M rs esinol D eao., d a u g h le r (Continued from page 3) M r# ¿ a z o rs um lue [oldm an's H air Tonic ’cedar Polish 'm ar Cigarettes RINGO Drugstore family cam The truth was that Linda had from their home at Oregon City guessed just rig h t “It's the easiest end stopped et the Stafford home way, Simon had sold. ‘•They'll be Saturday, returning home Monday. trying to get out In a very few days. Mrs. Van Winkle wee offered an U the man—shoot straight and to k ill! ! J ; p? * the horsv and bri«X appointment as county assessor to here behind the saddle.** succeed her husband, but declined b a ^ V ^ M tt>m « -rte d and recommended Lee D. Gid- i j back. She did not even give a sec- dings, deputy since a year ago las ' l ‘.K°U8ht ,o the f0,ly ot to April, and now is county asset break through. She watched the sen- tor. ' , tlnel over her shoulder and saw him Mrs. Nanay Loretta Gunsalus Metzger, mother of A. W. Metz ger, who recently l«ft the Blais Clothing company at Albany and bought and remodeled the 8elf Sar­ rica shoe store, died in that citv Sunday, aged 68. The elder Mr Metzger wae killed a couple of years ago io a railroad accideut. The reviral services at Albany, which are billed to continue till L»ec. 10, opened with 2000 peoDlt present. A good many from Hal- •ey are attendiug. turn about. *■ -5 50 p “ weaxsvax sp o n e v Q U i e O j S 2 T T h t »th* y dld not ° b' e" ' tba reason, that a puzzling, deep calm had Er?n ° ™ Kthe whole wilderness world. u a»r ? . e QUletest nl«ht there Is u Z u u llj a faint background of winds to that whi“ 1“ '11 ,realm“— troubled breaths »to Z J ? " the thK-kcte and rustle a ir eaves~ bnt tonight the hflavy air had no breath of life. “Tonight Bruce Folger is going to pay the price. Just as I s a il" H ’ »Poke rather boastlngly; perhaps more DuIwPr7 S? l^ fOllOWer’ than from '»■ felt ier»lDd‘‘ed’ ,b* paMlon ‘ hat he felt left no room for his ususl or- rogance. T i r e on sight. BIB „nd i will come from the rear, and we wUl * reody to push through the back door he minute you break through the front. The rest of you surround the house on three Sides. And re m e m b e ^ Jots and Tittles no man is to touch Linda.” nodded ‘ hen the flle ., . Adm ittance Here 5 Cent’ a Line “ 7 wire stretcher, N o v v tr . W . M o ilfH Iltw s G , HoVei H ? r id .y |W ' B a rn U m ' “ « f t U t , at 7 eV‘ r / T U t8d ay aud Hetty Compson Coming Betty Compson and Tom Moors ^ ^ P i - y e r s i n ’ Qwr th e Z -’ aer a new Paramount picture b°^t.l , « ini o p e ia tio n . •long the Canadian border which Z i ° r e tb«e the‘ t9r l° “- - Old papers, 5o a bundle. t ’ rprise office. cs?.?' T hur\ daT an earthqasl .nie" Starfed toward the ridge K “ 5 Pacific ocert,‘ " • 7 f h 7 h St8ntKtbey heard a aound ««ch of Æ “ had reached them often to summer »h_‘ hraw down much of th but was unfamiliar in fall. I , wag’ ¡ « a t d s ^ “ 1” 50 ' C h U a' aDd di the^faint rumble of distant thunder. ? n T l4 m g’ ,in ° ther P laC99- k 'll W .l1! P#OP' * ’ A s a « a * » ' ° n o * • • • • Bruce and Linda sat In the front ÎÜ ? of thea3 o ’ " 15' room of the Folgpr .M fe- 8. P. Brock’s home on walked slowly away from the workers, hirst street has been reuovated towerd the fringe of woods. repainted, papered, etc., and she ’ 1 IO° kS ° S We U ,U,ve »Jopt has moved into it, after spending S e n . “ fter aU’” Youn« Bi“ some months with her children in Simon turned with flushing free th e couotry. Mrs. Margate; D» you mean you let him get bast Otarnes is taking care of her watchful and unafraid, it was not that they did not realize their danger “ t high d,d damage along 70 Tnd t ° f' ‘|h* f O • th Ani8rida" coas •öd to islands in the Pacific. >ou—and missed him? Young B1U If * Ernest Crabtree, grandson ofth- you fre done that— " 5 8 ^ ? ° “ th’ 7 J Pacific own8 ova Wf*- P. J. Starr has so far re- Then Simon Hesitated and Looked ^ nU r •» man for whom Crabtree, in tbi hou".?"? you walt t,n rv e toId y°u to to?? ? / ’ • o C o o tr.c t. are abou covered that she has returned frem *hS. Q ll^ ,th Rodeoing Towilrd county, was named, and Wayn, was n i t PPT d7 n wasn:t Bruc«; “ to he let for 8000 new freight car. i s b . " d h“ be’ " the Gliding Buzzards. h a 7 .k„ o W .‘.mey l1 Come tonl«ht." Linda Djmroick were arrested in Port- ann .d * ° r some reuson I can’t land Monday and confessed a se­ dope out, she went up In the big burn them with some curtoGtty. They were had said. Tomorrow night there will be a moon, and though It won't irtv. The northwest international e ries of eight robberies. 'J bey stj back of me and saw me— when I was h L ffUl,°r * re ' once badly by an eleetrio current. In his ||fr ; he m|RS Dflve - “ *• be 8a,d’ “and Lebanon’s Reliable Funeral D IM is s Ruth Prurn Is still ill with »a« not that there had been any love a piece of sewing. ** 1' lornl pieces designed at the flu. Many others hereabout, lo»t between then,. But the trutS wua He would turn to go. but ahvnvs . at “You rector and Mortician k n o w -" Brnce said to her “nd brea‘ hlessness re- i J ih t ? * 6 “ re eipec,ln« an attack to-’ t » 7 r ^ Cl,. ; L ° Ch quip!" e“ t' iucludii Aibsn, an y tim e r i.on- l t 6 , have It. . 7 ..OU.K" 8ln,on never «ould have m s frJ y r7a.o£h?. i .» earUR a «i1tch’Omv n n.°dded' but dld“ -t «U s ressonsble. Lady attendant. h le f Simon needed It sorely now. w e F IX 'E M exchange of glances and certain slsnir U to ‘ her e X ’ iug of tho Christian church war at "» « »< .1.™ „ x S T R IN G S A N D A L L Mrs. George Maxwell's Tuesday. c/es. Bruce s gaze foil N. C. L O W E Presh Cut Flowers c . A. S T I M S O N The Shoe Doctor (New location) 116 W. 2d s t. Al- tony,,opp. Hamilton's Store. Murphy’s O. A. C. E gg Mash $2.60 per cwt. I eave it to the chickens. it's good They’ll uv store (To be continued.) Fifteen-yeer-old Kenneth Smith, eulltj the clan came riding-strange I don't see why not. m ventnn. who lived near Lebanon, started to say now he's off 0„ some good p le £ « i L h f T 8 » ’“ tba half-darkn“ £ ’ straight for Simon's house. lo go hunting Tuesday afternoon nJ»“ ? .? W'8e was 8a< W . too, and he with a 22 rifle and later was found “ ve^T ,rOnt ° f h,s door' And ‘n unconscious with a probably fatal P \ r t o X r ta made au bullet wound between the eyes hP'8 I t is thought the gnu wan dis­ d.'ad B ^ h a ^ t T : * “* simpfr’Ve"MoU .? d rI>aVei" he told * « » charged while he was climbing a be w : s X " d 0L O t But lf 1 ,h^ ___ ___ uinalJy have an i feooe. f f e 'w » . m y° U '" raady knpw It. «___ 'Ye ve decided tDere Isn't any use of artici»* « > ;d .ear d o ^ t i a . - ^ r t U ^ waiting any ao re We.fe > The operetta “ The Love Pirates like to ohU ln AnMt f r e 7 . ebOd’r ’r° " ld Simon spoke h)R io lg er house tonight" of H aw aii’ ’ will be presented at the same ennhawi« — e UD' . The men stood silent, breathing of passion ' ^ ¿ h e - ’ a“ Rialto bell Saturday evening, »ertones buyer and covert what i , x OTT Dec. 16, by the high school stu­ that he had slowly become a ™ e { now onlr trash into good dents under the auepicee of the »tlemioni’ h m ’ra'Jher6 w ? W’ fn" Ladies’ 8tudy club, unfamiliar ^ u X ’ fr ^Whsf’a worrying you now?” A problem of unemployment” »lid Senator Sorghum. “I htVe \ whole lot of money available for ruv campaign fund and 1 don’t dare us» F R ID A Y toward the forest, bevoud J gaze,UOv 2 s"PUl* " as ‘ o ™ o w th . “Well?" h W° U,d y,eld to It "e ll? he demanded. 'Tm not » .it ’ng to amuse myself.- “Ot taJk- I The younger man seemed to s t .« His eyes were half-closed . was a strange look f A»« you ..v to g £ r th . future or ” . ; i rom ance o f a dazzling heroine who bewitched the law. e A sensational two-star triumph -» ■ aoOtrw —- BETTiCOMFSOM m ’ UThV8? 8 ‘ *d’ " ^ d,OOn * S tarting at P p. m. sharp ! ¿ • v ? b . 2 T ^ d* a’ H i. a" . a" d too Ute re- ■■ " here Ssring» '— I ; ' — ° — — C .c . B R Y A N T attorney a t law Cuaio’« P,.nk Building. Albany, On..on. The F.rstSanng, Bank of Albany, Oregon CHAPTER X X V I A ls o " Roiinson Crusoe” and “ Felix at Sea.’’ W b“»tMM- Which One Are Y w “ “‘ I think—that ruavbe ■ to flnd nave," Toum; Bi„ r r r ,le/ ° ln* The twilight st Trail s long In duration, due to t h . ? la, n w r thdt the mountain» cut i f f m “ . " ' I'sht from th . h* flooi * of »he sun. but t« d g h? , bJ t £¡¡£2 ,W e 10 ° ’,n h,80W ” fan” .lik e . ,b" K"d“” r/sew Harold Albro. Mannfacturiog optician. ‘ Saver or Spender ? •‘? e s ^ T ,8! St™"0 fxclal“ ed. “You R ^ r n nr . n ^ , , D 8 'V’’r e d ’ ’’'* tIY * “ "**• ’ t Isnt much over a ™ii. from ro lg e r'. hom w -m woods. There's s.vmethfrg d « d t h ~ Simon. And I think wed l 7 t e r 1 ^ ’ Io sec what It Is." ” r k "You think—" Then e<_ .•ted snd looked ¿ 5 ^ ’ OVER'«*®0’”*'’ p S P*rt is visible to the wear $35,000 SU RPLU S a n d AN AVALANCHE o f THRILLS ■ tom A B E ’S P L A C E LASH R IA L T O i h e ' i ^ r l ' r T h n d rB 9 C ,‘ ° ’ Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing farmers L I F T IN IDLKNESS ’S ite >I i . s « nv , 0 ac . of Dave coming buck?" Modem Barber Sho Laundry sent Tuesdays frredWr°rk ?8Sket- 8nd "mnethtog g „ t tered from Its depth. Evidently Elm»« had regained her knife. 7 E mlra •U lW d I u m ’ h . O t c , rtrl '1» es beln» * f * d Into the magazine of a rifle and n V 88 0,6 bUCkllD« °< "PurZ «nd perhaps the rattle of a pistol in ~ .,b , B“ ” ' » '« « « 2 uTw “ A. C. Armstrong shipped a car­ n.cn,” Young B l i r u d X r . ’^ load of hay to Portland or near S t 1 “ w111 Prevent a W « H«ck. I suppose you still have hopes there thia week. - pIRE INStlRANrP «> — w JAY W. MOORE R* ' 1 M ‘“ * ' ' * * * aad * "»arance. Halse v. Oregon ........................................... .................................................. J W R lG B iT & P O O L l.’l CBNSBD FL’ N ER A L DIRECTO1 H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON Phooe 35 Phone , j Branches st Brownsville, Phone .J7C15. Halsey Phon. lift. Prank K irk M| Fresh Sal m or fo r sa le . f. o . b. O yste, vine, a t 6c « pound Send orders io W IL M E R KYLE, I" J .; PAID-FORJPARAGRAPHi yet hl.- voice carried frr. to their ^ ' X g was. she could tell by the movement ie made that he had discovered her She was almost four hundred yards away by ihen, and she lushed her horse Into a gallop. The man cried ind erf ‘ ° h" lt’ u 'i° Und that cume d‘m and strange through the bum. and then a bullet sent up a cloud of ashes a few feet to one sde. But the range was too far even for the Turners, and slie^only urged her horse to a faster j jo [to 12:35 and 4:45 to 6.00 p. In " ‘ Far distant though ke ------- i7. S U N D A Y M A IL HOURS The delivery window of tfc New York Life IN S U R A N C E She flew down the narrow trail turned Into the main trail, and gal­ loped wildly toward home. But the «entry did not follow her. He valued The Vick Brothers automobik He i ’. 7 ,0n’ , " fe tO° moch ‘hat »tore and shop at Albany, which He had no Intention of offering hint- (Contdnued from page 3) has been doing ench a heavy busi- i l * ", tar8Pt ,O Rruce s rifle as he At the Ash Swale school the oess, is about to be closed, Mr neared the bouse. He headed back to teacher and pupils co-operate in Vfck goes to Salens to manage the report to Simon. Young B lll- f o r such had been the providing a hot lunch with soud p aren t, house ol the firm. Stock at noon. K ii being sold at a reduction to save dentlty of the sentry-found his chief freighting it to Salem. Some tire In the large field not far distant from . f«U from a awing oarga.us are advertised in tbie where Bruce had been confine" Z at the Oak Plain schoolhouse last issue, mnn was supervising the harvest of the full growth of alfalfa. The two men week and broke an arm. Ira W. Sperry, a pioneer of this county and brother of C- Sperry ol Brownsville, died at his home in Ashland Motidav. A1 Savage brought Frank Por- «era red polled cattle home from the Portland show Monday. il l ia m s W RITES »hatter a lynx from a tree top. C. 0 . Dryden and "ndelible Pencils nk .ngrain’s Cold Cream ’atu re’s Remedy ail Filo erve Tonic M c W u . s V U. Dryden of Oregon City, and somewhat different H e would short him down as remorselessly as he would family. Winant, Oregon.