I HALSEY ENTERPRISE PAGE S SEPT. 2 1 1922 BEATING THE PO^TOFFICE For that new 1 home her parente expect to ac* OVERSTUFFED where they will visit their son and brother Efcell at O. A. C. Mies i Sneed is a student a t the Univer- j sity of Washington. U. T. Hockensmith and wife of I Albany were visiting their ralatives, the Bonds, Sunday. The Koontz family visited Salem Sunday. The Albertson family, frt m Pot- ter, were in town Tuesday.___ C. A. Overton of Brownsville was fined »10 Monday for leaving a campfire burning on Tombstone; prairie. C. P. Stafford and wife dined at Prof. Euglish’s Sunday. Rocker or Chair yon will be sore to have the latest in furniture if you go 4 company her aa far as Corvallis. Rubber Goods Hot M ater Bottles Fountain Syringes Metal Hot W ater Bot­ tles Ice Bags Combination Hot Wa­ ter Bottle and Fountain Syringe Rubber Gloves Ladies’ Douche Syr- ' inge j W . A. RINGO, Druggist I T. J. Skirvin went to Eugene Tuesday. Jots and Tittles W. 0. Templeton of Brownsville is tbe fourth candidate to file peti­ tion for candidacy for sheriff. (Continued from page 4) 'V ick Bros, 'of Albany have sold State fair weather was one day a ’Jew ett car to Mr. Nolan, the late in arriving, but it was here Shedd Methodist minister. In full force Tuesday—Oregon Delbert Tan ’.y is visiting in Cal- mist. ifonis, L 's t S unday’s Sunday school Homer Mornhioweg and wife lesion was ready fur the pres, whewthe Enterprise was printed, came up from Shedd and went picnicking with the gentle-nan’r but was crowded out Ly news. parents and hia sister an 1 het ' A handsome matched pair ol children. black horses, weighing 2800 D. S. McWilliams visited Port- pounds, failed to envoke a bid f t the M asters auction,' which fact land the latter part of last week is comnffeiit enough on the rise of on insurance business. Delora Wells has came back the auto and the declino of Dob- from her home near Junction City bin. • to live with her grandm other O. A. C. advises sowing treated Mrs. L. A. Pray*and go to school, and untreated strips of cheat and Three carloads of Linn county observing the effect of the treatm ent stock were gathered for exhibition ou rust. The Mnrpbv Seed corn- at'th e state fair. pany iu an advertisement this week offers treated seed, ready for Mrs. Mary West of Brownsville sowing, and also sells the pow­ is with the Henry English family dered copper carbonate for tlio»e agaiu (or the winter. who prefer to treat their ow n. George. W. LaubDer has added Mrs. May Ward has come from •astern Oregon with her four chij- flren to take advantage of the Halsey schools. She makes her home with her mother, Mrs. M. B. Southern. DAVENPORT, * F IS H E R -B R A D E N Also L E A T H E R D A V E N P O R T S . R O C K E R S B LE S- >n (act everything for the house. L IB R A R Y T A ­ F IS H E R -B R A D E N HOUSE FURNISHERS UNDERTAKERS Phone 95 Third and Broadalbin street! Albany, Oregon a sited 36 by 70 to the housing csps- It is a relf-regul sting propeller. d Q, tbe ,„ in5er d Tbe judgm ent ia for $86,000 J. S- McMahan has been ap ­ against the DeLauriers Aircraft pointed adm inistrator of his fath ­ company of New Jersey. er’s estate, valued at »2000. Miss Beulah and H arriet M il­ Harold H am ilton of Shedd m ar­ ler came home early in the week ried Mary Christensen of Medford from summering in Washington last week. They will reside at state. Med ford. M othns are going to the Rialto A burned-out trestle a mile south tonight to see a^ mothers’ play. of Harrisburg caused trains to take the west-side route an d give H al-! sey the go by Friday forenoon. |_AND p£ARLS HIGHLY PRIZED Mr. Bowman has added a dpxeu looms from Philadephia to those Found In Tropical Plants; East In­ diana Consider Them as Charms he bought in southern Oregon for of Greatest Value. the Brownsville woolen mills. The red spider flourished in bops Probably everyone knows the sea in the recent dry weather and pearl, but not everyone is aware that caused some io the Brownsville there are also vegetable pearls which section to be abandoned, unpicked. grow on land. Now and then in cer­ Hugh Vincent hss left Browns­ tain tropical plants curious hard ville for Iowa and it is rumored round substances are found, which that he goes disappointed because one may properly call pearls, since J. F. Venner. another civil wsr their composition is almost identical veteran, cut him out iu tbe race with the product of tbe oyster. In for a bride. Java, these substances are discov­ Rev. C. T. Ceok was at the state ered in the joints of bamboos. On fair Tuesday and Wednesday. analysis they are found to consist Glenn Frum and D ole Hillman of almost pure carbonate of lime, attended the state fair Wednesday which is the material that goes to make up the oyster pearl. Some­ G. W, W alker and family went times the pearls are found in the to Sa’em this m ornirg to attend endosperm of the coconut, and they the fair. also octur in the wood of the teak Rev. C. T. Cook will goto Salem and pomegranate trees. They are Saturday* morning to bring A l­ sometimes the size of a hazel nut, berta Koontz, Nora Pehrsson and but more often rather smaller. How Geraldiue Cook home for a week­ end visit. The girls are attending these pearls come into being is not really known. They are believed to Willamette university. be due to excess of calcareous and Miss Marie Sneed held n place Ralph McNeil is learning tbe | silicious matter in the plant. In in the public library at Seattle and “ blsck a rt” trade in the Enter- the East Indian islands these pearls one of her specialties was the con­ Come to the Christian Church pr se office during bis spare time. are valued very highly as charms, ducting of a “ chidren's hour,” Bible School next Sunday on Next Sunday is rally day a t the j and the owner of one will not part which was greatly enjoyed by the Christian church. it little folks. She surprised her I with it for any figure, because he parents, N. T. Sneed and wife, Not many towns as small as| considers that as long as he holds by coming home Saturday for rx Halsey net such an excellent run the pear, he will be immune from a visit of a weclf. On hur wayl A zciy of moving pictures as Mr, Kessell all ills. is bringing here. Stop ! Look! Listen ! Rally HALSEY RAILROAD TIME N’orth South The E nterprise frequently re­ No. IS, 12;01 p. in. No, 23,11:29 a in. 24, 5.50 p. m. 17, 5.50 p. m. ceives cut rate clubbing proposi' Lions from periodicals. One just at hand from a professional cir­ culation bureau, offers ^ h is paper and four m agA ines—The Peo* pies, P opular Monthly, Good" Stories, The Household and Form Jo u rn a l—all for $1.55 for one year. It proposes th at The En terprise go into the pool at $1.00 and the four magazines at $. .55, or less titan fourteen cents each. It is probable th at the circulation bureau would get more than the fourteen cents for handling the 1 usiness, and th e magazines would violate the law in availing of the postal departm ent, special mailing rat;* to publications. The law adm its to the mails at the special rate only papers sent by publishers to bona-fide cash subscribers, and these club copies sent for less than cost, eould have the benefit of th a t rate only by practicing a frau d upon the gov­ ernm ent—a fraud th a t would touch the pocket of every citizen by increasing the annual postal deficit. Any of the publications could afford to pay a q u arter of a mil­ lion dollars for the privilege of sending a million d o llars’ worth of copies to readers, because' it couild rake in a profit over all, on the advertising it could obtain based on such a circulation. The E nterprise could not be sold for $1.50 a year were' it not for the receipts from advertising, and it is not going into a . con­ spiracy with other publications to sell for less than cost, amd ” i- olatc the postal law's. We give' to our subscribers. Whose patronage-m akes the pub­ lication of the paper possible, the benefit of the only discounts we make on rates. T hat is when, once a year, we offer to paid-in- advance subscribers, the priv­ ilege of sending the paper to their friends a year for a dollar as Christmas presents. R IA L T O T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y P edi caved to tbe I* others -/tb e W orld ...----------------t» yC 3 t LL a e m m le H Ä LLQ B , L M 'A fitìfp'P H U P iN WALLACE»; I N - A IÖ T U P E N O C Mrs. N. E. McCully, now of Eugene, has gone for a visit of a few m onths with her daughter, Dr. Cora E. Toll in Ariaona. Everybody who follows tbe rs- Y ports of the doings of Jiggs and MZ Maggie know« th at they have met aeverai delays in their atart for Now they have concluded Mz to China. do better and come to Halsey Mz instead. They will be at the Rialto theater Monday evening, Mz D. J. Caiey died at Salem Tues­ Mz day evening. He was the father \lz of W. A- Carey and Mrs. F. W. Mz Robinson. Mz Dr. Hugh Gleason of Butte, Mz Mont., w as drowned Tuesday Mz night when hie auto ran down the steep incline on the Harrisburg side of the ferry at that city and weut to tbe bottom of the river. Mz Mrs. Mary Arnold, mother of Mrs. Brown, the schoolma'am, rr^que i he OM Nett ” With Boute retara was over from Shedd visiting her The Morin." m ,i .*,»*y that the whole world loves. Sunday. So was the teacher's brother Karl. $ « UNIVEPSAL-JEWEl star of 2 Be sure and bring MOTHER * Z(!k Kememlter. it s dedicated to the nt >lhtr> of the world. ’ a,m i Screen Snapshots _ x Gump Cartoon * Admission, 25 and 50 cents __________ g M J. Moore, the only demo­ cratic candidate for sheriff, has charge of the Brownsville exhibit at the county fair. , Thomas B Slate of Albany has j woo h is four-year legal battle foi | the invention he patented aud used iu airplane« during the w a r? PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line Lost: l/cenae plate No. 55495. Finder please return to Halsey Garage. For Sale: . Registered S h ro p . shire rams. Dr. J. W. Cook, Brownsville, Oregon. Please briug back my wire stretchers. G. W. Morahinweg, Once in a white a story is w rit­ ten, a play produced or a picture tilmed, which rises so far above the common creations of art ns to stand alone in teaching great neg­ lected tru th s about life. “ Les Misérables,” “ Vanity F air” —these »ere such stories. “ Human H earts,” written by Wallace Reid’s father; Hal Reid, was such a play, and “ Hum an H earts,” the picture, carries forward onto the screen tlie great facts of tho play. The photoplay is a Uuivcr6ul-Jewel «tarring House Peteis, directed by King Baggot. It was considered such a worthy epic when com ­ pleted that the executives of Uni­ versal classed it as one of the three biggest productions ever made by th a t company, as^o-iiat- inir it in this respect with “ Fool­ ish Wives” and “ The S to rm .” It conies to the Rialto theater Friday. Found, Sunduy, lady’s hat. Owner describe property and pay for this ad at Byerley cream sta- t ion. When you want good Burbank potatoes order from M O- Mills, R. F. D. 1, Brownsville, Ore. A. D. Cornelius, our watch and Dr. E. W. Ba m um , dentist, nt jewelry man, has polled up stakes Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and and m oved , bag and b aggagp , to Friday. Draiu. a town about twice as big Old papers, 5c a bundle. Eu- as Halsey, where Mr Prianlx. once publisher of the Enterprise, terprice office. is publishing a paper which he christened the Drain Enterprise. Obituary R H O D E S S C H O L A R S H IP S N. C. Smith of Canby has oc- 1 quirk’d the interest of tbe other , Two Rhodes scholarships are as­ heirs in the farm of his father, the signed to each state in tbe Union. late T. F. Sm ith, and expects to | They are for a period of three years move on with his personal belong and are worth £300 a year. To be ings tomorrow. eligible a student must be an Amer­ Rev. Mr. Nolan of tbe M. E. ican citizen, between nineteen and I church at Shedd was a caller a ’ twenty-five years of age, and above >the.M. E. parsonage Monday. sophomore standing in a recognized Rev. C. T. Cook announces th at I degree-granting coUege or univer- he will conduct preaching services sity. at Harrisburg at 10 and here,at 11 Selections are made on the basis ^ u ? literary and scholastic abil7 and preaching from 7:30 to 8:30. ity, physical vigor, as demonstrated Mrs. M artha A nn Hill, widow by participation in outdoor sports, of L. J. Hili', formerly of Browns­ and in other avays. ville. died in Portland Sunday. These scholarships, which are granted each year in two-thirds of Bowman of the Brownsville I woolen mills is huuting dear in | the states of the Union, are good for the University of Oxford. Lane oounty. SUNDAY MAPL HOURS The delivery window of the Halsey postoffice is open Sundays from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 to 12:35 and 4:45 to 5.00 p. m. S.imuel G. Robertson was born J. W . D rinkard and wife and in Indiana July 29, 1841, and dieit Mrs. M. V. Koontz ^wnd Miss at the home of his son, W. H. Cleona Smith drove to Salem Sun Robertsou, in Halsey last Tuesday lay. ev e n in g . h e served in the civil war and was advanced, to the position of FOR SALK first lieutenant. He was with Sherman on his celebrated march to the sea. from 1 to 3 years old. Big, fije ewes He married Evaline Hazlitt of Ohio in 1866 They had three children, one of whom died at the registered. Or will let out oti shares 25 age of 8. Mrs Hortense H ull old ewes, or at $2.50 per head. of Enid, Mont , and W. H. Rob­ ert-on of Halsey, at whose home grade his last days were spent, survive to freshen this fall. him. * Mrs Robarteon died in 1893 in I WANT TO BUY Nebra-ks, where their hom e. was. 1 Carload Mr R T rtson came to Oregon .in 1910 i nd located at Halsey, where he joined the Christian chu'ch three years later. and Since he fell and brpke a limb about a ear ago he h is been con­ R. It. MAT BERRY, 477 West Eighth street, Eugeue. Ora. fined to the house the most of the time. The immediate cause of his death was an internal hemor­ rhage. His last words were: “ This is the end; don't worry about m e.” Coming Funeral at the Halsey Church of Christ at 2 today aud interm ent at Pine Grove. 50 Blackface Ewes, 1 Shropshire Buck, Jersey heifers Oat and Vetch or Clover Hay 1 car Cheat Hay I JIGGS and M aggie in Person. Not a Moving Picture m ,n ' womvn and child likes t » read the thing« that are said and look at these funny characters in the Sunday papers These tharacters will be portrayeti by real live people on IVIondday, Oct. 2 at Rialto Hall, Halsey 25 and 50c A Real Treat in a Comedy Show i I Î I I 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 X 4 4 « 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4-44‘4 X October 7 to 14 has been pro­ claimed by the governor as fire prevention week. This does not i.can th at less effort should be made on other weeks to prevent fires but a special effort be made luring that week to enlighten the oeople on means of preventing a 1 recurrence e f snch fire as iu the past five years have cost Oregon »10,395,286 and many lives In schools it advises tliat “ a part of each day be given to fire pre­ vention talk s.” And if cigarets could l»e banished about oue-half of the fires would bs avoided. In an item on page 4 the state* i merit ¡a made that the bullet tired by robbers at L. K. Walton struck the bank The reporter was mis­ taken. That bullet went the other way. missed Mr. W alton and went through two walla at the railroad station and Agent Boyd found it on the floor of the office. Tbe hol-a in the walls can be seril «•ill. We hope to have «pace for further rem arks on the subject next week.