ÍÁ 'Jß -G t, HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL X I HALSBY, U N S COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOV. 9. 1022 NO. 10 W A. Kingo Dead Brownsville Briefs Northwest Newsies FARMERS DEAL BLOW Friday afternoon W. A Ring-.,) feeling ill, went home after 2 (By Ralph Lawrenoe) better kaowa as the '* phonograph with a soul " is the ideal music ma­ A cousin of Mr. W . A. Muller, Try a Change in Oregon o’clock to go to bed, Mre. Ringo chine for the home. Playa aay make of records with the stmt dearness Little Lester and M arjory Stew­ accompanied by two other young Politics jamainang to care for the drug­ aad sweetness of tone. Ask us for prices. Something new is the men from Canada, spent a day or store. Returning home at 0 she art of Vale spent Thursday and to be used on any standard talking ma­ two last week with the Muller Pieroe is elected governor. In found M r. Ringo lying unconscious Friday with their sisters, Mrs. Nell ' Turner and Miss Gladys Stewart, chine with 10-inch records. Is made family. They were eq route to CU Albsnv the vote was almost 8 to 1 at the foot of the stairs that led np 'third and fourth and fifth grade of steel heated to glass hardness. W ill repeat same record indefinitely. iforuia. in his favor aud against Olcott. to the bedroom. He was brusied on Y the When in Alhany let ns demonstrate this Repeater. about the bead and body, having ' teachers Q" T T 'h u“ ? W. A. M uller was a business The compulsory education bill . - ii downstairs? 6 , 1 urner and Misa Stewart took the evidently had j - a f fall caller st the county seat last Thurs­ carried by a large majority. He had received severe injuries children borne Friday evening and day. The republicans rstsin control HOUSE FURNISHERS. UNDERTAKERS. on the head and one hip, and two spent the week end there. A. F. and O. J. Albertson re­ of the lower house of congress, but ribs were broken. • * Phone 95, Albany, Oregon Dave Callaway entertained bis' lieved the sad news that an aunt at by a reduced majority. Dr. Marks was called in but, as grade at his borne ballowseiijnight. Newberg passed sway Saturday President Hsrding'e district Ringo did not regain conscious­ A ll the grade were present and morning, elected a democrat to congress. ness, he was taken to an Albanv h»d an enjoyable lime. They had Garrett Mesman and wife of A l­ hospital next day, bis wife aud rather a strenuous time having Moore got three more votes liiat enjoyable time, as the sixth | bany spent Saturday with M a, a brother accompanying him. it) Brownsvills than Dunlap. Metmau’a siatar, Mra. W . A. Mul- He died soon after reaching the »nd eighth grades and some of the Thad Starling was elected mayor -------------------------- liar, who has been quite ill but were J"‘ determined to ‘------ break hospital, having shown no sign of fieehies ' — u;---------- ------!— J ** nf Lebanon. up the party. However, thia Short Stories of Happening* in Linn County Generally '* ,uu°h b#lter at lh" wntlQ¿' intelligence since the accident. The coronor did not deem an in­ failed- After an evening spent in In Illinois, Wisconsin, New York ■ in u o lcnv Addison Fox and wife visited at quest necessary. The funeral was games. Mrs. Callaway served cake, and Hl Htli.-t, Partícula I. the Muller home Sunday, return­ and California wets were sleeted in Salem Sunday afternoon, con­ lemonade and apples. The child, ing to the county capital Monday to congress, but that does not ducted by Rev. M r. M illiken, pas­ ren left thanking Dave and hop­ make cougress wet. Mrs. Catharine Hamilton o f sider their health completely re- ' morning. tor of the Baptist church there, of ing he’ll do it again. Oakville died Monday night, aged stored. M e a n t im e ^ , kelp o r e j» | W illiam Zellmer spent M nday Tbs democrats gaiued ten mem. which the deceased was a member. left at D. D. Riboiin’s barber Logan Callaway moved liis »5. bars iu tne Oregon assembly aud " at the county seat. Friends in Halsey sent some beauti­ household goods to the farm owued two iu tbs house. S. P. Brock and wife have re­ shop for distribution. fu l flowers. Interment was at by Burl Callaway, recently vaeat- 0 . J. Albertsoryhelped his broth, ceived word that their ion Henry, Mrs. M. M . Ward of Browns- In New York the democratic Gervais. ed by Ned Callaway. The C all­ who was employed in electric light villa, grandmother of our post- j er A rthur butcher a beef Monday. candidate for governor defeated M r. Kingo was a genial man away property here in town ia for ¡plant construction, is in a Eu­ Benna Albertson must be think­ master and mother-in-law of the' to transact buainees With, agreeable rent. ing some of starting to school. the republican incumbent. gene hospital. only democratic candidate fori socially and strictly reliable in She visited Harmony ehonl Mon­ Ohio voted down an act favor­ Mrs. Dykstra has been in east­ sheriff, was here Friday. The Prof. Starr orchestra is business matters. day afternoon and Oak Plain a hool ing light wines and beer, but M r. Ringo leaves bis widow, progressing so nioely they appear ern Oregon, where her husband H. R. Satobwell, the new post- ' Tuesday. H arding’s state gives a much re- Lis aged mother, two brothers and and play in public. They already was ill, Mies Bessie expected to master at Bhedd. dropped dead ot T Zellmer Wa, abi, ol ffom duced republican vote. meet her in Portlaod today on her a sister. He was born at Gervais furnished the music for the eve­ heart disease yesterday morniog. Khool Tum4 o„ f ,, k> 46 years ago. The Ringos had ning when Governor Olcott spoke return. The democrats have made great He was 57 years old and leaves a : ntM ' at the show hull last Tuesday W . J. Ribelin and A. Wesley widow and seveu children. been married ten years. gains in Massachusetts but it ia ‘ returned to Brooten Springs yester­ Mrs. Ringo wiil continue to con­ night. Did you vote Tuesday? I f you believed Lodge w ill squseis back ^Continued on pare 3) day to remain until they con­ ¡didn’t don’t kick about who is into the federal senate. duct the drugstore for the present. Mrs. Dr, W altz entertained her elected. James Rector, a registered pharm­ Sunday school class at her home A heavy stream ot mud and acist, will attend to the prescrip­ Wednesday night. Musi; and games 1 Mrs. G. T . Kitchen entertained falsehood was sent against Sam us Christ. " ’ “---------- ■>— tion department. were played and at a late h o u r, 8. Weeping Recsuse of His Lack (v. \ the sewing circle Thursday after­ Garland in tba asnatorsbip, as refreshments were served. During against Pieros in that fer governor, 21). This Is the godly sorrow which noon. Licenses for 'motor vehicles for the serving the lights went out. worketh repentance (H Cor. 7:10). F. 0 . Salmon and family »pant and In each oase it proved a boom­ 1923 should b* applied for early. Nevertheless, all left declaring Those who thus sorrow are assured Sunday afternoon at the Collin» erang, fur both man ware elected. that they shall laugh. Should an applieation ba filed in Mrs. W alts an admirable boatees. home. The democrats gained nine gov­ 4. Treatment Which the Subjects the last week of the year the license The W . C. T . U. held a meet­ of the Kingdom May Expect (vv. 22, Mr». Anna Safl»jr and two ernorships. may be delayed by the rush in the ing in the Christian church Sun­ 23). When the subjects of the King­ children »pent several day» visit* secretary of state’s office and it wilL day night; inviting the several W . J. Dunlap waa eleoted sheriff dom become like the King they Jactte ing,relatives in Albany this week. be a violation of law to run a ve­ churches o f t h e town. They by a big tpajority. the hatred, contempt and persecution hicle without the 1923 license after showed what they had been doing of the world. Those who pass through Fred Fish ot Eugene is the new Jan. 1 next, no matter wh*t the during the past year in order to this for Christ's sske should rejoice, J. 8. Van Wiukln. county alieno r, senator from the joint district of cause. for there Is great reward laid up for destroy the illicit liquor traffic. died of heart disease yesterday Lion and Lana oounliee. Halsey Christian Church theta. ---------- Z -----T T 'Coming as it did before election, afternoon at his home in Alhany. II. The Governing Principles ef the Mi*9 Ruth Ffnm is entering it gave the pat’ ons a chance to Halsey elected Bert 8. C lark Ho wa» well known in H alsey. Kingdom (vv. 27-38). from the flu. Church Announcements mayor, R. F, Croas rcoordar, think before they voted. The J. Love Your Enemies (v. 27). To having been born near this oily 66 Douglas Taylor treasurer, J. W . church was well filled, and the Christian: love friends is easy, but to love en­ vears ago. i in' Rector marshal and O. W. Prum, program was enjoyed. emies Is only possible to those who 10, Bible school. Word came Friday to Bert G. W . Mornhioweg aud H enry * 1 1 , Lord's Supper. Sermon on have been made partakers of the dl- The football boyt won the game W e H ave vliflj nature. Minckley, who lives about flv» Zimmerman councilman. sgainst Harrisburg Friday after­ book of First Peter. 2. Do Good to Those Who Hate EVERY THING miles west of town, that his broth, 6:80, Christian Eodeavor, L»na noon by a score of 48 to 0. A Poindexter waa hasten for sen­ You (v. 27). Love acts according to er, who is taking medioal treat­ O ptical number of the boys were “ knocked B«ss leader, Its own nature. Enmity only stimu­ ment in Portland, was critically ator from Washington by • m itt 7:80, Sermou on “ Divine H eal­ lates love to act In harmony with Its o u h * Charley Rolmrlaon suffered named D ill acd the Albany Her­ E Y E S T R A IN ilt. Mr Minckley mads a t r ip to a misplaced bone in his elbow ing.’’ own laws. ald thinks he may ¡have been Is the Cause of Many the Or.'gnn metropolis but, as his The following questions will be joint However, Charley laid he 3. Bless T ir o l That Curse You (v. pickled by D ill. H U M A N ILL S though maybe he oould play F r i­ answered at the morning service : 2S). Injury ny words Is hard to let wife was alone and there was no­ H your eyes give you trouble oi body to care for bis stock, he was H iram Johnson is t«-sleeted ia day, when the local team goes to “ Where did baptism originate?’’ go unchallenged. your glasses are annoying California. 4. Pray for Them Which Desplta- obliged to hasten home again. “ W hat are the ordinances men Eugene. SEE US. W’e can Relieve You tioned in Col. 2:14? ” “ W hat is fully Use You (v. 28). Christ's own Clarence Evans came to tonn Beveridge ia Bancroft Optical Co. Im fi meant by * Leave the dead to bury example Is the best commentary on and had some p-inting dons M tn - The Harrisburg cheese factory A J 1 3 1st S t W. Albany. Phone democratic opponent in ions. this precept (Luke 23:24; cf. Acts their own dead ’ ? ” is to run again thia week or next. day, among othet activities. 7:60). I Continu:J on page 4) You are invited to hear these 5. Patiently Endure Wrong and In- ! answered and to aak any others Jury (v. 20). The Christian Is not to you m ay desire. bristle up In defense of his rights, but I Lester Jones, pastor. rather to suffer Insult, Injury and even THE CHENEY PHONOGRAPH, Geer Repeater, F IS H E R -B R A D E N , Jots and Tittles Methodist: ? Sunday School, 10. t Preaching, 11. Junior League, 8, Intermediate League, 7:30. Epworth League, 7:80. Preaching in the evening. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8, Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, Sunday School Lesson (By REV. P. B riT Z W A T E R . D D., Teacher of BnglfWh Rlhla In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago > ©•pr right H it. Weater« Newspaper L’ nloa. LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 12 JBSUS T H E GREAT TEACHER LESSON TEXT—Luke «:»-«. GOLDEN T K X T -A . ye w ould should do to you. do U k e w i M .- I.u k . S:S1. ys also th a t tn .n to thsm REFERENCE M ATERIAL—Matt. S:L U. John J:l. I SS. T;SS; Coi. 2:1. PRIMARY TOPIC—Jesus Teaching L . to Lo»e Everybody. J U N IO R T O P IC —L iv in g by the Golden R ule. INTERMEDIATE AND (SENIOR TOPIC —Tbo Oolden Rule In Everyday Life TOUNO PEO PL E AND ADULT TOPIC —Jeeus Teachln« Us How to Live T o - ■Mhor. >n ERY soon after being fitted to a B O N T O N one is apt to he re- j minded frequently : ’ * What ha' happen«! ? You look so different and better. Your lines are lovely and you wear your dress-s so well. You can sit with the same ease that yea stand. The B O N T O N >» ’ flexible, vet ding» comfortably, Fashion pin, quality : Thoughtful wo- m-n are selecting their B O N T O N S now. Have you yonrsf V o „. M. V. KOONTZ CO. j 1. C haracteristics of the Subjects e f the Kingdom (vv. 20-2«), Only those who are subjects of the Kingdom know what blessedness la The spiritual experience vf the sub­ ject« of the Kingdom are marked by the following steps: L Poverty of Spirit (v. 20) This means cooaclousneaa of "one's lost con­ dition and worthlessness. It Is spir­ itual bankruptcy. It means to coine to the end of self and to show sorrow for atns. 2. Hunger for Righteousness (v. 21). The one who has come to know his poverty desires the true righteousness y loss. This should not be pressed so far that evildoers can go unchecked, It expresses the law which should gov- ern Individual action. 0. Give to Every One That Asketh (v. SO). This does not necessarily mean that the thing asked for should be given. We should give to every one that asketh, but not necessarily the thing asked for. 7. Do as You Wish to Be Done By (v. 31). Thia Is called the "Golden Rule." I f men were to live by this rule the labor problem would be solved. An end would be put to war. International relations would be peace- fully adjusted su ear, iarlnding In neb sets, table scarfs, dresser scarfs, lenndry bags, sewing aprons, towels, i p: I lows, gowns, pillow slips sud chi> , Cotue and make jou r selections before the best are gone. New Necktie Twist ‘ We have jnst received a variety of colors, both plain and beatba.- mix- tares, of necktie twist, which ia very popular lor making men's ties For Undergarments If you are going to give dainty undergarments this it a good place Io buy your materials. Dainty wash satins for gownf, rombiaa- tions aad kaicker«. 'Colors, orchid and pink. M-inch . . $1.75 Silk Tubing Silk Jersey tubing in plain crepe and dropstitch finish, shades of or­ chid flesh and white. Very desirable for vesta aad bloomers. ALBANY Hamilton’s OREGON