Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 05, 1922, Image 3

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    H -'G'
H alsey E nterprise
No. 5
Under Able Direction and Located in Albany, It One of Located in the State Bank Building, in Albany, Is One of In Albany, Have a Most Efficient Tire and Supply Store
the Model Baking Institutions of This Section—Plant
Where They Feature Kelly-Springfield and
the Prominent Professional Persons of This
Very Modern and Products Best Money Can Buy.
Goodyear Tires and Tubes.
Section and Enjoys a Large Clientele
From All Surrounding Territory.
T his w ell-known concern is one of
the m ost prom inent in th is p art of the
state. Its p lant is m odern and up-to-
date in every p articu lar, clean and
sa n ita ry throughout. The business is
conducted along progressive lines and
we are proud to say th a t it is a credit
to th e county.
A v isit to the p lan t of th is company
is very in terestin g to the uninitiated.
The com pany's business h as increased
so rapidly th a t im provem ents have
been m ade from tim e to tim e until to­
day they have a model industry. E v­
ery th in g in the p lan t is k ept scrupu-
lously clean, as it is the policy of the
in stitution not only to m ake bakery
goods th a t w ill pass A ispection, but to
tu rn out products th a t a re as n ear an
approach to the acm e of perfection as
m odern m achinery and up-to-date
methods w ill perm it.
The p ro p rieto r has been closely a l­
lied with the larg e business in terests
of th is section of th e state for some
tim e and has been in stru m en tal in the
upbuilding of this section and the
b u d iiess which he is conducting
should receive the patronage of the
en tire people.
In Albany, Is One of the Best-Known Financial Institu­
tions in This Section, and Has Aided in No
Small Measure the Progress of This and
Surrounding Territory.
Not because of false prom ises or by
flashy m ethods but because of sound
banking principles has th is bank suc­
ceeded. R ealizing a t the very s ta rt
th a t an in stitu tio n th a t w as wisely
guided and builded upon th e founda­
tion of solid business p rin cip les would
surely succeed, this w ell-known in sti­
tution began its career.
Since th a t
tim e it has not only aided the people
of this section to m ake this a b etter
place to live by encouraging th e build­
ing and ow ning of homes but by the
actu a l financial assistance afforded.
As an added encouragem ent to the
wage e a rn e r as well as p roducer to
s ta rt a savings account they have of-
fered in te re st on deposits. These facts,
coupled with the personnel which
m akes up the b ank’s officers and d i­
recto rs have caused the business of
th e bank to steadily increase.
The arran g em en t of the bank'g,
home is such th a t th e business of the
ev er-increasing list of p atro n s may be
carried on w ith despatch and com fort.
It is a .favorite m eeting place of the
people of th is section and the officers
of the bank a re very glad to g reet the
citizens w hether they a re depositors
or not.
We wish In th is review to com pli­
m ent the men who have so wisely
guided the affairs of this bank.
Located in Albany, 1» One of the Model Sanitary
Institutions of This Section, Whose Superior Prod­
ucts Have Met With Universal Popularity.
This ice cream factory fo r th e p ro­
duction of p u re ice cream is a model
san itary establishm en t th a t is tr a n s ­
acting a large business and is an in ­
stitution th a t has helped produce one
of th e paradoxes of th e high cost of
living. A decade ago ice cream was
considered a delicacy and w as only to
be used on Sundays and holidays. To­
day, while everything else along this
line has advanced In price, ice cream
h as rem ained about the sam e and you
get It with a generous helping of your
choice of num erous flavors. It has
come to be recognized as a food and
not a delicacy.
W ithout question th is facory is
one of the cleanest and m ost sa n i­
tary, and h ere a grade of ice cream is
m anufactured th a t Is equal to an y ­
body’s anyw here.
T his Ice cream is
not only health protecting b u t health
giving as well. Only the p urest of
cream and flavors a re used and every
precaution is taken to m ake the p ro­
duct delicious and healthful. The m a­
ch inery Is of the latest model and
strictly m odern and up-to-date.
This p opular p lan t is one of the
leading industries. They employ a
num ber of people who a re all boost­
ers. They have alw ays taken an a c t­
ive Interest In all m atters th a t per­
tain to the good of th e county and
have aided in the b etterm en t of local
conditions, realizing th at a larg er city
and com m unity would be a benefit to
the whole people. We wish to com pli­
m ent the m anagem ent upon his p ro ­
gressive and successful policies and
to refer th e ir establishm ent and Its
product to all of o u r readers.
Science h as perhaps progressed
m ore rapidly durin g th e la st decade
th an in any previous period in the
w orld's history, and one of th e sci­
ences th a t has been brought to a high
degree of perfection is th a t science
and a r t of O steopathy.
We a re fo rtu n ately rep resen ted In
th is profession h ere in th is county
by th is well known osteopath who Is
a close stu d en t of th e tim es and d u r­
ing th e term of h er service In th e
profession has k e p t
a b reast of th e tim es by reading,
study and wide research. She has an
excellent standing, wide professional
ability and is considered by m em bers
of th e profession as one of th e m ost
T his is one of the in stitu tio n s of
the country w here th e m ost m otorists
know they can learn real tire econ­
omy. T his is under the direction of
expert tire men and is headquarters
for a full line of tires, which a re of­
fered at reasonable prices
A nother special featu re is the large
stock. Thoroughly a b re a st with the
tim es, they have secured for the trad e
a vast array of the very best tires on
th e m arket today. W hatever you may
need in th e way of tires, they have it
for you and they a re alw ays ready to
give your requirem ents personal a t­
expert in th e country, and as a conse­
quence she enjoys a practice th a t is
ever increasing.
People from all over th is section
come weekly to consult her and have
O steopathic tre a tm e n ts made th a t in­
variably result in a very beneficial
m anner. She is \of high standing In
the com m unities in which she lives
and in this review we a re glad to
com plim ent h er upon the excellent
standing she has attain ed In her pro­
fession and upon the high c h aracter
of her work in the assistan ce lend­
ing in keeping th e people of th is sec­
tion of the country in good healthy
We wish to refer her to all of our
Located in Albany, Is a Very Modern Cleaning Establish­
ment That Enjoys An Extensive Patronage From
All the Surrounding Territory—Parcel Post
Business Given Most Careful Attention.
Located in Albany, Is a Very Modern Jewelery Store,
Featuring High - Grade Merchandise and
Specializing in Fine Watch Repairing.
The gift season is alw ays on and w atch repairing and th ere Is no
the jew eler receives his sh are m ak ­ w atch too com plicated for them to
ing possible the w isest selection of ad ju st or rep air. They also do g en­
p resen ts for all occasions. An up-to- eral jew elry rep airin g and if you
date jew eler is indispensable to every have any piece of Jew elry th a t you
com m unity of taste and refinem ent, thought useless because a clasp is
and he whose work show s m arked J broken or a p a rt m issing, take it to
skill is su re of lib eral patronage. The ! him and it will be repaired to your
people of th is com m unity a re in no entire satisfaction.
We take p a rtic u la r pleasu re in di­
way behind in th is resp ect and the
generous p atro n ag e extended to this recting our read ers to this estab lish ­
p o p u lar jew eler show s how th is com ­ m ent and point to it as one of the
business e n terp rises of the country
m unity ap p reciates his efforts.
th a t is aiding in m aking th is a more
The stock has been selected with valuable com m unity to live In. They
ra re judgm ent and includes every­ also have one t»f the m ost com plete
thing n ecessary to conduct a m odern optical d epartm ents in the city.
and up-to-date store.
H ere will be
The p ro p rieto r is a w ell-know n b u s­
found th e leading m akes of w atches, iness man in whom th e public can
diam ond rings, pins, studs, and o rn a ­ have every confidence. We are more
m en ts; novelties in silverw are, clocks than pleased in th is review to com ­
of handsom e design and an extensive plim ent him on the c h a ra c te r of his
v ariety of jew elry.
establishm ent and the quality of m er­
P a rtic u la r atten tio n Is paid to fine chandise he offers th e public.
In Albany, Is a Modern and Up-to-Date Clothing Estab­
lishment Where the Men and Boys of This Section
Are Served With Everything in the Furnishing Line.
tention. We a re pleased In th is edition
to direct the special atten tio n of our
readers to this firm as one of th e most
distinctive features of th e com m ercial
efficieucy of this section, and to as­
sure them th a t at th is establishm ent
they will ulw aÿs find efficient and ex­
pert tire men, com petent, ready and
willing to serve them. In charge are
well-known men of the com m unity
who have m erited the success th a t has
been th eirs, and we wish to suggest
th a t as regards tires and expert serv­
ice, especially high-grade tires, you
will find they can save you money.
Since this well know n firm has san itary m anner. It also tu rn s them
been In operation It has enjoyed an out In the most approved styles w ith­
ever-increasing patronage, because of out the disagreeable odor th at a c ­
the reasonableness of charges, t h e s com panies the work of so many clean­
general excellence of work and relia­ ing establishm ents.
They also do dyeing, using only the
T his establishm ent is populur w ith ! best dyes on the m arket, and are
all who have tried it and th at they having w onderful success th is season.
put forth th eir best efforts is shown You can have your old clothes dyed
in the satlsfacion in each case. The and made to look like new for a very
establishm ent is splendidly equipped nom inal sum a t this establishm ent.
We are pleased to com plim ent them
for all classes of dry* cleaning and
no work Is too difficult to handle in upon the satisfactory service th a t they
the most satisfactory m anner.
render and to urge all of our readers
The dry cleaning system used not th a t as regards cleaning and pressing
only cleans your clothes, but th o r­ they cun do no better th an to tu rn
oughly renovates them In the most th e ir work over to them.
Located in Albany, Is An Up-to-Date Hat Shop in Every
Particular, and Carries a Large Stock for the Accom­
modation of the Ladies of This Section.
T his is one the leading m illinery
shops of th is section, under most
com petent direction and has the repu­
tation of offering chic m illinery and
the many sm art h a ts th a t have been
turned out from th eir efficient shop
have been the subject of much fav­
orable com m ent am ong the ladies of
the county.
They purchuse th e ir stock from the
leading establishm ents of the country,
and as a consequence It is strictly up-
to-date. They ure m illiners of ability
and taste.
T his shop has become known to the
ladies of th is section as headquarters
for these lines. At th is tim e they are
offering the new est of the season's
styles in all the popular shades and
of the best quality possible to obtain.
The prlceB ure most reasonable and
are consistent with the m arket condi­
It has alw ays been the policy of th is
popular shop to adopt for th e ir patrons
the new est styles, just as soon as they
were recognized and uccepted by the
fashion leaders of the country. Be- *
cause of th is fact they have won a
well m erited name for them selves as
having a shop th a t would do cred it to
a much larger city. In th is review it
uffords us g reat pleasure to recom ­
mend th is firm to our readers and to
suggest th a t they give the shop a tria l
and he convinced th a t th is Is the logi­
cal shop when seeking an y th in g In
th e ir line.
W hen a clo th ier Is able to satisfy 1 average store. They give the w earer
the m ost exacting dem ands of all his the a ir of distinction th a t belongs to
custom ers, then It m ust be acknr/wl- all w ell-dressed men, but which may
edged th a t he has reached an envia­ be h ard to acquire.
T hrough th e very com m endable
ble position in his trade. Such is the
case w ith th is house, w hich Is one of m ethods th a t have m arked th eir career
and the excellent quality of m aterials
th e prom inent clothing firm s of this and w orkm anship, they have built up
section of the state. People of every a reputation th a t extends through the
class have found th a t clothes from ’ whole country and w hich adds to the
this sto re a re satisfacto ry In every volume of th eir business each season.
m anner and m ade of the best m ater­
The gents furnishing d epartm ent Is
ials. The m ost exclusive p a tte rn s and on a p ar w ith th e clothing d e p a rt­
m ix tu res can be found In, th eir com ­ m ent, and here you will find sh irts, Located at 107 West First, in Albany, Is One of the Most
plete stock and if you p refer the most co llars and hosiery, and in fact all
Delightful Places in Which to Eat in This Section.
essen tials of d ress th a t co nstitute
In Albany, Is One of the Leading Abstract Firms of the m oderate priced in th e ta ste fu l and the
Best of Food Is Served and Service Unexcelled.
approved designs of th e season, they
County and Is Well Versed in All the Details of
can be had h ere a t the m ost reaso n ­ m an.
The p ro p rieto r and associates are
able prices*
the Comprehensive and Satisfactory Service
T his well-known cafe has gained a once com es th a t th ere never was such
They featu re n atio n ally fam ous well known and prom inent men and | nam e th a t had spread far and wide as a good place to eat. Poor re sta u ra n ts
They Render Their Many Clients.
lines of clothes in th eir ready mades. have alw ays aided in booming the a place w here both the local and tr a v ­ a re not the exception by any m eans
No m a tte r w hat priced m aterials you j home in te re s t^ They a re well known eling public can m ore than satisfy and It Is a pleasure to have such a
select, if you buy from them , you get in every co rn er of the country as p ro ­
T his a b stract office has attain ed a at hand they are peculiarly endowed th e satisfacto ry fittin g th at d istin ­ gressive business men and au th o rity ! th eir dem ands In the m a tte r of o b tain ­ m odern and up-to-date place as this to
ing good food. The m enu consists not re fe r the stra n g e r as well as local peo­
well m erited reputation as being one w ith the an alytical and care tak in g guishes th eir clothes from those of the 1 on m en’s w ear.
only of th e prim e n ecessities of life, ple to
of the m ost efficient and well versed attain m en t th a t renders safe and con­
The proprietor is a man who has
but are Inviting and tem pting to the
organizations in th e ir special field of servative in th e ir m aking up of ab­
m ade a special study of the re s ta u ra n t
ta s te of th e m ost fastidious.
endeavor in th is section of th e state stracts. T here is no d etail th a t is
C leanliness Is one of th e oustanding business and consequently Is striving
not given th e most p ain stak in g a t­
and they have a large clientele.
feature« oS this m odern cafe and Is Io give the local people som ething Just
In th e first days of th e settlem ent tention, while th e histo ry of th e ir
not confined to th e tables and silver­ a little b etter all the tim e. He has
of all com m unities, the question of business operation shows th a t they Located in Albany, Is the Distributor for the Famous w are that Is brought to th e a tten tio n arranged his place so th a t It is very
title to property alw ays causes a cer­ have alw ays been so.
of everyone, but It extends to the a ttra c tiv e and Insists th a t the service
Delco-Light Products, Which They Are Giving a
People desirin g to purchase land In
tain am ount of confusion. W hile th is
kitchen and those places only fre­ be prom pt and courteous. We take
Wide Distribution and Which Is Proving
county has had Its in n in g a t th is the county can consult no more com­
quented by the m anagem ent and as­ g reat pleasure In com plim enting him
featu re of settlem ent, today th is has petent and reliable au th o rity upon the
on the high o rd er of his place and re­
Satisfactory to All Purchasers.
all been done aw ay w ith through the title to th eir proposed purchases than
T he food is prepared in such a way fer It to our readers w lthont h e sita ­
efficient service of m odern ab stract th is firm , which is one of the fore­
th a t to the u n initiated th e thought at tion
com panies th a t specialize in th is busi­ most concerns of th is character.
m ake
It would be decidely u n ju st If we | It
The m anager la a well known and I failed in th is review to give prom inent lig h ter would consum e endless tim e
ness. They have a t th e ir command
all of the data and Inform ation on reliable business and progressive man m ention to a factor th a t has done so and space
Its usefulness does not
the various tra c ts of land in the upon whose inform ation people may much in uflvanclng and m odernizing stop on the outside nor In helping the
county from the days of th e early
th e ru ra l d istric ts namely th e Delco- men. It m akes possible all the little
pro;iosltloni th a t prom ote the progress Light.
settlers down to the present day.
conveniences th a t takes the drudgery
W ith access to alll his inform ation and expansion of th e city and co u n ty ., T here will be a complete display of out of the housew ork and the house- j In Albany, Has One of the Most Metropolitan Stations in
the Country, Specializing in Ford and
Delco-Light Products a t th e F air; wife In the country can have all the
don’t pass up th e opportu n ity of see­ conveniences of th is electrical age.
Fordson Sales and Service.
ing this.
T here is probably no o th er Invention Delco-Light plant Is a complicated and
th a t has been perfected In recent years in tricate piece of m achinery and thpt
Few cities of like size In the nation lar soon a fter It was Introduced and
a g reat deal of care to keep can boast of such a m odern and up- has proved practical In every respect
Located in Albany, Have a Modern Furniture Store That or a t any o th er tim e In tact, th a t has It In requires
operation. In th is respect they a re to-date Ford service. Not only because To th e ow ner of the average sized
m eant so much to th e progressive and
Is Known as “The Home Builder.” This Is An Apt
m odern farm er of today as has th is m istaken, although It embodies several they ren d er the m ost m etropolitan and farm It should appeal especially, be­
w onderful invention.
To Install a great scientific features it Is sturdily efficient service, th is well known au­ cause of the low Initial cost and the
Title As Their Store Is Replete With Furnishings
Delco-Light plan Is th e desire and built and requires practically no care tom obile estab lish m en t has come to be way It will perform . We suggest th a t
for the Home and Is Popular With the Peo­
aim of every m odern and up-to-date and expense and Is self operating.
known as "T he Home of the Ford and you have a dem onstration.
T here are so m any good and bene­ Fordson" In th is section of th e state.
W hen It comes to Ford and Fordson
farm er, for he know s th at not only It
ple From All Surrounding Territory.
They also handle the U ncoln car, p a rts th is firm Is h ead q u arters in this
Is a tim e and a labor saver but th a t it ficial features to the Delco-Light th a t
T here a re few e sta b lish ­
la clean, safe and sure, and th a t In the It Is an im posslbllty to enum erate which is considered as being five years section
them all and o u r suggestion Is th a t ahead of Its tim e in construction.
m ents in the larg er cities th a t carry
W hat is m ore im portant than the ail kinds, all of the articles for the fu tu re no farm will be considered mod­ you call on your local dealer and gel
T h at th e Ford Is universally recog­ a m ore com plete stock of Ford parts
home are represented by standard ern w ithout such a p lan t to get th eir
building of a happy, com fortable
a practical dem onstration. It m akes no nized as the g reatest m otor value of than this one T his Is a very Import
brands th a t are know n the country light and power from
hom e’
We venture th e statem ent over. They handle a very complete
Like oth er g reat Inventions, such as difference w hether you are expecting the age Is the opinion of experts as a n t featu re and saves the public much
th a t because they contribute proba­ line of cook stoves and heating stoves, the steam boat and railw ay engine, ; to purchase now or not for you will well as the casual buyer. For service tim e when delay would be costly. No
m a tte r what may be your dem and In
bly to a larg er degree than any other and they w illingly give the people of when the Delco-Light was first Intro receive the sam e courteous treatm en t and reasonableness of price the Ford the w ay of p a rts or how urgent your
Institution In th is Im portant w ork, th is section the opportunity of th e ir duced to th e public th e m ajority of 'h a t you would If you ware going to reigns suprem e.
T he Ford Com m ercial T ruck has needs you will find th is establishm ent
people were skeptical about I t s practl- buy a t the present tim e
th is Justly popular store is one of the easy paym ent plans
Therefore, we tak e pleasure in th is come to b e recognized as one of the at your service and prepared to m eet
The managem ent has won for Itself blllty, but since It has b e e n put Into
most essential features of th is section.
your dem and.
T h eir Immense establishm ent under a reputation th roughout the country, operation In more th an HQ.OOO homes review In d irecting you to th is firm , Indispensable features of latter-day
T he m anager Is courteous and ac­
the m anager of which is a la tte r day business equipm ent and has proven
the efficient direction of tatter-day for many miles around by treatin g they have been forced to realize th at i business man and one who has taken w orthy, both In speed and endurance. com m odating and will be pleased to
business men Is replete with fu rn ish ­ every custom er honorably and alike it la a practical and a money-making 1 an active p a rt In all things pertaining! Of th e nam e It bears It has become show you the advantages of th is w on­
ings for the home and no m a tte r what F air and honest business methods Investm ent.
Not only does th is plan make pos­ to the upbuilding of th is comm unity. the popular truck both for the business derful car. We are pleased to compll
m ay be your need in th is line, they have bu ilt up a large trad e for them
We predict th at, through bis activities, man and farm er and has greatly In­ m erit th is firm on the efficiency of the
have It for a reasonable price S tandard and when anyone goes to th e ir attrac-. sible plenty of b rig h t, clean, light, but the tim e Is not far d ista n t when there creased th e progress and prosperity service and the w onderful value of the
m akes will be found thro u g h o u t th eir tlve and complete store they knew It pum ps the w ater, g rin d s the feed,
car they have chosen to offer th e peo­
of both.
Im mense store
L ibrary tables, dav- they will get value received for th eir tu rn s the cream sep arato r, but to enu­ will be a Delco-Light plant In all the
The Fordson T ra c to r became popu­ ple of this section.
m erate here all the m any tasks th a t country homes in th is territo ry .
enettes. m attresses, beds, fu rn itu re of money