F U R N IT U R E for the home F L O O R C O V E R IN G Congoleum and Lino­ leum in rugs or by STO VES and the yard RANGES Our prices are made with the best makes the object of selling goods See our stock and prices before you buy I slowness and deliberation. He was no longer afraid. It was just as It had been before—a «arm figure lying still , and helpless for his own terrible pleas- ( ore. A few more steps and he would ¡be near enough to see plainly; then (Continurd from page I) —after the grizzly habit—to fling into We have lota of good i ,,le l'h«rge. He paused, his muscles Up 10 Ssptember 15, 1922. in setting. And then the meadows sud- Linn count/ there were registered . deuly rung with the undulations of 20 motor vehicle dealers 298 his snarl. chauffeurs, 689 motor vehicle oper- oa hand sad are getting taoreeverv day Almost unconscious. Bruce did not aturs, 9*1 mo'nrryclee, 8951 pM . understand what had caused hla utter­ ance/ But strangely, the bear had lift- •enger cars, 8 aiubulaucet aud ed his head and was staring straight hearses, H busses and stages, 81 ; over him. For the first time Bruce commercial cars of less than one i heard the wild beat of hoofs on the ton capacity. 266 trucks of from turf behind him. one to live tous capacity and 11 Uaed ranges $30 to $40, Very good conditoa. All n£bargaiu prices. ! He didn't have time to turn and trailers of from one to five tout 423 West First at., Albany, Oregon. look. There was do opportunity even capacity, or a total of 4823 licensed I for n flood of renewed hope. Events passenger and commercial motor I followed upon one unother with star- Vehicle«. l tltng rapidity. The sharp, unmlstak- The big Shedd-Davis stcre at ' able crack of a pistol leaped through the dusk, and a bullet sung over his Shedd has a new roof. b0k. Both patients are reported bonds. turned off Into the tilled lands. She turn of the trail she saw both figures had only blown stralghter and thus mending nicely. In vivid profile. Elmira was coming rode opposite him and reined In the The horse, plunging, seemed to Jerk permitted him to identify the troubling homeward, bent over her cane, and horse to watch. her body hack and forth, and endless Mis« Minnie Harlow of Rug»n from 1 to 3 years old. Big, fine ewes. smells. All at once a memory flashed When the, distance hnd almost ob­ seconds seemed to go by before the she ted a saddled horse by Its bridle -'»me Wednesday to lie the goe<-t over him— of a scene In a distant glen, rein. scured him. she saw him stop. He last o f the thongs was severed. In and similar tall figures that tried to •f her courin, Mrs. J W . Moore, Still keeping Simon in sight, Linda waited a long time, then turned hock. reality the whole rescue was unbeliev­ drive him from his food. He had Saturday the Moores accompanied registered Or will let out on shares 25 The moon went in and out. of the ably swift. The man helped her all ran swiftly toward her. She didn’t charged then, struck once, and one old ewes, or at $130 per head understand the deep awe that stole clouds. Then, trusting to the distance he could. "Up— up Into the saddle," □er to Eugene for the weeu end. of the forms had lain very still. He to conceal her, Linda rode slowly out she commanded. The grizzly growled Prof. English and family spent remembered the pungent, maddening over her—an emotion that even her Into the clearUig. again, advancing remorselessly toward die week end in Eugene. fear for Bruce could not transcend. odor that had reached him after his to freshen thia fall. Simon re-entered the timber, hla In­ | them, and twice more she fired. Two blow had gone home? Most clearly of There wak a quality In Elmira’s face Mre. Mary Weat was the all, he remembered how his claws liad and posture that she had never seen spection seemingly done, and Linda of the bullets went home In hts great ue-t I W A N T TO HUY before. It was as If she were walking still rode In the general direction be body, but their weight nnd shocking struck and sunk. »I her daughter. Mrs. Effie [»». In her sleep, she came with such a had gone. A curious sense of im­ power were too »light to affect him. •rland, over the week end. 1 Carload He knew this strange shadow now. It was Just another of that tall breed strange heaviness and languor, her pending events came over her us she He went down once more on all fours, headed on toward the distant wall of preparing to charge. A lb erto Kuonte and Nora Pshrs- he had learned to bate, and It was sim­ cane creeping through the pine needles forest beyond. of the trail In front. She did not Bruce, In spite of the fact that his «on came home from W illamette ply lying prone as hla foe had done Then, the clouds slowly dimming un­ limbs had been nearly paralyzed by for the week cud. after the charge beside Little rivet*. In seem to be aware of Linda’s approach der the moon, the light grew with al the tight bonds, managed to grasp the fact, the stlll-lylng form recalled the until the girl was only ten feet dis­ Krcell Saeed came homo for (he 477 West BlgbthRatre»It,AETng™e.Ro ie most Imperceptible encroachments. A t saddlehorn. In the strength of new­ other occasion with particular vivid­ tant. Then she looked up, and Linda first It was only bright enough to born hope be pulled himself half up week aud, saw the moonlight on her face. ness. The excitement that he bad felt She suw something else too, but she show* her own dim shadow on the on It, and he felt Linda's stroug arms before returned to him now; he re­ Mise Marjory Loot spent (be didn’t know what It was. Her own grass The utter gloom that was over behind him pushing up. The horse membered hts disappointment when week eod at the O. F. Neal home the fields lessened and drew away- like plunged In deadly fear; and the Killer the whistling bullets from the hillside eye.i widened. The thin lips were receding curtains; her vision reached leaped toward them. Once more the She ia attending the U. of (J above had drive» him from his dead. drooping, the eyes looked as If she ever farther, the shadows grew more pistol cracked. Then the horse broke A petition hae been filed asking All kinds of F I S H la seeaoa But there were no whistling ballets were asleep. The face was a strange clearly outlined end distinct. _ Tlien and ran In a frenzy of terror. net of wrinkles In the soft light. Ter­ that the widow be appointed ad- now. Except for them, there would the moon rolled forth Into a Wholly Quarter, of B E E F for c . l . g Bruce was full In the saddle by then have been further rapture beside that rible emotions had but recently died miuietretor of the estate of the open patch at iky«—a white sphere and even at the first leap his arm ind left their ashes upon It. But Linda purposes at canning prices etreara; but be might have It now. ' • ‘• J . W. Hulte end Mo«e King, .new the, this was no time to stop with a sprinkling of vivid stars around swept out to the girl on the ground W illiam Morfit and J. 0 . Kettle The old hunting madness came baek It—and the silver radiance poured w . F .C A R T E R beside him. He swung her toward and wonder and ask questlona to him. It was fair game, this that down. him, and at the same time her hands well appraiaera. Olve me the horse," she command­ lay so still In the grass. Just as the It was like the breaking of dawn caught at the arching back of the W . P. W ahl and fam ily were body of the calf had been and Just ed. “I’m going to help Bruce.” The fields stretched to Incredible dis "Ton can have It,” Elmirs answered at the o u n ty eeat Saturday. as the warm body of Hodson In the tancea about her. The forest beyond distant glen. In an unfamiliar voice. “I t ’s the horse emerged In distinct outline; she could J- H. McMahan and wife at. GCABAKTggO WOBK The wound at hla side gave him • that—that Dave Turner rode here— Ur,' n" * • » ’» •cceMori.s at any time, aud onr prizes are thejlowea, it la possible to make. Halsey Garage f0™ V More taxes are 'lelinquent in this county than ever before. night.___________ ADMiMiiTBATua's S al a D. S. McW illiams wee at the Notice la herebv glv»n th»t by virtne of an order of the county court of Linn county seat Saturdar. county, <>regon, mail» October Uth, 1322. authorizing «nd directing the nn- dersigned aa adininlatratoe of the estate of W. H. Kirkpatrick, deceased, to tell lota 5, A, 7 and * in E. Hayes addition to Volunteeis ere rocking the road Haliey, Linn county, Oregon Therefore, I will, from and after the oetween ffbedd and Fayetteville, 20tb dey of Noeember 1922, at nty re«t- I he Methudiet and Presbyterian ■lence in Hslaey, Oregon, sell the real property above deaerthed at private aale •omen of Shedd have a onion to the highest bidder for cash in band roiesionarv society. entopet to coufirmnUoa by said couiU F. M. U bav . Administrator. (Continued oa page 4) I - L- 9 w a h , Atty. for Admr. Tbe first iuvenile industrial olub thia veer is a sewing club »t Franklin Butte.