¿A r HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL X I HALSEY, L IN N COUNTY. O RBliON, THUR SDAY, JAN 4. 1*23 NO. 18 Shedd Shots Potter Poin’s Jots and Tittles (By Anna Pennell) High School Notes Brownsville Briefs , M r. and Mrs. Kitcbon stent Mary Sutherland, who Heed in Friday afternoon with the Mullers. (Mearlo S tn ley Reporter) „ I 7 (By Ralph Lawrence) Shedd soma time ago, was in town F„d sP„„g„ .„a .„a Short S‘"rles of «»VP«" "S’ ■« Linn County Gonornlly visiting friends Saturday, Tuere were rniny exprersioas Miss Goldie Nance returnsd last spent Monday with James Porter and ,n Halsey Particularly h;t»rd luesday morning oy stu- Tuesday front Monroe, where she Mrs. C A. Troutman had a new aud family. i -------------- ------ — __________ ______ ____________________________ deme that they wished vacation tea been visiting her Bister. year’s dinner Sunday night, P. H. Freerks«a aud wife, ac- W illia m Corcoran has hopes o* people attended the Parrott revival woaid last f jrever. C irm e lit* Woodworth came There were present Fred Sprenger compaoied by Fred Workiuger and ! , *in8 ll»e Good Saanritau hospi- meeting at Brownsville Monday and wife, Harry Sprenger and fam ily, spent new year’s day with U for g0<>y *n “ tew W8ek«, able Wilmetta Foreter, Wayne Rob­ h • ne from I.infield academy for evening. family, L. E Pennell and wife and M r. anu Mrs. Haudley of Albany ertson end Mearle Straley will C hr'etm as. H e r sister Elaine was conaPleto home such recevery M r. Pennell’s father and mother, represent the senior elm* in the down from Creswell a lew days of Charlee Bradford and wife of ~ from his burns as is possible possible. declsmatiou contest. Watch out me vacation. L. C. Pennell and wife, and Miss Miss Imogene Crews spent her Brownsville have an eight-pound Mrs. lnex Freelsud, assistant boy. Christmas vacation with her for the seniors ! Frances Freerkseu. Ruth Rx-e and M arvil Lawrence mother aud grandmother, Mrs. principal at the high school, of Albany college «pent the Christ­ The proceeds from the basket Several autos (tailed in the deep Mrs. R. A. Josling has been Cliugman. visited Mrs. E. W. Shedd at Shsdd mas vacation at home. eiclt with a Had cold for several water in the detour from the p a v e .'*0®**1 <'»•“ *»y the junior class during the holiday vacation. Miss M illie Smith of Albany meut north of Shedd Monday! ¡ Saturd*y night were <35. Those Claude Harrison days, but is better. of Eugene Word comes from all direction*, ; spent a few days with her sister, | who we.e present had a good time, «peat aew year’s with h.s father, j f travel by auto being interrupted * Amos Ramsay and wife, Leeter H arry Sprenger spent a few 'M rs. Elmer Munson. but the attendance was small op C eve Harrison. uy h igh water the fore part of thej Bentx and fam ily, Frank Kirk and days in Portland last week. Mr. Warren of Peoria spent Week, but Hulsey stands safe and Mrs, Smith and Mary were Sun­ account of the etorrav nigat. Wendoll Walgamott an 1 wife Lester Jones, pastor of the Cori»- with Hans Koch aud tusnbmerged. (turned t» their hcuio at The Mrs. Verne Arnold spent a few Sunday day guests of C. E. Smith and tain church, acted as auctioneer. Tallea a fte r •» two-weeks visit at days in Lebanon visiting relatives. ■ family. wife, where they enjoyed a bounti- The money goes to buy class ring-. th* N. L. Burson home. Hr. J. W . Everhart of Lebanon Among those attending the it his death left about <11,000, ful Christmas dinner. The fore- The Esetern Star and the Nearly everyone in the bigl F red H a rris o n is quite ill at his Masons held their joint installation football game new year’s day at he hulk of bis estate, to M ss going waa written for last week'« Enterprise but got sidetracked school was delighted at receiving ho ita at A»h Swale. of officers last Wednesday night. Corvallis were fed Porter, Russell Viola Lambert, au 0- A. C. stu. lent, because of hsr kindness te That that dinner was good was a rattle, doll or some othor equally Rsv. E. B. Parrott and wife A banquet was sirved afterwards, Githens and Cart Bass. present from th e evidenced by bursting buttons and ridiculous which was enjoyed by members Mrs. Homer Salmon spent a fsw lira during hi* illness. Garland by poor appetites next day. Christmas tree the Friday b» tors md their pianist are conducting t Shanks are administrators of aud their families. fsv va l meetings at the Methodist days last week in Albany. vacatiou ■ he estate. E. B. Penland and wife got home thurcb. 1 hey are having a large Guy Layton and wife visited A fttr the service* Sunday eve­ from their California trip Monday tudience each uight and the pub- Nora Pehresort visited echi o The county agricultural agent's last w«t»k at Hallaa. ning at the U. P. church the evening. They pasted through I ursday uiorniug. She returned lit seums to be much interested. office has been moved to the top young folks held a watch party, A large crjwd attended the Poor of the First National hank • bout eighteen inebee of enow on to Salem the same evening. The-a was a watch meeting at A goo 1 time was reported. the way to the land of snnshine, dance at Peoria Saturday evening milding at the county seat. An the Biptist church 01 Sunday and after basking there encount­ The high school received <25 00 light. About P. H. Freerksen and wife spent The Brownsville oicuestra fur-* .■levator carries people up. forty-five were ered a great deal more of the cold a* its share of the proceeds from new year's day in Albany with melted the music present, watching the old year out P. A Ptfltrseon has ordered from and white on the highlands on the the operetta. relatives. tud the new year in. E rn e st A b ra h a m and wife spent be county agent eleven quarts 'of way baeg. At Eugene they were Wednesday in A lb a n y . Thomas Harrison and wife enter misoned hurley for gray digger warned that the Harrisburg ferry Judg»John S, Coke has been tained at diui.er a number of rela­ •o be used bv four Harmony die waa out of commission because of A Pleasant Surprise made United States attorney for rict farmers. • • tive* and friends at their home the flood, but they came down the McCnlly Building Sold Twice Oregon. ■ew year’s day, « Toose preseut cast side without trouble. A very enjoyable surprise party The Scio school board has re- were Joe Harrison and wife, Clove (Eugene Register) Seven former United States ligned benuus’ the voters c i) th A very delightful party was was given last Friday uight at the Harrison and fam ily, Cecil H ar­ home of Grant McNeil and wife officials, including Benedict Cro­ In the p-operty trade completed uidget. The principal’s salary i given Fr day evening by some of rison and children, Claude H arri- well, former nssietent secretary of by R A. McV’uliy, local realtor, "it from $2000 to <1600 a rtfar and ihe ladies of the M. E church in for their son and daughter, Ralph ion, Mrs. Dawson, Miss Francis and Ruth. war, have been indicted for frauds and his father-in-law, C. A. Bun­ the grade teachers’ pay is cut honor of the college yonng people At a late hour cindy, cake, Booker and Mrs. Lawrence and in naval contracts araouuting to nell., the McCully farm of 400 lown. who were home for the holidays. little Betty. lemonade and popcoru halls were <800.000. A pleaaaot evening was spent, acres near H«lsey and a sloit W W. Franci«, once a resident rerved. Lyman Howe aud wife have building at Halsey has been trans­ if Hstsev and the last of the ebar- dosing with sandwiohes, cake and Those present were Missea Pearl m >ved into M rs . G rey’ properly Eight of the men sent to the ferred io new owners in exchange er member* of Wddey lodga, I O. cocoa. The following ladiee helped this occasion: Mesdames N. and Grace Peiirasoo, Agnes Chand in north Brownsville. penitentiary during the war for for Canadian farm land near O. F., here, died at Albany Sun r. Knead, Sidney Smith, D. ler, Sarah and Helen W illiam *, Irene H trrison was horn* from lay, aged 68. He had beat advocating sedition were pardoned Caro'side, Alberts, Canada. i£arI and Iona Albertson, W illi* her school near Scio during the T . J. Sim ona, brother o f George tourity recorder and for 10 year’ Tayler, G. W . Mornhiowag. C. by the president the other day on ¿eLireo, Freddie Heinrich, Pets H. Koontx, Herman Mitxner, Cal­ vacatiou week. S im ons, of th is c ity , acquires th« . : condition of their leaving the fa rm at, H alsev w hich has bean county treasurer. lie Frum, Ernest Gourley, C. T. Settle, Karl W'Hiama, Ro«** Gib­ Iva Slavena ha* been visiting A. W. Foote and wife. Mr* Cook, and D. 8. McWilliams end son, and P. A. Pehrsion and Grant country, nevar to return. Those | owned by the McCully family for McNeil anil lairiilies. her (¡ite r, Alice Moore, during Misses Ruby Sohroil and Nora Frum. Mrs. Brandon arid Mr» pardons were more of a victory for ! the past 20 years un i in exchangt- At midnight tall adjourned to the Christmas week. the cause of good government than j M r. M< C u lly receives an improved Wheeler, five per pie in Rev C. T. Fehrsson. •heir homes and reported a very Cook’s variantl many other Hales' for the agitator*. Agitation is all of 430 4cr*" Canada Tin (Continued on patre 4) •njoyable time. W ait tl e S. P. Hus Done i • .. i- • . ,, H alsey store b u ild in g h as been right within limits W h e n itc a ll. lr „dej l() L . E Brown for a 160- Paul Slioup, vica-presidaut of for unconstitutional action it «X- acre Canadian farm. The Cana­ try of the Ramarltans. for He wna the is Southern Pacific company, fierlor of all men. On this occasion leprosy, the fiuiiiarltan turned back caed* those limits. dian property will be leased, accord peaking before the California He came in touch with a colony of and with a loud voice glorified Ood. iug to M r McCully lauksrs’ a,*«» latisn it Santa It j« t, ten lepers, and Hla healing of them ex­ He even fell down on hla face nnd Mr. Conzens, successor to New­ slifornia, October 28, sa id : hibits the condition of human nature gave thanks. The one least expected CHOPPING. berry, has been guilty of lee« Diaiumiil ered, with tbs v- v and the workings of Hla dlvtne grace. to show gratitude for thia great mercy « • * the one who sincerely expressed «art of its system turned ->v I. Their Awful Affliction (v. 12). H ere’s a truth majeste. He and Brookbeart are It. that's p u r s Thej- were leper*. Leprooy la a con­ Ooiupm tor, deprived of , "Lr~ accused of throwing a monkey V. The Gratitude of the Nine ( w . and pearly. tagious dlaease which rot* off the reel rnnle e.-et, w hat e x in u Fresher t h a n wrcnoli into the well-oiled machin­ members of tbe body and eventuate* 17-18). ■ver Its- thi syit tn lef i the morning Presumably they were Jews. The In death. It may be unnoticed In th* ery of the United States senate ger p oinieo • ' l i t hear t W dew; very ones who should liuve been moat blood of the person for years. It la ntive to m ild branch h - < b i Do your shop- and causing the complacent bosses of such a foul nature that the one grateful did not show any apt re fla ­ iv p i n g bright es I • rivgi trank I ns a "I tion. They were content to get much there to realise that the “ farm thus afflicted la cast ont from society. and early— Halsey Christian Church I not a <" ast system? Thle segregation wa* In accordance from Christ without giving Him any­ Do It early and bloc” still exi*ts,*notwith*tanding -A boras road with home thing. He expect* those who experi­ get through! with the Mosaic law (Lev. 18 :*•). It all their anathema«. Church Announcements waa a kind of Naaman quarantine ence Hla salvation to give Hlin their isr sta must be the chief rsiia cr - - ----- -------------------------I 1 ” I measure. Leprosy ha* always been love and gratitude. The Lord ta hurt tf a community for dsvslopm nt A Gift Suggestion. Currah of Christ: regarded as a type of aln, even at when saved sinner* go off with the •>acaua* such a boms road d»i> A pretty little Christmas gift is a blessing of salvation us though they ipon the community gr>< < towel bolder, mode In the same way as 10, Bible school, W. H. Robert, time* visited upon people for some aln. Example*, the leproay of Oehatl had stolen It. .Many tuke all they ran is own growth. T h a i is W e H ave the elastics. Mabe two strips of the mn, superintendent. get from Christ anil give nothing In re­ band, one a little longer than the other, «*« with the Southern P 6:30, Junior and senior Christian ( I I King* 6 ); Miriam (Nom. 121; Ca- turn. All the blessings of civilisation EVERY THING atah ( I I Kings 18:6). Sin ha* come Into and wind ribbon of the same shade on Endeavor services. In tbe last twelve r n , - are ours through Christ, yet how few O ptical tbe world and flow* from generation two large etribroldered boops and one put more money into railro-t 11, Lord's Supper. to generation through the racial thank Him for them. The proportion small one. Join to the bands, small snaion«, railroad -hop* and r i E Y E S T R A IN 7:30, Sermon of those who are ungrateful for the stream, ao that all are alnnera (Rom. one at the top and large ones on the oad terminal« in the t - r la th* Cause of Many Lester Jones, pastor. Though aln may be hidden. It blessings which Christ brought Is per­ bottom. Run white ribbon thrhbgh «set of tbe Sisrra Nevad i a I H U M A N IL L S eventually break* out and destroys th* haps nine to one. The fact that grati­ the bends and finish with bows at the and »onli I f yottr eye* give you trouble or body. Evidence« of this are seen on tude was expressed by n Mnmnrltan Cascade mountains top of hoop*. This Is also nice as a Methodist: your glasss* are annoying •very hand. There 1* no need of Ulbl* shows bow often we are shamed by from th* Columbia riser to the tie rack'or hair ribbon holder. Sunday School, 10. S 8E US. We can Relieve You the devotion of those less fuvored Mexican line, than all other rail- proof of Ita reality. Preaching, 11. thun curst Ivea. road* put together, two tn o n*. Bancroft Optical Co. II. Th*lr Cry f * r Mercy (v. 13). The bill increasing pensions *f Junior League, 3, 313 1st St. W. Albany. Phone f They were in great need. No tin­ It ba* built locomotive* and cars, Finding God. civil and Mexican war veterans Intermediate League. 7:30. man help wa* available. They had I f we cr.nnot find Ood In your houM put up tbs finest railroad office has beeu vetoed. Epworth League, 7:80. somehow heard how 3esua had healed and mine, upon the rondslde or the building in tha country, built the Preaching in the evening. some leper«. Where there Is real heal­ mergln of the sea; In the bursting most modern warehouses, ds. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. ing If Is hound to be noised about. Thia seed or opening flower; In the dsy reloped electric railways, in aroused faith In them "Faith cometb Rev, C. T , Cook, Pastor, duty or night musing I do not think .oreassd its port facilitiee. all on by hearing, and hearing by the Word we should discern Him any more upon I a large scale. of Ood" (Rom. 10:17). A* He came the gruss of M e n or beneath t h . • •• “ What What tbs tbe people people want want is it more Sunday School Lesson their way they called for mercy It I* moonlight of Gsttiaemane.—J. ila r- railroad*, aot more railroad com­ the privilege of all alnnera to call tin «au. (By REV p B FITZWATER, D. D-s panies; more cars, not more Teacher of English Bible In the Moody upon 3eaui Christ for mercy. Salva­ Bible Institute of Chicago., railroad management*. ’’ tion from the most awful sins will Vletory Over Sin. '■'eprrlrbt. lift. We«t«rn Nswspepwr CnUa. eurely come to all who cry unto Him 4 Coffee Discovery According to sn Arabian legend, Hadji Omar, a pious Dsr- vish, was outlawed from Mocha in 128.S. When almost dying of hunger in the wilderness he roasted some of the small rouud berries he found growing wild in the thickets. A few of the roosted berries accidentally fell into his drinking water, and thns codec w j s dis­ covered. You Will Find It Here Many people in this town an 1 vicinity hsve discover*! that they can get the best coffee at our store—the kind thst p’easis their lasts and sails their picketbooks Call or telephone. We want to show yon. Fresb roasted bulk coffee* at 25, 35, 4 cents. KOONTZQ GOOD GOODS LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 4 T H E GRACE OF G RATITU DE LBSSON TEXT-Luk* IT 11-1». GOLDEN TEXT—Enter Into Hl* III«» »Ith thar.ksalvlne. and late Hie court* with pralee be thankfa! unte him. an< biers Hie name -P e a l m 100 « REFERENCE MATERIAL-I D im e » I'M . Psalm u e u -M . M att 1» 21-»; Phil < S-T PRtMART TOPIC-A Man Who W u Thankful JUNIOR TOPIC — Remembering te Thank Go* INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR T O P IC —1 - e Grace of OrauteSe TOUKO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —CultlvaUn« the Habit of Gralltisda r ’rk/srit.* Jesui 1* now Irni where He the sins of the that He ehnnld on III* srgy to Jerass- will be offered op foe people. It was fitting fee» through th* conn- In Blncerity. III . Bidden te Go te the Priest* (v. H ). Before the leper* were healed they were to show themselves to the prieats, according to the Mosaic law (Lev. 14:1-82). A t they went In faith they were healed. While God goes be­ fore In the work of M iration, yet He demand* of the sinner faith. Faith la the cauae of Hla action. Activity on the sinner's part la necesMry ao that God'a grace can flow Into him. Faith expreaaes Itself In action. Bv thia mean* the divine power and human need ere united. Tbe only faith need­ ed la for the slaner to realise the heal­ ing power of Christ, and a* this I* acted upon there Is the consequent In­ crease which results in complete sal­ vation. Cleanaln* la realised through obedience IV. The Qratltuda af tha Ona (TV. 18. 1<). Perceiving that ba was healed of bi* It la not by understanding God, hut by trusting Him, (but we huie victory over sin.—Anon. Secretary of Interior Fall bn« resigned because he, Instead of Secretary of Agriculture Wallao«, Charity Among Y oursslvst. could not have control of govern­ Hut before »11 things have » con ment forest*. staot mutual charity among ynttDWlves for charity coverelh a multitude o sins —I Peter 4 :8. The Linn and Benton grange oppose* free text heok*. fxf/.fxf-.$<$$($ J “ The Family Mix ” By the Christian Endeavor Saturday, Jan. 13 8 p. m . Children. ?0c ; general ailmitaion, Stati on wie et Clark e eher Moadey, Jen. S s F ' 4 ' 4 ‘ '4 ' Rialto Theater reserved seats, 40c $ $ $ $ ¿4. A, ? I Í Í I