PAGE 4 », HA LSEY E N T E R P R IS E H A LSEY R A IL R O A D T IM E HAD MANY WORDS IN COMMON Tailet Articles F ace C ream s P o m p e ia n , D ay, N ig h t a n d M a ssa g e P o n d ’s C o ld a n d V a n ­ is h in g , in j a r s a n d tu b e s H in d s ’ H o n e y a n d A l­ m ond a n d c o ld c re am Armouds Cold and Vanishing in jars and lubes Ingram's Milkweed Cream Hndnnt's Marvelous Cold Cream Clawood Cream with 1’eroxide Dagett * Kamsdell's Cold Cream Stillman's Freckle Cream Mavis Vanishing Cream Cutex Cutex Cutex Cutex N O V .,» 1922 Paste Polish (pink) Cake Polish Cuticle Remover sets F irm e r« Deal Blow n Charles Childs*] long service as member of the wajs and means committee of the assembly, which baa piled on much of the unneces­ sary tax burden we carry, is ended. 6. H . Goin and A. K. McMahan were elected to the assembly. Childs' vote waa the lowest of the four. At Brownsville C. C. Snyder was elected mayor. Frank M cFar­ land recorder, K. D. Coshow treas­ urer, and L. B. Morse aod Dr. J. W. Shelton councilman from the first ward, A rthur Warren and W W. Robe from the second and Ber nie Hows aod W. C. Elmore from the third. (Continued from page High School Notes Santiseptic Lotion W riter Finds Evidence of Migration of European Branch of Aryan Race in Fact. There is a reaeon for believing that the European branch of the Aryan race had made their* way from treeless steppes and pasture lands into a country of forests; for we find that in this West-Aryan or European period, when the ancestor« of the Greeks, the Romans, the Celt« and Teutons were still closely con­ nected, a number of word« for tree« •nd birds make their first appear- a nee. Our words “beech,” “hazel/* “elm,” “swallow,” “throstle,” “star­ ling” and “finch” have been traced with more or less certainty to this period, and we also find a number of agricultufal terms are common to two or three of the West-Aryan peo­ ples—“corn” and “furrow,” “bean' and “meal,” an “ear” of corn, the verb to “mow,” and the old word for plowing, to “ear,” which is now ob­ solete save in certain English dia­ lects, although it ia used in the re­ vised version of the Bible. This in­ crease of agricultural terms is be­ lieved to be additional evidence of the migration, at this time, from a treeless to a wooded country; for nomadic peoples despise agriculture, and only the pressure of necessity will make them abandon for it their pastoral life.—L. P. Smith, in “The English Language.” * Furniture 1 Stoves * Ranges, etc. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I f 10 d o w n on the easy payment plan North South No. IS, 12:01 p. to. 24, 5.50 p. m. No, 23, 11:29 s. in. 17, 5.30 p. m. SUNDAY M AIL HOURS The delivery window of the Halsey postoffice is open Suudayg from 9:15 to 9:45 a. ru. and 12:20 to 12:35 and 4:*5 5.00 p. m. to PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS a n d $ 2 p e r w e ek b u y s $100 w o rth o f f u r n itu r e $15 d o w n a n d $3 p e r w eek b u y s • $150 w o rth o l f u r n i t u r e $20 d o w n a n d $4 p e r w eek b u y s $200 w o rth o f f u r n i t u r e We extend to-you dignified credit to help you furniih yonr home as it should be. Use it while paying for i t Admittance Here 5 C ents a Line Malemutes and Wolf in Filins j Four selected aialemute dog teams and a huge pack of Siberian wolf dogs were used by David M. Harford in his production for As­ sociated F ip t National of “ lb a Golden 8uare,” the James Olive! Curwood story, which will be The screen attraction at the Rialto theater o s Friday. (Mearle Straley, Reporter) An election was bsld Tuesday afternoon in the high school. The Dr. E. W. B arnum , dentist, at school seemed to be almost evenly Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and divided as to who should be gov Jots and iittles Friday. eruor. Pierce received 24 votes sud Olcott 27. The compulsory Old papers, 5o a bundle. En- (Continued from page 1, school hill carried by a large larprise office. The high school students and majority. Several dark horses ran fecuily ware elated today over the in on the city election. Mr. E n­ arrival of a large shipm ent of new glish defeated Bert Clark for jus The Strength of the Pines laboratory equipm»nt, which now tice of the peace. A new office puts our school up to the stand* was’ereated. John Standish and (Contdnued from page 3) ard. Kenneth Cross carried a majority seconds too lataT T o r a moment be The Rebekahs bad a get-together for city dog-catcher. raced behind them In Insane fury, bnt Halsey, Oregon •nly his savage growl leaped through meeting last night, and enjoyed The senior elans is deciding on a the darkness fast enough to catch up chicken sandwiches and other good I class play to be given tb it semes with them. Jpd the diatance slowly- things and a general good time. I ter. TWO KINDS OF DIPLOMATS widened. C A P I T A L A N D S U R P L U S $35,000 Grace Munger returned to echoo' E. S. Marstere ’ and wife were The K iller had been cheated again: Professional and Amateur, and T h a r, over from Brownsville Tuesday Monday alter a twc.woeks ab and by the same token Simon s o a th Commercial and Saving? accounts Solicited la a Vast Difference in Makeup •ence. had been proved untrue. For once the The schools were dismissed on and Standing. The English 2 cl ass has taken up remorseless strength of which he boast­ both afternoons when candidates ed had been worsted by a greater for governor were in Halsey. Re the study of ‘ The Merchant of Diplomats are of two kinds—pro­ X strength; and love, not hate, was the publicans are in the m ajority in Venice” aod English 3 ‘‘Mac­ fessional and amateur. power that gave It. For once a girl's beth.” this town, but Pierce had a fuller Nearly everybody has it in him to courage— a courage greater than that house than Olcott. From Brownsville : with which he obeyed the dictates of be an amateur diplomat, but it takes his cruel w ill—had cost him his vic­ Dr. . Shelton pieced his radii an exceptional man to be a profes­ Saturday is armistice day. It Are you saving for the future or spending all ns you go? tory. The war that he and his out­ is an open question who was the outfit in the basement of the Meth sional diplomat and get away with law bond had begun ao long ago had winner. Turkey seems to have »dial church and received the elec, it, says a writer in Life. not yet been won. lion returns by wireless, for tue gained the most. The saver w ill soon be able to own his own farm or business. His One of the first requisite« of Indeed, If Simon could have seen benefit of the public. The relume success iS assured ' Tbe Lina county club stock what the moon saw as It peered out professional diplomat is to be able were also received at the theater The spender has a good time early in life, spending all and too late re­ judging team, composed of three from behind the clouds, he would have to say, “The incident is closed,” in alizes the truth of the saying: “ The secret of success is saving." known that one of the debts of blood Cornutts, won seenud at the In- o a full bouse. » convincing way. This is some­ Incurred so many years ago had even nernational Livestock fair a t Port­ thing utterly beyond the powers of now been paid. Far away on a dis­ land. LOST—AN the amateur diplomat. Save a tittle each w jnk «tad prapara for the future. tant hillside there was one who gave L. Evers and wife were at the no heed to the fast hoof beats of tbe The amateur diplomat never county seat the past few days’ The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon speeding horse. It waa Dave Turner, 1 reams of saying an incident is ii . • •• ci . I Answer» to Hi« name of “ Jim ." Black and his trail of lust aDd wickedness Mrs. Bert Mmcklsy got a severs J ind t, n ,leail gnil one ,„i0 „f heai closed until it is closed, and then it Where Savings are safe ' was ended at last. He lay with lifted bu n on her k it arm a tew days black ov»r eye, other side w hi^, black is hardly necessary. The amateur face, and there were curious dark pot at root of tail, rest of body evenly ■go. but it is healing. stains on the plue needles. icked. A liberal reward will be paid Has to be content to say, “The inci­ And the pines, those tall, dark sen­ The Christian church L«die»’ or information leading to his rocovery dent is less wide open than it wae tinels of the wilderness, seemed to D e s k M o r r is , Scio, Ore. Aid society took in about 180 at yesterday,” or “The incident ia look down upon him In passionless con­ the food sale election day, beside ijar.” templation. aa I f they wondered at the FOR SALE reterviug a feed for the election Fortunately, we are not compelled stumbling ways of meu. Their branches For a safe and sane pol­ nllioers. ice see rubbed together and made words as ready to wean. S5 each to believe the amateur diplomat even the wind swept through them, but no W J. Carey went home with also, •.vheu he tells the truth. and insurance, Hslaev. Oregon Real estate, 1 man may say what those words were. bi« daughter l'earl to Eugene yes- $1 per hundred lbs t rdav. After a few days there he W H IT E FOLKS* BUMMER TAN (To be continued.) proposes going to Rossburg to Phone 26, A. H. Q u im b v , R. 2. Halsey vi«it unotber daughter. With the wane of the summer sea- J. H. McMahan got a fine Du- wn most persons are able to exhibit The Scio Sphinx comes out again might all have been as poor as 1 am, LOCKED IN HIS CATHEDRÀL cc-Jarwy boar from O. A. C- last N. C. L O W E tome sort of tan acquired either un- tine season, as sprightly as - last had they spent their early energy aa week. Lebanon*« Reliable Funeral Di tinsciotnly or by patient effort dur­ year. American Resourcefulness Saved Eng. I did in ringing a belle.” rector and Mortician ing the sunhy days. I t is the unmis­ llsh Dean Night ef Probably Un­ Raleigh Templeton has hi’ And peace was made. stock; fine equipment, including takable badge of the returning vaca­ comfortable Meditation. Cheviot sheep at the Pacific Inter Large iwo good auto hearses. Prices nios tioner. To have spent a two weeks’ naiioual Stock show a t P ortland reasonable. Lady atteudant. HORSE SENSE The dean of Worcester, Dr. Moore period in the country or at the sea- this week. Ede, was locked in the cathedral aft­ ,hore without obtaining a bronze ^ o m « to H A L L 'S er a Sunday evensong and narrowly complexion is to admit the failure FLORAL and M USIC SH O P if the outing, according to the gen- escaped having to stay there all Albany, and see the new night. *ral standard of estimating success 3 U S H & L A N E P L A Y E R PlANC n this line. After the departure of the congre­ Also other models of the same make. gation he discussed the cathedral’s Acquisition of a tanned slrin or- Late rolls on hand. Phone 166} beauties with a Massachusetts archi­ liiisrilv has been considered a November 13 to 1«. N . T . Sneed ‘white man’s burden,” remarks a tect, and believing he had in his Yew Ycrk Sun writer. But a Har- pocket, as usual, a master key to al W h e n y o u p ic k u p a LOST the exits, he told the bedesmen they b o o k a n d h o ld it to o fa r em “mammy” whose small grand- In Halsey, near the Browusvile road, might leave. on recently returned from a Staten from you it is a sign you need reading sland tamp thinks otherwise. Dis- When he had finished his tour the (lasses. Ain ays ask for Kryptoks. Laundry sent Tuesdays Hunting rate) 17 jewel. •ussing the summer adventures of dean found himself locked in with­ the reading part is visible to tbe wearer Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing $5 Reward out a key. ihe pickaninny she was overheard mly. Leave at the Enterprise office g) the subway to say: He and his companion were not A B E 'S P L A C E “An* that chile, I didn’t know Horse Thief—What’s the matter, able to ring a bell to give the alarm, him lie was sunburned so black.” stranger ? but the architect, with American re Tourist—Broken axle. sourcefulncss, unbolted the converg­ R IA L T O T H E A T E R . F R ID A Y PAGE TH E CUT OUT Horse Thief—Hard luck—shall I ing oak doors of the north porch and swayed them outward until the lock A news item has just traveled the cheot the bloomin’ thing? A L B A N Y QAC&. catch yielded. rounds to, the effect that a motorist F L IE S DON’T TOUCH T H E M Then the American climbed the with an especially quiet motor went Harold Albro. 15-foot external lfon gates, spiked to sleep at the wheel and woke up in Mfinafacturinx optician. Descendant« of the sacred cattle «omebody’s kitchen, universal joints, of India were pastured in Geary on top, find hurried to the precen­ ■igar lighter and all. th e gentle-’ county, Kansas,’ last summer. tor’s house to fetch a key to liberate C .C . B R Y A N T man’s physician will doubtless pre- -Some years ago experiment« wera the dean.—London Chronicle. •cribe a car with a noisier motor. tried in southern Texas and ' ATTORNEY AT LAW EA SILY A VO ID ED What a strange world this is! We Mexico by crossing the sacred Cuaick Bank Building, no sooner get the power plant rtm- cow« of India with native Amer- j “Where’s Torn Cat who used to be Albany, Oregon. ning like a clock than silane« pre­ ican cattle, the oriental variety around here ?” asked Bill B at sents’ a new hazard. For motorists being remarkably free from disease I *1 hear he’s visiting relatives in who don't suffer with al. and not so susceptible to insect pests . another part of town,” said Sam W R I G H T & P O O L E l«nce is sometimes crimson.* «« the native variety. The result ia Mouse. “But there are a few trape LICBNSBD F U N ER A L DIRECTO RS HA RRISBURG LEBANON a somewhat peculiar anim at light ‘ scattered around and I ran acmes a t h e last word A FIRST NATIONAL Phone 35 Phone 15 saucer fall of poison laat night.” cream in color, with a small lump of attraction Branches at They were having a family tilt fat on the paint of the shoulder “We should worry about trape and ■rowasville, Phone 3 7 0 5 . I I » Curwood sue in setion, roiu n e sod mystery. started bv her request for monev. blades. The cattle were ___ _____~ sent to poison They don’t sneak up on a After his refusal on the ground that Junction City to be fed before being k ilo * ’’—Birmingham Age- Herald. Halsey Phone 166, Prank Kirk, Mgr ho did not have it, she reminded ! sold on the' Kansas City market —, . ww r e ------------------------- him of all the men she could bare | Caretaker. say they are pr.chc.Uy ■ am ed. all of whom had beectn* .nunune from flies and insects and articles ao longer "needed, or succeeded i that no sign of disease haa appeared by better ones, which scaebody would *or pale, f. o. b. O y s te r - It's tbe Curwood tfory that set von ih ting w h-n‘>on read it —that vivid «,'• rich while he had remained poor. u w n i r n i in » the Yee, tnv dear. ’ he answered, among them.—»Naw Orleans Tunaa- like to obtain. An advertisement venture of the Royal Northwest M o t o * < a o tracked a ras lim n loth« Avete, '«7.1 size of this, costing 2.9c. might mi find s villo. a t 6c a p o u n d you m o t agree with me thev Picavunc. then couldn't take him because ol a go.ueo-haired girl and a kiddy. buyer and covert what is Send orders to W IL M E R K YLE. RINGO Drugstore Albany Furniture Exchange 415-421 West First Street, Albany, Oregon HALSEY STATE BANK , Are You Looking Ahead? Saver or Spender ? Which One Are You ? English Setter Dog Pigs Spuds FIRE insurance ? JAY W. MOORE E at More Honey Honey Week Elgin Gold Watch A Modern • Barber Shop fc& fileadt Q ptem elrist James Oliver Curwood prtMQtt “ THE GOLDEN SNARE ” FARMERS sow oalv trash into good Fresh Salmon CASH Winant. Oregon.