H. Beene m d Sogliab. key and stayed out too late the with heart trouble, has had a relapse son Allen drove to Oregon City The federal department of other night. To avoid waking Ooa Albany Da par aaya the peo­ Elmo Davis and wife of Bugs.— Friday evening for a visit with and is again confined to his bed. agriculture is offering big money the servants he tried to open n Eureka, California visited Mr. K ple of Albany have the habit of Mr«. Beene’s brother, Ben Alten. for 1000 bedbugs for use at The Tevepaugh family have moved Davis’ aunt, Mrs. Dora Davis window of St. James' palace b l i t ooking to It for the news. The Washington in studying the part he |ow ir out a were all fastened. other aaya thia ia " p u re bunk,’* Mr«. W. N. Damon of Brown«, into the Lawrence property on north and Mrs. C. J. Sihedd, last week they play in spreading disease Of couare it ia. The Halsty En- vilfe returned Friday from Fern­ Main street. A policeman started to arrest on their way to Newport. The Douglas county agricultural him for a burglar. The officer terpris: is the place to look for the dale, Cal., and was met here by The union services will be at the agent has been distributiug A farewell party was given at lews. 1 her people. recognized him and boosted him Presbyterian church next Sunday 800,000 lady bugs in orchard» to a higher window, which was evening. The supply minister for the Masonic hall Monday, to east of Medford, expeetiug them E. H. Margason, near Shedd, Mrs. L. H . Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kennedy open, but when the prince got found a stone in his pasture, dia- daughter Hazel were io Albany the Baptist church will preach. due to their departure to their to destriy the scale insect and his bead in h« found tbe room save the fruit trees. mood abapad and weighing 703 Saturday afternoon. new home at Chelan Falls, was occupied by a sleeping The roof of the Sawyer saw. pound«, with " 1841 ” chiaaled on A short program was A Jawbreaker. — Lo’ Angeles, beauty and dropped back. At M r and Mrs. John W’ lllbanks m ill, east of town, caught Are Wash. It, and wants to know " who frow last be made his way to a sky­ »pent Sunday afternoon at the A, Friday evening, but Isaac Lowden, given and refreshments served. July 12. — Falling five »tone» datjbrick ? ” light, broge it and reached his C. Armstrong home. from a hotel room to the roof of the watchman, discovered it and A large number of friends and bed. The important uews w«# a garage, Windsor Putnam, San The jury liat waa axhansted in blew the whistle and help from relatives attnded and expressed Mr. and Mrs. Sheabeck of Mt their regrets at their leaving cabled to America» w ■ Francisco college student, got te the murder case at Albany and town saved the property, Angel visited their cousin, H arry th Shedd community, where his feet, apologized to the garage Monday additional names of 56 Common«, Tuesday. So did Mr. M r. and Mrs. Frank Cameron they both will be missed. map for the unexpected call aud men and 19 women werre drawn, N ew spapers are carried free fa aod Mrs. Commons of Salem, who are expected home tomorrow from disappeared. The garage man th e m alts to paid-up subscriber» among them Lena Shorey, H o lie r; remained over for a longer visit. a vacation trip io eastern Oregon, notified the police, who found w ithin th e county w h ere published- M artha E. Abraham, Shedd; V i­ FOR SOUND MONEY including a visit to Mrs. Camer­ the youth with both jaws broken except on R, F D. routes, and for a, ola B«He Gardner, Halsey ;.E . R J. W. Rector and grandson and the po‘ sibility of a fractured cent a pound elsew h ere in the c o u n ­ Groahong, Holley ; George W- James and Redmond Pearl and on’« sister, Mre. Ben Rogers of Senator Oddle of Nevada, chalrmaa skull. Laubner, Halsey ; D. C. McClure, Frank and M artin Koontz, who Lost Valley, try, w ith excep tion s In th e case o f of the United States Senate commti Tangant ; Ralph Rohnatt, Holley, have been rusticating en the banks The Times corrects our state - ston to Ineeetlgate the proUem . of Inharmony in N M.— Judge D. the portions devoted to a d v ertisin g , Ad F. M. Tindle, W illia m A l- of the Calapooia, several miles ment that Oreu Stratton's lngar- gold and «liver mining, ha., allayed J. Leahy, accused by the New hut ¿ubnaSare Wiust pay S t aenta a. lingam and Cljfford L. Carey, above Holley, for the past two berries. and through him Tbomrs the fear that Western S e n io rs , in Mexico state Tribune of various year In postage en coplee on winch Brownsville. weeks, returned home M odd ay eve­ M iller’«, were marketed lu Eugene. their zeal to aid the cause of sliver, kind» of malfeasance, sentenced the subscription la m ore than a. might launch an unsound money wave. ning. C. H . Koontx drove up They went to Salem. Carl C. Migae, the editor, to year In arrears. F ollow in g la the, Union Point, Crawfordaville and “I am for sound money,“ Senator after them. number of consecutive term ’ of ruling of (he poatoflice d ep a rtm en t Brush Creek Sunday school« had Oddle says. “There Is no thought of Mre. Alice Moore, head of the on thia subject. imprisonment and come heavy their fir«’. group meeting 8unday G. T. Kitchen waa called to telephone office, attended the wed­ blmetollem or departing fi-om the gold standard. W e desire to h itp the great fines for wbat be called con­ “Copies sent, to persons a fter o n e ■ear Crawfordaville and want to Portland Thursday by the eerione ding of her sister, Mr«. Ica 8lav- tempt of court. Governor H in ­ year from the date of (be expiration make it an annual event. There illness of his father, J. M. Kitch­ eua, and Rolla Kent in Portland mining Industry, but not through the creaUon of an nosound currency •' kle pardoned him end denounced o f their subscriptions, unless auchi en, who had suffered from paral­ July 4. Bride and groom got then suhsci-tptlona he expressly ren ew ed 1 The commission Is to study and re­ the judge’s action at “ a dis­ for ysis for soma time. The old gen- schooling in Brownsville, where tin port on the causes of the continuing a definite tim e, togeth er with an <*• a grace to New Mexico." tleraao died yesterday morning at latter’« father, Dr. O, R. Kent, decrease in the production of gold actual paym ent of su bscrip tion s or 3 o'clock. The funeral will be at practiced osteopathy. and silver; the causes of the de­ Anti-Race Suicide.— The only set a bona flda prom ise of paym ent., W e H ave w ill not be accepted a-t th e pound, pressed condition of the gold and sil­ Eugene to-morrow afternoon The of human quadruplets known rate, but w ill be acoepted a t the, EVERY THING Thirty-aeven cord« of wood went ver mining Industry In the United deceased came to Linn county to have grown to maturity are transient second-cluas rate o f one, O ptical whea ba was IS years old. He into the posts on Tom M ille r’» States; the production, reduction, re­ offspring of John Ormsby and cent for each four ounces, or fraction fining. transportation, marketing, sale, Paramount berry farm. married Martha Rodgers, who died wife of Cliioago, born In 1901. thereof, prepaid by stam p s atllxed.'’- and uses of gold and silver In the E Y E S T R A IN in 1914. They lived for some Mr«. C. Schure's first grandson, United States and elsewhere; and the Ten brother» and sitters bad U nder th is ruling, a eu b ecriber 1» the Cause of Many years on the Rodgers donation Delbert W alter Briabie. was born effect of the decreased production of bean bora before them, includ­ ow ing for a year's papers m ust p a z H U M AN IL L S i claim. At one time he conducted at Albany June 21 and weighed gold and silver upon commerce, in­ I f year eyes give you trouble or ing two pairs of twins. When that bill before we can send marts ■ mercantile busin««« at Irving. ' ten pounds and never got into the dustry. exchange and prices. ___ y °ar glasses are annoying their father saw the four be left for less th an ,2 00 a year. Hie daughter, Mr«. J . J. Robinson I SEE US. We can Relieve You Enterprise until now, of Portland, and the son men Bancroft Optical Co. tioned above enrvive him. J13 1st St. W. Albany. Phone Mre. Ota E. Tetzie, whose hoe- One cf Jo hn's Cartoons Officers and in a deputy sheriff's chief discharged him for trying to> band waa killed in a boxing match ------------ car. He went from the Kntar- enforce tbe law and the Methodiet (C ontinued page I) I t will ba remembered tliat John prise office to Wenatchee, Wash , pactor there «ays the charge ia at Eugene a year or two ago, ha« Standish principal witness eveew married Conrad F. W hite. ......... waa ....... a . r- ev tbe eaa^. IMIII 11 true. John ia something of a cari­ here Sun in ie IIIUftlllK making W «upper every Lord’s day. Madeol blue, gray or khaki twill. Yours * ? Christian Endeavor, 7. , ’ ; ' for A DOLLAR BILL! Pine Grove church : Sunday echool, 10. Preaching, 11 and 7;8O July 22. Methodiet; Sunday School, 10. KOONTZ Q Preaching, 11. Junior league, 3, r GOOD n n n r GOODS r tr ir ta 4'r4'i4'>'4i Evening service, 8. The church without a bishop, in the coantry w ithout a king. I f you have no church home come and worship with us. X Intermediate League, 7. Epworth League, 7. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8, Preaching in the evening. Rew, C. T. Cook, Pastor, Released by special permission from Jehn K. Standish, staff artist Wenatchee Sun.