zx V halsey enterprise VOL. X I HALSEY, L IN N COUNTY, OREGON, THUR SDAY, OCT. 2b, 1<»22 H ig h School Notes Northwest Newsies NO. 8 Brownsville Briefs (Mearle Strnley, Reporter) W illiam Zellmer and wife and This Hae been a famous week. daughter Bertha called at the O. J. Albertson home Sunday after­ Ex anne ! noon. The first big game oí the eeaeon was itaKeil on the tem po, o l T h i | U * " i Portland spent Friday Halsey high school when the dig­ and Saturday with the former’s nified seuiore were forced to play sister-in-law, Mrs. J. W . Pugh. the humble froeh I The score Raymond Van A tta of Portland would have been aero had it not been for the valient playing of is spending the hunting season M ilford Muller and Truman Robi. witlh hit uncle, Sam Collios. nett. The ecore standi 24 to 12 Misses Ruth and Norma Farwell in favor of the senior!. If Earl of Shedd called on Beuna and Vida Albertson had not been afraid of j Albertson Saturday afternoon, soiling his cream-colored coduroya , A rthur Albertson sawed wood the score would have been at least for W illisn Zellmer and O. J. A l­ even. bertson Saturday. W ilm etta Forster, a member of W illiam Muller and wife and the senior class, returned to school Monday after a week’s absence, i *nn Milford called at the Hans Koch home Sunday, Jots and Tittles Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly Shedd Shots (B y Anna Pennell) Mrs. Henry Freerksen celebrated Rae. M . S. Woodworth and her 73d birthday by a dinner nt Darling ,motor' a c,rM* her son’s home. There were quite Whik ther„ they vi,lted Mr a number of frisnds there. (By Ralph Lawrence) Mrs Vera Brann, who has been -------—---- -— ------------------------------ — Woodworth'edaughter Elaine, who The infant son of Robert Ache. advertised ebewhere. We can is attending school there, and Mrs. qtniesick in Portland, was brought »on aud wife died two days after h y d ly imagine young riding horses Moyer, daughter of M r. Darling, to her mother's home to con- its birth. There are throe sons lik e that going out of favor. Since returning Mr. Darling bae v tle ’ce, Mrs. Brann ia the daugh- left in the fam ily. Though the weather clerk joined 1506,1 111 hi' h° m’ wi,h * ter of J. B. Cornett and wife. Bud McElvain speut last Thurs­ V. K. Allison of Lebanon the dry squad, as mentioned on i bad cold. day in this vicinity hunting. will discuss the compulsory page 3, he couldn't deny us a little Miss EJna Boggie of Lebanon education bill this evening at the moisture aud we are getting it. W illiam McDonald and wife of entered high school last Monday Rialto hall. Portland were Sunduy visitors m John Standish received a school as a junior. The juniors smiled, The H all music and floral shop letter from the Evans A rt Acad­ for their clam is so s n ail that they the Harry Sprenger home. did not intend to offer old music at emy congratulating him upon his are glad to welcome new members. J. R. Hobbs and wife of Detroit 36c. , ,, The printer changed the were over-night visitors at the . . -. i recent success in disposing of some The parent-teachers’ association ,'D ? he ^ vort*’ e,nen‘ ¡of his painting, and sketches. They met last Friday night in the high Pennell home last week. o old in last weeks advertise-! pre(,enle