JHALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XI HALSEY, LINN COL’NTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1 9 » NO. 5 Northwest N ewsies High School Notes Mi«««. Ruth nod Norm« Farrell P u g ? Friday* • i#‘ er’ M r'- L W (Mearle Straley, Reporter) Brownsville Briefs F o r th e N ew H om e FIS H E R -B R A D E N 'S One of our senior*, Preston The dance at Peoria Saturday Newton, has gone to Portland to uight wag well attended and all W°,, i We af* hoPlnB that he reported a goad time. will decide school is the better and Miss Frost Baas .pent Sundaj return in a few days. in Halsey with her mother. , Bessie Dykstra, Irene Quimby E. D. Clevenger and wife and , G « l« ve've Wells were absent eon and wife from the county seat ' ,rom scho01 la8‘ * « * • They went called at the W illiam Zellmer horn-’ i i? Sale® t0 the B‘ ate fair as the Sunday afternoon. I Halsey Canning club and took T b . „ . . Zimmermto ,p ,„ , S .n . ¡ i T c l ’ ' S ’ * “ “” S dry afternoon with Lester A lb ert-1 - ■on. There will be no school Friday Born, to W. G. Abraham and so the pupils can aiteud the county fair. * wife, a son, Oct. 1. W illiam VanNice started to The recent rains have put the He is taking n g ro u n d iu fine shape for plowing school Monday. and seeding. post-graduate course. Furnishing« go to high- rlaaa ‘ rood.. trrw^al« Aw» -------« - With ___ c,“ O ur — salespeople. year, of » ix p in e n c e b ackT f them w ill ‘u V IT IS R E F U R N I S H I N G « h . old horn« they w ill j n . t a . w illin g ly and c h terfu lly .M is t you. I f it i . for the home F.iher-Bradeu hav« i t l ^ r h e home of the Cheney Phonograph. F IS H E R -B R A D E N HOUSE FURNISHERS T hird and Broadalbin »treeta 1 1 1 '» 1 " I . . UNDERTAKERS Phone 95 Albany, Oregon Jots ahd Tittles Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly Shedd Shots (By Ralph Lawranoe) (B y Anna Pennell) J S. Lawreuce anved to Salem, visiting Mrs. Pennell’s mother and where the entered bueioeei college attending the fair. Monday. She etopped at Alban Worth Bass was hurt Suuday to spend Sunday with her friend, Marvel Lawrence, who 1« attend! oight when a sprocket wheel fell on his shoulder at Suddle Butte. ing Albany college. Lyls Pennel and Eddie McEl- The student body held a party vane left last Wednesday for San in honor of Ihe freshman class Franeiaco to stay a few days. ., .last.Friday night in the auditorium Donna Robertson visited school Jack Sellers and wife and Mrs The wild duck and goose season side of Harrisburg and disnrgsu-1 of the bigh school building. Some of those who attended the The Friday afternoon. Effie Meaman, from the county opened Sunday. iaa‘‘ the service until af ar toon | Ireehies can testify to the thorough Salem fair Friday were. Harry metropolis, visited at the W. A The freshmen ioitfition Satur­ Next Sunday is fathers’ dav at Tuesday. R A- M r. nitialioo given them by the MuPer home Monday. day evening was a success. The I sophomores. Refreshment« of cider >nn Mrs. Troutman and daughter the churches W ill more fathers hall was decorate! iu greeu and go than mothers? The state fair last week and th» land saudwitebes were served. G ail, Mrs. J. C. Clay,Mrs. B. Craw- o H u rj ‘1 d u lle r went to Albany white strea mere. county fair this week reduced the Ml enjoyed themselves, even the E. E. Coon, Mrs. Henry Monday evening to work in the W . 8. Duocan and wife have attendance at entertainment«. The rook« came with sinkiog Freerksen, Pet. Freerkaeu and [ quests. resturant for A. Pitts.. bought the Elite confectionery and hearts, fearing for the worst; four ■vife, Mr«. A. Clark, nnd C. A. "Hum an Hearts,” at the Rialto Mr». 0 - J. Albertson sp«nt of them could not even master the cafeteria at the county metropolis. Mrs Fred Harrison if Ash Swale Pugh nud wife. Friday, was one of the grandest i* at the county headquarters on Tuesday afiernoon with Mrs. M ul- courage to atteu.l. .One or two of C. D. Dryden and wife ahd J. B. and Jack Cornett and wife plays on the circuit and was well business this week. ler. ( Fred and them had their fighting spirits daughter Didrgy of Oregon C 'ty, advertised, yet the attendance was George nre doing their own cook­ 4hd Mrs. Elnur Mirgavon drov9 W . A. Muller and wife called at aroused, but most of them were accompanied oy Mrs. Minnie Mc­ below the recent average. to Portland to sea their daughter ing during herebsenoe. the A in os Taylor home Sunday game to be initiated into all of the Cord of Portland, spent the week tnd sister. Mrs. Vera Braun, who mysterious rites and performances end at the Stafford home. evening. The best and most expressive Bruce Burson spent e part of reported ill, 8unday. of the high school. magazine cover in recent months the week at home, returning to En- Mrs. N T. 8ueed, assisted by The sophomores spent lots of The Ola Newport fam ily were i» that of the Pictorial Review fot tene Saturday. He is working with Reunion of Davis Clan Sunday visitors at the J. W. Pugh time planning for this party and Mrs. S. J. Smith, entertained on October. t construction gang there. Thursday afternoon at the Sneed Autos wore parked around Hugh home. were permitted to haze ihe rooks in hon” r “f M '« M arie' B .n jim in H olt, s o n -in -l.w o f Mrs. Nell Turner and Miss Stew­ Leuper's horns Sunday until it if they didn’t break any bones; Russell Gott and wife and two however, they didn’t do anything Sneed, who was here from 8eattle. I A. J. H ill, has gone into the H i.l art, North side grade teachers, ■ooked as it' there were a caiun. ohihlren, from the county seat, very rash. He .. is an ex- i t n d f d t h e state fair at Salem n s e tiiig there. store. __ We sometimes hear of a “ hot 'hardware store. spent Sunday gt the Muller home But it was only a gathering of ■«aturday. perienced hardware man. Ih e dignified members of the box” on a railroad car. An uxle axle ------ ------- the Davis family which wss staged W. A. Muller and w ife a n d J. freshipen class were vrey much burned off a south-bound train this (Continued on page 4) because Mra. Leeper ia one of W. Pugh and wife and son L e o n l annoyed wheo the sophomore« ODD IDEA ABOUT LIGHTNING there ein and her birthday coming calmly greeneJ their noses and a rd a tte u d e d the county fair next day that was considered the ( In Oldsn Tims« Death fro m ttre k e told them to letve it on all eve-J Wed nesday. herds* who were watchlhg over tlielr tight location. I t was a complete | oing. Was Censldered a Direct flocks by Bight. The glorious gospel •urpris« to her and the guests were M r» . Albertson of P e o ria a n d Favsr «rem Qeds. tjigns carried around by various ■essags was Brst given to laboring qually surprised to find her oou- her daughters attended the county members such as ‘ We’ll go to men. fair Friday. Although thunderstorms have dued to her bed with a severe 2. By Whom (v. 0 ). The first gospel heaven because we are too green -•old, a high fever and symptom»-- sermon w«s preached by the angel of been numerous this summer and to burn” and “ I ’ m the president, the Lard. The angels have p art In The festivities T H R U S H E S P E R S IS T E N T «r, Mon­ ■ w n r s h t n a e le t l b . 4 - » . » . l „ ___a. - _______ I _ _ a a . * * ___ s worshiper In ths temple, « for he wns poet-humously. Rev, C. T , Cook, Pastor Charms a<«inst roe; Ed, Leah and Edwiu Storts considered s “child o f the law .“ Being lightning were in demand, although and Marguerite. Lucille. Kay. conscious of H is mission when H I* mother and Joseph were returning it mu«t bare puzzled the logical uiond, Donald and Eldon Davis Sunday School Lesson from sttendsuce at the Passover. Jesus Greik or Roman to reooncils the and M ary E. Robnett of Browns­ tarried behind to enter the temple and wearing of such feticbea with the ville; L. W. and Georgia Byerley, o«r r k v . r . a . f it z w a t k r . d , d , inquire Into the meaning of the ordi­ I T««el,»r •< EogUih Itlbi» 1« U * U m 4/ belief that lightning-etnick persons Halsey; Aldah Nelaou, Shedd, aud »'hi* laatirut« or Chlaaee.l nances o f God's house. Charlie Nelson, Albany, Cn»Trl«M. l l l l W — r»r» W«w«««a»T tr»taa 2. Jesus Found In tbs Tempi« ( w . * ai* beloved of Jupiter and his Other guests were Mary Davie. tbsser light«. Images of the esgls 44-47). When H is mother and Joseph Turner; M artha Davis, Shedd; had gone tome distance on their Jour­ and th« sea calf and pictures of the Cora and Bessie Davie, Browns- LESSON FOR OCTOBER 8 ney they perceived that Jesus was laurel were held in high esteem aa »ills; C. 8. Shedd, Albany and missing and sought fo r H im among T H I B IR T H A N O C H IL D H O O D O f Hugn Leeper, Halsey. their kinsfolk and acquaintances. Not preservative» «gainst lightning. JE SU S I wo of her sisters remained to finding H im there they returned to oare for the invalid, who is report­ Jerusalem, where they found Him In HONOR PAID TO BRAZILIAN LESSON T B X T -L u k a « il- » : «0-0. ed improving. O O U JEN TE X T—And J u u « Incrtaa*« tho tomple. (1 ) Hs was “sitting“ (v. txzts > In Windom and atatura, and In fnvor with Ood and m an.— Luka 3.6Z. R E F E R E N C E M A T E R IA L —Matt. 1:1«: School Stockings O R years, m others o f boys and girls have looked to us fo r hosiery strongly made; to stand the wear and tear o f the school playground. F o r as m any years we have recom mended. F A lle n A Hosiery Our Kaea of children’s hosiery include every style or quality jyou are ever likely to want. Stockings for school, ‘ dress-up” or knockabout wear, made with reinforced heel», toes and knees, for sturdy boys and gulf— all rigkUf frutd. See our special School Dis­ play this week. even legs M . V. K O O N T Z CO. 46). showing that H s was no pssalng visitor or sightseer. H e w«s perfectly ’ 1:21 at home In His Father's house. (2 ) H e wss "hearing" (v. 46). H e wss PRIMARY TOPIC—T h a Boy I w m . JUNIO R TO PKJ-Tha Boyhood o f Jemm. hearing the teschars o f God'« Word. IN TER M ED IA TE AND VENIOR TOPIC This shows that H e was eager to I earn -Jaaua at Homa and nt Seboal. God's w ill. (8 ) H e anted questions TOUNO PEO PLE A ND ADULT TOPIC (v 46). His growing mind was Inquisi­ -T h » Rollfioue Tralnlog of 0>a Toung. tive. I t morn than received what wss ta u g h t; It Inquired after. (4) He an­ I. The Birth e f Janus ( w . 1-T). 1. Tim e o f ( w . 1 ^ ). R wss a t ■ swered questions (v. 4T). Ills answers tim e when the Jews were coming un­ showed great wisdom, such as to as­ der the Roman power. I t w«s a most tonish those who heard Him . Yet we propitious tim e fo r the Introduction of should not surmise that He was con­ the gospel. The whole w orld wan un­ sciously displaying Hla wisdom. It der ooe rule, making It possible tor wss not an exhibition o f H is divine ministers to ge from place to place wisdom, bat the expression o f the workings of a perfect human mind easily and without molestation. X Place o f ( w . 4-«). Bethlehem, ns the suffused by the Holy Spirit. 8. M ary's Complaint ( w . 48 90). prophet had foretold 70t) years before (M icah 9 :2 ). God moved the emperor She remonstrated w ith Him for His To this H e replied In a to enforce the decree o f tnxatlne la behavior. I dignified, yet tender manner. He made time to cause M ary to be St Bethlehem. S. circumstancee e f (v. T ). H la sur­ no apology, showing that He was more roundings were e f the mnet hnmble than the son of M ary. 4. Jeans' Obedience (v. 61). Though sort. T he Alm ighty C reator conde­ scended to taka upon him self bumsa- He wss fully conscious o f His dlvlns **X— *o he horn In a manger, becoming being and mission. H e lived a Ilfs of the poore«t of the [xx.r that none might filial obedience. 8 Joeu«' D ev elo p m en t (v. 9 2 ). (1 ) be hindered from coming to Him . H e "Increased la wisdom." II. Th« Birth of Jesus Anneunsed Mental. (2 ) Physical. B e “Increased In stat- ( w . 8-20). f f ) Sptrltnsl. B e “Increased 1. To Wbom (rv 8. 9 ). The she?- urn.“ In favor w ith God and man." Qsneral Rondon, Famous Kxplerar, tle c is d to Membership In ths No­ tional Oeographle Society. When purged of errors Sheriff Dunlap’s nominating petitiou con­ tained 412 names, Frank Richards’ Tbs National Geographic society JJM. L. E . W alton’s 260 and W- has elected to honorary membership v- Templeton’s 384. These Gen. Candido Mariano da Silva figures have no significance, how. Each caudidata probably Rondon, famous explorer, often aver. ■lopped getting signers when ha called the William Penn of Brazil. felt sure of having enough and the General Rondon won thia popular «ami man’s signature may be characterization for his peaceful validly on all the petitions. penetration of the practically un­ known if at to Grosso wilderness, for Last Saturday Mrs. Lucy Pray its rubber, where he so successfully accornpaniml her granddaughter, won the confidence of the natiree by De.ora Wells, who visited her his fair treatment and human sa­ »bout a week, to her home near il* tance that they even helped him Junction Q ty . Mrs. Pray ex string telegraph wires through the pected to be a guest «t the We Is jungle of their hitherto forbidden oome lor about a week. Dclor* » ill go to school at honae, instead land. if in UaJeey. General Rondon is the ninth man elected to honorary membership in President Williams has left A I- the National tisographic society, ■any college to go to < aliloruia one of the othar eight being the late •i»d R. R. Knker, late principal >f Theodore Rooaevelt, who, upon his be Brownsville high vchot>k It return from his Brazilian explora­ »resident unul the trustees till the ■caiicv. tions, made known Rondon'« work in thia country by hie high pro«« of the Brazilian’s sclyevcmcnts. Mrs. George Hsyee spent Set- urday at the county seat.