Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, November 23, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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O i V_?Oe
The reason
fo r th e
P e e r le s s
C ° n g ° Ie u m a n d L in o ­
leum in ru g s o r b y
th e y a r d
th e
o b je c t o f
Freight paid to Halsey
S e c o n d a n d B a k e r sts.
F o r th e best cash p ric e s see
! 0. W.
("The Gobbler
ana A n n
« H A Y , G R AIN . FEED
% A N D L IV E S T O C K
$ First-class grinding and grain cleaning done
at any time
need them some other time."
H e held her from htin w ith hts a r m ;
and it was as tf hts strength flowed
Into her.
H e r blazing eyes sought
his, and fo r a long second th e ir w ills
t o V o m / X “herdeeP
“ W hat is It?" she breathed.
have you found out?"
“ W hat
ont ot n ite range on the ridge; and
Bruce and Linda stole together out
Into the storm.
The green foliage of the tree had
already burned away, but some of the
1 *
bra" Ch • mo1’
y oaad. h lM ln < >“ “ *«
v o £ e S y V e flTdTd m dh d',tanl i
fed darta 'iw rfesmerean 7 ' d X ' h " h“ “ d’
‘“ ^
“ ^ ^ " « » « e n f t ? « 're s T o f the
H e drew her away moment Just passed. I t did not even
from the lighted doorway, out of the
occur to him that some s>f his enemies,
range o f any o f the- Turners that
auseen beflore, m ight « till be lurking
should turn to answer the rifle fire.
in the shadow, watching for a chance
The wind roared over the house and
to harm. They atood n moment in
swept by In clamoring fury, the elec­ silence. Ttien Bruce u tte re tl one little
tric storm dimmed and lessened as It
gasp and ntretched his a rn i Into the
Journeyed on.
hollow th a t the cleft In the trunk had
These two knew that If death spared
revealed. <
them In all the long passage o f thefr
■ T he light from a burning hn nch be­
years, they eould never forget that mo­
hind him bad shown him a ienrt’1, dark
ment. The girl watched hltn breath­
object th a t had evidently been iijie rte d
lessly, oblivious to all things else. He
in the hollow tree tru n k through some
seemed wholly unaware of her now.
little aperture that hnd either Since
There was something aloof, Impassive,
been closed up or they had never <>b-
Infinitely calm about lilm, aud a great,
served. I t waa a leathern w allet, am i
far-reaching understanding was la his
Bruce opened It undm- Linda's atr.rtied
eyes. H e r own eyes suddenly fllled .
H e drew o u t a single w hite
w ith tears.
' Linda, there's something come to
H e held it In the light, n»id hla
me— and I don't know that I can make glance swept down Its lines o f f a t ed
you understand.
I can only call it
strength— a new strength and a great­
er strength than I ever had before.
It's something that the pine— that
great tree that we Just saw split open
— h o been trying to tell me for a long
time. Oil, can't you see, Linda? There
it stood, hundreds of years— so great,
so tall, so wise— In a moment broken
like a reed. It takes away my a rro ­
gance, Linda. I t mukes me see myself
as I really am.
And that means—
Ills eyes Maze«], and he caught her
hands In his.
" It was a symbol. Linda, not only
o f the wilderness, but of powers higher
and greater than the wilderness.
Powers that can look down, and not
be swept away by passion, and not
try to tear to pieces those who In their
folly harm them. There's no room for
such things ns vengeance In this new
strength. T here’s no room foe mur­
der, and malice, and hdfired. and blood­
Linda understood. She knew that thia
new-found strength did not mean re­
nunciation of her cause. It did not m e m
that he would give over his attem pt
to reinstate her as the owner of her
father's estates. It only meant that the
Impulse o f personal vengeance wee
dead w ithin him. l i e knew now— the And the Trium ph an Bruce's Face
Changed te a Singular Leak a f W
same as ever— that the duty of the
men th a t dwell upon the earth te te do
th eir allotted tasks, and without hatred
and w ithout passion to overcome the
difficulties that stand In the way. She
realized that I f one of the Turners
should leap through the door end at­
tack her, Hruce would k ill him without
mercy or regret. She knew that he
would make every effort to bring the
offenders to the lew. But the ab ility
ts shoot a fleeing enemy In the berk,
because of wrongs dona long ago. wee
Bruce's vision had come to him. He
knew that If vengeance bad been the
creed of the powers that ruled the
world, the sphere would have been de­
stroyed w ith fire long slnee. To stand
firm and straight and unflinching; not
to Judge, not to condemn, not to re­
s u l t ; thia waa truo strength.
“ I know," the girl M id , her thought«
Ink. Then he looked up w ith brighten­
ing eyes.
"W hat la I t F the asked.
"The secret agreement between your
father and mine." he told her simply.
“And we've won."
He watched her eyee brighten. It
seemed te him th a t.n o th in g life had
ever offered had given him the seme
pleasure. It was a moment of triumph.
But before h alf of Its long seconds
were gone. It became a Btunent of
A rifle spoke from the reverts he-
yond—one sharp, angry note that rose
distinct and penetrating above the
notae of the distant thunder. A little
tongue of lire darted, like
heed, la the darkness. Aad I lie tri-
eniph oo Bruce’s face changed to a
sin gu lar look of wonder
wandering afar. "Perhaps the name
to r It all Is— tolerance.”
" Perhaps," he nodded.
“And pos-
rlb ly H 1« only— w orship!"
(To be coetieaed. )
The Turners had gone. The dim­
m ing lightning revealed the entire al-
I ■rtJ h a lf a mile distant and
I f he does really think that there
la no distinction between virtue and
rice, when be leaves oor bouses let
oa epum out spoons— John »en.
Virtue and Vico.
Ann M arla T e lle r was guarded with
• i e Jealousy o f crabbed ownership
Brockaw, the ton of an lmpecuuious
neighbor, was listed because he was
poor and boldly aspired to the hum!
of Ann M arla.
So It came to the day before Thank_
giving. T h a t morning old Job T elle r
was In his yard looking with ominous
eyes at a big gobbler. It was a good
bird, and would be a wise leader for
the next year’s flock. But the gob­
fu lly
pounds, and there was a son of his.
d ejected- young turkey that never
strutted In the Irate father's presence,
which weighed not more than twelve.
That le ft a difference of sixteen
pounds, at probably 25 cents a pound
live weight. It was too big a strain
oo the old man's avaricious soul, and
the narrowing eyes said that the old
gobbler was doomed.
It may be that long association of
sim ilar minds bad brought them
read each other's thoughts; or p e r
haps the death-croaks of expiring
chickens that morning had agitated
the wise bird w ith a presentiment of
danger. But be that as It m ay.w ven
as the avaricious eyes were question­
ing the weight, the old fellow gave u
defiant gobble, spread Ills wings, and
rose majestically to the top of a n ea r
by apple tree. There he rested a brief
moment, then went on to the next,
and from there to the next end next,
and so on to the woods beyond.
The grim' eyes watching him grew
w rathful fo r a moment, then followed
the flight speculatively. A little way
In the woods was a spreading oak.
and there the gobbler had often spent
a night In bis younger days, tn wear
off a lit of sulka. Old Job made a
motion to follow, then shook his head,
elm^Aled, and went on through the
yard to ' • lect other turkeys and chlck-
«n. tor t '•a Thanksgiving sacrifice.
Following ‘t u r ? v n" tur* tl,e old «ob-
bier would peas
n liM *“ the ° “ k '
. ..
, „ ,
w .
rector and Mortician
A week.old ton of GUire K iik U __ __
Hr . . . . . . ii
< i
*rI * «tock, fin« equipment, inclndiug
and wife U
Urowutville died two g « x l aato he«r»e>. Prtoee most
i reasonable. Lady attendant.
W. M
King o f Brow nt villa want
Jesae Hi iin k n t bail. g ving a corti-
bed i h Ck for th e 9 l f 0 0 .
I QTICC F u r n itu r e
La Ulirr
E x c h rn g e
W e have lots of good
Dr. P rc e 1« reported as perform- lio r n
p iT D K J lT T T D l?
lug many luirauuluue cures a t th e UOLU
JT U I t l x 1 1 L IV Lu
Albany revival meeting«.
on haad and are getting moreeverv day
9,12 Pal Ml™
R“P, J”
f^ u ty
gailQUet Railg8S
A carload of old friends came
to $92
and drowsy and easy to remove from from Frauklin Friday aud spent Used ranges $2«
to $40, Very good
ihe day with J. C Curry and wife.
the limb.
coaditoa. A ll at^bsrgsln prices. _
Ann M arla was thy. but had signals
422 West F irst sL. Albany, Oregon,
Fm m ett A Apger of Lebanon
of red aud blue and other shades In bat been bjuud over to grand jury
clothing to hang from her window,
ou a charge of buruing bi« house
and these she used freely.
for $600 insurance.
was not shy nor to be Intimidated,
but he was diplomatic, and eo man­
A good many went from thit
aged his labor and hunting and flah- city to Corvallis Saturday and saw
lug as to keep the window conspicu­
tile U. of O crew beat 0 . A. C.
ously In sight. When Job went from
football team 10 toO.
the house, soon a fte r dusk, a whit«
skirt and a blue Jacket appeared suc­ „ J. M. Ringo aud R. K. Ringo
cessively at the window.
Lester a id daughter of Lebanou came
dropped his fishing pole unceremonl O 'er and spent F rid iy with Mr».
oualy and scuttled foipvard to a fo r
Adda Ringo.
bidden lutervlew.
Harry Park and wife o, Browns­
They were standing close togethei
M . F rench a sons
la the shade of the vine-covered porch ville came over 8. t irdsy to take
wheu there came a th rill outcry of their daughter, Mrs. Lillian L'W’ P
denunciator} of McMinnville, home
Iroui the
threats aud exclamations of pain from train.
the direction of the woods.
Tuesday evening of last week
“T o u r fath er’s got the gobb!er?~ot
the gobbler's got him, or both," com Ihe tenth anniversary of the wed­
niented Lester, ss he stuck his head ding of W . T. Templeton end wife
a n d th e 29ih biilhdjiy of Mrs.
through the vines to listen.
"They're coming this way, slowly,' Raleigh Templeton were jointly HUB CLEANING WORKS ( in c )
said Anu M arla, a fte r some moments celebrated at the G. C Thompson
'Then • I t ’s your fath er who's got home at Brownsville.
him, a little," declared Lester, w ltt
Ex-Postmaster D S. M cW hliim «
conviction. “But It’s a fight.”
“H adn't you better be going now?' I is representing the New York Life
asked Ann M aria, at the end of anothei
live minutes, as she tried half-heart i its kind, as will be soon by hie a n ­
edly to disengage herself from hit nouncement in our advertising col-
' unin.
“No,” he decided, “It'll take anothei
Isaac W. Pouttu, heretofore
five minutes ’to get here, and there'»
a good chance of the gobbler's break
Ing away and It all having to be done Brownsville Times, uow appears in
over again. Then at the worst I can , its card »< editor.
push back Into the vines out of sight I
Fur M r. Dunlap’s campaign the
Tour father'll be too excited to hothei
County Law Kulorcuiuent
about me. Now you w ill cuaient, won't
from 1 to S years old. Big, fine ewes.
you?" dropping his voice coaxlngly league spent $260, sf whic i Dun-
•T v e spoken to the minister and all
and he'll be looking out for Us an} candidate speut 912 for advei Using
registered O r w ill let nut on shares 25
time 1 ran get you away. Won’t —" | and card*.
old ewes, or at $2. SO per bead.
There came a tremendous clattei
Lulu Flossie, a Jersey cow
right at the corner of the house. “Gob
owned by J. M. Dickson & Sous of
blu-gobhle-gob-gob-ble I” shrieked the
tu rk e y ; aud " I'll wring your blamed Shedd, msdethe world’s record by to freibeu this fall.
old neck soon's I get a good holt, set producing 698 82 pounds of but­
ler fat in 805 days.
'f I don't, you— yon imp o f feathers f"
We make a
Specialty of
Engagement and
Cor Fourth and Lyon sts.
E . C . M ille r ,
50 Blackface Ewes,
1 Shropshire Buck,
Come back I"
Crom the darkness o f the porch an­
other figure sprang out.
" I f that raging old gobbler tackles
Ann M erle he's liable to claw her eyes
out," be exclaimed anxlouaty, and dis­
appeared, loo, In (lie glifom.
Straight across lota, and leaa than
a fourth of a m ile away, was the
minister's home. Around It grew a p ­
ple trees. The gobbler went direct­
ly fo r these da led, weak from ever-
v x .x *—- —
Oat and Vetch or Clover Hay
and 1 car Cheat Hay
Frosh and Cured Meats
Tbs first Linn county brauob of
ih« Stnt* Teacher«' association wa<
io seAsoa
formed at Brownsville Thursday A ll kinds o(
Prof. Starr is president and Prof. Quarters o l
for caaolng
English of H tlsey v c -pre-ideat
purposes at canning priees
aud Mrs. Brown of Halsey ie on
the committee ou conetitntjon «nd
W . F .C A R T E R
by-law«. Next meeting Dec. 8,
(Continued on page 4)
. t J p . Patton
ha« laid tnains
’’necting hi« fine new home
*he city water work«,
with .
Jersey heifers
Mrs. G orge Starr and child, 1 Carload
who have been with the lady's '
mother at
Joseph for several
months, came hutpa Sunday with
health restored. Starr's mother,
Mrs, Philo Starr, who wee iu a
R. B. M A T B B R R Y ,
hospital at Corvallis and later al 477 West R ighili street, tugeue, Ore
a friend’s home there, ha« hgen
with him a week or io.
A d'dicatiou dxnee and program
will lie given iu the naw S«no high
»choni gymnaaiua Nov. 25 T i e
building u which the dame end
exercises are tn be given L 00 by
120 feel ai d has been built entire­
ly by Ihe students. The estimat­
ed value ie 98000. The dance
i hands, fllled the glgl'e
bioou hm.
<“ «> <•'»• will be given nbder the augpiree
of the Kuighle of Pythias end the
1 a fter
dadiqslion exercises are t>> he given
Dad ! she cried, ae she race.
him. "The horrid thing w ill k ill .
by Ih v'I O O. K of Scio.
and w ith dusk he would become stqpld
grand jury that meet. Nov. 28.
snarled the man. And then followed
a more determined flapping of wings,
threats and snarls of pain, accompan­
ied by a tugging and dragging sound,
"Crowd Into the vines, quick I" whis­
pered the girt. "He's right here."
The arm le ft her walat, and she
stepped out to the edge of the porch,
where a streak of moonlight touched
her and flickered off In front.
Another moment, and the stniggllag
Job and the gobbler broke Into the
flicker. The angry bird looked rough
end disheveled; the men's het was
gone, and trickles of blood showed on
face and hands where d aw s and beak
had been at work. O f the two, the
bird was the fresher.
" I’ll— wring— your— blamed,” gasped
’ Job, thickly, and then, "D ra t It
He's got a w ay!"
8 1 ’
rebbler flopped off Into the
»tumbled after, yelling a t
, n M a r ia , Xnn M aria I
he did so, “A,
Co“ e
umbering exhaust-
The sight of the I.
• 00 f , ee au(1
Looking W ith Ominous Eyes at* a Big
" Gobbler.
N. C . L O W
Ko„ „ d D
Mien Meadn's optical edrertiee-
meutready as though aha bad taken|
a buisceee partner.
Special prices for cash
~ - ........
. „ . I U . ....
Charles Starling and wife were
« « 1 .0 »
Biggest line of Mattresses and Springs in town
The executive board of the
Linn eounty farm bureau recom­
mends that the annual member­
ship fee be cut from $10 to $5.
Tha high school boya will play
basket ball in the city hall.
s e llin g
S ee o u r s to c k a n d p ric e s b e fo re y o u
iittle s
(Cootiuued from page I)
6-holc rances, finished in
porcelain and nickel. Not
sold elsewhere for less
than $40
G o ld S e a l C o n g o le u m R ug s, 9 x 1 2 , $15.50
B e st a ll-W o o l G o v e rn m e n t B la n k e ts , $ 2 9 5
J o ts a n d
Ilia ia a Caah Store
O u r p ric e s a re m a d e w ith
th e best m akes
• r.•’» i n a r m iv r <
Çpn M il for 2$$k ofl
fi oui ordinary pru-et .
The Old Stand Barber Shop
CuaaawTBKD Woaa
L avmdby
C a iA N I K B A ND P a S S S I N *
R lB E L IN , Prep.
. Drayman.
All work done promptly and
Phone No. 26W.9
’ X » Albany Herald says
’."r’r * * ,
r iver authorities are
, ’ hat Hood
’ Yice of that plane
; seeking Lola «
late of the con
OSce 1st door south of «cliool honsr
and D illard Priee,
Halsey. They
Halsey, Oregon
| fectionery afore in
„ an
in Real Estate.
say D illard was drivin„
H and let Town and Country Properly.
land ear and they did n.
-,n or
O ive bin* a oall and tee if be caa fix
whether I» la was with In
you up.
I not.
W. J. Ribelin
Now Is the tim e to have yonr car put in condition lor n ext season's use
By h iv in g the work don* at this tim e of year, when yonr car
you w ill not be annoyed by having to wait for it to be repaired nezt spring,
when the best weather is at hand for using the car. Come in 'a n d let us make
an estimate of the cost of repairing i t
Wi hare just receired a shipment of spotlights, windshield cleaners top
and curtain patching and many other nsefnl w inter qgeesaories.
We .re pleat«] to have vou inspect our lines of tires s n j acce. «ones at
any time, aad our priees are the^lowest it is possible to make
Halsey Garage ""iloi1
Mrs. R. W . Keaiell of H arris­
burg is eounty agent for the Red
Crows Christmas Seal Kale, which
S ta rt December 1st, and ends on
Christmas eve.
Amor A. Tussin g
The play “ Let'« All Oet Mar
rin d ," staged nt. Rialto hall
Tfiunklay night by the Tangent
high schoril, drew a good attend­
ance and was pronounced excel­
(Continued on fnge <>
w x s t iij . m ,
I. O. O. F.
W IL D E Y W D ' 01'' N 0 - M '
Rogular meeting .. W» HMurday
• night.