Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, November 02, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    * f
fcained io a growing fa m ily if the
"M08-T®«” on the constitutional ®h,Idren 8,tenii an American pub-
An lndepen4eiM — NOT n eu tra l— «ew a
amendment / • p e rm it th a t o ity to *C SC^ ° ° I h,SB P ^ tt y weak foun-
b yPw i í P HblUtoT í ,v e r > T h u ’’»o»y.
. . .. K “ 1 A - A. W H EELER .
M n t itself, l f ita voters choose, dat*ou.
Win. H. W heeler. E d itor,
the fa ir.
A. A. Whtsaiur, Buaoaeea
•»« bocal New, Editor
M* n" » r
What is i t th a t is ta u g h t in
A religion th a t cannot be main-
« “» •e r lp tto n ,. t l 10 a year In ad van ce
American t u b 'ic schools th a t p rl-
’ ■ Â æ iiæ â e æ t t Ä - s ;
fo r tim e or «p aca
rate school advocates are ao moch
afraid to let th e ir children learn?
The private schools of. Oregon
are ca re fu lly caring for many or-
phana and haJf orphan«.— A n ti
school b ill propaganda.
I f the b ill became a law those
children could be ae wall cared fo r.
at h a lf the present expenae, sod
get th e ir secular education where
i t is provided fo r them by law .
Seventy seven minera have been
indicted fo r m urder in the H e rrin ,
»w w iu at
J." 7¿*ld' f.Or I'ar**raplM,- Sc . 11-.
No a d v e r tisin g d ia » u l.ed a . n î w .
OALSBY, Lina Co./ Ore.. Nor. 2, 1922 !
• fV''v
Tha E nterprise refuse* to .b e )
Beared at tbs howl th a t the Ro­
man C atholic church is lik e ly to
get control of the Am erican gov-1
e rn a e n t. T hat cry has resounded
in this country for a century, at d
th i bugaboo lo o x i about the same i
as it did when New Ham pshire, io
the state constitution, p ro hib ited I
Catholics from holding office. A d )
attem pt to repeal th a t clause about i
1875 was defeated in a state elec­
Ih e C a tb o lio C ivic Rights as­
sociation publubes an appeal in i
this issue against the school b ill.
We favor that b ill, and caunot aee
th a t it threatens any rights of any.
body, but we rather ex pact to see
it defeated because the K- K. K.
tag has been attached to it.
A ttem pts to m ix religion and
politics, to unite church and state 1
are not gaining p o p u la rity in the
nation nor io moat of the states
The move to put .God in the fed-
era! conatitutiou or to co n pel be
leivers in the Jewish or Moham-
f '
uiedau sabbath to keep Sunday
also have failed aud w ill fa il.
J lie world affords enough ex­
amples of the evils of com bining
church and state to teach us to
avoid them.
C h ris t’s advice was to “ rendar
unto Caesar the things th a t be
Caesar,s and unto God the things
th a t be G od’s.”
L et us have for every c h ild a
school that is free from a ll nsr-
row sectarian bias and leave the
parents and the churches to teach
them isms i f they choose.
A few o f the bogies expanded I
w ith hot a ir and paraded before)
votera in th is m ild Oregon cam-
P*ign in the hope of influencing
th e ir vote* at»:
That there is danger th a t the )
• Catholic church w ill get control of
° f the Am erican government,
T hat Sam G arland opposes the)
proper maintenance o f the higher!
institutio ns of learning.
That M r. Pieros by subterfuge)
violated any law In borrowing
money from the public sohool fund,
T hat compqlsory education in
the public schools up to the eighth
grade frould prevent children from )
obtaining religious and
m oral
tra in in g ,
That school monopoly by the]
state is aimed nt. or th a t i t would
be an e vil if it existed,
T h a i D eputy Sheriff W alU
ever evinced sym pathy w ith b o ti
»•M *rs or th a t there is a „y rBa, on
o believe he *o u |tl be la x in en.
forcing p ro h ib itio n laws if elected
s h rriff.•
» A
immediate State Development
Portland to lev?
3 y C a r f ° r thrC C y e a r ’ to f “ “
stood and this message j, being pubiishcd<i i PrflrPOSeS ° f thc 1927 Exposition are not fully under-
wtde approval of ihe Exposition p t o ,
* mOre
“ <'"*»■><«■><! a»d to gato etoto-
land is contingent upo^thT risin g ‘of 'a ’ fund S f T ° * 'd
d°Uar *“ *° be levie<1 “ Por<-
men who are pioneering the building of the E x n o s i t i ’ rJ’ lU lo n d ®U ara by private subscription — the
«; The one purpose of the Expo,it 1 to
sh o w n , their own faith in a matertol way. ■
C Oregon, twice the sire o ft h e ri ,
natural resources, ha, less than a million pofutotion
°°A °l '!“ riche‘ * • “ **<>■>• o f «he world In
•trie can easily support and which in turn would 'contribu’te
,°t! '
miUi° n’ which the
’ Oregon has fewer penpi, than ,he
•“» « «
9 Oregon is’ bfrden'd h„'i,Ph'ta?e,'O
a fd ‘ , h T ar<: mU''
*“ * 22 and Washington 20.
develop more wealth to share the tax brnden“'
“ dividual ‘aaPay«r is more people to
hy the piow because th .
V out these are facts we all know.
«on can mean in bringing a b o u T il^ d e td o im S T ” * “ ° re* °n; now Iei us 8CC what the 1927 Expos!-
be « . eenfraZ / e ^ e o , a t. n.y9ar dev9lopm eni
p la n n e dOn fbethmade8
°Wn coa<Ution. by
h '“ "
campaign of advertising which ^ahall^oier
th* P° Us’ to begin' not k ter thln 1924, a
to appeal to farmers, stockmen, orch^dLta m anuflctu
CaSt ° f US’ Thi» ^vertiBing U
of the cpportimitics which Oregon offers them a J u v rers tand tourists, telling each of theae classes
is advertising will lead up to the 1927 Exnoaifi
*bcm to come and see for themselves All
s«er. but , . , u . r . and investor,
b l &
X o ^ ' “
to‘Cnded *° a,t"“ * “ »
•i It is planned also to continue tbi. rt. i
VC °pment P ^ ratrim e after the Exposition is ended and until
t . _______ . . . . . .
«bat vis)do» wffl become ' n
t e r
r i e
« E Each
a ch section of « th « ,
will be give
rising and by the Exposition itself. 8
• Ï R a ilw a v s w ill k ____.
t o
>hs p .o d n c t. and rcso n n e, of Oregon,
---------- er.waaauauAgy »OVCr«
Ç Each county in the state will be in„a
bon «o ,n d create intere,,
f X “ , X ° « ° 7 8°
.u u u i
- “ d d prosper.
“ ’ ' J ” " “ e {° ‘
°PP»riunily to benefit both by the preliminary .dyer-
a «ways will be asked t
wiriion, exria cos, a trip to otoe'r - ‘»
which .hai! giy. tte hoider,
by“ ebVr L X
“ “ they may desire to visit.
“ a
»orhed-ou, pian to direct a tto ,.
t o g e t h 1“
d«’ 1-
*’ d
_ ng attention upon
g á ¿ether the entire
state ana
and by
. - the
— - state.
u .c
------- -------
v,x of the 9Laie
•f The welfare of c v r r v
m srke„Am„’,U
, a'e ? ” dev‘ l’° P ^ « ‘~ t C
,l‘t a c r « ° r? ° ' J " S T 0 ’’ ® ”” «<«d with stato develop.
'-uuvenicnces, with
a .7 "
■ .-» *» ** » w k m conaition, b‘
? In the present condition of ihe United
*a ,a “ °°-
w ,f noi come speedily unless well though ,
“ d
«h' . ” <”'ld •« hxge, Oregon', .tote deyelopmen,
5 h* 1927 Exposition — as the cor
"* "°U
a^ niM,ve Plan , a « put into execution,
to ¿ 7 n ’’“’’■'to'"' tor statc-wid- -""Nation point of a len-year d . yeiopmeu, plan — to a definite
«post,,on measure, to
. ^ p ^ X V m b V A “ “ “ C°n« d‘ ” <1’'
Why th'
The c»v
E’ Ph’ittori Has Been Set Forward FrOm 1925 to 1927
/ Ca O / da,C fr° m 1925 to 1927 haa be^
made becam e U
le to build an adequate Exposition and to co-ordinate all H s te ,
In view of tin . fact th a t tb f
hacker, of the-W 27 expo.,bon
P o rtla n d promise to ask no aid
from the slate it wouM , M tn to
but fa ir that we should a ll
of o n e ^ n - “ 1’ d“ » amcndmcnt authorizing the city of
T h e ic OPOSCd 1927 E x p o s itio “
Etc , etc., etc.
B ith candidates fo r governor
•re clean men. w ith good records.
b «t the campaign ha. been u o .
clssu. There has been evidence of
more flush fu n d . On the re p u b li-'
0 ,n side than on the dsmocratic
• n J the more filth y lucre of couree
•h« wore filth . Tb#
w ith which anti-Pierce forces have
paraded a perfectly legal aod b u tj
"•»s-like loan to Pierce of a bug*
sum of school money which other­
wise would have be.,, draw iog Dfl
interest aud dubbing it e orime
looks m though they were ahorj
of geituioe a m m un ition to use
"g sio st him .
X t o r Oregon
.1 9 2 7
E x George
p o I.. sitio
Baker, .Vice-Chairman Managing Committee
F 7 r „ / z /A
• 1 . Griffith, Chainr. -n
i u r
George L. Bt
A H .L ta
John r . Daly
’ ,c" C', v r m a i
ly . w . Harrah
G » . v W Tait,, g
C . Deckabach
tea F . Powers
William Hanley
Emery Olmstead
g T v X 0??/?4'
frâ P D a,b° i
J o t ,n P ° Z e,r“
John F. Dudy
CJ, airma ^
THIS ADVURnsEMENT IS PAID FOR BY F B - ................ D
J- A
* E Sfniift
Nathan Strauss
_ _