Fresh Salmon F O R SALE for sale, f. 0. b. Oyster- Mlle, at 6c a pound Send order» to W IL M E R KYLE, Wiuant, Oregon. 50 Blackface Ewes, from I to 3 year» old. a F . M . F rench S ons < ALBANY OREG. ’ J ! WE DO DYEING HUB CLEANING WORKS (In c ) dyers t a il o r s clean er s hatters Cor Fourth and Lyon sts Albany Oregon E. C. Miller, g ,* fine ewe, 1 Shropshire Buck, registered. O r w ill let out on share» 25 old ewes, or at »2.50 per head. 2 We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings S Q U IR T L E S S Jersey heifers tra d e to freshen tb it fall. I W A N T TO BUY I Carload Bat and Vetch nr Clover Hay and 1 car Cheat Hay . R- ” MAT BERRY, 4 7 West Eighth street. Eugeue. Ore. Furniture Exchrnge f. L SFIFF We have lots of good USED FURNITURE to $92 Used ranges $20 to $40, Very good conditon. A ll at£bargatn pnees. 422 West First st.. Albany, Oregon. Don’t be a slacker. The Department of Agriculture it turning it« attention to the tan­ gerine and grapefruit that in appear­ ance resembles a round orange. There are two varieties^ according to the Scientific American, the Samp­ son and the Thornton ; the latter is less acid than the former, but both are delicious in flavor, while the Thornton exhibits little tendency to squirt when the spoon is inserted in the segment. 4 DUBIOUS Candidates g Governor W hen a candidate for public office m a k e a campaign promising w hat he » i l l a«. elected, it >* fitting and proper that the voter examine the public record, to n a e J ^ whether or not the candidate’, record sq u are, w ith h i. c . m p ^ p r Z ^ £ ■iWTr - ----- •Vr. Pierce*« Record • MALL TOW N ADVANTAGES “For my part,” says a Kansas writer, “I prefer to live in a small town where all the people will sym­ pathize with you in trouble, and if you haven’t any trouble will hunt up seme for you.”—Bostou Tran­ script. N r ' p u L*1“ of '* « * • for It M , ttu . - »P*xfic«Uy approved of »8.M4.03B. This is M per cent of the total. M r. Pierce had no opportunity to vote on the other 8 per cent “ he was not a member of the legislature when it was up foe vote. R H e voted for 97 per cent of all tax appro­ priation b ill. of the IBIS session of the legisla­ ture. and for all the appropriation Ulls of the special session of 1830. 3. The State H a r x- , Commission now works without pay svavv IHUUUUt introduced a bill ♦rx warn« » L - _ ,--f • —a. • Pierce to pay the commissoners $13,000 a year Afr. O lco tt'i Record j 1. H e introduced a change La the state sec­ retary • report which has saved the state many thousands of doUara since 181,. 7 *• H i . renovation of the penitentiary saved the state nearly half a million dollars. . He. ,etu r«d funds for a training uchool S S i i r j , - * * • lions of dollar« annually J L J 1* 2 7 ’ 5cgPon“ w * f<* the a.upping of junketing trips by state officials at state expense. effertinJ ,*ecured the P*‘ »«£e of a budget law ment wWM.“ economies m the state govern­ e d . n° ‘ oth« * 1“ accom- il. H e voted to submit a bond issue ol $400 - 000 for a new penitentiary. Governor Olcott has repaired the old one with convict labor at no tax expense. T- The change in the State Sessions Law recommended by him, saves the state $10,000 a year. A H e has been universally commended for the excellence of his official appointments. S. M r. Pierce claim» he wishes to r e li t « real estate of the tax burden; yet he is the author of a bill submitted to the legislature which would exempt from all taxation moneys, notes, credits and accounts. ed- •• H » responsible for changes in the minatration of the state farms, which thia year brought returns of »4,1,000 into the ataiZ 8. In the last few year, he voted for 18J sal­ ary increases. ahown himself, by hla acta g • X **rv k e “ «>. has warmly sup- E ? me“ ure. and has administered u t h , ,int£ e,t ° f ‘ be ex-service men with honesty and efficiency. h“ ? ken the fir,t rM l constructive step in the equalisation of the state tax situation by the appointment of a committee cf experts to m v w tig .t. and report to the le g is la tu r e ^ •nure scope of the tax problem in this state change» to be made will* S v .X ,'. c.on“ rv« iv* ">d construc­ tive line«, which give far more promise of secur- ln< rtiuJt» than demagogic bewailing and idle campaign promisee such ss are being made by the non-partisan candidate of the Democratfe party eipecially in the light of his record as f o a Cht ho* preserved tht* country from the tyranny o f Old W o rld CowcnwienM ^ __ ’ ___ Upon (be foregoing etatrment^of th r rase we invoke the fair and intrlli. t o ’ted ° f O r: * 1n rn n ti^ ■He‘r « S rir . ,' X " d iUnJa" enUj y r ie c ip lr . ot reMonable liberty ,0 CATHOLIC C IV IC RIGHTS^ ASSOCIATION OF OREGON , » A M u w SUSBw. F o u l.,! G u s b a m t x x u W obk L a vm dxv C IT Y H A L L , 2 P M . V ", - ’ ’ “" i” S Named on the ballot. Compulsory Education Bill NM D C andidate for Governor, and D R I B C L I N , Prop. Before buying autom o­ bile Htipplies of any kind it will pay you to come to Halsey Garage |SAM’l M. GARLAND and legislative candidates will discuss the and get prices. hsudle G O O D Y E A R . F IS K and G A T E S T IR E S anil are able to sell you a tire at almost any price you w ith to pay. Automobile repairing. tery service. W illard bat­ HALSEY G ARAG E F O O T K B R O S ., P ro p ». subject of Phon»» { 5 ,0P; “ «•’ I Residence, 164 T A X A T IO N FARMERS ustiai'y have an I . accumulation of ¡articles no longer.needed, or surreeded I by better ones, which somebody would , like to obtain. An advertisement the i atze of thia, coslipg 2.5c, in iw lit find a nuyer and covert what 1« T ' A CJ now only trash into good LI V A tjf 1 A d m in is t x a t o «'» S alk [ Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the county court of Linn I c o M ty , Oregon, made October Ifeth, , 1922, authorizing anil directing the un- deraigned as adm inistrator of the estate of W. H . K irkp atrick, deceased, to tell lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in E Hayes addition to Halsey, Linn county, Oregon. Therefore, I w ill, from and after the 70th day of November 1922. at my resi­ dence in Halsey,. Oregon, sell the real property above described at private tale Io the highest bidder tor cash in hand subject to confirmation by »aid court. F M O k a y , Administrator. i Vote 315 X NO against School M onopoly Bill CLXANINO AND PXKtSINO WALTER M. PIERCE There Tlie State CoBfermce of the Methodist Episcopal Church at u j meeting in Salem last Aujpist refused to entertam any «nosement looking to an endorse- in i t ° h « r b,N ,h< rul,Bi ° * ,h i Piesid­ ing Bishop THE ARGUMENTS UNANSWEkED aga.nw •he hill ir e contained in the “V oter* Pamphlet’ issued by the State The ch.el p o in t, of the same •re a* follow» • • for caauinj ______ w . F . C A R T E R 1T mf E st SE- w XTH'DAV T H F C A T H O L IC A R G U M E N T in eeaeon HALSEY, The Gld Stand Barber Shop F r id a y , N o v . 3, ARf ADVENTISTS’ A K t, l M E \ T . W e are not at all eertain that a •nan educated in the public school is more intelligent than If he were educated in a private or sectarian • c h o o K o r have we heard any eonvm cmg argu- «nent that a person is necessarily more patriotic if educated in a public school, than if he were edu­ cated in a school not supported by public taxa- A F ISH BEEF Quarter« of purposes at canning prices 5 C H O O I-S A R G U M E N T “ ft is against the best American ideals of freedom, in that it denies to men and women freedom of thought and action in the c lio ic e of environment and influences for their chil- dreq vUi"? ‘^ ? “ O" . nOW '• » ' « 'II estrange old friends and neighbors, and that will divide our people .mo classes and faction. N o greater mis- li.rtu n e can befall us than movements calculated to create division« ' r L M P V T P* ESi r r E R i A X M IN IS T E R S ’ A R - v»L M E N T In » on the philosophy of sutoc- rac y --th a t the child belongs prim arily to the State it is an unjustifiable invasion of family authority and Jhrealens ultimately the guarantee of our American liberty The foregoing ' Negative Arguments' are as strong today as when written and filed They re­ m ain unshaken and unshakable after three m onth* of publi^ discussion. « ' " ’ " " » » '" '» I Convention Ol the Eptaeo pal Church, meeting in Pbrtland recently, adopted strong and unequivocal resolutions condemning this Fresh end Cured Meats All kipda of 'sdHO fil s I n r l| \ .