PAGE 4 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E O C T . 13, 1922 there wes no danger, but it will take some time to overcome the Mr, Gormley effects.' drying prunes for duritig the season. Tom M iller has a brokeo little finger, the result of a fall from a adder at the Rialto, where he was doing jeuitor work, Friday. Dawson’s In an item printed on page 8 Jokn Salash was reported as hav­ ing visited Saturday's taces and the words " a n d w ife ” were omit ted after his name, leaving Mrs A new fireproof building, a Salash apparently at home, where ** picker house” 50 by 70 feet, is she wasn’t. being erected el the woolen mill. As we go to press Mrs. Hugh I Mrs. E . C. M iller bee been visit­ Leeper ie reported nicelv improv­ ing her sister io Albany all week. ing in her combat with toneihtis. The B a c k g ro u n d o f Good Scholarship Mrs. Guy L»yton feel oo a gaso­ line engine Monday moroing and cut her right band so severely that Dr. Marke had to take five stitches io it. Jake Ackerman and wife of Brownsville and Mrs. M«ry West visited at J. W. Pugh’s Sunday. Mrs. O. ). Albertson has been on the sick list thia week. T h e g re a te s t s a le You buy We do floral designing Potted plants and cut flowers Floral baskets of oil kinds Bridal bouquets a specialty M a il orders prom ptly filled Phone 166J Albany' Oregon D R U G G IS T A firs io the logging place of the Sawyer sawmill near Brownsville (one who runs a sawmill is a saw­ yer, you know) was jurt becom­ ing threatening when the rain put t out. J o ts a n d T it t le s (Continued from page 4) W . J, Ribelin and Arthur W ei- ley cauie home from Brooton epiug.* 1 The Brownsville high school Friday, declaring that the "kelp football team goes to the couuty ore” treatment had rejuvenated seat Saturday to try conclusions them and appearing ae it it bad. ith the high school team there. W illiam K irk , Cbarlea Morn- Ray Fox end Faye Evens were 1 i iweg and Delon Clark went to fined for setting off firecrackers on the postponed races at the fair the streets of BruwDiviile last £ t iund Saturday. week. The farmers have been wonder­ George Laubner has taken his fully favored by the weather clerk. farm back from M r. Neff a ud Enough rain to make good plow­ moved on to reside, leaving the ing and then good plowing weather- large Dean house vacant. Mrs. Clara Thompson of Browns­ ville came home from Eugene and was met by H . C- Thompson and wife an- Lucy Pray returned Sun­ after there was more news in hand than thd Enterprise force could day night from her visit with the put in type for this week’« paper.. Wells fam ily near Junction City. Bert Clark B rushes and of T o o th m any o th e r Dawson’s STO R E A L B A N Y There were 108 at the Christian chirch Sunday school ra lly , in . «teed of 78, as reportsd. ... R IA LTO T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y W om an with W lo »1000.00 ALONE' DOROTHY DALTON a G EO R G E M E LFO R D P r o d u c tio n i Street Intersec- ! tio n s .........................» L u m b e r_________ G ravel . . . . . . . . . . . I M a in t C ity Propt. I Miscl. and Labor .,. »1320.04 O »tslanding Warrants . . . . . O ptom etrist Youth and Age. my youth I thought of writing a The m elodram a beautiful, sweeping from Estimated Receipts; London’s ballrooms to the wild South Amer­ ¡ License Fee».......... » 20.00 ican jungle. Road T a x ............... 500.00 Produced by the man who made "TheiShiek » 524 00 Milton Sills and W anda H a w le y th e east W Recapitulation A ls o and No. 2 of “ Robinson Crusoe Andy and MinJn “The G um ps” J HALSEY RESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE Seven-room house, good barn, one block of laud, plenty of fru it. Pries M00. »250 down, balance »15 per month. See Jay W. Moore, Are yon saving for the future or spending all as yon go 7 »2520,00 - Am ount to be Raised by T a a ___ »3000 04 E. F Creta Recorder of the C ity of Halsey Saver or Spender ? The saver w ill soon be able to own his own farm or business. His success i t assured The spender has s gorsd tim e early in life, spending a ll, and too late re­ alties the truth of the ta rin g ‘ ‘ Ih e secret of success is saving." Estim ated E xp ens;s..........-..» 2 5 2 0 .03 Estimated R eceipts....................... 526.00 By order of the eoaacil. R e a lto r . Are You Looking A head? 200.00 Which One A re Y ou? ' 166, F ra n k K irk , M gr ADiuiusTRaToa's S a l k Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited »1320.00 Phone W hen you pick up book and hold it too far »1000.00 . D IR E C T O R S LEBANON Phone 15 Halsey: A t the city council chambers on Mon­ day evening. October 16th, 1922, at the hoar of 7 p. m., w ill be held a mass meet­ ing for the purpose of n om in atin g can­ from yon it is a sign you need reading didates for the follow ing city offices, to glasses. Always ask for Kryptoks, at be filled at the c ity election. Tuesday, recorder, the reading part is visible io the wearer November 7th, 1922: mayor, treasurer, marshal, one council man for only. a two-year term, two councilinen for a four-year-term. By order of the city eouncil. R. F. Cnoss, Recorder of the city of Halsey. $35,000 175.00 360.00 500.00 »5.00 200.00 FUNERAL ZOTICB To the Legal Voters of the City of for the a'iscumion and adoption of the “ 1 he Eu- W hy ? "The women walked alone.” ’ ’ How do you know ?” "T h e R ia lto announcement says io .” "W h y did she walk aloue?’’ " W e ’ll have to go and ae«. Maybe it wee because she coaid walk without help. Maybe she wsot on crutches. Maybe it was because nobody would walk w ith her, or because she would not walk with anybody else.” Halsey HALSEY STATE BANK ing board from December 31, 1922, to December 31, 1923. Estimated Expeuses. Council m en............. » 72.00 M a rs h a l................... 202,00 M a y o r.................... . 12.00 Health O fficer . . . . 12.00 Recorder__ . . . . . . 60.00 Street lig h tin g . . . 612.00 E le c tio n ............... . . 34.00 D r. E. W . Barnum, dentiet, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Friday. Branches at Brownsville, Phone 37C15. Clark’s Confectioner» D. G- Gray, brother of Frank when the team jerged and threw cify budget, a , given below, for the year Gray, the draymen, returned to her out, itijuriog her back. Dr. 1921 his Portland home Monday, after Marks was summoned and said Estimated budget • * passed bv the levy­ For Sale: Registered Shrop­ shire rame. Dr. J. W . Cook, Brownsville, Oregon. Phoae 35 the Claxtonola i . R e g i s t e r e d Cots- ; wold Sheep. X* Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line H A R R IS B U R G satire on mankind: but now In my Mrs. I.ana Romer*of Portland, Harold Albro. W illia m Templeton is still i n i age I think I should w rite an apology whose first husband was the la te Manufacturing optician. serious condition at Salem, whe/e for sale, f. o. b. Oyster- foe them.— Walpole. Perry Overton of Brownsville, lie is under Dr. Kent's care. ville, at 6c a pound where she is well known, returned I Send orders to W IL M E R K Y L E , Mrs. Harry Davis and daughter home Monday from a visit with We sell W in»nt. Oregon. and Mrs. T. J. Skitviu and niece the Overtons of Brownsville. w e n t to the races Saturday. Miss Anne Warmoth of Browns­ i n« county fair was under ville died Sunday end wee buried Come in and hear it play ■ loudy skies and over wet soil until Tuesday. She bed been confined Hulsey turned the school children to her room with rheumatism for All phonograph records and needles. loose and pretty nearly alLof IIs l several years. She wee 60 years First-class Bnrbank and any atte n d ed , F rid a y , when the old and had taught school io her No One Will Refuse a Mortgage Lifter potatoes plate of C lark’s ice cream, fts d eli­ skies were bright and ell was home lewn fur many yeare. I t is . cious flavor, so pleasing to the palate, aaid that she taught more prim ary ,O r S a le , merry. —„ appeals to eveyone's taste, young or old. < 1 and | 5 Q p#r cwt; I t yon doubt this try some yourself. One T. P. Patton »as at tbs county pupils iu that city than any other tria l w ill convince you. Sold by the teacher. metropolis Tuesday, R A LP H M cN EIL, Halsey. pint, quart or gallon. The Mountain Stater Power com- ' ■ i ........ .n ■ . . It. W . Tripp and family of Al- Cooling soil drinks, too. F O R SA LE— Eleven head, » m e bony, a party of six. expectrd to pany must be spending some of vtsit yesterday for Minneapolis, Toy where lus mother is reported to be pro vein ante end obangee, One two-year juice het been shnt off p pretty reg very ill. buck anil ularly Sunday end the letter la pari Prof. English’« passengers t,on To L- L G ray; Robert W. Kern, Cbarlea K Kern. Eldon W . Kern, E. 5. Bush and to all others nnknown, G reet­ ing: In the name of the state of Oregon. Yon a rt hereby cited and required to sp- I war in the cdunty court of the state of Oregon. for the county of L in n, at the courtroom thereof, at Alhany, in said county, oo Monday, the lpth day of Octo­ ber, 1922, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause why an order should not be granted authorising and directing the adminis­ trator of the said estate to tell lots 5. 6. 7 and 8 in block 2 in E. Hayes addition to Halsey, Linn county, Oregon. At private tale after advertisement as re­ quired by law. Witness. the Hon. W . R B ll.vXV. Judge of the connty court of the state of Oregon for the connty o f Linn, with the seat of said court affixed, this 6th day of September. A . D. 1922. R. M. RrssXLL. Clerk 'SealJ By M. K . W o o trt. Deputy