t i- (Á. H alsey VOL. X I enterprise HALSEV, LINN COUNTY, ORECOX, THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1922 N o rth w e s t no . N ew sies Mr». G. T. Kilcheo eatartaiued the »«wing circle Thursday after- noon. Mesdames Puoebe a o d Ellen Zimmerman, I »a Snodgrass, Minnie Layton, Chriatine Salmon, Euratta Muller, Ida Freerksen M aun* Workinger, Lehi Koch and J. C. Porter were present. Viait- ora o f the club were Mra. Mayma Pugh aod Mr». Lucia Albertson aud daughter Beuni. Thomas Zimmerman vieited th» Oak Plain »chool Friday afterujon. Work on John Oormaly'a houM to progressing rapidly. new J. 8. Nice wood drove to Roae. burg thia week and ie visiting hie brother, Grover Nieawood, at that place. Revival meeting» will begin Sun. day evening, Nov, 19, , t Lake Creek church. Everybody ie in- vited to attend. Brownsville Briefs CLOSING OUT .’ ! TIRES!! Shedd Shots (By Ralph Lawrence) (B y Anna Pennell) Mrs. Nell Turner’apent tbs weak The funeral of II. R. Satchwell •nd at her home in Vala. Mr wee held Friday at tbe M. E. Turner brought bar back in hia church. The attendance wae large motorcycle. and flower tributes were maoy. Miss Davis, ooa of the high Mra. L. E. Pennell has returned school teachers, spent the week home from a thrae-weeks visit with Eugene. While there aha friend» and relations in Barlow and U ie U *o f*o # bom#coa‘in< oi Salem. <30x3J Fabric Tires $7.05 , “ Cord Tires 9.95 32x4 Sound Cord $20.40 “ Mason “ 19.40 Halaey Gun Club n Mrs. Hsssie Howe, M n . Joel* Starr, Mrs. Clair and little Ada R»y. M. 8. Woodworth, John and pw rge Blain, Mrs. Goldie aod J- U. Andernon aud fa m ily .’all motored to Albany after church «ervicea Sunday morning, return, ing after church that night. They went to hear Evangelist Price. He is the one who did the divine healing at Ashland a short time back. Mrs. Lyman Coatee,"who ruus the telephone offiee, la planning on moving into tha bouee where Glen H ill lived, which they bought some time ago. Several of the local aportamen met and formed what ie W ill at Shedd Friday afternoon. knows aa the “ Halaey Gun club,” oonaieting of the foliowiog mem- Clifford Coon and Lawrence Among those apanding a rmie- b«ra: Lin Norton, president; E l­ Mail in your orders Albany, Oregon Laudswertb, who are attending tice day in Albany were J. W. don Crooe, secretary and treaiurer: O. A. C , spent the week end at Pugh and family, Hana Koch and Rad Pearl, W ill K irk , Charles home, wife, 'V. a . Muller and family, Morahinweg, Je»M Crova, Ed War- O. J. Albertson and family, Vern moih and Jim MoW iliiam i. Maud Me Douald ii handling the H'gbee and wife and eon, Henry They have leased what is known poetotHc* business for the time be- Bale» and Misses Evelyn Black and aa the McCormack M. V. KOONTZ CO. " ............. f } I * ALBAN OREGON