Are You Looking Ahead? { J j She knocked on It softly. «Are von ! there, Bruce?” she called. No answer returned to her. The question, Snuon siatle came to Kis Up«, reoma. In fact, were deeply silent. She want. "Simon," the cried. “Have mercy.’ tried the door and found It unlocked, « X a 2 X W # b ‘ * b,t * *•< " » or busmem . . . . She opened he Joor, £h, j The room had not been occupied. The word surprised him. It was the His b-ar io sh e , , . . r , h-. m ja Thoroughly alarmed, abe went back first time she had ever asked this man •lu es tb fu u 'h o“ t b f £ m u £ * “ n £ * “ • * Dd ,O° U U ’* * Into the front mom and tried to de­ •ke knew that an appearance of oour- for mercy. "Then s u r r e n d e r -r • i o c te c r tt ot succeas is s a v in g .“ cipher the mystery of the strange •![•» «t least, was the wisest courae. “ 1.2’ m 00' ,O n,C’" “ >e '^ « e d . matter about him now. t »«et Lei him go—and I w oet en try to weapon She couldn't conceive of any - L you on business, i f i mseat possibility whereby Bruce would ex­ te fight you any mon« m jet you k Save a little each week and prepare for the future change his father’s trusted gun for W e ores, j wouldn’t have route those lands and never try any more to this. Possibly it was an extra weapon make you give them up. You and ol No, Linda srorav.:. - T oq would that he had procured on his Journey. your brothers can keep them foreven have brought your whole murdering And since no possible gain would come Where 5 — ______ _ .. ® and we won't try to get revenge on The Turners believe of her going out Into the forests to tand with you you. either He aud I will go awav ’ »eek III in. she sat down to wait for hla in overwhelming numbers" Author of He giued at her In deepening won. I o T? !* 7’ord8 8tnnK hlm- hut be smiled T h e Votes of Bis Pack" derment. For the moment, hi« mind The moments dragged by and her grimly into her face. refused to accept the truth. He had ’T v e come In pouco. Linda." he said apprehension grew. She took the rifle known perfectly the coll of the blood How about your gently, “r v . COIUe t0 yQu q la((j In her bands and. slipping the lever la her. He hud understood her hatred Bustratloas by Irwin Myers part way back, looked to see I f there chance to make frieuds." of the Turners; he could hale In the For a safe and sane poi He walked past her tnto the room. «ere a cartridge m the barrel, she icy see same way himself. He realized her Owwnahi hr LlttU. Bnw. A C . SBW a glitter of brass, and It gave her He straightened the chair that had love for her father's home anil how been s upset, smiling strangely the a measure of assurance. 8he had a Xeal estate, loans and insurance, Halsey, Oregon she had dreamed of evpeniug Its usurp­ synopsis pistol in her own room— a weapon that while, and sat down In it. ers. Yet she was willing to renounce Then tell me what yon have to tell Elmira had procured, years before, It all. The power that had come to r « v h l ^ n ,CR ,h# dsath of hl« foster from a passing sportsman— and for a n>*.' »he said. “I'm In a hurry to gn her was one that he, n man whose code - 1 , r' ®ruee Duncan, In an eastern city, to bed—and this really Isn't the hour moment she considered getting It also ‘ o’ “ m yeierleus m essage, sent by a of life was no less cruel and remorse­ o X n - i i « C T " 1* ' She understood Its action better and for calls." less than that of the Killer himself, He looked a long time Into her face. would probably be more efficient with could not understand. She found If hard to hold her own CH APTER n .—Bruce has vivid but baf- it If the need arose, but for certain “But why?" he demanded. "Why a n e recollections of his childhood In an never-to-be-forgotten r e a s o n s she guxe. Many things could be doubted orWianage. before hta adoutlot ‘ New- ■re you willing to do all this for ton Duncan, with the girl Dim wished to keep this weapon until the about this man. but his power and his him?” courage were not among them. The moment of utmost neei^. H L—At hta destination, “Why?" she echoed. Onro more the trail a End, news that a m es.ace haB Her whole stock of pistol cartridges smile died from his lips, the lines luster was In her dark eyes. "I sup­ — V WSAI to Drv__ venas been sent Bruce _ la received with deepened on his fare. She realised as - - - , y a v "Simaa.’' * a. *“ truju« ' 1 consisted of six—completely filling the never before the tempestuous passions pose It la because— I love him." inagaxlne of the pistol. Closely He looked at her with «lowly dark­ watched by the Turners, she had been and unfathomable Intensity of his na­ CH APTER IV.—Leaving the train, ture. ening face Passion welled within him. unable to procure more. Many a L oS n',*.h*d Bt hl* APP*rent fa- An oath dropped from his lips, blas­ t a h u H S L I 115 hv »urrPundln« i,r l ,e l*A hlm ot She nodded. She knew that she had wood with Ifs brass shell« might mean, ?T? £■ ? £ by *" • n«™i' c ,» n on Half-unconscious, she listened to ids won, against her will, the strange, We sell In (be dreadful last moment of despair 22, .a I y> the Ro»»r« Lands occupied M .th,t,cl“.n w?r* Atolen from the Roeeos, deliverance from them. It might mean somber love of this mighty mun. She •teps. He wus out In the moonlight, th® fam ily with the exception ot vanishing among the trees. Strnn-e ¿.u” ‘ “ T“? ( iir * RoM> “ nd herself, escape for herself when all other ways had known It for months. Jh f. d ¿ I i . ? y »»'“ »«'nation Bruce’s fa ­ “Ae my wife— don't muke any mis­ fancies swept her, all In the wore cut off. i„ this wild land, far ther Matthew Folgcr. was one o f the fraction of an Instaut, and a voice take about that. Linda. I'm a stern from the reaches of law and without I S « “W - H * J2°,her >'»d fled with Bruce Come in aad hear it play i . P 1? , , r l ' whlle sm all, had allies except for a decrepit old wo- hard man. I've never known how to spoke dearly. With all the strength of her will she dispelled the mlsls of All phonograph records aud needles Sw," k .J.n“ F,c '1 ,rom the orphanage and man, the pistol and Its deadly loads woo. I don’t know that I want to brought to J h e m ountains Linda's father had deeded his lands to Matthew Folgcr, Know how, the way it la done by dawning unconsclousnes« that the pain hpd been her greatest solace. hut the agreem ent, which would confute weaker men. It has never been my hud wrought and crept swiftly to the The hours passed, mid the clouds {¿ ¡oe J"^{,y " °^M’m» to the property, has little desk placed against the wall. Her way to U«k for what I wanted. Bui were starting up from the horison hand fumbled In the shadow behind It when she thought she saw Bruce re­ sometimes It seems to me that If I'd [ r o ^ i n i >T,i:R .?•—BrHce’! mountain blood and brought out a glittering rifle. Then rasponde to the call of the blood-feud. r t r r r T < r < w r jfjg turning. A tall form came swinging been a little more gentle—not so mas­ terful and so relentless—that I'd won she crept to the open doorway. n ^ l t AT^r R n . XIi ? A »'ant tree, the Sen­ toward her, over the little trull that tinel Ihne In front of Linda's cabin, Lying on the floor, she raised the you long ago.” You can led between the tree trhnks. She seem s Io Bruce s excited Imaalnatlon to get it at the Linda looked up bravely Into his weapon to her shoulder. Her thumb ©• *nae«vorln< to convey a mcsFtg» peered Intently. And In one Instant I CH APTER X II.—Bruce acta out in Call aud see more she knew that the approaching face. “ N< a Simon. You could hare pressed back, strong and unfaltering, ' 5 ? ^ ’ trapper named Hudson, a them figure was not Bruce, hut the mun she never-never won me! Oh, can't you against the hammer; ami sh e heard It I ^ ‘t® * f r*ernent b«tween U n d a’s see—even In this awful place a woman I father and Matthew Folaer. ___ ^ Don‘t for* f t w- »ill P L O W S , H A R R O W S D IS C « ? most fenred of anyone on earth, Simon cUrnor. wants something more thuii Just brute C R E A M S E P A R A T O R S . iwfsct, everything in the imple­ I yritily, strength and determination. Every Mnoan as the Killer, la the terror of the Ile r thoughts came dear and true ment line. Special prices on D R I L L S while they last. vicinity, because of his aisr and ferocity woman prays to And strength In the It was obvious that his was no mis­ Red Seal B A T T E R I E S . Fresh stock. .C all and get prices on XIV - Dave Turner, len t by man she loves—but It Isn't the kind sion of stealth. lie was coming boldly k . ii — Hudson to swear falsely implements. The store for quality and promptness that you have, the kind that makes fr.vbr, not fu rtively; and he must have — i agreem en t If brought to nowlng Its whereabouts. J'our men grovel before you, and knosrn that he presented a perfect makes me tremble when I'm talking XV.—Hudson and D avs vlalt rifle target from the windows. Never­ ».‘r»p*. a wolf, caught In one, to you. It's a big, calm strength— and theless. it Is well to be prepared for by the Killer. Disturbed at i W W 'iiis ia t 1 1 « i n i . , - f t f t y , j 0 1 g I can't tell you what It Is. I t ’s some brute strikes down Hudson emergencies. I f life |„ the mountains on me way to Hudson, shoots and tenches anything. It teaches tliut. She thing the pines have, maybe—strength » • .E111" ', dr,v.ln» him ,r °'" not to yield to the passions, but to re­ victim. Hudson, teem ing Bruce's Iden- took the rifle and laid It behind a little I tries to tell him the hiding place of strain, not to be afraid of. but to ding e H r a i« desk, out of sight. Theu ih e went to *"• »»reement. but death esnim ona him. i to—to stand upright and honorable Ibe door. I CHAPTER XVI.—Simon, believing Bruce and manly, and make a Woman strong r . . . I , . . *r* .t h * a.°,cu m tn t u concealed, " I want to come iu, Linda," Simon lays plans to trap him. lost to see It In the man she lov told her. CHAPTER X V I I - D a v e decoys Linda He listened gravely. Her cheeks " I told you long ago you couldn't and Aunt Elmira from thetr home The biased. It was a strange scene— the man Insults Linda and le struck down come to this house,” Linda" answered by the aged woman Elmira's eon has silent room, the Implacable fees, the been murdered by Dave, and at her com­ breathless suspense, the prophecy and mand. after securely binding the des­ perado. Linda leaves them alone. Inspiration In her tones. Perhaps I should have been more CH APTER XVITL—Returning. Bruce flnde a note, presumably from U nda telt- gwntle." he admitted. " I might have Turnera *’**" kWnAP,<1 b> *•» forgotten—for a little while— this surg­ ing, Irresistible Impulse In my muscles C H A JT E R X IX .-E ru cd falls Into 81- 1 • trap and la made prisoner. —and tried Just to woo you. gently and humbly. But It’s too late now. CHAPTER X X .—Charging Bruce with attem pting to reopen the blood-feud, the I in not a fool. I can't expect you to elan, after a mock trial, decides to leave begin at the beginning. I can only go him. bound in a pasture on the «pot where the K iller had slain and half eaten on In toy own way— my hard, remorse­ a calf the night before. They look for less. ruthless way. the return of the grlszly and the probable u •laying of Bruce by the animal. " It Isn’t every man who is brave He Struck Hsr Breast. The Brutality enough to see what he wants and CHAPTalR X X I.—Bruce, helpless, aw aits ef ths Man Stood Forth at Last. arrival of the Killer and death. and Have knock away all obstacles to get It," he went on. “Put that bravery to my dick as It sprang Into place. Tin n CH APTER X X II credit To pay no attention to meth­ she looked along the barrel until she ods, only to limk forward to the result saw the swinging form of Simon th at bus been my creed. It Is my through the sights. When Linda returned home the creed now. Many less brave men events of the night partook even of a There was no remorse in that cold* would fear your hatred—but I don't gaze of here. The wings of deutli greater mystery. The front door wag fear It as long ss I possess what I go hovered over the man. ready to swmip open, and she found plenty of evidence after and a hope that I can get you ¿own. that Bruce bad returned from his Her fingers curled tighter over It. Many of my own brothers ¿bout the trigger. One ounce more Journey. In the center of the room lay hate me, but yet I don't care as long pressure, aud Hlinon's track of wicked­ hl» pack, a rifle alunUnf acroaa I t «■ they my w,„ No m-MM> f ((w At first she did not DOtlee the gun In ness and bloodshed would have come much you arorn It. this bravery has to an end nt last. Hut nt that instant particular. She supposed It was M w « ,. got me what I wnntml, and It her eyes widened with the duwn of an Bruce’s weapon and that he had come « III get me what I want now." Idea. In. dropped bis luggage, and wag at The high color.died to her face. She present somewhere In the house, It «he knew thia man. She knew tho wondered If the final emergency liad hatred that was upon him. And aha was true that one chair was upset, bnt except for an Instant's start she gave “I Told You Long Ago You Couldn’t «»me at last. realised, as If by an Inspiration from " I’ve come to make a bargain. You on High, that before he went Io Ills no thought to It. She thought that he Como to This Houto,” Linda An­ can take It or you can refuse. o n one house to deep he would go once more would probably go to the kitchen first swered Through the Panels. Aide Is the end of sM this conflict, to be Into the presence of Bruce, ionfinel for a bit to e a t He was not In Oils room, however, nor had the lamp been through the panels. “I want you to go my wife, to bsve what you want— somewhere among these ridges and lighted. bought by the rich reluru from ray suffering the punishment of having away.” I thousands of acres. And I love you Her next Idea was that Bruce, tired opposed his will. Simon would want Simon laughed softly. "Ton'd bet Linda. You know that." out. had gone to bed. She went back ter let me In. I've brought word of one look to see how his plan Was get­ softly to the front room, Intending not the child you took to raise. You know , Tho man spoke the truth. His ter I ting on; perhaps he would want to ut­ rible, dark love was all over bln»— In I t ter , r one ° ° * taunting word. And Linda to disturb him. Once more she noticed who I mean." the upset ehalr. The longer she re­ , .J * * L . L ‘" da knew' “Do J"” mean h J l? lnK * r “ ' ,n hl* ¿«-Ply ' saw her chance. lined face. # garded If. the more of a puxxle It be She dropped the rifle and darted LrureT she asked. “I let Dave In came. She moved over toward the tonight on the same pretext. Don’t “In time, whim you come around to j Into her own room. There «he pro- pack and looked casually at the rifle. my way of thinking, y.m'll love me j cured a weapon that she trusted nior - •xpi'ct me to be caught twice by the P. S. MALCOLM, « • . v In an Instant more It was In her hands. sa me lie." M yon refus^-thls last tlm e -I'v e got her Utile pistol, loaded with »;» egrv * Inspector-General in Oregon, Rhe aaw at once that It wag not to take other ways. Ou that side Is ridges. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rtt*. Dave? Where is Dave?" The fact Brnec's gun. The Action, make and was that the whereabouts of his broth defeat for yon—as sure as day. The ; I f she had understood the real na­ (Paid A d rertlu m «aU time Is almost up when the title to ture of the danger that Bruce fact I caliber were different. Bestdeg, It had er had «nddenly become considerable those lands Is secure. Bruce Is In she would have retained the rifle it certain peculiar notches on the stock <»r a mystery to 8lm„n. He bad our bands— " that the gun Elmira had furnished ’ nought about him and Linda out In ; shot with many times the amaahin ' Bruce did not have. She got uH. whitefaced. “Bruce— ?" power of the little gun, and at long the darkneaa together, and his heart 8be stood a moment In thought. The hod seemed to smolder and burn with “Yes! Did you think he could stand range was many time« as aceurnte, but Lebanon's Reliable Fnner I D i­ problem offered no ray of light. She Jealousy In his breast. It had been a against us? I ’ll show him to you In even It would have seemed an in e f ­ Considered what Bruce's first action »rent relief to him to find her to the morning. Tonight ties paying the fective defense agalnr such an rector and Mortician would have been, on returning to the •he house. lau nd ry sent Tuesdays eeptRg t w u r- for " " rt* r’n< nppo* * “ J as was even now Large «tack : fine equipment, including house to find her absent. Poselbly he Bruce's body. Bnt «t '. new tie "I wonder— .h e re i,., te by now_- Dyeing. Cleaning and Preaasng two roo,t anto hearses Price* most had gone In search of her. She turned Linda answered la a strang. voice. She turned Hpplortng eyes. He saw ''rials, against ¿Ui'b reasonable. Lady attendant she thought she might •nd went to the door of bis bedroom. Lebanon, phone Y. ” h’1*' ta, this world can answer that them, and perhaps—fa r distant—be I would serve her much have to fare, ■nw the light of tflumoh. too A grim etter than t "?-r* AykTard heavier weal »n. I h Are you for the f„ ur< „ The Saver or Spender ? I Strength j Which One Are You ? The First Savings Bank Albany, Oregon o f the Pines I 8 By Edison Marshall $ fire insurance ? JAY W. MOORE HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLUS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 the Claxtonola Clark’s Confectionery •*****<*******