V / H alsey enterprise HALSBV. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOV. 23, |<»2J NO. 12 ! ! ¡CLOSING Halsey, Oregon ’ C A P IT A L AND S U R PLU S $35 ,0 00 Commercial and Savina» accounts Solicited OUT S A L E ! !! W A a t A a o o y o u to Ae t A a n k f u i f o r ? Our entire stock is being Closed out this Month We are moving J our headquarters J Salem r‘" December 31st e are thankful that we have tires of the right quality to sell, and you would be thankful for the service they would render on your car. Come in and let us fix you uu lor the winter. MORTON & DOTSON Phone 65, Albany !30x3| Fabric Tires $7.05 packed to the lim it «eery meeting. " tre a t culm. (4) Jesua rv b u k ^ the “ Cord Tires 9.96 I he evangelist is doing some won­ disciple» (v. 23). He did not rebuke them for waking H im . but fo r their derful work there. He is to be in (By Ralph Ltwrence) 32x4 Sound Cord 120.40 lawk o f faith. Hrowusvills next Sunday morning (By Anna Ptwmell) L ittle Russell Blain fell while “ Mason “ 19.40 2. Casting Out Demons ( w . 20-38). playing at achool Monday aftae- at the Presbyterian church. Lois Sp auger, daughter of H srry Demon possession was Io that day, and noon and broke his arm juat above The Parent-Teachers’ association All other sizes in proportion is today, an aw ful reality. (1 ) Je«u» spreoger and wife, bad her tonaila the wrist. D r. Garujobst ret the met Friday night at the high met by the demoniac (vv. 20-28) (2) and adenoids removed last week Mail in your orders Albany, Oregon fracture. i school building. Toe theme of Jesus’ question (v. 30). The purtose Tuesday. of tlUs question doubtless was to bring The .b o y . of B row n.vill. hav. Mr*. Agnes Clark” and Mrs i he real man to consciousness— to en­ organized . Boy S c u t c a m p W r'i^h»* i u able him to distinguish between the Dora D avit left Thursday for a with Rev. C. G. Morris a . scout ‘ ,7a ro e l'.X d n 1 *". Grow demon und himself. (8) T he demons’ week s vacation at Newport, p rM ld ,nl and tee- master and Dr Garniobat aa sco. t i ! request (vv. 31, 32). They s.ked p e r J * s8C0‘ » Ire t.ry abd M r. Starr was elected J.McCumber and wife speut tbe leader mission to enter into a herd of swine. vice-president. week end in Portland. It seems thut the demons have a dis­ The te c'lere of Brownsville, M r. Haakin give a lecture at like fo r ilisembodlment. T h e devil Tna ladies’ aid sewed for Mra. Htlsey and viciuity mat Wednea- the Methodist church Friday night cannot art without Divine permission. It. A. Jotting Thursday, day of last week in the auditorium (4) T he request granted (vv. 82, 33) of the high school and organized on ‘‘Oregon’s W ild Flowsra.’’ He Mra. Lyman Pannell wa» an Al­ Just a by this was done we do not the Calapooia branch of the Ore- produced ateroptioon views of 125 bany shopper Tuesday, know. Nines Jesus did It we must be­ gon School Teachers’ Association wild flowers which he had gathered lieve Hint It was wise. (3 ) T he effect Glenn H ill and family have M r. b tt r r waa elected president, himself here in Oregon, and aa Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally upon the people (vv. 84-87). (a ) The moved in back of tbe postoffice Mr. Haskin is a natural botanist keepers of the swine went and made M r . Rngliah vice-president, and and in Halsey Particularly with Mr. Conner for a short time. it known In the city and country, (b) Mias McKenaie secretary and treas­ he was able to |iv a an interesting talk on each slide aa be threw it The people made Investigation. They The trucks are through hauling urer. The next meeting is to bs on the screen. The display showed ^Tangent voted down a $4000 saw the man clothed and In h l^ right rock for the shoulder« on the high­ held here December 8. Brownsville voted down a »pedal mind, and heard the teatlmony of no little amount of c re and skill road levy. way and tha pavara expect to be Mrs. Wayne Starr chaperoned a in preparation, aa he aleo took the those who had seen what waa done through rolling thia week. The Shed I high school gt ea a ¡ road t»x of $25,000, 9 to 36. number of senior high school girls, pictures and did his own tinting (c) rtesoiight Jesus to depart from carnival tomorrow. James P. Sthroll, grandson of them (fl) Request of the map whom at the play “ L et’s All Gat M ar­ W Sprengst and wife, who “ Noithweat Newsies ” received Ì t' eerge tícl,ro11 ,n J wife, came He healed (vv. 38. 30). He desired to moved to North Bend a short time ried," at Halsey last Thursday Toe Brownsville high school » ¡down from Salem Saturday and be with Jesus. Tills was natural and ago, have returned. night. M r. ¡Starr took over the proposes to play “ The Arabian too lute. L e fto v e r right, but his responsibility waa to go T h . B u r ia to . S to J 3 5 ¡¿ “ senior boye. They report the play Night»” tonight and* tomorrow home and »how them what great tilings George Dannen ami wife have a as “ just splen lid. ” night, with Raymond Fox, Fran- received 1000 pounds ef milk the God had done for him. hew baby boy, born Friday woru- first day cia Morris, Ralph Green, Aids Daniel Wesley had his teacher, J. A- Deadmond, one of our iug. • local shoe repairing men, has Cochran, Aleiha Isom, Velina C. H Koon and wife of W»u- Mies Bray, aryl Keith and Gilbert Tbe Pacific nortLweit section of moved to Coquille, having found Claire, Leighton and Lloyd Hen. net», Neb., spent th» week end Hayes to dinner Tuesiay. Th» Ilomer Mornhinweg, who holds Hayes boys some time ago g t a tbs United States lead« all o tte r, a better location there for his shoe derson andGretia Harrison In the visiting Mrs. W. F , While. tha helm at the Shedd cream sta­ cast. .pheasant and Daniel hel|>ed to eat districts of tbs country in lb* shop. Peen pants and torendor skirts it. Hid party was a sort of return numfwr of vocatianally rsbnilt tion, knows a good thing when he see« it. In renewing lúa subscrip­ The people of B.ownsvilie are Th Chrietian church at Brown» have been voted down by the A!-1 eoropRinent. Apple pie ard other former srrvice people as compared much enthused over the divine villa is having two weeks of reviv btny high sch-ol, 107 to 100. ¡good thing» were uu the b illo t fare with tbs num ber. otwring training tion be write«: “ The weekly visits of tha Enterprise are always wel­ hialing done in Dr. Pierce's meet al meetinga. Road district 86, near Hhedd. * " dI1? ‘ Ui „ ,|° ok “ porlion to bis Only veteran» who rceived di»»h.|. come. ‘ Long may she ware I ’ •’ ings in Albauy. The armory is h a . authorized a a p e c i.l ta x of g.r , " dp"’ W m I' ^ itiee in war servicee wbioh pr»- vent them from resuming their pr • ♦850 by a majority of one vote. I (Continued on page 4) Some of tbe looms in the war vocations were awarded train N ________ ing. This diatilet, which includ a Brownsville woolen factory were I W e H ave Washington, Oregon end Idaho, I. given a trial run Friday. Actual Before my («ru in g power has ceased 1 vtllage. The true missionary goes to also one of tbe two leaders in the work it promised soon. EVERY THING should provide— everybody, for a ll nepd the gospel. United States iu exfeditioue ad­ O ptical 1. Ills Message (v. 1). H e preached judication of cow pause I Lou claim". the glad tidings of the kingdom of A family bread winner E Y E S T R A IN God. The gospel message la truly good Only 476 such claims out of a Is the Cause of Many An education & children tiding», for the great K ing Is offering total of 14,3i7 filed by veterans a H U M A N IL L S to rebellious sinners salvation through the district are pending action st An income tor old age I f your eyes give you trouble or Jesus Christ. tbe present time. This it three yonr glasses are annoying 2. H is Helpers (v. 1.) The twelve per cent pin« of the total number make appropriate C hrist­ S H E US. We can Relieve You apostles were w ith Him . T he mission­ W ith set hen one per ant of ite mas gifts, so plan to pre- Start policy ary should u tilize the help of others. Bancroft Optical Co. mail unatisv erad, the iioritiarrsi S. Supported by Saved Women (vv. district of the bureau last’« all M a t your friead w ith soma. Samples J l3 1st S t W. Albany. Phone a may ba Men at the U n te rp iiM office or 2, 3 ). Out of grateful hearts certain Halsey Christian Church others in the matter of prompt M ad lor price list sad M mple. women who had'experienced the sav­ ) orh K. S tam oish , H a l ssv , Oaa. ing power o f the gospel ministered answering of correspondence. Shedd Shots V ick B r o s. ' ' °° Jots andTittles A Sensible Xmas Gift s ketches and cenic Illustra- tio r s a New York Life t "’ith D. S. McWilliams Church Announcements * f ft ft --- Í E minded R Y soon frequ after ently: being fitted to a B O N T O N oae is apt to be miaded fre q u e n tly : " What has happened ’ You look to different an«l better. Your llhes are lovely »nJ you wear your dree»»« so well, You can tit w ith tha m o i : ease th»t yeu stand The B O N T O N is flexible, vet cling» comfortebly, Fashion pins qaality ! Thoughtful wo­ V V men tre »electing their B O N T O N S aosv. Opea Saturday evenings- H are yon yo e ra ) M. V. KOONTZ CO. unto Jesua of their substance. II. The Great Missionary Teaching (vv. 4-21). 1. The Parable o f (he Sower (vv. 4- 21.). (1 ) the tow er— Jesus (see M att. 13:27). (2 ) T he s e e d -th e Word of God (v. I t ) . (3) The kinds o f ground (vv. 5-8). (a ) Wayside (v. 3). Tills foot-trvd'len path pictures the herd hearted upoi. which no Impression can be made. Tbe preached word Snda no entrance, and Satan snatches It away s t birds pick up the grain from tbe hard-beaten path. In such cases faith ennnot spring up and result In salva • ion (v. 12). (b ) Stony grouad (v. 8) This Is not stones mixed with earth, but a thin layer of earth on a ledge of rock. 'D ie seed falling upon such Methodist: earth springs up quickly, but tbe plant soon dies when exposed to tbe sun Sunday School, 10. t This plcturee the hearer who receive* Preaching, 11. with Joy the message of the gospel, but Junior League, 8, when persecution and trials come be Intermediate League. 7:31. cause of following Christ he gives up Epworth League, 7:80. and deserts the cause (v. 15). (e) Preaching in the evening. Thornv ground (v. 7 ), Thia ground I* Prayer meeting, Thursday 8. good, but It has thorns growing tn It The seeds spring up, but the plant has Lev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, no room to develop. This rfeture* the Christians who bear no Christian fru it ! Fuadar Sc’-.oil Lxsson because o f being preoccupied with (B r R E V . p . B KITZ W A T E R . D . D ., “rare», riches and pleasures" of title T « a c i,.r o f E n glish R lb l. In th* Moody life (V. 14). (d ) Good ground (v. 8 ). ! Bible In stitu t» o f C h ic c o .) T ie seed here sprang up and bore fruit i r » » t n |b t . IS11, Western Newspaper Union to tbe fu ll measure. Thia pictures the honest heart which lecelvet the gospel LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 26 message and allows It to produce In Its life a full harvest of grain (v. 15). j T he application of this parable Is JESUS TH E GREAT MISSIONARY found In verses HPlg, 2. Kinship w ith Jeiais Christ (vv. 1» LEBRON T E X T -L u k e l: t- » . GOLDKN T B X T -T h e S.,n of Man la f 21>- Jesus teaches here that there It com e to seek end to M V. that which 1» a relationship to H im which la closer J o s l - L u t . IS;» than Ute tie o f blood. R EFER E N C E M A T E R IA L Matt 4 U. I I I . The Great Missionary Doing S:M-M PRIM ART TOPIC—Jeeue Firing« a L4t- Wonder» (vv. 22 30). tte Otrl Bark to I J f. 1. Calming the Ntorm (yv. 22-25) JUNIOR TOPIC Jeeue the Great Mla- I ) Jesua asleep (v 23). W hile m e , ( --------------- IN TERM EDIATE A N D SENIO R TOPIC ' disciples were sailing the ship the --J eeu e MesUns All Hiimaa Needs kfaster fell aaleen rvi T».- YOUNG P B O PU a AND ADULT TOPIC L ( 2 > T h e fright- -J » eu » th« Me*I MiMtonary. w disciple« (vv. 28 24). Aa their ------- «lil|Mi were filled w ith w ater the dla- The Great Missionary's Field ( w . riplea awoke Jesus w ith their cry of I. peril. (3) Jeaua rebuked tbe wind and Church of C hrist: 10, Bible school. 11, Lord’s Supper. Thauksgiv- ing nervier. * 6:80, Junior Endeavor. 6:30, Senior Endeavor. 7:80, Sermon, " The Seven Par­ ables of M att. 18.’’ The following questions will I t answered at 7:30: 1 have we any record of Lsza rus after he rose from the dead? 2 Explain 1 Cor. 13:34, 85, 3 Explain James 5:13-15. Leater Jones, pastor. throughout every d ty and j water (v. 24). AY Hl« word there w«w T hanksgiving W ill Soon Be Here OU W IL L W A N T everything to be fia t for this great feast of the yrsr. Your dishes are an in ijo rts a t item. Everyoue k a o w t how ware " ,l,Ch b* U* r ‘ h*0 * * U ,,e ,rhen M f v *d os attractive new dinner Y ........................................... $ ! A ll-w h ite dinner M t of 26 places 2 .9 5 Pretty floral designs, d ain ty and simple, make owe of our