F U R N IT U R E hQme FLOOR C O V ERIN G Congoleum and Lino­ leum in rugs or by STOVES and the yard RANGES O ur prices are rtiade with the best makes the object of selling goods See our stock and prices before you buv &Co. OCT. 1», 1922 HALSEY BN TSR PR ISfi and hi» own huge flats struck oat. ' * RAGE J Theo he saw the pause, and it If Bruce's blow had gone straight seemed to him that words, too faint i T L A 1, A , home'where It had been aimed, Simon for him to seeratary and Mrs. George Laubner, understand, raachad him i i would have had nothing more to nay aero»* the moonlit treasurer. American literature is the space*. Theo ooe j main topic this season. for a few moments at. least. The leap of the party turned off toward the ' G ussantikd W o mx hud been powerful and swift .vet whol­ ridge. Hall's Floral and Music shop, A l­ ¿AUMDBY ly inaccurate. And the reason w Ug bany, last week advertised a floral He guessed that It was Simon. He Just that bis wrists and ankles had thought the man was riding toward service which nobody in Halsey is C lxanino and P iissim o been numbed by, the tight thongs by Linda’s home. ready to perform. Flowers for par- D D R IB E L IN . Prop. tiaa, weddings, funerals, etc. This which they had been confined. Simon week the same company tell about met the leap with a short, powerful (To be continued.) phonographs, records, sheet music, blow Into Bruce's face: and he reeled ate. I t w ill pay you to read the ad­ backward. The arms of the clansmen vertisements in the Enterprise every alone kept him from falling. week. The blow seemed to daze Bruce; and All kinds of id season at first his only realisation was that At the county fa ir Brownsville, Lebanon and Lacomb and tw o (Continued from page t) the room suddenly rang with harsh Quarter« of B E E F for canning granges, Mountain View and Sand and grating laughter. Then Simon's The Ringos visited Salem Sunday. Ridge, made the largest agricultural words broke through It. “Put back purposes at canning prices Mrs. Joseph Hardcastle of Browns­ displays, while F. M . French with his 11 varieties of winter apples had the ville is 96 years old. lrrgest individual exhibit. On com­ S. G. Holve of Seattle w m a busi­ munity exhibits the awards were as ness visitor here the f i r s t of last follows: Mountain View grange of week. Benton county*, firs t: Lebanon com­ W. F. Carter is selling meat at the munity, second; Sand Ridge commun­ ity, third; Brownsville community, old stand, having succeeded Falk fourth; Lacomb community, fifth . Brothers. flit |||g OlQ Stand B^rfaSF SflOP Fresh and Cured Meats Jots and t ittles F IS H W. F. C A R T E R Before buj ing autom o­ bile supplies of any kind it will pay you to come to flinching. — --------— — | “Everything is tolarable d ear to as | jest that In a moment all would ~uim John Standish sometimes paints James Drinkard sports a new derstitod. "Insteud of tilling you full W illys-Knight auto which he got 'at pictures, among his other diversions. already," Simon sold, “except your I and get prices. of thirty-thirty bullets, as better men He left some w ith a friend at Yaki.mu Portland last i week. sentence.” We handle G O O D Y E A R . F IS K and tlmn you have beerffilled and what we who paints and sells pictures and “1 want you to know that I refuse G A T E S T IR E S and are able to sell The Brownsville Pythian Sistfrs who writes that of John’s productions ought to do— we're Just going to let you a tire at almost any price you wish have pledgeerntlons became as Send orders to W IL M E R K YLE, and greatest of the grizzlies. face. outlandish occurrences In a dream. Winsnt, Oregon. But they had no realization of the They seemed to know Juffw hot to do. “That was what my brother Dave led me to understand,'' Simon went full dreadfulness of the plan. They They took him frorp the Raddle and on, “ao we've decided to let you have hadn't heard the more recent history bound his feet ngaln. then laid. him In your way. It'« open— It's been open of the Killer— the facts that p inion the fragrant grass. They searched hla 7 *? purpose of the compulsory publie school attendance hill It to Insure sine« you cam« here. You disregarded had Just learned from Dave. Strange pofketp, taking the forged note that the Instruction of all Oregon children of grammar school age In a common the warning I gave—and men don’t and dark conjecturing occupied Si­ had le<$ to Jilt downfall. “It saves ma .T-’î f v ’ .’ x ' . r 5?“ “ ° " h,; to7 •" « common Ideals, to the end that American disregard my warnings twice. You mon's mind, and he knew—in a mo­ a trips” Simon commented. He11 saw ?utlon. p.rpriuaP¿.O dm Am ,rlc» n « ri.in e rd ed and American tosti- threatened Dave with your rifle. This ment's thought— that something more two ° f them lift the lorn body of tha than terror and Indignity might be j anlflia, to tl,p b#ek of ,jf th(? 1 la a different land than you’re used to, Bruce, and we do things our own Bruce's fate. But hla passion was ripe hornes* and he watched dtdly ns the „ ” ¿ , * ¡ 5 l ' . f r°J î? r<’ bM‘ UM ” • «uppori«« believe that only by universal- way. You've hunted for trouble and for what might come. The few signif­ hope *lungod‘ nnd wheeled under the âcMevèd0 ° 1 ° Uf ch dr* n ü0 »Und»r•>»»“ “ » them, becauao tered through narrowed Uda. their llpe men ayked. tnose who do not understand them properly do not support them. i set. The air was charged with CHAPTER X X I "No. Let him shout If he likes. There Office 1st door south of school house pens«. Ths moment of crisis was near Is no one to heor him here.” Halsey, Oregon. Sometimes tbe men glanced at their Then the tall men swung on their “I f Shnon Turner IsD't a coward." leader’s face, and what they saw there horses and beaded . baclq across the filled them with a grim and terrible Bruce sold slowly to the cion, "he will fields. Bruce watched them dully. - Handles Town and Country Property. F. S MALCOLM. IS", eagerness. Slroow was beginning to give me a chance to fight him now." Their forms grew constantly more dim, Give him a call and see if be cas fia Infpoctor Oeneral In Oregon, The room was wholly silent, and tbe the sense of utter Isolation Increaa run true to form. Bis dark passions you up. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rito, were slowly mastering bins. For a mo­ dan turned expectant eyes to their efore Simon could get his arms up'to defend himself. He edvd H lFeyee teemed to amoider as he sradlad his huge hand«. "We've had given the huge cion leader credit REDUCID W decided to he mareifeL after all.* he for tremendous physics I strength, but said slowly. Bht neither Brace nor the he didn't think that tbe heavy body FAR.FS O N cMnmnM mis and seer nod him er were could move wttb real agility. But (be A tL PAILUOADS Avert red They ralY knew that these great muscles aeeme-1 to tnsp Into teuslon, the bend ducked to on« aide. words were simply pert. e f a deadly H a lse y G arage E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHAN6E_ USEU F U R N IT U R E Beauty Banquet Ranges $65 We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and W edding Rings 50 B la c k fa c e E w es, 1 S h ro p sh ire B u ck, 2 I. O, 0 . F , J e r s e y h e ife r s Amor A. Tussing Oat and Vetch or Clover Hay a n d 1 car Cheat Hay C .C . B R Y A N T Fresh Salmon for sale, f. o. b. Oyster- ville, at 6c a pound Spuds PUBLIC SCHOOL Vote 314 x Yes 3 First-class Bnrbank and Mortgage Lifter potatoes o r sale. 1 F. M. G R A Y , D raym an . W . J. Ri be lin Dealer in Real Estate. One Flag—«One School—One Language For the Best cash prices see 0. W. FRUM H A Y . G R A IN . F E E D A N D L IV E S T O C K First-class grinding and grain cleaning done at any time Pacific International Live Stock Exposition n