S N T E R P & I8K ernor promise* reduction of taxation ' bat do*« not say bow it i* to be ac­ complished, which leaves room for the suspicion that ho does not know or does not care to tell. The republican state platform calls f fo r tax reduction but does not suggest j how it can be brought about. Its framers do not know or do not dare A a in d e p e a O e o t— N O T n e u t r a l— n e w s ­ p a p e r . p u b lis h e d e v e r y T h u r s d a y , by W M H. and A A. W H E E L E R . . W m . H . W h e e le r . E d i t o r , M r s . A . A . W h e e le r . B u s in e s s M a a a s e r a n d L o c a l N ew s E d ito r. S u b s c rip tio n s . 1 1 6 0 a y e a r In a d v a n c e . T r a n s ie n t a d v e r t ls ln c , 16c an In c h ; p e r ­ m a n e n t a d v e r t is in g , 10c N o d is c o u n t t o r t im e o r space I n " P a id - f o r P a r a g r a p h s ,” 6c a lin e . N o a d v e r t is in g d la g u ls e d a a n e w » . to tell. The way to reduce taxes is to root out the thriving array of grafts on the state that call for three times the HALSEY, Linn C a , Ore.. O ct 12, 1922 revenue the government would need it economically conducted. ill matched PATCHWORK M r. Pierce and the republican plat form makers know that i f they called T h e giving o f th e double croea' for the abolition of the tax-eating to a frie n d ly a lly [G reece] does not commiiaiona they would open the square ex a c tly w ith the e th ic a l vials of wrath of a well-oiled politi - coda sod it shows lnw bankrupt of morality the allies are becoming in their diplomacy.—Albany Her­ ald. cal machine. They are afraid to face the music and they echo the meaning­ less cry: "Reduce the taxes." They know they are Impotent to fu lfill it. The peopl« by their vote have tp lj the legislators that *3 a day is all they can afford to pay them, and probably that is more than they are worth. But the »ly legislator ap­ points his wife er his daughters or his sister or somebody else’s sister his stenographer at 36 a day from the treasury and ia willing to run again next election time to retain that 38 s day fo r the two of them. Stop the leaks and it w ill not take h alf so large a stream to keep the pail full. ^ o m p i e t e Q /i a n q e Ranges & Heaters * I t’s what you need and you’ll find it in Sunny Southern w w s You should not miss this place if in need of a new range or heater this fall. We have the largest assortm ent of each in Linn county and can supply your wants at a C alifornia D ill Saving in Price MotoringfMountain CliinbingfYachtingfRacing G oIifTennisJfiidingfPolofFishingf [{unting CarnpingfAirplaningf Loafing Iron Beds Springs . Mattresses Dressers All G /iroug/i S tee p in g G ars W MZ Chiffoniers - Bedroom Sets ' Dining Room Sets r lid Greece recalled the banished traveled the greater would be hit For fares, train service, sleeping car reser­ S. P. C am in a Nutshell chnnva of aucceu*. Constantine and the allies in a vations or beautiful folders ask agents or write Obrloualy the girt had written when rage abandoned her to fight for The supreme court baa refused the elan was eluting about the house, what had been concoded her, and a rehearing in the Southern-Cen­ J O H N M. S C O T T , and finding her In the front room, when she did so they helped the tral Pacific unmerging case and there had been no occasion to senreb noW the fate of those mads rests, General Passenger Agent, Portland-, Or. the other rooms' and thus discover It. Turka with anna and money in si it would if the suit just ended The girl had k»;pt her head even In driving Greece out of her naw had dever hem brought, with the that moment of crisis. A wave of ad­ possessions. Interstate Commerce commission. miration for her passed over him. And the little .action had set an ex­ Then the Turk, having the Up­ Below are two statements issued ASA ample for him. He knew that only per hand, became the victor end before tbit dual decision of the rigid self-control and cool-headed court was rendered: Pacific and the Central Pacific, era Oregon toward the Union bia forfeited European possessions strategy could achieve the thing he hud based on the fact that Springfield Pacific. The passes of the moun­ By Edison Marshall were restored. Turkey is the ouly •et out to do. H 1* llnpulse w a. to is a cross-roads of the system. tains are open, right of way is (Southam Pacific Bulletin) Author of storm the door, to pour his lead country that did not laae more than These shops will mean an initial abundantly available, and if it "The Voice of Via Pack“ The trauiportatiou act of 1920 through the lighted windows; but such ahe gained by the war. She is the thing* could never take Linda out of provides that whenever the com­ expenditure of a million dollars, should decide to build in here viotor today. Simon's hands. Or dp stealth aud cuu- mission (The Interstate Commerce and a payroll in the neighbor­ from Eastern Oregon in order to tloo, not blind courage and frenzy, Illustrations by Irwin Myera The balance of Europe is a commission) ia -if the opinion upon hood of $100,000 a month. share in the traffic of this rich could serve her none. Such blind Back in 1912 the Natron cut­ valley, it will be met with brass patchwork wbioh does not fit to­ application of any oarrier • • • that ______ killing *a hla h eart prompted hud to L itU a. B row n A Ca. gether and ia in a constaut state the acquisition by one of such car­ off was being rushed to comple­ bands and the keys to all the wait for another time. riers of the control of any other tion, a line was being pushed cities. Nor is that all. If it of upheaval. H e knew only th e general direction such carrier • • • will be in the •Y N O P 8 I1 of the Hoe. house where Simon lived. And Uncle Sam’s authorities public interest, the commission westward from Vale up the Mal­ should complete its Malheur can­ Linda had told’ him It rented upon the heur canyon to a junction with E R I . —A t th e dea th o f hie roster d o u 't care. shall have ths authority by order the Natron lime at Odell, and yon line to a junction with the fa C th H e A r. P B T ruce u n c a n , in an eaetern c ity , creat of a «mall h ill, beyond u ridge Natron cut-off at Odell it can p e l v e s a m ye D lerlo u e message, sent by a to approve and authoriz* such land was being purchased for the send its traffic representatives in­ M rs. Rose, sum m o nin g h im p e re m p to rily of timber. The moonlight showed him acquisition. • • • The earners a well-beaten trail, and be strode (o south ern O reg o n —te m eet "L an d a" BUGABOOS AND LIARS affected by any order under the Springfield shops. These devel­ to V estern Oregon and secure C H A P T E R I I . —D ru ee has v iv id b u t b a f- swiftly along It. opments, when completed, woulc the routing of its full share of ■inz rm o lle c tlo n g of his childhood In an foregoing provision* • • • are He had a vague sense of faiu lllarlty orph an ag e, before hie a dop tion by N e w ­ The Enterprise takes no stock in hereby relieved from the operation have built a city here, but sud­ freight. with this winding trail. Perhaps he ton D u n c a n , w ith the a lr l L in d a . had toddled drywn It as a baby; per­ the bugaboo stories to the effect of the anti trust law* • • •and of denly, out of a clear sky, came haps his mothqt.- had curried him irlong H L —At his d estinatio n. Charles Standish of Brownsville T r a il a End. new« th a t a message has that the oounty is in danger of all other reatrainta or prohibition by the suit for tuimerging the Southern Pacific and the Union is working at his trade (carpenter i M e n sent to B ru ce la received w ith It on a neighborly visit to the Borises. falling under the control of the law, state or federal, in so far as m arlted d ly le a e u r e by a m an In troduced He went over the hill and pushed Ids may ba necessary to enable them Pacific, and instantly develop­ at the fast growing town of Veruo- to toe reader ae ' ’Sim on. ” way to the t-dge of the timber. /J l Catholics. Neither does it believe to do anything authorized or re ment ceased. ma. CHAPTER I V . — Iz e a v tn r the tra in . at once tha moon .showed him tire that people of that faith will ba quired by any order mad* under B ’© Is astonished a t hie a p p a re n t f a ­ house. The Union-Southern Pacific m ilia rity w ith th e surroundings, thouah wrooged if they are required to and pursant to the foregoing pro­ merger was dissolved, and short­ to his know ledge ho has never been there. He eouldnl mistake it. even ut this N. C . L O W E distance. A m i tor Bruce It had a singu­ •and their children to the public visions of this section. V .--O b e d le n t to the m ea ly thereafter the Southern Pacific The recaut court order, baaed on h|« w a y to M a rU n ’s croas- lar effect of unreality. Thfe mountain schools. Lebanon’s Reliabie Funeral Di­ ■to r®. fo r dire c tio n as to reaching the anti-trust law* and directing formulated its plans for comple­ men did not ordinarily build homes of Mrs. Rons’ cabin. rector and Mortician The public school hours are ha- the Southern Pacific company to tion of the Natron cut-off as a such dimensions. They were usually C H A P T E R V I. - —On th e w a y , "Sim on- lei vad by educators to be needed by direct itself of its Central Pacific part of the Southern Pacific-Cen­ ’ fine e roads leading to Trail's and IJ n d a T h e g irl, w h ile em ail, ■imply providea that all children wants out of the Central Pacific Knd. Msterh <1 could not be carried been kidnaped fro m the orph an ag e a a . and1 it has the money to do it. grade hrouKht to the m o u n tain s IJ n d a e fa th e r ■hall have the right to equal edu­ controversy ia an entrance to over It-: svtnd'j ig trails except on pack had deeded his lands to M a tth e w Fo lg e r. to freihen th ii fall. But if the Central Pacific is b u t the a g reem ent, w h ic h w ould confute animal«. u e h ad a realization of tre- cation ou secular subjects and Nan Francisco and comn\on user- torn loose from it, we shall face th e enem y's c la im s to the p ro p e rty has metidour difflcul tie* that had been con­ ehip of Southern Pacific lines been lo s t leaves the parent* free to inetill I W A N T TO BUY years of uncertainty and inac­ quered by tireless effort, of long north of Tehaina. If it (The ’' H A F T E R X . —B ru ce'« m oun tain blood 1 Carload any religion, irreligion or fad in montf lg uf unen&'lng toll, of exhaust- Union Faciflc) secured that it tion while, new alignments are roxponde to th e caU o f th e blood-feud. l* * * paUihce. and'At the end—a dream the youthful miuds outside of would own the Pacific Coast in being made, and' in addition „ £ » \ ‘ T E R , X I r A * ' « “ » r ~ - th e Be», ue true. A ll oC, Ita lumber hud to tln el Pine, in fro n t o f L in d a 's cah la. those hours. fee simple, and would not need there ¡ r the possibility that new ec. ins to B ru ce's excited Im a g in a tio n to *** j hewed from the ¡forests about. Its be endeavoring to convoy a message. owners may not care to complete We expect that the campaign of to build another railroad across '«tone had been quarried from tjie rock and the Natron cut-off at all. CHAPTER X H —B ru ce sets out • bigotry and falsehood which is be­ Central Oregon. cliffs and hauled .w ith Infinite labor ,£ ‘ r a p p ,r n a m *> H udeor ‘J over the sleep trails. There is uo hostility in West- 477 West Eighth street’ t\ignie.ROre. w ltneea to the a g ree m e n t h e tw w n I ’ The Union Pacific is frankly ing oarried on against the bill will fa th e r and M a tth e w F o lg e r. .o d e a H e understood now w h y th e Turn­ defeat it, but we believe that de­ not interested in car shops at CHAPTER X IIt - A g lg a n F _ , ers had covetal It. I t seemed the Springfield, and has said as h n o a n as the K ille r . I . ¡ 3 ‘ « *« « 1 7 , feat will he n misfortune to ths acme of luxury to them. And more v ic in ity , because o f hie else ■ o t th* much. The Springfield car shops ( C H A P T E R X IV ._ n .v e ‘ n4 clearly than ever he understood why children and state. . plan ia essentially a part of com llm o n , bribes H udson T u rn e r, sent by the Rnsaee had died, sooner than re­ Von cAti concerning the agree- ,0 «w « * r fa ls e ly hined operation of the Southern linquish It, and why Its usurpation by Set it at the li g h t he k n o w in g 1» >f brought be Moonshine whisky ii killing - w h ereabout*. the Turners bad left such a debt of C H A rT T H X V „ . Call and see ;• M O R N H IN W E G S T O R E hatred to Linda. All men know that the fo rm e r’s tr e —H udson aad D av e v is it many and sendiug many to blind • them It d is c o v e r e d ' k * A w o lf, cau g h t la one. the love of home la one of the few hie feast, th ¿y th e K ille r . D is tu rb e d a t aud Insane asylum*. Thus, under » - J * ”1 ‘ forK H a A r R r R o O w s . <‘t we ,el1 p L O W S, h Hruce, on * ,* b r’*te « trike s down H u fr o n . great Impulses that baa made toward C R E A M S E P A R A T O R S ia fact, everything io D IS C S , w n u e d . - ole w a y u , H u d s o n , s h o o t s a n d prohibition, society ia being freed «IvfUsattMJ. but by the same token It the imple- v ic tim . ?,• ,K llle r -. d r iv in g him fro m hla ment line. Special price, on D R I L L S while they last haa been the cause of many wars. I'er- 'tty . .» '» n rn ln g B ru ce'» tden- from that class who will drink ,h « • 1 h,m lb * hidin g plnoe e f Laundry »ent Tuetdiya Re.1 Seal B A T T E R I E S . Presh »lock. Call and get pr.ee. on hapa the day la coming when this love agreem ent, but d e a th eum m oee him . anyway, mid who uon make pub- w ill die I d the land, but w ith 'it will implements. The «tore for quality and prom pin»»« Dyelug. Cleaning and Pressing ’ k n o w i '¿of5** I f Y ’ -S im o n , b e lie v in g B ru ce lie wards or oorpaea of themselves, die the strength to repel the heathen "how s w here th e do cum ent Is runceejed. aye plane to tr a p him . from our wells, and the land will not instead of being drunken »¡usances A B E ’S P L A C E C H A P T E R X V I I - D a v e decoy» L in d a ba worth living In, anyway. . But It to the whole community. ■*iU n t, F J m ln l fro n i th * ' r ho m e. T h e BARTCHER & ROBRBAUGH & The Strength o f the Pines 50 Blackface Ewes, 1 Shropshire Buck, 2 Jersey heifers Oat and Vetch or Clover Hay 1 car Cheat Hay f Fairbanks-Morss Scale for $21.50? A Modern Barber Shop G. W. Mornhinweg Only two men reported Monday morning aa having been killed for deer, one account coming from R »eburg and the other from Ho qulamt Its a grand and noble eport for the preeervation of which we keep a salaried game commis- eion. LIGHT LACKING The democratic candidat* for gov. TRUCKING Hay, Graia, «lock hanllng. etc. hauling n specialty Phone Heavy w . H. B E E N E All work don* promptly and reasonably. Phon« No. 269.9 b? I -In u . I Automobile Insurance Î w < H A IT E R X V I I I —R e tu rn in g . B ruce n° 'u p resu m ab ly fro m U n d a teU- T u r n e /a h" b* * n k 'dn» P *» bX «** CH APTER X l)^ 1 Fire, theft, collision, property dnmago and 71 hurrle,] up the h,„ XQW>nl t M Koas eväten, he made . „ „1 t C*V personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. ....... I I f « l f t J Th“ T he ’’ "l r "h*"’ • I « * • r ”<** He had « Halsey, Oregon F. M. GRAY, Drayman. ’ ! ; flfte,-n other, |„ h„ i, C. P. M STAFFORD, Agent. — me ix u rv n U , A g e n t . U ,h" , ... ....................................... ........ J Ä ’’* i i l#d B n  î i , ’ '’lU * "un me remain 1er ol was aot dead to the mountain people. No really primitive emotion pvvr >•- Tha Bosses had known thia (o.tinct very welL As all mea who are strong thawed aad of real natural virtue, they had known pride of race and name, aad It had been a teak worth while to bhlld thia stately boqae on their far- lying acres. They had given their flhor to It frooly; no man who beheld the structure eould doubt that fact. They had simply eoneecretwl their Urea to It: their one Work by which they conld show te all who came after that by their pwn bands they bad earned thalr right to live. Bruce taw the broad lands lying un­ der tha moon. There were hundreds o< acre« of alfalfa and clover to fur-