Z £ " / l « IVA X A v HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL X I NO. <» HALSMY. LJNN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 12, 1922 tJoJz’d tQ r s W t i U i U Í Below is only a partial list of the m any things to bejfound in our sto r e : When in Albany a good place to eat is at the CUR TA IN RODS RUGS PILLOWS TRUNKS SU IT CASKS F E R N lE S LAMPS KITCHEN C A B IN ET S PICTURES BABY CARRIAGES RAN G ES HBATBRS DAVENPORTS ROCKERS C H A IR S TABLES BEDS SPRING S C o n fe c tio n e ry a n d C a fe te ria . W - S. DUNCAN, Prop. mattresses SHADES Pst« Settle, who livse (even mi let went of town, left hit bicycle outside H enry’» Hvsry baro Friday (By Ralph Lawrence) night while he attended the picture ■how and aomebody «tola it. It Mr. Rorabaugh, county Sunday was a H a rle y , Davidson, with a | school missionary, was io towo blue frame, green mad guards and Sunday and gave a short talk at red wheel rims. Another bicycle the Baptist church, after the eve­ belonging to a man named Martin ning sermon. He was entertained was stolen at the same time and at the J. G. Anderson home. place. The Camp Fire girls will give a Raleigh Templeton caught “ bake sale’’ at Dunlap’s drug store cold an