PAGE 2 H ALSEY HA LSEY E N l'E R C K lS E O CT. 5, 1922 E N T E R P R I S E N ot one of tliern has l>een scrapped to date. Aud the recent (or preaent) near-east war cloud ba» lad to a elaietneot th a t they w ill not be — at’ least at preeeut. Tbe nations are ecrapping, but not S u b s c rip tio n « , >1.50 a y e a r In a d v a n c e . e ir own -------------- navies. They are, —- a» T r a n s i e n t a d t < rti« ln « , 25< a n In .J i; p e r - ¡ i th -------------------- -------z — î? .r"tto e ^ r.r^ . B,t’ 2#0 N° <’“,couut they always have been, scrapping In " P a id - f o r P a ra g ra p h « .-' Sc a Une. a m o n / tbeinselvee '■ sf C o n i p / e t e A o in d e p e n d e n t— N O T n e u t r a l— n t w i - p a p e r. p u b lis h e d e v e ry T h u r s d a y , by W M . H. and A A. W H B E b E K . W m . H . W h e e le r , E d it o r , M r», A . A . W h e e le r , B u s in « « » M a n a r e r a n d L o c a l N e w s E d it o r . N o a d v e r t is in g d is g u is e d a« n e w « . 1 ° C ?/ian ye Î Ranges & Heaters It’s what you need and yo u’ll find it in Sunny Southern You should not miss this place if in need o f a new range or heater this fall. W e have the largest assortm ent of each in Linn county and can supply your wants at a C alifornia oILi Saving in Price There ere 50,000,000 bushels in the farm ers’ wheat pool that spec- j nlators are not playing ducks and T H E G O V E R N O R S H IP 'drakes w ith. I f tbie co-operation MotoringfMountain ClimbingfYachtingfRacing 1 he opposing candidates for the keeps up the farmers w ill come to g ivernorsbip are Ben- W , O lcott, have som say about the GolfJTennisJRiding^Polof FishinggHunting republican and prerent incum bent, pries and not leave th a t question and W alter M. Pierco, democrat, entirely to the buyers. Camping#Airplaning$Loafing Both of them profess to be w ith - ' --------—• » out means to finance a campaign. Linn Winners at State Fair. Pierce is asking, as w ill be seen A t the Btate fa ir in the in an advertisement in this paper, and g irls ’ club livestock contest for co n trib u tio n s of $1 each from led M cCart o f H arrisburg 'woo his friends. The I5J00 which an fir8t *° division one of Holsteina, Ashland enthusiast te n t is a good C. C ornutt of Shedd first in the Observation Cars and Dining Cars nucleus i fourth division of shorth .rns and r . . ... . , , i Allan G ilk e y of Scio won first in A L B A N Y F U R N IT U R E E X C H A N G E Afford every travel comfort and convenience Last evening at A .bany, too late ¡ the fi(lU d ivision , shorthorns. A lb an y Oregon for a report in this week's pa­ K a rl Dannen of Shedd won first ’■ T he C alifornia E xpress •• hat through Pullman. Seattle, Tacoma per, M r. Pierce's Ashland adm irer in the fat steer special, shorthorns. and Portland to Lot Angeles via Sacramento. waB to give a “ non.partisan” d in ­ In the sheep divisions M illa rd Stay a day or two in Sao F ra» ci»c o -i delightful .topping place ner at which the candidate would Shelton of Scio was first in division one and Dale D rin ka rd of H a rris ­ “ express hie opinions on chrrent burg first in division two. ç*x*x*x*x*x»x»x*x«x*: the door. If* something about state issues.” ' We may comment D. F. Burge of A lbany in the Bruce." Psrcheron classes of the horse d i­ later on what occurs there. For fare., train service, deeping car reser­ Linda remembered him then. She vision won herd sire, second; 4- leaped to the door and fluug It wide. vation* or beautiful folder, ask agents or write M r. O lcott has made good as year-old stallion, first; yearlin g She saw the stars without, the dark governor. Hie beet work has been sta llio n, second; 10-year-old brood fringe of .pines against the sky line be­ J O H N M- S C O T T , w ith the veto ax. H is worst was mare, fir s t; 5-year brood mare, hind. B u t most of all she saw the cunning, sharp-featured face of Dave in tu rn in g loose on the treasury second and fo u rth ; 4-year mare, General Passenger Agent, P drtland, Or. Turner, with the candlelight upon him. and the state in general, on two first and second; filly under 1 year, The yellow beams were In his eyes, first and second; produce of mare, occasions, the rapacious horde too. They sar, second; 18- fine auto in which to make th e ir Ifluslratioiu by Irwin Myera barrier around h e r as far as personal cuonlbs boar, aecond; 2-year-old getaway, hut ran it in the mud and rate. attentions went— and his reasons were sow, second; yearling sow, th ird ; left it. Sheriff K endall prophetic­ x: obvious. The tmiuntaln girls do not W h a t we would alt like to hear 6-m onth-old sow, first, and ju n io r a lly remarked to Deputy W alton? from I to 3 year. old. Big, fine ewes. t tc y r liih t b j Little. Brown 4k Ce. usually attain he«' perfection of form would be a statement as to how the and grand champion sow on Bust­ Those fellows w ill tr y it again. and face; hla dee-ire for her was as Look out fo r th e m ." SYNOPSIS e r’s Vesta 286270 taxes are to be lessened. W ill any jealous as It was I utense and real. This When they came again they be­ rtgi.tereil Or will let out on share. 25 In the same classes were won by • C H A P T E R I . —A t th e d eath o f Ml« to e te r candidate dare a battle w ith the dark-hearted man W great aud terrible C. S. Sargent of 8cio, 2-year-old gan work on the bank door about old ewe«, or at $2.50 per head. ra th e r. B ru ce D u n c a n . In an eastern c ity , emotions did not -only know how to p o litic tl machine behind which the boar, th ird ; yearling boar, second; m idnight. receive» a tn y s te rlo u . m essage. gent by a Delos C lark heard vtr» Ross. sum m oning him p e rem p to rily grade hate. In Ids own s avage way he could recently doubled tax-eatlnc fish 6-month-old boar, fo u rth ; boar them and from the C lark home to aouth ern O regon—to m eet "L in d s .." love too. Linda ha: Vd and feared hlni, to freshen thia fall. He called p e rt and game commissions o r any of under six months, fifth ; 18-month- could see I hern. C H A i T E R I I . —B ru ce ha« v iv id but b a f. but the emotion wi. wholly different C lark, who notified W alton and unit re c o lle c tio n or tils childhood In an old sow, first and second; 2 yv>oke. Bund, w ith M r. C lark, were in h id ­ taxes but.keep up the plum supply, third. Lebanon’s Reliable Funeral Di­ C H A P T E R V I —O n th e w a y , '•Sim on' “Ton mean you've kll V»J him?" she ing, expecting the boys would sternly w arns him to se it as an emanation from an h u ll class. weapon« of torture as th s claws and Phone .35 Phone 15 A u n t E lm ir a (M rs . Roaa) a nd herself, rush, but fired fom under the fangs of the Killer. She had nn In­ wiped out by assassination B ru c e ’» fa - Branches at • ’invisible em pire,” whi ih no true , . n °‘.Harri’barK M e t’ hew F o lg e r. w aa one o f tha , op O xfo rd Down sheep 2-year-phl seat at W alton as they went, miss- Brownsvilte, Phone 3 7 0 5 . stant's dread picture o f this strong victim s H la m o th e r bad fled w ith B ru ce Am erican w ,11 tolerate. ram, an), f „ d H h . Tear|inR ng him and sending a b u lle t into Halsey Phone 166, Frank Kirk, Mgr an l Lin d a T h e g irl, w h ile sm all, had man of hers lying maimed and broken, been kidn ap ed fro m th e orph an ag e and Sam G arlaud, d e m o c ra tic ,c a n d i-ra tu , firs t and th ird ; mm lamb, the railroad office, as has been a hattere-1, whimpering. Ineffective bro u g h t to th e m o u n tain s L in d a 's fa th e r had deeded hla lands to M a tth e w F o lg e r. date for th e . senate fro m this I Hrst and second; 2-year-old ewe, I stated. A fte r they had gone about thing In Ihe moonlight of s otne distant but the agreem ent, w h ich w o uld confu te hillside. The vision broujghi knowledge th e enem y's c la im s to the pr«g>erty. haa county, would pare off aoineof the *econd “ '" I fo u rth ; yearnlig ewe, th irty yards W alton blazed away been lo s t to her. I*- en more c le rjiy than In.the . . , , , ¡firs t and second; Hock, first and ! as the car sped o ut o f eight. fr ills from our schools, letUng girls t h ir d ; Hock bred by exhibitor, first He was asked afterwards, “ W hy C H A P T E R X . - B n i c e ' . m o u n tain blood second of their kiss, before he hid responds to the c a ll o f th e blood-feud. gone to see Hudson. sly> realized what ..... tossw “ and ««« v cook w a uw vau . iu , p ill Ol learn at aaosiaix;, home, i f Ml or j and b second; pen of lou t IttUlUb. lambs . ' d id n ’ t you shoot ?,’ Hay, Grain,, stock hauling, etc. Heavy ,,S 2 ? Ap,T E R '1 X I ; ~ A » 1* n r tree, th e Sen- cxainole. He also points o ut th a t ¡«ither sex, first and th ird ;,, pen' of ‘ ' I d id ,” he replied. an Imrautielile port o f her h,* was. She 2 . m , P. nen n fro n t o f LZnda'a cabin, hauling a specialty. gazed with growing horror trt Dave's «•»m s to B ru c e s excited Im a g in a tio n to ‘ ‘ W hy d id n ’t you shoot to h it? ” a ll ta xpa yer, ars assesre I to sup. ,ot‘1r I«“ 1»8 bred by exhlbtrnr, firs t, be e ndeavoring to convey a message. leering face. --Whr re la h e?-' she ‘ ‘ I d iJ ; y o u 'll find marks of the Phone f o r t tbe h iv b a r in . t . t u t l u n . »“ ‘“ •jltd ; get of ■ , firs t and, CHAPTER X T I —B Q ice sets out In p ort the higher in s titu tio n s of w . H. B E E N E asked. She rememb ered, with ¿lingular . shot in the car at least ” second; produce of ewe, first and aaarch o f a tra p p e r nam ed H udson, a steadfastness, the pistol she h;\d con-1 Halsey, Oregon ie trn in g , where o nly a sm all per­ second ; champion ram, anv age. betw een L in d a s Those m aiks were later found fa th e r and M a tth e w Fo lg e r. cealed In her own. room. centage o f the yo u th are or could Dale D rin ka rd of H arrisb arg ‘I H show you. I f you want to get • rriMly, be educated, and th in k s the b u r­ won fourth in tbe ewe lam b class. th e K ,1,er the te rro r o f tha him In you'd beu er bring the ol t hag i HA LSEY, Linn Co., Ore.. Sept 28, 1922 Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Dressers All at '7/iroug/i 'S/ee/jiny G ars Chiffoniers Bedroom Sets Dining Room Sets New Low Prices. BARTCHER & ROHRBAUGH The, Strength o f the Pines By Edison Marshall 50 Blackface Ewes, 1 Shropshire Buck, 2 Jersey heifers Oat and Vetch or Clover Hay and 1 car Cheat Hay N. C. L O W E TRUCKING den should l>e be d istribu te d more in accordance w ith tha benefits. The bugaboo of the increased cost to the p u b lic if a ll children are compelle 1 t J attend the public schools ia composed o f fro th . In tbe m a jo rity of cases the children now in p riva te schools would be npporlioued to e xistin g classes and instructed w ithout au add itio na l teacher or an a d d itio n a l d o l'a r o f expense. ■■ ■ ■ ——• *********#««**»woke with a curioaan breathlessness. ”17.1 go at once." The door Moeed liehlnd tbe thre e of them, and they went out Into the in *>n- U» forest. Pave walked first. It i vas wholly characteristic of him that he •hould find a degenerate rapture •» ahowlng these two women, the terrih '• handiwork of the Turners. I I Q n - Jolced In Just this sort of cruelty ’.Ja • da had no suspicion that this r ■on was only a pretext to get r ie n -