PAGE 4 HALSEY EN T E R P R IS E HALSEY home. AH hands visited Browns­ Thunderstorms have been rather ville yesterday. T h e new com ers 1 frequent here this summer. are looking for a location for a D uring one particularly severe home io th is v ic in ity . i storm, while the thunder was rolling Those who have expressed the I storm, while the thunder was roll- opinion th a t the last two shone J ing. Jimmy, eight years old, became here charged too much ought to he rather annoying to his four-year-old satisfied w ith M r KesseU'e offer brother. i fo r to n ig h t—80 cents and students , An unusually loud clap finally I free, and th a t for such a treat as drove Jim m y away from teasing he offers. B ill. The second h a lf o f the Southern “ What is the thunder for?” ashed Pacific’s o iu n ty tax was 1 08,555. the four-year-old. The father, thinking to drive ! T h e re 'll be a /o il house at the R ialto tom orrow night. A ll school home a lesson in conduct, said: “ I t students are invite d to attend free. is \o make bad boys be good.” A . J. H ill has been enjoying a Jimmy looked properly squelched. visit from bis sister and her hus. Then the storm cleared up. Small band, 8. P. F u lle r and wife of B ill, formerly much subdued, got i V isalia, C el. The couple are ta l­ his coflrage back, and began to tease i ented metricians and sang at the the penitent Jamc9. M S church Suhday. They have A t last the older boy could stand a daughter who, though greatly the annoyance no longer. He walked afflicted physically, is the author over to the window. of many songs and hymns. “ Ixird, send some more thunder,” Raleigh Templeton got abont a l| he said, earnestly.— Washington ! the prises 00 Cheviot sheep at the state fair. I t is not often that eleven broth- *rs and sisters in a fa m ily get to­ gether after come o f them are over seventy years old, as the Davis, fa m ily did in Halsey Sunday. C. C. Jackson was a t the couuty fair the first day. F rank Porter's red polled cattle are at the fa ir. 80 are C. B. Cor­ n e tts Durhams and Holsteins shown by George M cCart of H a r­ risburg end C. R. Evans. page 4) Justice V icto r O lliv e r of A lbany has been appointed commissioner of the U nited States d is tric t court for Oregon. (C o jlin u e d from The valuation of personal prop. e r tr in the county is more than <300,000 less than last year. The greater p a rt of the decline is in prices of livestock. The J. W . Sprenger farm at A . A. M o rrill and wife and Shedd has been rented to T. B. Sprenger jr . and the owner and granddaughter, M ildred T irk e , are bis wife are going to N orth Band. visiting w ith Eldon Cross and wife. Mrs. Cross is • daughter o f George M axw ell and wife have the M o rrill» .—Cor, A lbany Her gone to N iw p o rt for a few weeks’ stay. As we go to pross the manage, The southern road from Browus- ment of the county fa ir faces n v ilie to the Pacific highway hat financial fa ilu re . Of course. I t been rocked and the other, which Was not advertised in (h a t great comes to Halsey, w ill now receive newspaper, the Halsey Enterprise. a tte n tio n . M rs. Portia Stewart, late of the Stewart A Price confectionery, * L in n county was one of ten and Charles B u tle r o f L e b a n o n are w h ic h won $100 each at the state licensed and probably wed by now. fa ir in the buys* and g irls ’ club Good luck to them 1 com petition. Mrs. M ildred M cM ahan is to Mrs. Bel vary Logan returned meet representatives o f twelve Tuesday from her three-weeks visit Lane county Rebekah lodges in w ith her daughter. M is. N ewland, louveotion at Eugene Oct. 20. near C orvallis. The second h a lf nf taxes not paid today w ill he delinquent, R e u b n Jackson and fa m ily a r­ rived at H alsey from A lp io a , M ich., Monday n ig h t. Mra. Jack- son is Mrs. A rth u r Foote's sister and th : p a rty are at the Foote BLOOD ATTRACTS SHARKS HARD OP HEARING A fanner’s wife had given a party. D uring the night two farmhands who lived in the house grew hungry for the good things in the pantrv. Rising from bed, they crept down­ stairs, hut unfortunately the mis­ tress heard them. One heard her coming and escaped; the other was caught. Afterward the more fortunate one remarked