Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 05, 1922, Image 4

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City for Which Holy War May Be Started
DR. C. H. JOHNS, D. C.
Located in A lb a n y, Is O ne of the P rom inent Person» o f
This L o c ality and Enjoys a Large C lientele From
the C ity and A ll A d ja c e n t T e rrito ry .
Hockensm tih & Tem pleto n Conduct in A lb a n y a M ost
M o dern Agency W h e re T h e y A re E ndeavoring to
G ive T h e ir Patrons F u ll V a lu e fo r T h e ir M oney
by O ffe rin g the S tudebaker M o to r Cars.
The p ractice of th is well known
ch iro p racto r Is Increasing by rapid
strid es until be Is today considered
one of th e leading professional per-
) sons of this section and consulted by
| many engaged in th e sam e line of
work, being a man of years oS ex­
p erience in th e profession.
Science has m ade g reat advance In
th e last few years, a n d m a n y of the
old fashioned Ideas have been d is­
carded for th e new resu lts of science.
Ills p ractice has increased by rapid
strides, and people go to bis office
weekly to consult him from all parts
of this and ajoining counties and the
g reat w ork he Is doing in th e 'ro lie f
of the suffering is phenom enal. Then
again, his p atien ts come from the very
best class of people, people of stan d ­
ing in the com m unity in which they
We a re pleased in this review to
compliment* him upon the m erited suc­
cess he is m aking and upon his excel­
lent standing in the professional world
and assu re o u r read ers a t his office
they will receive the very best of
spinal adjustm ents.
We wish in th is special edition to ) to build a car th a t will answ er all of
call your atten tio n to an agency th a t the requirem ents of the more expen­
has proven its value to th is com m un­ sive cars a t a cost th a t can be reached
ity in many ways, am ong them th a t of by the average citizen. T h at they are
offering the people o pportunity to p u r­ accom plishing th is desire is evident
chase real car value a t a very nom inal by the popularity it is gaining.
T his car has m any new features the
coat and a service th a t is second .to
body lines a re changed and a re very
none in th is section.
The S tudebaker is a car th a t has for attractiv e. T his agency invites in q u ir­
y ears been a leader in its price class ies and w ants the people to call and
and has alw ays had a n enviable repu­ look the car over.
tation. C onstantly striv in g to give sa t­
The m anager of th is agency has
isfaction th e S tudebaker company has proven th a t he has at all tim es had
survived all the h ard sh ip s of th e pio­ the interest of the com m unity at h e a rt
neer m otor c ar life and a re offering a and is endeavoring to give his patrons
c ar th a t will sig-prise even the most value received for h eir money. T here­
skeptical in the’ way it will perform . fore we are pleased to com plim ent hint
T his agency invites in q u iries and will on th e public spirited policies he has
be more th an pleased to dem onstrate carried into his business and suggest
to the public.
th a t you give them a tria l when In
Located in A lb a n y, Is O perated U n d e r A b le D irection o f th T is his car company
has lately put on the need of an y th in g in every p a rticu lar
m arket the L ight Six. T h eir idea is a real m otor car.
M en W h o A re E xp e rt E lectrical Engineers and W h o
A re Thoroughly Conversant W ith Every Feature
o f This Im p o rta n t Business. They O ffe r the
Public M e tro p o lita n Stock, Service and W o rk .
M ustapha Kemal Pasha, leader of the Turkish N ationalists says Con­
stantinople must be restored to the T urks, and General Townshetid, th e hero
of Kut-el-Amara, Hgrees with him. T his view of the city which may I).- the
bone of contention In a new 'holy w ar" was taken from th e w ar office tower,
looking northw est tow ard the Bosphorus and Stamboul.
Boscoe Didn’t Like New York at All
Superior to the vast m ajority of
electrical establishm ents and su r­
passed by none eith er in general ex­
cellence of work or su p erio rity of
m aterials used, th is well know n firm
haa continued its successful career be­
cause the m anagem ent and a ssistan ts
are amogg the most efficient electri­
cians of th is p art of the state.
They have a most com plete stock
of fixtures and appliances and have
a line th at has been chosen w ith a
view to furnish an y th in g you m ight
want In this line. H ere it is possible
to select fix tu res th a t a r e in keeping
with the rest of your fu rn ish in g s and
they are offered a t very reasonable
A height of more than 7,000 feet has
been reached by balloonists.
B asking sharks, th e largest known
figures, the quality and m arket con­
ditions considered. If you are going variety, grow to thirty-tw o feet.
to have any electrical work done or
need any new fix tu res see and talk
th e m atter over w ith them.
One m ight devote much space to a
fu rth e r description of th e ir m odern
place and high grade stock, but let
It suffice to say th a t you will find
there ju st w hat you would expect to
locate in the headquarters of such an
establishm ent as they m aintain. We
are pleased in this business review
to com plim ent tijis well know n, con­
cern and suggest th a t our readers’ take
it into consideration when m aking p u r­
chases or desiring w ork in the electri
cal line.
Baikal lake. Siberia, a tta in s a depth
of 4,500 feet.
Ginseng grown in Korea Is consid­
ered of the most value.
Bas-reliefs seem to have been In­
vented by th e Egyptians.
MacMillan Back From Baffin Land
Located in A lb a n y , Is O ne o f the M ost C om plete and
A ttra c tiv e Places o f Its K in d in This
Section o f the State.
The big city hud no attractio n s or charm s tor Boscoe. u collie owned by
Mrs. May Kendrick of Fort Worth. Tex. Mrs. Kendrick went to New York
live months ago and left Boscoe with friends. Three days of the city was
all the dog could slund, and so he "ran
y" to his Texas borne H air m al­
ted. his usuul plum pness gone, and bis
sore, Boscoe arrived at the Ken­
drick hottie In Fort W orth, having walked all the way
Front season to season this popular
place galnB in popubAlly until today
it occupies th e position of being one
of th e leading soda grills in th is sec­
The pro p rieto r has appointed his
place with all the la te st fixtures to
m ake it attra c tiv e to the public, while
th e la te st of equipm ent has been pro­
vided at th e soda fountain for the ex­
peditious handling of the trad e and
the convenience of th e service. H ere
am id com fortable surroundings you
are served with th e very choicest of
ice cream d ainties and hot drinks of
every description a re now featured in
accordance with the season. They
also serve fresh, home-made hot ta-
Bishops at the General Episcopal Convention
males w hich are m ade from th eir own
exclusive recipe and a re very tem pt
ing and delicious.
T heir candy dep artm en t is most
com plete and they have a full line of
the best candies on the m arket, both
bulk and box. They a re now show ing
a full line of candies w hich a re priced
very reasonably.
T hey tak e g reat
pride in this d ep artm en t and if you
have a sw eet tooth you w ant satisfied,
we would suggest th a t you give this
place a trial.
We a re glad In this edition to com ­
plim ent th e m anager upon th e high
standing of his places in the business
and social world of th is section of th e
i i“pï- F ° nald
MacMillan. arctic explorer, and the schooner Bowiloir
sta te and would ask everyone to visit
these m odern places, not because they «n which ho and his expedition have ju s t returned fro.,, an exploration 01
a re lonesome, but because they love Baltin Land. MacMillan is holding See-nul-muk, one of the dogs th a t w en
with the expedition.
Greek Cavalry Retreating Before Victorious Turks
P art of U procession of bishops a t the general convention of th e P ro testan t Episcopal Church in Americ
Portland, Ore.
Remarkable Afghan Hounds Owned by Englishman
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out ò ; A .,r'M .n roe r reH,lnK
° f M ua,apha Kemal
P asha which finally
Recording the Blackfeet Culture on the Film
t h a t n L
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M 7 y . ' K ,rkl’«»rt<-* T he Afghan n o t in d 1« fam ous for it» scent as well «■ for It« speed
tailTTh*, i-
’ ** *h*
"I'cedy greyhound. It t e n not depend on. keenness ,.f rtalon
doee th at
h’’ ’*1. bu< follow« a «cent like a foxhound or a beagle And It haa g reater strength and r a d a r
■nca th an the greyhound and stands the cold n en er. It la probably th e only dog that keeps Its own breed pure
«he Indiana In their
fo rm , of th eir work and p i .y
The flIni
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