HALSEY ENTERPRISE — VOL X I a HALSSY, LINN COUNTY,’.OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN U, 1923 NO. 20 Shedd Shots (B y Ann» Pennell) Miae Lee Kellett lias returned to her home in Portland after a week’* ▼¡•it with R. A. Joaliag and wife. PARROTT AT BALSEY Revival Begins Monday M. E. Church Jots and Tittles , DIVINE HEALING Phenomena Indisputable, Whatever the Source Short Stories of Happening in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly There have been some most Brownsville Briefs (By Ralph Lawrence) Mrs. Jim DeW ulf has quite a Rev. E. B. Parrott and wife, serious case of blood poisoning in with Miss Q nlliford, the musician, her right band oaused by a sliver. Alvan Leach and wife returned vonderful cures recently in this Dr. Waits ia the attending pbyei- la»t Thursday from Portland, after will be here at the opening of The county fair stockholders 2° a surgical operation made •ounty, as well as outside of it in ciaa. several days’ visit. series of revival meetings at ths meet at Albany Jan 27. necessary bv his injuries. Mrs. his and other states uuder anoint- Mrs. Lawrence has been quite C. W. Kennedy and wife were M. E. church next Monday eve ‘ Potter Points ” received lest West went home by train Monday. ng and prayer io tha uame of the ill at her home with neuritis. Albauy shoppers Friday. ning. This is the result of earnest night, too late to be pul in type J- F. Salash it at work again Lord. Same sav “ hypnotism,’ ’ She was unable to be at school a H E. Abry, member of the invitations from Halsey people, before the press hour, will appear after being laid up with a severe tome “ auto-suggestion,” and some part of last week. Mrs. W right state railroad commission, was in who have been attending the next week. cold. snbstituted for bar. Brownsville meetings in large ay it all to the devil. The metb- Shedd Monday, The Linn and Benton Pcmona Robert Blann underwent a quite numbers. Many went again yet The Albany-Brownsville stage >ds are quite different from thoae J- C. Shedd is seen driving a terday, both to tba healing meet­ grange opposes the free text hook serious operation one day last company hat laid off one of its bill because of the expense and in hypnotism. To lay such bless­ new Stndebaker car. ing in private homee in the morn­ for sanitary reasons. old care and ia runniug a shining ings to the devil one must be very week for kidney trouble at au A l­ bany hospital. He is somewhat Harve Davis of Portland spent ing, and to the church in the eve­ new Cadillac on the route. The Albany co-operative cream­ better at the present writing. «rnestly searching for Satan. the week end with his father end ning. Rev. C. T . Cook went to Junc­ The attendance from Halsey at mother, John Davis and wife. The morning meetings have bean ery is said to ba the oldest in the Miss Week» of Lebanon, teacher held in several homes each day, state and to have just closed its tion City Thursday end preached he Parrott revival meetings at it Ash Swale, was sick oue day Mrs. Ashton and children of rao»t successful year, paying $185, •irownsville increased until the the funeral aearnon for Mrs. M. V. set week and was unable to be at Portland are visiting at the home heeauss one would not afford room Howard. md. Among the announced con ichooi. Edith Howe substituted for all who earns. Mr. Parrott 000 to ita 625 patrons. of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Clay. • erts were a number from here. A suit between J. H . Newland She is on her way to California to want from ona to ths othar until lin e Map!« Circle met test night with Mr, Parrott was besought to come (or her. all wars vlpitad. and bia wife over the ownership reside. a large attendance and installed ac Mrs. Margie Furr gave a musi­ o Halsey aud replied that he of money io the bank of Browne cere for 1923: Fast guardian neighbor, cal recital at the home of Mrs. vouid never again labor under the Ed. Enterprise: Rev. M r. P a r­ fills has been decided in New­ W alter Hovey of Portland spent Agnes Brown ; guardian neighbor, Adda rSet fictions imposed in Browns­ Ietzie in North Brownsville. Tha the week end with R. A. Joelini rott and wife, who have bean draw­ land’s favor by a jury. Ringo ; advisor, Amanda H i l l ; clerkk, ville. He had arranged before program was much enjoyed. The ing more people to the Browns­ and wife. On bis way home from serving Louise Robnvtt; banker, JFditk Rob- ie took up divine healing to hold a,see shows ths intelligent care ville Methodist chureh than the (iven by the instructor. Mrs. Ray Duncan and fam ily of A l­ building would hold, camo over some papers at Eugeae Tuesday nett) magician, Adda Cjrcoran ; isptrin those revival meetings. bany visited last week with Dale Monday afternoon, accompanied Deputy Sheriff Cecil Harrison’s of the guards, Maggie ¿Stewart, a toad- . I t is remeuiberad that when he Furr is to be aomineuded on her auto broke down at Harrisburg ant, Louisa A. Taylor'; musician, ¡Sadie Duucan and wife. the far country and go home. as evidence of the beneficent power la the Cause of Maay C c p yrls fct. l i l i , W —to r » N s w r * « H r Ufttoa. had accumulated that it could not tractive that men flocked there from 8. His Cfinfeaalon ( w . 18, 19). He of Ood, and refuses to credit the H U M A N ILL S all he set without night work, aa acknowledged that his sin waa against same power with the restoration all over the territory. Now they I f your eyes give you trouble or LESSON FOR JANUARY 21 heaven and bis father— that he had of sight or hearing to a blind or the paper must be in the poatoffle« yonr glasses are annoying must seek work in the minea and the SBK US. We oan Relieve Yea ’ . forfeited hl« right to be called a son, leaf infant, or of power to walk to Thursday night. result ia that there is more mining t h e prodigal son and begged to be given a place as a * paralytic, must have his mental The Halsey attendance at tha Bancroft Optical Co. d a devil. “ Every good P. Stafford and wife were dinner vation. RR/,i? ART fath er's Love. 4. His Action (v. 20). Action was »nd perfect gift cometb from God,” guests of Dr. and Mrs. K. W. Bar­ JUNIO R TOPIC—A P icture of the Heavenly Father'« Love. needed. Resolution will not avail un­ wa are told, and if health is not s num at Harrisburg Sunday. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC less accompanied with action. jood and perfect gift, where on -T h e Reach and Power of Our father's D. Taylor and fam ily drava to Love. i 8. Ills Reception by His Father rarth can ona be found? Harrisburg Sunday to see the high TOUNO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC ( w . 20-24). The father had not for­ -H o w to Treat Sinner«. water. The river overflowed ita gotten his son. During the years he Like a Letter From Hom« banks aoutb of town and quita a longed for bis return. He must often Accordiag te sa Arabisa legend, Hadji Omar, a pious Der- I. The Sen’s Inaubordlnation (v. 12). have looked for him, for he »nw him Twenty-seven years is a long dsap stream was flowing through viah, waa outlawed from Mocha in 1283. When almost dying of There Is every irdication that this when be was a great way off. So am 'in n to keep up interest in a town town just east of the schoolhouse. hunger ia the wllderneaa he roasted «Ame of the «mall round berries was a happy home. But a devil eo- lout waa he for him that he ran tn In renewing hit M rs. It. R. MoAIpin of Portland tered It and «tlrred up discontent In meet him and fell upon his neck and ifter leaving it he found grswiag wild ia the thickets. A few of the roasted berries the heart of the younger son. He t»o- kissed him. So glad was the father lubecription to the Enferpriee Dr. was a guest at tha C. P. Stafford accidentally fell into h it drinking water, and thus coffee was dis­ ratne tired of tha restraints of bom«. that he even did not hear his confes­ H. Micbener of Wiobita, Kae., harna last Friday aud Saturday. covered. His desire for freedom moved him to sion through, but ordered the tokens writes: “ We enjoy tbs Enter- C. H . Koontz raturnad from a w ilfully choose to leave homo— throw of honor to be placed upon him, re prise very much, as it it like a buainsss trip to Portland Friday off tho constraints of his fsthor*s rule. cetvlng him hack Into a eon’s position ettar from home, although wa avan ng’ Sin Is the desire to be free from tho re­ This parable makes bare God's heart itft H aliey twenty-seven y atrt straints of rightful authority and for Every teacher should strive to preeent «go. Mrs. J. 9. McMahan left for Most of our old-time friends Many peapla ia tkit town and vicinity have discovered that selfleh Indulgence It starts out with thia lesson so as to show God’s forgiv­ Springfield, Roseburg and other «re in Pine Grove cemetery. The they can get the beat coffee at our store— the kind that pleases their wrong thoughts about Ood. At the re­ ing mercy— His willingness to receive younger ones I met on their ar­ poiute south on the delayed train quest of the eon. the father "divided back His wayward child. taste and suite their pocketbook« Call or telephone. We want rival in this world have outgrown Monday evening. onto them his living." I to «how you, ny knowledge. Only the names Mra. T. H . Downs of Portland, II. Tho Son's Departure (v. 18). The Rebekahs h«Id high jinks at Freih roaatad bulk coffees at 23, 33, 40 caste. ire familiar. W. J. Ribeiin, Walt their hall last night. Mesdame« Having made the final decision ba got whose husband formerly was th> bis good« in portable shape. Having Methodist pastor at Brownsville, -imitli, Clyds Koontz, J. A. Hteven- Bond, True and Moruhinweg wera «on, John LaRua, John M illar and elected trustees. thrown off the restraints of his father's rule he eagerly withdrew from his fs- and Mrs. Anna Green of Suther­ W • C. Smith are a few of them .” Tba new city officers, as reported By the same day’s mail, with a tlier's presence. This Is always the lin visited Mrs. Wbealar for at. GOOD GOODS wsy sin works. He "gulherod all to­ hour or twoTaeaday, as they werv heck for renewal, came this from in tliese columns after tba election, gether. ' When the «Inner casts off bis Mra. J. W. Thompson of Barns, took office Monday, allegiance to Ood be take« all that ha on their way to Brownsville l< Ora.: " I like to read id your P. N. Bierlv of Harrisburg wae has with him. He not only wsstas his viait the Vincent family and at­ paper about tha people wa know. in le s s and renewed bia eubaorip- Ft tot M i character la sacrificed tend the Parrott meetings. It ia like a letter irorn home, ’ ’ I tion to the Enterprise today 4 Coffee Discovery You Will Find It Here K00NTZC