m u ü « B K I B K r K iS E Tailet Articles ___ Face Creams Pompeian, Day, Night ana Massage Porfd’s Cold and Van ishing, in jars and tubes Hinds’ Honey and Al­ mond a n d c o ld cream Armond's Cold and Vanishing in jars and tubes Ingram ’s Milkweed Cream Hndnut's Marvelous Cold Cream Clawood Cream with Peroxide Iisgett & Kamsdell's Cold Cream Stillman's Freckle Cream Mavis Vanishing Cream Cutez Cutez Cntez Cutez Paste Polish (pink) Cake Polish Cuticle K^mover sets Santiseptic Lotion W. A. RINGO, Druggist " " » (Continued from page 3) Rev. Mr. N 'deu of Shedd preached at the Methodist church Sunday evening. Herbert Lerwill of Crawfords ville was convicted of having liquor in hie automobile. He appealed from the justice court to the oir cuitcourt and is n u to o bail. Hill & Marks are hie attorneys. Mrs. Prank H»dley was in town Monday for the first time since her recent illness. The birthdays of Mesdamee A4 and K. I. SteuLxrg of Albany and R. L. 8 ten berg of Silverton were celebrated at the A1 Sleuberg home (Sunday. It is estimated th at two weeks more will complete the shoulders on the pavement from here to Shedd. The addition to the C hristian eburcb-ie wailing only for cement, which is out of the m arkets. The building fund is in hand for the work. North A Great Girl Rider No. 18. 12:01 p. 24. 5 50 p South No. 23, 11 29« ffl. 12, 5.30 p. mt SUNDAY MAIL HOURS The delivery window of the Halaey postoffice is open Sundays from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m, and 12 20 to 12:35 and 4:*5 to 5.00 p. m. LODGE DUES— NO S T IL L The Methodist church Standard Bearers met lost week Wednesday Wilbur Kidd is secretary of a evening at the home of their su­ lodge of Odd Fellows. A great perintendent, Mrs. A. W. Foote, many members pay their dues by and enjoyed a lesson on India led calling at his bouse. by Amanda Mitzner. The lodge members now are tell­ Karl Bramwell’s mother and tw ing a good joke on Kidd. They say of her granddaughters w ine from the police became suspicious because Eugene and visited at hie tom« so many men called at his house, over the week end. and investigated to see whether he John Hultz of Brownsville, 61, had a still in lus home.—Indianapo­ died Saturday, leaving fonr eons, lis News. Earl, Floyd, Paul and Ralph, and three daughters, Mrs. Glenn E ar­ uite’s lilt. Think of the Ills from which yoo ner, Mrs. Hess and a schoolgirl, R. W Tripp, who started for Minneapolis with his family in an O-'dsmobile, has written back to Morton & Doteou, distribulois of the machine, on bis arrival at Jots and 1 ittles Mrs. Georgia Morse of Brownr- ville gives lessons on the violin at the Ringo home every Thursday. The Christian church last Sun­ day bad the largest congr-tgatiou of the season to date. Grand Island, Neb., th at daring the eighrdays which it required to Douglas Taylor was at the county go that distance the auto ’’ took metropolis Saturday. everything on high and the motor Robert Gansle got losl wbi.. never missed a shot.” hunting near Alpine Saturday and Dean Morris of Scio has tost was out three days, but stood the bis champion prise-winning E ng­ experience well. lish setter dog and advertises a re­ Deferred warrants on the county ward for it. It was last seen at general fund up to No. 15,062 Springfield. have been called in. PAID-FO RP a RAGRAPHS A dm ittance H ere 5 Cents a Line Loet, Oct. 14, a black velvet puree in S turtevant’s store or be­ tween Dr. Marks’ office and the •tore. Had $9 or 110 in it. Leave at the postoffice, Box 191. Everyoue who oas read Peter B K yne’s story, - T h e Valley of the G iants,” will want to see ita dra­ m atization at the Rialto tomorrow night, with W allace Reid in the leading role and a talented cast. Those who have not read the story will probably never know what enjoym ent they miss if they do not co. are exempt, and It will aid you to bear patiently those which now you may suffer.—Cecil. To Learn to Pray. He that will learn to pray, let him so to gen.—Herbert. à T There Is no Institution which Is building good. sound citizenship more steadily and consistently than Boys’ and Olrls’ Clubs. It teaches Its mem­ bers not only how to produce good livestock, soil products or prepared articles, but they learn In It thrift, business principles, and, best of ail, true manhood and womanhood. In the center of the group -shown here stands Dale Altman of Gresham. Ore. He Is a member of the Mult nomah County Jersey Calf Club, and the other two boys are members of the same club. Dale's calf won first In the county club exhibit at tbe Mult nomah county fair this year and won Por Sale: Registered Shrop­ Dr. J. W. Cook, Brownsville, Oregon. AM* Nation Builders in the Making championship In the open classes. It was placed fourth at tha Oregon state fair. 1 shire .«taca» Doris McCIeave la probably better known to the genera) public than any other chow borse rider In the west. Her youth, her magnificent riding aod daring combine to make her an idol with the people. The picture shows her on her horse "Victoria.” going over the bars. She w ill be at the Night Horse Show of the Pacific In ­ ternational Live Stock Exposition. Portland, Ore., November 4-11. The Night Horse SLOW became so popular last year that three matinees were added to the program, and they will be continued this year, of course Over $16,000 is offered In premiums for the Horse Show alone and seven $1000 stakes are offered—almost un­ precedented In horse show annals. One of these is for the heavy horse driv­ ing contest, an event of wild excite­ ment emong the horsemen. The horse show this year is replete with color and action. Seme of the finest horses of the entire country w ill show their paces In the big arena, and some of the most enthusiastic horsemen, driv­ ers and riders w ill exhibit the pacee of the prancing beauties of the equine world. rams. Dr. E. VV. Barnum, dentist, ut Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Friday. Old papers, 5c a bundle, terprise office. En- ==00» H A L L ’S FLORAL and MUSIC SHOP P IA N O S S H E E T M USIC SO N O R A PH O N O G RA PH S V O C A L IO N R E C O R D S A ll Popular music, 3Sc M i II orders promptly filled I Phone 166J — ¡Albany' Oregon He Is expected at the Pacific Inter- national Live Stock Exposition held In Portland. O re , November 411. to try his skill at showing with the win ners from other parts of the North west. GOLD DIGGERS’ T R 0U 5L C C Superior and Inferior. Tou may fair to shine In the opinion “Maymc ordered a $6,000 coat of others, both In your conversation and her gentleman friend wouldn't and actions, from being superior, pay for it.” well ns inferior to them.—Grevllla. The Pacific International Live Stock “ That's what us girls get for Exposition has always backed live Faith. Cruatin in a guy. I was out tbs stock club work In every way possible Now faith Is the substance of things other night with a chap who called This year for premiums and awards It to be hoped for. the evidence of things gives the clubs for exhibits and Judg­ himself a western millionaire. Tha that appear not.— Hebrews 2:1. ing. together with the associations and head waiter at the Blitz—you know Individuals. $3525. The Lord’s Day. him, dearie—showed us a table right Tc shall keep my Sabbaths and . . . next to the dance floor, and Rolla T H A T WORD “TREM END O U S” ray aunctuary; I am the Lord.— handed him a dollar bill. Belinvn erence Leviticus 19:30. me, for the rest of tbe evenin’ I was The idea of fear and trembling W hen you pick up a In the Sight of All Men. underlies the formation of the word ashamed to look the help in th« Provide things honest in tho sight book and hold it too far tremendous.” The English word eye!”—Birmingham Age-Herald of all men.— Romani 12:17. from you it ia a sign you need reading tremble is a close kin, by way of the glasses. Always ssk for Kryploks, as French language, to the Low Latin the reading part is visible io the wearer word “tremulo.” only. The I «at in word “tremendus” lit- erally meant something that ought to caune trembling, that ia to say, For a safe sud sane poi icy see fear, either heeause of the size of the object so designated or because of Real estate, loans and insurance, Halsey, Oregon Q p to m e ir is t. size added to other fearful qualities. * ALBANY OAC& At first applied to physical objects alone, the word was gradually ex­ Harold Albro, tended to immaterial things, such as Manufacturing optician. issues, movements, passions or other attributes of the workings of nature or of man. But the -origin of the A d m in is t b a t o b ' s S a le word is the primitive sense of fear Notice it hereby given that by virtue at mere size.—Milwaukee Sentinel. of an order of the county court of Linn Oregon’s World Champion Jersey ■ i - » - F I R E INSURANCE? JAY W. MOORE * HALSEY STATE BANK ’ Halsey, Oregon UN IQ UE TREASU RE H U N T Mrs Sam J McKee of Independence, O re , It holding Lad’s iota, the cham­ pion Jersey cow of the world. Oregon has long held most of the Jersey honors. A few years ago Vive La Prance was world’s champion, and she lived at Marlon, Ore. Then some Mains oow managed to squeeze out a few more pounds of butterfat. Bui n iA L lu I-sda Io(a promptly camo to the front with a production of 1043.07 pounds of butterfat In 18.632 pounds of milk In a year and brought back tha Jersey crown to Oregon. This wonderful cow |g expected to be at tbe Pacific International Live Stock Exposition, at Portland, Ore November 4-11. I NEATER, The Valley of the Giants F R ID A Y A story of early days o n S the California and Oregon \|/ coast. Based on Peter B. M/ Kyne’s thrilling n a rra tiv e ^ which was published as a JjJ serial under tho same titleuj in the Brownsville Tinies^V when it first appeared tfz Otto Kiep, librarian of Ottendorf, found among hig family trehivea many references to a treasure sup­ posed to have been buried by Storte- becker, a notorious pirate. Herr Kiep examined the ecords of sev- erol medieval castles and, by deduc­ tive reasoning, pitched upon one near Neustadt. 1 boosing a likely spot on this site, he secretly dug there, and actually found a chest of gold pieces. He re- interred (he chest, and is seeking the promise of the owner of the estate that he shall receive the legal tariff in return for his disclosure of the hid­ ing place. He now believes that this treasure was cached by another pirate, and is bending new efforts toward finding the Stortebecker hoard.—Scientific American. NO FLAPPERS Love, Brule Force, Tender Filial Devo­ tion, Business Duplicity, etc. \íz And “ Robinson Crusoe ” and “ The Gumps" 8 o’clock sharp. W R I G 1 1 T Ai P O O L E K‘Z L IC E N S E D FU N ER A L D IREC TO RS HARRISBURG LEBANON Phone 35 Phone Fraud »« at Brow nsville. Phone 37C1S. Halsey Phone 14S. Pranh Kirk, Mgr i Mz Uz AND $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 SU RPLU S Commercial and Savinas accounts Solicited Are You Looking Ahead? Are you saving for the future or spending all as you go? Saver or Spender ? - S : “r ; .,S “ ” - a ? « & ” - ” • N otic b <«™ ■ « b . . . ™ » ,3 ’S K g i r “ l ' . ■ ¿ ' X ’ S i z ; m ~ Which One Are You ? Save a little each week and prepare for the future. The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon Where Sayings are safe ” » "Why did Sir Walter Raleigh •preod hi* cloak across a muddy spot \