Ci ILSEY ENTERPRISE VO L. X I H A L S E Y , U N S C O l'N T Y , O R B S O N . T H U R S D A Y , C C T . 1». 1923 When in Albany a good place to eat is at the (S/z’Ze W e Do D yeing ^Confectionery a n d C a fe te ria . W - S. D U N C AN , Prop. Brownsville Briefs (By Ralph Lawrence) j High School Notes HUB DYERS TAILORS CLEANERS HATTERS Corner Fourth and Lyon streets, The Camp Fire Girls’ bake tale The nutpber of high school last Saturday was a decided suc­ Wilmette cess. The girls are to give a pppiis is decreasing. “ cookie” bake on election day, at Forster and Mabel Robinson quit Briday. Howe's store. ................. .................* ........................................................................................... At least two from each class are Raymond Weimar entered high school as a senior last Monday, entering the declamation contest making a senior class of twenty- that Mr. English is starting They will hold coutests here, and later three. compete with other towns. Mrs. Stsnley of Portland, is here The senior class is trying to de­ visiting hew mother, Mrs. Good­ cide on a class play to be given man. on K irk avenue. some time before Christmas, if The football boys accsptsd their possible. defeat at the hands of the Albany « As soon as the weather clears up team Saturday quite gracefully the general science class will meet Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and are preparing for a moro sue- and in Halsey Particularly cesiful game next time. A number at the schoolhouse to star-gaze. They will meet four times during of Brownsville people saw the the school year to determine the game and said it was a good one. M r». F ra n k W a lk e r, now o f Salem position« of constellations at differ­ for 30 years. The two families visited Brow nsville last week. Marvel Lawrence speut the week ent intervale. also enjoyed a reunion at the A. end at home, returning to Albany Mr». Bob Stewsrt went to thf J. H ill home in Halsey.—-H arris­ The girls have organized for Monday morning. county sent Tuesday to visit George burg Cor. Democrat. baseball and intend to compete Ruth Rice waa home from Al with team« in other towns in the Shepherd's daughter, who is ser­ iously ill. John 8tsndish went to the coun baby college over the week end spring. They have two teams ty seat on a business trip Tuesday Professor Starr has been giving and whenever the weather is fit, E. Rogoway, the Albany furni­ morning on the O. E. and returned a number of educational testa the they spend noons and recesses ture man, who was run into and on the S. P. at noon. Anna Heinrich is injured by an auto, 'was under past two weeks in the seventh to practicing. Pehrseon treatment in Poitland this week tenth grades, inclusive. M r. Starr manager, and Pearl Four Brownsville children, Ed- says he finds the whole school, captain. for hie injuries. He hoped to be win Starts and Lucille, Raymond able to come home by Saturday. and Eldon Davis, bad their toneilt from second grade to the last year (T he following items were left over of high school, deficient in math- removed in the same hospital as ast week) Mrs. J C. Standish returned the county seat Monday, mat ics. Janet Boggs visited school a while home Saturday after a week’s ST Merle Farrier got such a large Lyman Sawyer and Joe Schrunk visit k ith friends and relatives ia dosg of poison oak, while out in Wednesday afternoon. of Brownsville are home from their Portia od. the timber, that he has been un One new freshman started to torm in the navy. They have been able to atteud school for the past eohool Monday, Treva Jackson, for­ M»rv E. I^ent, sister of Mrs. at Guam the most of the time. ten days, his face being completely merly from Michigan, also three 0 . F. Neal, N. F. Johnson and In the Heskin garden at XverilK covered with the poison. freshman, Louise and Esther See. Lloyd H. Peterson motored down street and Spaulding avenue, from Portland to spend Sunday felt and Gladys Wilbanks, decided Word wsa received here last Brownsville, have been found a at the Neal home. to quit tchool for thia year. week that Mrs. Savage, our former perfectly carved Indian tomahawk telephone girl, has been quite ill The English 3 class ia talkiug Rev. C .T . Cook and wife motored and one of the fashioned imple­ at her home in Salem. adout playing “ Merchant of Ven- to Philomath Monday to visit ments which the native« used for iee” , with M r. Engljsh taking the Mrs. Cook's sister. They returned weighting fish nets, «Ae part of Launoelot Gobbo. the same day. The McMahan farm was a Mecca The connty gets 38,259 this year for bird hunters from Portland, W e H ave Two brothers named Colton, from federal forest receipts, of Corvallis and elrewhere Sunday evidently vanning their car at blgb E V E R Y THING which three-fourths goes to the and some of them were poor marks­ eweed, ran off the new pavement O ptical general road fund and the remain­ men. Twenty birds were bagged, ; ust south of the J. Safley place der to the tchool fund. some of which were consumed in a Saturday evening and it overturned str a in I t the Cease of M any in the ditoh. One of the men got S. Fedler and wife Pasadena. feast at the farm by nimrods and H U M A N IL L S a cot on the cheek and a bruised C al., have been visiting at the their wives. Next day more hunt­ I I yoar ayes give yon trouble or leg. Mr. Safley took them to H arry Hook home. The women ers got more birds. your glasses are annoyiag (Continued on pare 3) Harrisburg, where the injured were schoolmates and had not met S E E US. We can Relieve You man was treated. The windshield Bancroft Optical Co. and top of their par was ruined, 313 1st St. W. Albany, Phone but they proceeded on their way ifeb. SlM-B; 4:14-1».--------- ----- next day. PRIMARY T O P lC -Jaeue OvercomM Albany Oregon E. C. M ILLER . Local Agent Jots and Tittles 'S» ere Temptation. JUNIOR TOPIC—Jasua T em p i. 4 Vo D e Wrong. INTERM EDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC —Overcoming Temptation. IO UN O PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —W hat CUrlot’a Victory Meant te Ua Church Announcements F A lle n A G eacX - C a t Hosiery Our lines of children’s hosiery include every style or quality jo n are ever likely to want Stockings for school, r'dress-up” or knockabout wear, made with reinforced heels, toes and knees, for sturdy boys and girls— all rightly frtaJ. See our special School Dis­ play this week. « X S ? " M. V. KOONTZ CO. go to Fisher-Braden for anything in the furniture line. M ake reservations now for Christmas presents in E L E C T R I C L A M M , C A N D L E S T I C K S , P IC T U R E S , T R A V E L I N G B A G S . C H A I R S , in fact anything, and we w ill wrap and m ark it lor you, de­ liv e rin g it at Christmas. Maks our »tore your headqnartei s w hile in Albany. HOUSE FU k O R years, m others o f boys and girls have looked to us fo r hosiery strongly made; to stand the wear and tear o f the school playground. F o r as many years we have recommended. When in Albany CLEANING WORKS (INC.) (Mearly Straley, Reporter) School Stockings NO. : Christian: 10, Bible school. 11, Lord's Supper. Sermon, “ The Dinner H our." 6:30, Christian Endeavor, 7:80, Sermon. See adv. Lester Jones, pastor. Methodist: Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior league, 8, Intermediate League, 7:30. Epworth League, 7:80. Preaching in the evening. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. Rev, C. T . Cook. Pastor, Sunday School Lesson O r RXV. F. B. FtT gW A T E R , D. D.. Tearker or Rngllefc Bible la ute Moods Bible laatllute of Chlceee.) Caorrtgkt. le s s Weatere N-oaoepe- TTolea LESSON FOR OCTOBER 22 J I8 U 8 TEM PTED .J J . LESSON TEXT—Luka OOLDBN T B X T -F o r la that He Him- eeir hau: euSertd being ¡em p iri. He le able to w o cre theta that are tempted. -H e b r-ia R EFERENCE M A T E R IA L -F h fl. I * - U ; I. The Rises e f fv. 1.). The wilderness of Judea. The first man, Adam, was tempted In a garden n lth the most pleasant surroundings. T he second man, Jesus Christ, was tempted In a barren wilderness sur­ rounded by wild beasts (M a rk 1:13). II. The Purpose ef (v. 1). He was led Into a wilderness by the Spirit. r’hrlat's temptation was Messianic. Though He was "tempted In all points like as we. are,'* we are not tempted a t H e was In this Instance, but the same methods era employed on as. During the eighteen years of retire­ ment Satan surely tempted Christ ae he tempts us. Sstsn, no doubt, would have gladly escaped thia hour, but the time bed come for the Redeemer to enter upon Ills mediatorial work therefore He went from the place of anointing end heavenly recognition aa the Son of God to meet and despoil the arch enemy (Heb. 2 :4). 1. I t waa not a preparation for H it work, bat rather Its first conflict In baptism we have the symbolic set of dedication of himself to the work of redemption through the cross—the making fa ll a righteoaeneee In the temptation, the strong men la spoil lag the enemy. 2. It was not to see If Christ would stand fast— would fall Bed re the most crucial test. Chrlet coaid net fall. To so postulate would make God'e scheme of redemption to have been onaettled nntll a fte r this temptation, and would have made Ood guilty of setting forth a scheme of redemptla an the bests of a possible overthrow. 8 It was le show Christ as an ote Ject upon which we ssey rest enr faith BRADEN USHERS T hird and Broadalbin stretta UNDERTAKERS Phone 95 Albany, O e;o n 5 with unanazen confidence. H e ’ cafitL aa ¡he second Man. the head of a a r t race, Its very source and life. It was (B y Anna Pennell) a demonstration of the Ineeparabl«- neae of the divine and human natures W orth Bass is able to be at work In the Incarnation. agaiu after being hurt eotno tiiue I I I . The Method e f (trv. S-12). ago. Christ as the world’s Redeemer sustained a threefold relation— Son of Erneat Hove of Cauby waa in M a n ; Son of G od ; and Messiah, there­ Shedd Snnday hunting. fore Satan made each one a (round of L . C. Pennel of Canby, who is attack. 1. Aa Son o f Man ( w . 2-4). Satan employed at Saddle Butte, ;spent a made his first assault upon H im aa week at hie home. a man by appealing to the Instinct of Arthur Albert, who is attending hunger. Satan urged H im to use H it divine power and convert a etoue In­ O. A. C,, spent the w e e k end in to bread. Hunger Is natural and sln- Shedd, viiitiug friends. leaa. The temptation was In satls- Paul Braun is in Shedd for a fylng a right hunger In a wrong way. few days hauling rock to finish up To have yielded In thia case would the road work. hove been to renounce the human lim ­ itations which H e had taken fo r our George Bill and Lloyd Zeigler sakes. To use divine power to satisfy of Barlow spent a few days in human needs would have been to fall Shedd hunting. aa Saviour and'Redeemar. Mrs. Clark and her brother, Jim 2. Aa Messiah (vv. 5-S). H ere the temptation was to grasp His rig ht­ T ail, gave a birthday dinner on ful dominion by false meant. The Sunday, inviting Henry Freerksen devil offered to surrender unto H im and wife and granddaughter the world I f H e would worship him. France«. Lyman Coates aud wife, The force of thia temptation was In R. A. Jueliog and wife end R. A. the fact that the kingdoms of the Marga.on and wife. I t was their world are Christ a by God’s covenant 53rd annjversity. with Him . God’s method by which Jesus was to possess the world was Roy Zimmerman of Aurora the cross. The temptation Sataa la spent Sunday and Monday hunt­ pressing upon the church today la to ing and visiting at the Pennell get possession o f the world by other home. means than the cross. 8. As Son o f Ood ( w . 0-12). Hera Satan tries to Induce Chrlet to pre­ sume upon God s care, tie quotes a Messlsslr l'sa lm to Induce H im to an TUB act. T e do the spectacular thing la order to get notice la to fa ll loto Sa­ tan’s temptation. For Jesus to hgve placed him self In danger la order to ¡T H E get God’s special help ta «gflverifig Him would have been to sin. To put one's self In moral and spiritual peril la order to test God'e faithfulness la to sin. Satan la never quite so dag- eroue as when he quotes Scripture. J THE IV. Christ’s Defense ( r r . 4, -8. U ) ; I t was the Word of God. H e met and repulsed the enemy with “ft it w ritten." Our defense la God'e Word. Mejf every Sunday school teacher These aubjeett w ill be discussed in know bow to uae it I the lig h t of M a t t 24. V. The Issue (v. 13). Satan Is vanquished. I f we w ill but trust God and use H is W ord we too can overcome. Shedd Shots A SERM ON Fall of Jerusalem Second Coming of Christ End of the World Stnday evening, 7:30 Christian Church Interesting Items from the Hamilton Store New Winter Dresses serge and tricot I ae. • & — _ _ $0.75 $11.95 tO $27.50 New Silk FettlCOatS <'e * n,w n r r t\ i O IO 1 li in n p l M lH r llA C aiuiuivi XTIIUUIVS A A $3.75 MpPfl Ip W A f L ilC C U IC W U I K Blue serge dresses priced as low as.................................................... Tricotine dresses priced fro m ................... •bipm ent of . v . y u v u «Ute petticoats at moderate prices These have fancy accordion pleated t f O A _ a z » flouucea. Priced fro m .............v....................... « J )O . !j)V .O U T *>e practical m id d y blonsea in red and blue colors are here. d> g Red and blue midddies, sizes 14 to 42, priccdX........................... . . 4 ^ « v v Blue m id dies,¡-izet 6 to 14 ................................................. B0W ,la * * * oic» line of stamped neeille- work. U f a lim y for fin g er, to get busy mak ■ ng Christmas gifts. Halloween W e are ready with an extra large supply