PAGE b HA LSEY E N T E R P R IS E ¡ F Tailet Articles ___ Face Creams Pompeian, Day, Night and Massage Pond’s Cold and Van ishing, in jars and tubes Hinds’ Honey and Al­ mond a n d c o ld cream N O V . 2. 1922 d'tnea C. P. Stafford, Raleigl Templeton and L- E Walton were the leader*. Mra. Henry English gave a talk, with demonstration», on "Early Music.'* Next meet­ ing will be at the home of Mrs. G. W. Mornhinweg. e' Fred risk, democratic candidate for joint senator of the fourth senatorial district, H A LS E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E comprising Linn and Lane countie*, has issued a platform and the following it a synopsis of same : North South ? « d* ra* nd candidates for office who have convictions and are willing to express them in public We should not No. 1.9, 12:01 p. m ,* 72th °ur e>” cl»°»cd. *• we must pay taxes with our eyes open. Taxes today on farms and homes and thoa- No, 23, 11:29 a. m. 1111 Wlni:h ,be »••»»•or can tee are burdensome and oppressive. Duplication, waste and extravagance should be elim ­ 24, 5.Î9 p. m. 17, 5,30 p. m. inated, useless commisaion* and uaele»a pavrolla shou!d be aboHshed. Permit the farmer to live, own his own land and 5 h ^ rt5i ’ per,” ‘ t ‘ ,'5 "lan ° ,froA 11 "ie ,u ‘ to own his own home and keep tai a down where all owners vered visit and enjoyed it highly. NO MOR^ MERE GUESSWORK 4li' b "? rd- she W and ¿7*»’ Jake * Ackerman Mrs. M. K. E. Gardner Saturday at | ’M ’ ***'“ ” ’ and ’ " u wife that Mrs. Brown had removed it Mrs. Savage of Brow: a .llle i i sueing ------- • which canoot he beyond her reach. 2. Mrs. Foote is the leader of the 7 , n t ‘° P,*i "’ i W \ gr?ud Sun Possible Now to Make Adjustment ef fonod in th® dictionary. for a divorce. Jeueon. All the ladies ol the con- d ,y dlnn,r th# D ,,U Jr bo!n‘’' Carbureter a M atter ef Perfect ‘Proven.’ ” which is not English "Prov.n The Enterprise learns, that not­ gregation are invited to be present. Henry English and family, ac- withstanding the preponderance of The Southern Pacific, to meet auto Accuracy. I nor anything else, There ain’t The date of the meeting was oomanied by Jim McWilliams, republicans in this county, Charles competition on local travel between no sech anim al.” change ! on account of Senator I motored to Corvallis Satmday. Guesswork lias been taken out of Childs has developed a degree of towns, is issuing round-trip tickets be­ Piorce’s address in Halsey Friday I unpopularity that gives a chanoe tween towns, good for 15 days from pur carbureter adjustment The leanest Speaking of big potatoes, one ^ tu r d a y just as F. M. Gray, chase at 25 per cent off. For instance, afternoon. came from Marion Wheeler, post­ for democrats who waut to succeed from Halsey to Albany the fare is 63 adjustment which can be made with­ with A. J, Hill standing with him out reduction of power may be ac­ 10 hia delivery wagon, was tnrnii g Halsey is honored by visits from maser at Greenleaf, unwrapped, him in the legislature. cents, but a round-trip ticket can be h a l curately determined by means of an west from Seoond street at the bo'h candidates for the governor­ with a tag tied to it, through the M'S. Sterling Goiu, who was for 95 cents. ship this campaign. Pieroe and mail, oa large probably as any of Miss Leona Francis, daughter of analysis of the exhaust gas with on Christian church au auto in which Sam Garland are billed at the city those we have mentioned. The W W. Francis of Halsey, was in Kathleen Ward, W iltami ns Corcoran. easily operated carbon dioxide indi­ were two young wen came behind Georgina (-lark, Gertrude Robins, Agnes editor year« ago raised four-pound hall for tomorrow at 2. cator, Drs. Q. W. Jones and A. G. t »em and hit the wagm, tossing . „ , _ . , — —■» (»ingle Maggie Murphy potatoes in town today, having come over Hayes, Elsie and Lillian Reynold*, Fieldner It came down of the bureau of mines i»u-i lab- ‘t|up in the - air. ---------------- — w. ---- -- Born, to E. J. Cunningham and I that locality And the Maeg e with her husband on his tour Velva Hadley, Frances Norton ah5 oratory at Pittsburgh explained to U?k*u** Mr' ? r“y ,yiug They stayed at tho E. B. Penland Wile, Tuesday, a boy. Murphy ia seldom hollow, like Esther Munn, the Booster class, enjoyed th. AM ricM C h ..,» ! tX Í \ ^ d lb£ ^ h■n 'PX b■ l X , home last night. a Haloween parly at tha home of their Ed Hanson and Walter Stafford but isL folid The fight issue in the shrievalty leader. Mr*. G. W. Mornhinweg, last end their families, aceompanied d iOod ‘ *“ h# w,y throu8h has bead attending to business. is i the between Fifteen trucks, varying from, two Mr. Hill, at the moment of the by Mrs. Ton Huavey, were down Mra. A. P. Blaokburn of Leb. |A i , , , that t „i . wet - - and — dry -*7. week Wednesday, "the night t^e lights At least one church is lined Up went o u t” Limps and candles and and one-half to seven and one-half Impact, started straight for heav- hunday to visit at the Stafford «n°n wae viaiting her aon Walter Drettvanhd?. *"ed Up h.-me. Blackburn at Brownsville last hP ’“ y ?°lld y °r ° UJnlap' whicb witches and goblins mingled in 'the hi­ tons capacity, were tested in this way en, but came back from a pretty M n w tx , a week. wnsvine last proof enough, ,oe de from his larity. and all but one found to be too rich­ good bight, landing on bi» feet in record, that he is dry, and as to Union revival service* will be con- ly adjusted for maximum power and the wagon. The horse w as dyy from Coquille and will keep George Pugh of Brownsville it dryness nobody questions the posi­ ducted at the armory in Albany from hou«e for her daughter, Mrs. C ’ « y proud of a big tooth he pos tion of Templeton, who has a card November 12 to December 10 by Rev. economy. The adjustments made knocked into the ditch. The two P. Stafford, while the latter enjoys I t did not grow in hie in this issue There is no doubt Charles Price. The motto of literature 0 v e an increase of over 20 per cent young chape did not give their a trip to Emmett, Idaho, visiting mouth aud he did not get it from that the majority of the voters in put out is Healing for the body— salva­ in mileage for the first month after names. They said (hey were from Roseburg, but their car bore the Boise, Portland aud Oregon City * dentist. He dug it up when the county are dry. The only tion for the soul.” testing and 16 per cent for the sec­ aame of Eugene and was numbered ou her way home. > working on the road. It is about thing which that interest fears is ond month.—Kansas City Star. 11621. The Sbedd schoolhouse ha* a newly ,, , . , • , I a ® big at his head end is believed 'hat the vote will be so divided Another attempt is being made to be about a million years oid installed laboratory room. M A R TIA N RADIO kia N A L R to organize a brass band at ’ Browusviile, this time by Princi- " Mareters and wife, who Again the radio perennial—Mar­ pal Starr of the high school recently rented their farm on the tian signals—is with us at least os About 25 members of' t h e this is being written. The reception Brownsville W. C. T. U- attended | "Grandma” Robe, * in* Bo'u tb of mystfriona radio signals of great the uu ion’s moating at the county Biownsville. The oid pioneer led; wave length from some unknown •Mat last week Tuesday and turned needs somebody to look after hei source is reported at regular inter­ overj the banner awarded yearly at her advanced age. vals of about fifteen months. At a to the union making the largest play to the imagination, nothing is gain ¡n membership during the First reports fromthat little un- year. more fascinating than the reception pleasantness in the confectionery Farmer candidate for store at Brownsville, at reflected of these mysterious signals which » A G. Powell of Portland went m ¡ „ m on page 4, left rooml t . are held, by some, to originate some­ W hen you pick up a home Monday after visiting »•»-Idoubt (hat Bro. Hinman had duly where off in space, but nothing re- oral day« with the families of hi* upheld the traditions of hie pro­ book and hold it too far gardmg these signals has ever been from you it it a sign you ueed reading father, W. 8. Powell, and A. V fession, but a later communication determined by true scientific meth­ Henderson at Brownsville, Always ask for Kryploks, from the seat of war says there ods. That they are received, there ___ the reading part ia visible 10 the wearer The lesson of the Study cluhj at were two discolored optios. Hin­ can be no doubt; but that these sig- last Thursday's session at Mrs. B man wae in Halsey Sunday and nals originate from some neighbor- was noticed M. Bond’.» was "Ben Franklin,” nothing unusual (Democrat) in the American literature course about his peepers. boring planet,, seems unlikely in the whicb the club is following. Mcs extreme. Most likely they are dis­ A union quarterly conference turbances due to some natural or artificial cause right here on this little glolie of ours.—Scientific V American. A L » B a A A N A Y O . X OACO. - W. A. RINGO, Druggist STERL. H. 60IN R e p re se n ta tiv e Q c ’Zo/77e7z'/^Z R IA L T O T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y j. CONSERVATIVES. $ Ur. Hubert Work, postmaster gen- «’ral, was discussing a new postal regulation at a dinner. " I’he objections to this regula­ 5Iias L)ul’onL the star of “ Foolish $ tion,” he said, “come from people r ¡VVS* 1,1 a th rit,in £ 9tor-v <>f Hi© in a lonelv y i who hate new ideas simply because lighthouse far at sen. ’ Jr I they’re new. "These people are like George Au­ gustus Sale. When the very pure S I and palatable Italian wine called Starting at 8 p. m. sharp Asti was first introduced, a friend of Saia s opened a bottle for him. “ ‘An Asti vine,' WI(1 the friend S P E C IA L M ONDAY. N O V. 6 handing Saia a fu’l glass.- Saia sipped, ami then— I ho great henrt interest drama, ” ’Yes,’ he said, ‘it ia a nasty wine.’ “ F A L S E KISSES ” $ lx Robinson ( rusoo ’ •»ds«kt Comedy^ .8 m m 1“ Uncle Tom’s Cabin ” $ Everyone lias read the b.vok or seen tho play. * S big reels. Admission. 15 and 35c. W RECORDS C E N TU R IES OLD SARAH’S SPELLING While repairing the Kozenji tem pie near Osaka, which was built Little Louis had gone to the kitch­ I the reign of Emperor Montoku, i n en ------------ to observe old «uni Aunt oaran, Sarah, tile the 852, workmen fo^id recorda made co‘oreu's’ mzvik«- mother corrected, aa she^en- ------- Tsuneo, now ie •• investigating Louis’ the records at the instance of the *ered the kitchen to give the cook education department *>me orders. ' . . ------ ,| Y hevreuP°n’ Auat S, what you shuts, an’ ‘do,’ J'°® Sail-Love. Self I o * Is a ,-up W|thrtu, a n j bot. tom: you p,.nr all the