PAGE 4 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E _ g Pompeian, Day, Night and Massage Pond’s Cold and Van­ •' A rm o o d 't Cold and Vanishing in jars and tubes In g ra m ’s M ilkw eed Cream iln d n n t's Marvelous Cold Cream Clawood Cream with Peroxide Dagett Ac Rarusdell's Cold Cream Stillm an's Freckle Cream Mavis Vanishing Cream I (Continued from page I) A . W. Metzger’s new business is a shoe store. He has bought the “ »elf service” branch of the McDowell Shoe company and w ill ru n it us a regular «hoe store. He is an expert iu stioes. C J. W hite and wife and aon Booth o f P ortland were guests a i the home of the la d y ’s father, Amos K tm say. Saturday and Sun I d ry. M r. W hite, fo rm e rly mana- I g‘ log board from December 31, J922 to December 31, 1923. from yon it ia a aign you need reading Estimated Expenses: glasses. Always ask for Kryptoks, as C o u n c ilm e u ....‘.’J $ 72 00 M a rs h a l................... 20LOO the reading part » visible io the wearer M a y o r ............. 12.00 only. H ealth O ffic e r . . . . 12.00 R e co rd er ____ 60. QO Street I.ig h tin g . . . 6 tL 0 0 E le c tio n ................... jo . oo A. Pitts of Albany spent th e week end at the W. A . M u lle r home. >1000.00 Street Intersec­ tions ................. t 175.00 L u m b e r........... ........ 360.00 G r a v e l..................... 500.00 M a in t C ity P rop t 85.00 M iic l. and Labor.. 2*8100 H a ro ld A lb ro , M an ufa ctu rin g o p tic ia n . Estimated Receipts Come in and hear it play phonograph records aud needles. A child may eat our candy w ith o t Injurious «fleets, for it is all made of the purest materials and is fresh every day. The purity aud fresh- ness W>f our confectionery has always been our strong p oint C A P IT A L AND SURPLUS $35 Commercial and Saving» accounts Solicited By order of the council. „ , ' E. K. Croat, Recorder of the City of Halsey. ♦ f AT THE END OF THE WORLD ” 1 [ ” Chapter 3 Robinson Crusoe” » and “ Felix in Love Am ount to be Raised by T a x ___ $2000.00 county. Oregon, made October 16th, 1922, authorising and d irectio g the tin - * • «d'ninistrator of the estate . . « *?. K irk p a tric k , deceased, to tell lots 5. 6, 7 and 8 in E. Hayes addition to Halsey, l inn county, Oregon, Therefore, 1 wilt, from and after the 20th day o f November. 1922, at my resi dtnee >n Halsey, Oregon, sell the real property above described at private sale to the highest bidder for cash <**rworld. wreck and gtorion generation. Suffused with th , lure nf the se. and the Unknown Rest $1000 00 O utstanding Warrants J W Pugh and wife and two children were C orvallis visitors the first of the week. ” 1* men she had ever known were the g n u lin g . gam bling r. \ that drifted through h !r father's den in Shanghsi But when she was left the prey of three who loved her—a wande w riter, a tailor and a thief— Come and see the rivals' p rim itiv e struggle that e n d e d -h o w ’ Norte« of the C ity of Hal- T o the Taxpayer« W hen you pick up a book and hold it too far W illia m Zellm er helped the Porter boys d ip «heep W ednesday in Cook, At the city council chambers, on Mon­ day evening, Novem ber 13, 1922. at the ?°, 7 i P’ '“ '.•w ill be held a meeting Hoc the discussion and adoption of the l , X‘ ven below, for the year \ \ L. Well» and son Lawrence were business visitors iu C orvallis Tuecday. R IA L T O T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y Shrop. W. Old papers, 5c a bundle erprlse office. Whom Shall the Blame Be Placed ? W . L W ells and wife were c a ll­ ers at the O- J. Albertson home Friday afternoon. J. H ill and wife took Mra. Corcoran and grandson B illy rtlan d and called on W illia m ran, who is in the hospital J. O re g o n . D r. D r. E . W . B a rn u m , dentist, nt H otel H alsey every Tuesday and A ll “ Cleanliness is next to godli I tio ie .'' The H ub cleaning works jbu advertises on the first page thia j ha w e *. 7 } ha Registered OREGON Mr». 0 . 'I. Albertson, who hae been suffering w ith rheum atism , is e lo w lyjrn n ro vin g , Iu Starting at 8 o’clock sharp $3.50 “ The Live Store.” H unters are seen on a ll sh'es »¡neo the season opened Sunday. Dr. G arnjobst, Red Pearl, Charles M ornbinweg and George I " Hayes started todav for a deer I * h u n t o f about ten days. M r. Nor-1 ton rn d bi« auto accelerated th eir I yj • « rt, 1 I r»e«y Vompeon, a b rillia n t young »cret-n actre»», w ill* be seen in bar fira t Param ount »terrine Picture, “ A t the End o f the W o rld ,” at the R ia lto F rid ay night. Mia» Compson ia a charm ing and talented p la yer whoae elevafion to stardom by P rram ou nt w ill be realized by a ll who »aw her excel lent p o rtra y a l in George T ucke r« “ The M irgcfe M an.” She has a h ig h ly d ra m a tic role in her firs t s ta rrin g vehicle, the scene* o f w hich are la id in China and the is la o d i o f the Pacific. M ilto n S ill, i t leading man. One custom er told us he was starting on his third w inter with two of them. Mail us your order. G arrett Mejsman and wife aud the lad y’s parents, M r. and Mrs. Fox of A lbany, visited a t W. A. M u lle r’» Monday. W. I1’1 k \ . J. W. Pugh and fa m ily attended the Watson & Morgan sale S a tu r­ day. town I * BETTY CO M PSO N Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line rn Northwest Newsies , P A ID -F O R PARAGRAPHS This shirt-comes in a rich khaki brown color, flat or military collar, and a in all sites. 14» to 18]................ Misses Anna H einrich and Pearl Pebrsson spent the week end visit- * g friends in C orvallis. ||T h e senior football team w ill en- ueavor to clean up on the lowei e, classmen in the first game of the 01 season tom orrow afternoon at p 3:30 on the school campus, re Amos Ramsay had pueinese sail- I trig th ju i tu Eugeue Monday. i K a rl Kopp« and wife and little I daughtor of Eugene were Sunday I guest» a t th e Dr. M ark« home. I The doctor aud K a rl went after a I few birds. Chancy Sickels, who has been on I ' the sick lis t a few days, is reprrted J much better. L in Yes, that is ju st what we mean. I t is guaranteed by us and by the maker to be pure virgin wool. A new Cheney phonograph, one of those advertised in the E n te r­ prise by the Fisher-Braden com- pany, add* charm to the M. E. Gardner home of this c ity . J. J. T all.nan o f the T allm an Piano store, Salem, d is trib u to r fo> the Baldwin Piauo company, has been here in town a few days. H r sold pianos to D. H. S turtevant. • Clark S m ith , H enry Seefeldt and ! W. H Beene, the la tte r a hand­ some player piano. E. Russ, on the Brow nsville road, brought nice, ripe red rasp- I berries to u ia iket today W ritin g from D ra io, where he is now in bnsiuese, Archie Cornel- im say»: “ Business is te tte r here; glad 1 came.“ ja S U N D A Y M A L L HOURS The delivery window of H alsey poetotfice i* open Suud ,ro ® * 1f i , ° » :« a . ra. end 1: to 12:35 end 4:45 t 0 5.00 p. m. C. C. Snyder, president of the hank of Browusville, has bonghi * Paige touring car from Vick Brothers. The Study club began it« ye a r’» work last Thursday at the home e of M is. G. T. K itchen. Twelve e membe.s were p reient aud the and the first lesson in Am ericat Literature proved very interesting Readings from the early poets and „ colonial authors were given ano B general characteristics o f colonial lite ra tu re discussed. Mesdame» Huston, Templeton, Stafford and . M ornbinweg gave the lesson. The hostess was assisted in serving b\ 1 M rs. S. J. Sm ith. The next meet­ in g w ill be a t the hour.e of Mrs B. M . Bond. Santiseptic Lotion N(> No. IR, 12:01 p, m. I STORE i • ■ - i Paste Polish (p in k) Cake Polish Cuticle Remover sets R A IL R O A D N orth E. R. Cummings and daughter and Miss M innie Gourley of A l ­ bany and M is* Clarice G ourley ot Halsey were Sunday gueete of M r, and Mrs. Herman M itzne r.— Cor. Herald. ishing, in jars and tubes Hinds’ Honey and Al­ mond a n d c o ld cream K i mey of Eugene were Sunday. HALSEY Miss Cleona Sm ith was home from the state uuiversity over the week end. Face Creams Cute« Cutex Cutex C u tex I hrue jailers were knocked iuaaiui- ble in the getaway. He wax re- captured the next day. H A L L ’S F L O R A L and M U S IC SH O good barn one block of land, balance $1.5 per month. See P IA N O S S H E E T M U S IC SONORA PHO NO G RAPHS V O c A L IO N R E C O R D S Jay W. Moore, O ld Popular music, 35c M ail orders promptly filled hone 166J Albany' Oregon L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON Phone 35 p hone , j Brandos at Brow nivdle. Phone 37C1J. Halsey Phone 166 F m « k K irk . M gr Large stock ; fine equipment, including two good anto hearses lYices most reatonable. Lad» attendant Realtor. Are You Looking Ahead? A r t yon m ving for ,h . fnture or spend,ng a.l « you g o ’ w iin in six months from the date hereof, duly veriS -d as by law I required. 7 Hated this 20th day of September, 1922. J- A M c M aham . Adm inistrator of the estate of W illia m H McMahan, deceaaed. w B A T a x a ro a D AW vatt . Attys. for Aduir. N oticb Saver or Spender ? success I t asaZred'^''' * * ' h ,r OWB his own farm ov business. or A ppoiwtmxwt o r E x a c otbix Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned by an order of the County Vonrt of Linn Ceontv. Oregon, has able« t h e ^ tr u t h ^ 'f* th fs a v ,^ ’ " 7 ? ,B l,/e ' •P *Blh day of September, 1922. R osa P owbll , E xecutrix Aforesaid. AMO« A.TujeiW G , A tty for E xrx.