calling of that name. He heard no look on his face was deeply abhorrent whispered answer. Instead, the door to Bruce. Curiously. Simon's face he had Just passed through that softly flushed, and he whirled in hie chair. Horace Larwill ot Crawford.villa Head act. That will not bar the behind him. “Do you mean anything In particu­ was to be tried ia Albsnv vesterday Enterprise. For a fleeting instant he hoped that lar. Old Bill?" he demanded. on a charge of poeeqssiug intoxi­ the wiud had blown It shut For it is Twenly-two acres of wheat exam­ “It looks to me like maybe Dave's cants. always the way of youth to hope—as forgot a lot of things you told him, ined in this county by the iaspect- f long as any hope la left. His heart and be and Linda are havin' a little or» thia year waa certified as souud ever seen in Halsey is on display leaped and he whirled to fare t t Thao sparkin' time together out In the and 60 acres rejected. at the store of he heard the unmistakable sound of a brush. ” bolt being slid into place. A t the county fair baby show The idea seemed to please the clan. k i n d u r * t5 * c®un|F ia,r l,al)Y »bow Some little space of Ume followed ~ 'll i V m i k i i (luwatd Coruutt, aon of C larence But Simon's eyes glowed, and Bruce in silence. He struggled with growing Coruutt and wife, won the first himself felt the beginnings of a blind i horror, and time seemed limitless. with bright porcelain and shining rage that might, uuleae he held bard prixe in the class for children .over nickel which need no polish. Up- ! Then a strong man laughed grimly In upon IL hurl him against their re­ 3 years old. to-date cooking apparatus ; latest the darkness. and get price*. morseless weapons. “I don't want any improvements. Karl W . Harmon, who had an We handle G O O D Y E A R , F I» K sad more such talk out of you. Old Bill," CHAPTER XX Simon reproved him. "end we've talked O A T E S T IR E S and are able to sell taction sale Mouday on the Mc­ enough, anyway.” Ute keen eyes stud­ j you a tire at almost any price you wish Lain place, ha* rented a farm a ■to pay. As Bruce watted, his eyeg slowly be­ RUGS ied Bruce's flushed face. “One of you in Automobile repairing. W illard bat­ few miles west of Albany, came accustomed to the darkness. He give our guest a chair and fix him up L IN O L E U M S Menton county. began to see the dim outlines of his In It with a thong. We don't want tery service. Our prices sell goods fellow occupants of the room— fully I him flying off the coop and getting HALSEY G ARAG E CO NG O LEUM S N. C. Smith end wife of Canby, seven brawny men seated Io chain shot nntll we ns done talking to Mm ” FOOTK BROS., Props. former residents of Halsey, re­ about the walls. “Let's hear you drop Phones { 16x5 turned to this place Thursday to (To be continued.) I Residence, 164 your rifle.” one of them said. reside on tbeir farm about three Bruce reacqtnlxed the grim voice as DtKh buy for the winter feeding. There lect In the past twenty years It need­ Simon's— heard on one occasloo before. miles from towo. were wide, greet, pastures, ensllvered ed painting and many of Its windows He let his rifle fall from hie hands. He by the moon, and fields of corn laid The paver* on the Halsey-Har. 'vert, broken. Bruce rejoiced to see knew that only death would be the ont in even rows. The old appeal of that there were no lights In the east risburg contract laid 615 feet of the soil, an Instinct that no person of wing of the house; the window that answer to any resistance to these men. concrete Monday, which was a Anglo-Saxon descent can ever com­ I.lnda had Indicated In the note was Then Simon scratched a match, and without looking at him, bent to touch record dav’a work. They expect pletely escape, swept through him Just a black squure on the moonlit It to the wick of the lamp. to reach Alford by the time the They were worth fighting for, those wall. The tiny flame sputtered and flick­ Enterprise is out and then lie off fertile acres. There was a neglected garden close ered. filling the room with dancing for the winter. Not for nothing have a hundred gen­ to this wing of the house. I f he could shadows. Bruce looked about him. erations of Anglo-Saxon people been reach this spot In safety he could ap­ Simon sat beside the fireplace, the Robert Jackson, who came from tillers of the soil. They had left a proach within a few feet of the house lamp at his elbow. As the wick A'pina, Mich., looking for a lo­ love of It to Bruce. He knew what and still remain In cover. Ho went caught, the light brightened and stead­ cation, last week, ha* rented the It would be like to feel the earth's flat, then slowly crawled toward IL ied, and Bruce could see plainly. On K. 8. Marsters farm, on the pulse through the handles of a plow to Once a light sprang up In a window each side of him. In chairs about the Brownsville road. The Marslera behold the first start of green thlrgs near the front, and he pressed close walls, sat Simon's brothers and his In the spring and the golden ripening family will mova to Brownsville. to the earth. But in a moment it went blood relations that shared the estate In fall; to watch the flocks through the away. He crept on. H e didn't know with him. They were huge, gaunt breathless nights and the herds feed­ The grand master of I 0 O. F. When a watchman' m one of the dark men, moat of them dark-bearded and ing on the distant hills. and other grand officers of that Windows would discern his creeping sallow-skinned, and all of them regard­ Bruce looked over the ground. He figure. But he did know perfectly Just organisation and the Rebekahs are ed him with the same gate of specula­ knew enough not to continue the trail what munner.of greeting he might ex tive Interest. expected at the next meeting ofjthn farther The space In front was bathed pect In thia event. There would he a Bruce did not flinch before their Brownsville Rebekahs, which will In moonlight, and he would make the Single little spurt of tire in the durk gaze. He stood erect as he could. In- J be a joint meeting with the I. 0 . best kind of target to any rifleman ness, go small ’that probably his eyes stlnctlvely defiant. 0- F. in honor of President M il­ watching from the windows of the would quite full to catch It. I f they “Our guest Is rather early,” Simon dren McMahan. bouse. He turned through the coverts, did discern It, there would be no time began. "Dave hasn't come yet, and seeking the shadow of the forests at £pr a messuge to be recorded In bis Dave Is the principal witness.“ The Brownsville Good Citisen- one side. brain. It would mean a swift and cer­ A bearded man across the room an­ ship league ha* adopted resolution* Oy going In a quartering direction tain end of all messages. The Turners swered him. “But I guess we ain't recommending preference of pub- ha was able to approach within two would lose no- time In emptying their goln' to let the prisoner ge for lack lications which do not advertise hundred yards of the hodse Without rifles at him, and there wouldn't be the of evidence.“ cigarets. The Halsey E ' erpriee emerging into the mooftllght. At that slightest doubt about their hitting the The circle laughed then—a harsh ha* repeatedly refused offers of point the real difficulty of the stalk mark. All the clan .were expert shots sound that was not greatly different good pay for advertising cigarets. begun. He hovered In the shadows, and the hange was close. from the laughter of the coyotes on then slipped one hundred feet further Shake, league I The place was ueeply silent. He the sagebrush bills. But they sobered to the trunk of a greet oak free. felt a growing sense-of awe. In a mo- whan they saw that Simon hadn't A oarload or two of what in the lie could see the house ’much niori ment more, he slipped Into the Rhad laughed. His dark eyes were glowing. plainly now. True, It hud suffered nett ows of the neglected rose gardens. eastern states would ba called eaw- "You, by no chance, met him on the logi were unloaded here Tuesday. strain a musculer Jerk that might have He lay quiet an instant, resting. He way home, did you!" he asked. revealed Ids position. But when he didn't wish to risk the success of his They are of cedar und are to bo •T wish I bad," Bruce replied. “But turned his head he could see nothing expedition by fatiguing himself now set beside poles of the Mountaiu I didn't" hut the coverts and the moon above He wanted his full strength qnd States Power company which are T don't understand your eagerness. them. A gurden snake, or perhaps a breath for uny crisis that he should You didn't seem overly eager to meet rotting off at the ground. The blind mole, had made the sound. meet In the room where Linda was us." poles, bolted and wired to these Four minutes later he was within confined. Bruce smiled wanly. These wilder­ atuba, w ill thus have a naw leaso one dozen feet of the designated win­ Nevertheless, the stock of his rifle ness men regarded him with fresh In of lift. dow. There was a stretch of moon­ felt good In his hands. .Perhaps there terest. Somehow, they hadn't counted The Ladies' Missionary society of light between, but lie pnssed It quick­ would be n running fight after he got on his smiling. I t was almost as If be ly. And now he stood In bold relief the girl out of the house, and then his were of the wtldernaae breed himself, the Chriatiao church, aome 14 in against the moonlit house-wall. •umber, gathered at the church cartridges would be needed. There Instead of the eon of cities. “I'm here, He was In perfectly plain sight of might even be a moment of close work am I n o t r he said. “It Isn't as If you Tuesday and were taken in oars to The New York detnoorati c plat any one on the hill behind. Possibly with what guurds the Turners hud set came to tny house first.” • the home of Mrs, Edna Chance, orm favors light wines and beer, Ills distant form might have been dis­ over her. But the heavy stock used “Yes. you're here.” Simon confirmed. where a meeting waa held and re- cerned from the window of one of the like u club, would be most Use to him “And I ’m wondering If you remember (bat ia merely a vote catcher. freahmanta enjoyed, Mra. John (Continued from page 1) ‘There a in 't no euch anim al." lesser houses occupied h.v Simon's kin. then. what I told you Just as you left Mar- Pittman wm leader in the literary But he was too close to- the wall to Thia is Columhas day. Many times, he knew, skulking fig­ tin's store that day—that I gave no — Junction City Times. program. be visible from the windows of Simon's ures had been concealed In this gar­ man two warnings.” Mrs. Clair M iller waa shopping house, except by n deliberate scrutiny. den. Probably the Turners, In the ■I remember that," Bruce replied. Experiments to demonstrate the at the county seat Friday. And the window slipped up noiseless­ days of the blood-feud, had often wait­ “I sew no reason for listening to you vaine of the dry copper carbonate ly In Ids bunds. ed In its shadows for a sight of some I don't see any reason now, and 1 J.C . Bramwell and wife were a) treatment for grain smut are to be He was considerably surprised.. He one of their enemies In a lighted win­ wouldn't I f It wasn’t for th a t row of the race* at the fair ground Satur­ conducted by H . H - Eastman, had expected this window to be locked. dow Old ghosts dwelt In I t ; he could guns." * day. Riverside; C. T- Starr, Plainview, Simon studied his pale race. “Per­ see their shadows waver out of the J. B. Cornett and C. H. Brown Mrs Joaie Smith and daughtei corner of his eyes. Or perhaps It was haps you'll be sorry you didn't listen, before this night Is over. Ahd there Mary and Frank Kirk snd John Shedd; W . H . Abraham, Peoria'; only the shadow of the brambles, We have lots of good ______ Seliash went to tfce fair Thursday P. 8. Freerkeen. Harmony; Leo ere many hours yet In IL Bruce—you blown by the wind. Zeller, Thomas; C. R. Evans, came up here to these mountains Once his heart leaped Into his Misa Gertrude McKern was it Lake Creek; W illiam Robertson, throat at a sharp crack of brush lie- open old wounds.” “Simon, I come up here to right on hand and are getting morteverv day town last Thursday for the day, Waterloo; Joe Dobrkovsky, Rich side lifm ; and be could scarcely re- returning to Corvallis the next ardson Gap; C. H . Poland, Shedd, wrongs—and you know It. I f old he would soon encounter the door that wounds are opened. I can't help IL“ day. and J. P. Stern»», Tallman. led Into the Interior rooms. “And tonight.” 8lmon went on as If to »»2 In a moment he found IL He stood he had not been answered, “you hare The Harrisburg hotel h*s (Continued on page 4) waiting. He turned the knob geutly; Mrs. Joseph to »40, Very good changed hands »gain, come unbidden Into our bouse. It Used ranges »20 then softly pulled. But the door was conditon. All nt^bsrgam prices. Wooley has it now snd has closed would be all the evidence the courts locked. the dining room. 422 West First sL. Albany, Oregon. would need. Bruce—that you crept In­ There was no Hound now but the to our house In the dead of night. I f Mrs. Mildred McMahan went to loud beating of his own heurt. He could no longer hear the voices of the anything happened to you here, no word could be raised against us. You wind outside the open window. He ol were a brave man. Bruce.” wondered whether, should he hurl all ; whom she is the state head, j GtrABXNTSSD WOBK 'So I can suppose yotf left the his magnificent strength against the got home Tuesday. L aunobv panels, he coaid break the lock; and note?" The circle laughed again, but Simon tf he did so, whether he could escape Mrs. L E. Walton had charge C lkanino and P b esumo with the girl before he was shot down. silenced them with a gesture. "You’re of the telephone office Satnrday D D R IB E L IN . Prop. But his hand. wandering over the very keen.” he said. while C. P. Stafford and wife went "Then where Is Ltqde?" Bruce's lock, encountered the key. ,tn Eugene to consult an expert eyes hardened. “I am more Interested . M . F r e n c h a S ons - It was easy, after all. He turned the .about Mr. Stafford'» eye*. ALBANY OREG. key. The door opened beneath his In her whereabouts than tn this talk with you." hand. I Liun county his t brae Jersey “The lost seen of her, she was going I f there had been a single ray of calf clubs, three Holstein, two Office 1st door south of school bouse light under the door or through the up a hill with Dave. When Dave re­ shorthorn, four sheep clubs, five turns you can ask him." keyhole, his -course would have been Halsey, Oregon. 1 pig club*, and two go»t dubs, The bearded man opposite from quite different. He would have opened j Each one was represented in the the door suddenly In thnt cuse, hoping Simon uttered a short syllable of a Handles Town snd Country Property. tryout at O. A C. Sept. 12. The to take by surprise whosoever of the laugh. “And It don't look like he's go­ Ha W at Considerably Surprised. Ha clan were guarding Linda. To open a ln j to return." he said. The knowjng Give him s call snd see if be can ts animal husbandry and dairy hus­ W IL D E Y LODGE NO. (JÍ, Had Expected T bit Window to Ba door slowly Into a room full of ene­ you up. bandry departments at the college Regular meeting next Saturday Locked. mies Is only to give them plenty of arranged lor the classes of hog», night. »beep, dairy, and ’ beef cattle on Some way, he felt less hopeful of suc­ time to cock their rifles. But In this which the youngsters worked. cess. He recalled in his mind (he di­ ense the room was in darkness, and all rections that Linda had left, wonder­ thnt he need fear was making a sud­ Charles Holloway and wife of ing If he had come to the wrong win­ den souqd. The opening slowly Brownsville visited at the Wheeler Widened. Then he slipped through and dow. But there was no chance' of a LA W Y E R AND NOTARY home Sunday, The Holloway* mistake In this regard; It was the north- stood ten breathless seconds In silence. “Linda,” he whispered. He waited have developed a farm near Browns­ emnv st window In the east wtng. ■ B bowksviixm , Outoon ville that many a farmer might However, she had said that she would a long time for an answer. Then he study ea a model with profit. he niullued In an interior room, and J stole farther Into the room. possibly the Turners had seen no need ' “Linda,” lie said again. "It's Bruce. They hare reared a fam ily and of Imrrlers other than Its locked door, i Are you here!” sent them out into (be world re­ And in that unfathomable silence ha t'Fot.nlily tlipy |md not even anticipated spected citisena. And now they ATTO RNEY A T LA W heard a sound—a sound so dim and that Bruce would attempt a rescue. have retired from their many small that It only reached the frontier lie IcatxMl lightly upward and j of hearing. I t was n strange, whisper­ Cosick Bank Building, year* of hard work snd are living slipped silently Into the room. Except ing. eerie sound, and It filled the room in their South Brownsville home, Albany, Oregon. for the moonlit square on the fl-ior It . like the faintest, almost Imperceptible with a handsome new auto and was quite In darkness. gust of wind. But there was no doubt­ other modem conveniences to take He stood a tnomeut, hardly breath­ ing Its reality. A living creature oc­ the rough edge off from life in their ing But he decided It waa not best to ; cupied this place of darkness with him. declining years. strike a match. A match might reveal and waa either half-gagged by a hand­ e-tid e* ao longerfueeded or sneered«! his presence to some one In so adjoin kerchief over the face or was trying The Dunlap drug company of by better one* which so nebody would Ing room. He rested his hand against to conceal Its presence by muffling Its »1, IveriSeement the Brownsville sella periodicals but like to obtaia Au advertisement the wall, then moved alowly around , breathing. “Linda. ' be said again. of thle. coating 25c. 'night find * c, might refuses to handle those that ad. eue the room. lie knew that by this course I There was a strange response tq the buyer and covert whet The most enticing line of K ITC H EN RANGES Before buj ing automo- bile supplies of anv It Will pay you to come to H I L L & C O ., .... . Halsey Garage FURNITURE == Sportknit Sweater Coats The type.of Sweater Coat the young fellows are wearing Two pockets. In brown, blue and green heathor. A splen­ did garment for warmth in or out of doors. Can be worn under the coat or as a coat itself. Priced at $ 3 .7 5 [ maint CLOTHINGS] ALBANY OREGON Jots and Tittles E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHANfiE_ USED FURNITURE Beauty Banquet Ranges $65 The Old Stand Barber S b » V a S S j* “ We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings W . J . R ib e lin )ealer in Real Estate. I- 0. 0. F. Amor A. Tussing For the best cash prices see 0. W. FRUM C. C . B R Y A N T H A Y . G R A IN . FEE A N D LIV E S T O C K First-class grinding and grain cleaning done at any time FARM ERS"” ’ "“ 3 ¿ CASH vocate the weaktuiug of the Voi- ■owoelv trash into goo-l