Jo ts and Tittles TREASURE TROVE (Continued from page 1) Hidden When the Enter­ prise Editor Was a Baby The proposed L in n county e x h ib it at the state fa ir has been aban­ 1 Birch Bark -Cached by Trappers In doned for want o f funds. L in n highw ayaget $7,844.82 from the auto licences of the last h a lf year. the State'a Early Days Found Recently in Washington. W e lc o m e , County Fair Visitors! Leave your bundles here and make this store your headquarters. W itii each .*25 cash purchase we will give F R E E one 25-lb. sack Olympic F L O U R $ 2 0 cash purchase.........13 lbs. sugar F R E E $15 cash purchase.............................. one 10-lb sack Olympic Flour F R E E $10 cash purchase.......... 6 lbs. Sugar F R E E $5 cash purchase................................. 5 bars Crystal White Soap F R E E The J Strength j o f the Pines I ■xet knocked the anlmxtl off his feet* then turned back to Dove. Except fur a higher color In his cheeks, darker lights In his eyes, and an almost in> perceptible quickening of his breath- tng. It did nut seem as if he had moved. “You're always bringing news,” he said. "If It's as important ns some of the other news you've brought don't take my time.” "All right," the other replied sul- lenly. “Yon don't have to bear it. liut I’m telling you It's of real Importance this time—and seine time you'll find oat.” He scowled Into the dark face. “But suit yourself." Dave walked clear to the door, then turned. “Don't be a fool. Simon," he urged. “Listen to what I have to tell you. Bruce Folger knows where that secret agreement Is.” For once in bis life Dave got a response of sufficient emphasis to satisfy him. His brother whirled, his whole expression undergoing an Im­ mediate and startling change. If there was one emotion thnt Dave had never seen on Simon’s face it was fear—und he didn’t know fof certain that he saw It now. But there was alarm—unmistakable—and surprise, too. “What do you meun?” he demanded. “Out with it !” Ills tone was really A cache o f birch bark hidden W ilfre d M cH u gh , a farm er, and since 1860, near the site of an old ' M rs. I(*a C rawford, both of Browns­ fur-trading poet, was uncovered by ville,* were married the other day. the Columbia river undermining a Author of D r. G arnjobst and fa m ily have huge sand bank, saye a diepatch "T h e Voice of the Pack” moved iu to Miss. W rig h t’s bouse from Deep River, Wash. on N o rth M aiu street, Browns­ Seventy years ago, when N orth­ v ille . . west fu r companies were engaged in Illustrations by Irwtn Myera & There was a slim attendance fierce competition over the rich otter X .X « X » X » X » X » X » X < * X » X * X » X < ? i from Halsey at the Brow nsville and beaver pelt« of the north Pa­ Cop,right by Littl«. Brown 4k Co. fa ir. I t bad not been advertised cific coast, many trappers came from in Halsey. Canada and the Orest Lakes region. S Y N O P S IS They generally preferred birch Mrs. G ertrude Boggie of Ash C H A P T E R I.—A t th e d eath o f hie fo ste r j , j bark canoes to cedar dugouts and Swale died a t the ______________ state insane asy- fath er, B ru ce D uncan, in an e a ster n c ity , rec e iv e s a m y ste r io u s m e ssa g e , sen t by a lum last week She was buried at lest birch of good quality should not Mrs. K oss, su m m on in g him perem ptorily B row nsville. to so u th ern O regon—to m e e t “L inda." be found on the rivers of the west­ R ev.T .L Jones, 80 years old and ern slope, some had a stock shipped C H A P T E R II.—B ru ce h a s v iv id but b a f­ fling r ec o lle c tio n s o f h is childhood in an b lin d , form ely of B row nsville, from Montreal,to London, thence to orp h an age, b efore hie ad op tion by N e w ­ ton D u n can , w ith th e g irl L inda. Afloat on a Hox Car preached in the Lincoln Methodist Astoria, Ore. “ THANK YOU” TH E IR GREETING church, Portland, Sunday. To prevent the valued canoe ma- CH APTER III.—A t h is d estin a tio n . Two weeke ago today F rank T rail’s End, n e w s th a t a m e s sa g e h as M rs. P. O’ Mara is re tu rn in g to teris^ from fa llin g into the hands Children of Unhappy Russia Taught Porter wrote a letter to C- P. Stef- been sen t to B ru ce Is received w ith to Say “8potalba** to Americans m arked d isp le a su r e by a m an Introduced her borne in R iver F alls after of competing fu r traders, the Asto­ l° rd from which we have been to the read er aa “ S im on .” In Famine Dletricte. spending the summer w ith her sis­ ria people sent i t up the river by CH APTER IV .—L ea v in g th e train. permitted to reproduce portions. ter, Mrs. F. M T in d a ll of Browns­ relays, at each step burying i t from B ruce Is oa to n ish ed a t h is ap p a ren t f a ­ A thing to remember is that He was on his tr ip w ith his red m iliarity w ith th e surrou ndin gs, th ough v ille . sight. This historic specimen of Alexejewska is only one among to hlg k n o w led g e h e haa n ever been there. Capt. W u lff of the Salvation trapping daya here w ill be con­ many villages in the Samara dis­ polled cattle to capture some of C H A P T E R V —O bedien t to th e m e ssa g e . the prizes at B ritis h Columbian B ruce m a k es his w ay to M artin s c ro ss­ A roiy was over th is way Friday signed to the state museum. tric t in which the American relief roads sto r e, fo r d irectio n a s to rea ch in g looking over the chances of getting fairs and though any news iu th« Mrs. Ross* cabin. administration is conducting feed­ P R ETTY R IVER COURTESIES quarters in which to hold services article may be rather stale now it C H A P T E R V I.—On th e w a y , “B lm on” ing operations, but they are so much has interest not o nly from the nov fter n ly w arns him to g iv e up hie qu est every two weeks in Shedd, Halsey and return E a st. B ru ce r efu ses. f apt. P h ilip Reybold, who oper­ alike that having seen one of them eltv of some o f his experiences but and H arrisburg. C H R V II.—M rs. R o ss, a g e d and you really have seen them all. from the fact th a t the w rite r is infirm A , P w T e E lco m es him w ith em otion . She The younger Q uim by girls ated a passenger steamer— the Ad­ We arrived just as the little h a ste n s him on Ills w a y —the end o f “P in e- known to every man, woman and board in town d u rin g tiie school m iral— on the York river, between N eed le T ra il.” term . They are quartered in the West Point, Va., and Baltimore, fol- people were finishing their midday c h ild in this part cf the co un try. C H A P T E R V III.—T h rou gh a co u n try Here goes: Corcoran bouse and th e ir aunt is lowing the C ivil war period, de­ meal of corn grits w ith sugar and pu sxlln gly fa m ilia r , B ru ce Journeys, ana Here we are, going down the finds his child hood p la y m a te, L inda. m ilk and bread and cocoa, and as housekeeper—a very comfortable scribes in a southern paper the enor­ Frazer rive r in a Southern Pacific C H A P T E R I X .- T h e girl te lls him of arrangemsut. mous difference between boarding a they filed out past us on their way box car. Who would have w rongs c o m m itted by an e n e m y c la n on fam ily, th e R osses. L an d s occu pied K. S. Marsters' auction sale F ri. ferry-boat then and now, especially back to their homes each one of thought th a t a box car was the her by the clan w ere sto le n from th e R o sse s, day was well attended and con«ld- for ladies. I t was an old custom of them made a little curtsy and said proper tub in which to ride down and th e fa m ily w ith th e ex ce p tio n of A unt E lm ira (M rs. R oss) an d h e r se lf, Spotsiba, ’ which means “ thank 4 river? ering business conditions prices the region for lady passengers to We are m aking good wiped ou t by a s sa s sin a tio n . B ru cp’s f a ­ ther. M atth ew F olger, w a s o n ^ o f the received were satisfactory, fo r the wait to be eacorted on and off the you.” time, yet the wheels are not tu rn ­ victim s. H is m other had fled w ith B ru ce articles offered were in good con­ steamer. When the boat made a Our little Russians everywhere ing—q uite different from our usual and L inda T he girl, w h ile sm all, had been kidnaped from th e o rp h a n a g e and d itio n and such as are in demand brought to th e m o u n ta in s L in d a ’s fa th er landing the ladies would gather in are always saying this to us. I have bumps. had deeded h is lan d s to M atth ew F olger, in modem farm ing. We were loaded on a barge ai but the ag r ee m e n t, w h ich w ould c o n fu te the salon o f the main deck and wait actually met children on the street the e n e m y ’s c la im s to th e p rop erty, h as A walnut tree of unknow n origin u n til the captain came down from in Moscow who have curtsied to me New W estm inister to da y—cattle been lost. growing on K ir k avenue, Browns­ the pilot house to lead them to the and said “ Spotsiba!” One supposes car, household fu rn itu re and bed C H A P T E R X .—B ru ce’s m o u n ta in blood respon ds to th e c a ll o f th e blood-feud. ville , ie pronounced the most p rolific dock. He would approach the eldest their parents teach them that they d in g — and are in tow of a steam er. The rate comes high, bui of its genius in seasons of drouth C H A P T E R X I.—A g ia n t tree, th e S e n ­ "What Do You Mean? Out With Itl» o f the waiting group and walk with must never pass an American w ith­ w hat’s the d if” when you art tin el P ine, In front o f L in d a ’s cabin, Its product is of rare excellence see m s to B ru ce ’s excitpd im a g in a tio n to her down the stairway to the land­ out saying “ thank you.” I t is rather enjoying the trip ? urgent now, not insolent as usual. be en d e a v o r in g to c o n v ey a m e ssa g e . * and trees propagated from it have pathetic and was always to me ex­ “Good Lord, man, don't you know ing place, she leaning on his arm. On our rig h t just now ie a verv C H A P T E R X II .—B ru ce s e t s o u t in iis characteristics. It is called the The rest of the ladies would follow, ceedingly embarrassing. — Eleanor fine s trip of diked land. Both sea rch o f a trapp er n am ed H ud son , a that If Bruce gets that down to the K ir k nut. w itn e ss to th e a g r ee m e n t b e tw e e n L inda's settlements before the thirtieth of servants w ith luggage bringing up Franklin the Saturday Eve­ ■«ides of the rive r as we pass along fath er and M atth ew F oiger. next month we’re lost—and nothing There are plenty of widowers are lined w ith fis b irg boats, m ostly ning Poet. the rear. C H A P T E R X II I .—A g ig a n tic g r iix ly , In this world can save us? We can't si d widows liv in g alone in Browns­ know n a s th e K iller, is th e terror o f the »pernted by Japs, so th ic k in place drive him off. like we drove the vic in ity , b ecau se o f h is siz e an d fero city . F A ITH LE S S JACK v ille , and even in Halsey, who ih a t it seems we w ill surely run F A IR Y DOLLS Rosses. There’s to o ' much law down C H A P T E R X IV .—D ave T urner. sen t by n ight p ro fit by fo llo w in g the ex­ some of them down. Sim on, bribes H ud son to t»w«ar fa lse ly in the valleys. If he's got thnt paper, He (continuing his narrative) — con cern in g th e a g reem en t. If b ro u g h t to ample of M r. and M rs. Venuer Here wo are passing Stevenson, tight, he k n ow in g its w h erea b o u ts. there’s only one thing to do. Help Late in the afternoon the settle­ * ‘I t is not good for man to b And there was I close up to one of * fish canning town, own^d largelv me saddle a horse.* ment worker returned. I t was the CH A rTT.’R X V — H u d son and D a v e v is it alone.” those Big Berthas. by the Japs, so I am to ld, who do the form er’s trap,.. A w olf, c a u g h t In one. “Walt a minute. I didn'J say he had swarming library hour. The kiddies Is d»s overed by th e K ilter. D istu rb ed at She— Oh, Jack, you horrid thing I most o f the fishing near that his fe a st, th e brute str ik e s dow n ¿ lu ifo n . It. I only said he knew where It was. I t w is not Mrs. Edwards but her are always so eager to get books B ruce, on his w’ay to H ud son , s h o o ts and He's still an hour or two walk from daughter Adele who had her tonsils and so careful of them— sometimes And you told me you’d never look place. w ounds the K iller, d r iv in g him from his here, toward I.lltle river, and If we A l Savage has juat climbed on v ictim H ud son , lea r n in g B r u c e ’s Iden removed recently. The affection at a g irl over there. have to wait for him on the trull, tlty. tries to tell him th e h id in g p la ce o f m rainy days bringing them back top of our car to get a better view, ‘he bad spread to the bronchial tube agreem en t, but d eath sum m on * him. we’ve got plenty of time. And of trapped up in paper. One small tnd be and otber stoegmen are CHAPTER XVI and the surgeon had to cut deep, course I ain't quite sure he does know g irl wanted only fa iry tales. When ordering the Japs to get out of the b u t the young lady, after a serious where It Is.” Dave Turner traveled hard and late, asked why nothing else would do, way, desist from clubbing the fish sieAe, is recovering Simon smiled . mirthlessly. "The •ver the head as they are hauled snd he reached Simon's door Just be- news Is beginning to sound like the she said: G uaranixbd W obk Colonel Sudtell, who cries more n, and other good, sound fishing fora sundown of the second day. rest of yours.” Because I read them to mv L aundry euotion sales than anybody else in Bruce was still a full two hours dis­ advice. "Old Hudson Is dead,” Dave went dolls.” (hie p a rt o f the state, says very tant. But Dave did not stay to knock. C leaning and P ressino We are now entering the mouth on. “And don’t look at me— I didn't “ How many have you ?" It was chore-time, and he thought he good prices are being realized, o jth e rive r and w ill then boon the would find Simon in his barn, super­ do it. I wish I had, though, first off. D D R I B E L I N , Prop. which show th a t though some crops And the little Serafina answered: ‘ ‘p on d,” where we are supposed to vising the feeding and care of the For once my judgment was better and prices are disastrous to farm - I can have as many dolls as I want, than yours. The Killer gut him.” get seasick. live stock. He had guessed right, and • •'8, the m a jo rity of them are do­ i f I believe in fairies.” "Yes. Go on." You may te ll the w orld th a t I the two men had a moment’s talk in ing w ell. “I was with him when it liappen°d. am not ru n n in g for office th is fa ll, the dusky passage behind the stalls. My g T got jammed so I couldn’t NO AGE LIMIT so why worry? However, Al and "I’ve brought news.’’ Dave said. Among Halsey vieitors at tl e shoot." Plump redeand seed, already treate. t are g ettin g a wee b it homesick Simon made no answer at first. Tiie county seat Saturday were Mrs. “Where Is it now?" “ This department store advertises with copper carbonate for for tbe fa m ilia r eights, hustle and saddle pony In the stall immediately B e rtC la rk and G eorgin*, M argaret Dave rambled In vain for a story ‘Tootsy Togs.’ ” in front of them, frightened at Dave's gossip of Halsey. We expect to to explain the loss of his weapon to S kirv ln a n d Mrs. J. W- Moore and What are Tootsy Toga’ ?” return to our old haunts iu about unfamiliar figure,,hud crowded, trem­ Bruce, und the one that esm e out ut little daughter, the la tte r to visit bling. against his manger. Simon's last did.i t do Idui particular credit three w.eks. ‘ I judge they are something for th e ir mother and grandm other, red eyes watched him ; then he ut­ Realty to sow. I—I threw the d—n thing away. F. H. P orter who was recently h urt In an auto children to wear, but they may be tered a short oath. He took two low. b u t It m ade accident. suitable for flappers. You never strides Into the stall and seized the m ad by Jam m ing— o l trick. ig— i it f was a fo fool halter rope In his huge, muscular To the Public can tell about clothes nowadays.” — Maybe I can go back after it and find L. E. W a lto n, the Halsey can­ I am removing m y watch and hand. Three times he jerked it with It." didate for sheriff, is probably the, Birmingham Age-Herald. a peculiar, quartering pull, a curbing Simon smiled again. "Very good so jew elry business to C ra in. Ore- o n ly one of (hose running for the ' that might have been Ineffective by a 1 far," be commented. THIS OLD EARTH gon office who has k ille d a man. The/e man of ordinary strength, but with ALBANY, OREGON Dave flushed. “Bruce was there, I wish to th an k the people of the Incomprehensible might of the fs nothing in the manner of the '• Based on radio-activity observa­ i too—fact la, creased the henr—and Halsey and the c o m m u n ity for great forearm behind it was really man to suggest the w ild west or last minute before he died Hudson tb e ir patronage. terrible punishment. Dave thought ! i the Illin o is , hut he says when the tions, Prof. W illiam Duan of Har- told him where the agreement was I am not leaviug for any other tor a moment his brother would break woma-oe m taking ta k in g ! Var" **-ve w°Hd is between Would-be oeiiK hank roooers, robbers, in hidden. I couldn't hear all he said— the animal's neck; the whites began reason than a better opening for leave of the Halsey State bank. 8,000,000 and 17,000,000 years old. I was too fur away— but I heard to show about the soft, dark pupils m y business. fired a volley from the I ack o f their 1 ’ ---------— enough to think that he told Bruce A ll promisee w ill be made good • f its eyes. The strop over the head the hiding place.” auto and one of the bullets crashed T H E L IT T L E BUSY BEE hroke with the fourth p u ll; then the through the m ail. A n v unfinished “And why didn't you- get that infor­ into the bank wall close to him , he ----- We have lots of good horse recoiled, plunging and terrified. work in m y hands w ill he taken Into tbe opposite corner of the stall. mation away from Bruce with your thought i t t ’ me to respond and he Th« cave man had ore source of gun?" care o f p ro m p tly and returned to pul a little lead into one of the trio i livin g open to him — hunting tom on leuped with shattering power owners w ith o u t delay. "Dldn t I tell you ths thing was at tbe creature's shoulders, his huge which ended his activities in this I f he were nnnv k . l . j « That W .k o ...! d b M T r f Z X iS ? ’ ™ " on h ind and are getting more everv day T hank you again. m u encircled Its n<>ck, his shoulders Jammed? If It hadn't of been for that. I By Edison Marshall £ W ST E N B E R G Bra. Third and Lyon, Albany, Oregon The Old Stand Barber Shop Cheat Seed Smut Prevention $3 per cwt. M urphy’s S eed Store E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHANGE USED FURNITURE k X.’|" Among the activities of the Sal. vation A rtn y reported by the county eeat papers are tbe cases of • ii A lb an y g itl who, deserted by her husband, died in Oakland, •'a l., a couple of weeks ago. Her fa m ily were unable in pay tbe funeral expenses and Capt. W u lff arranged fo r that, the fa m ily to make repayment when it can. In another case an old man belong­ ing at San Francisco was stranded here ill, w ith no funds for return to San Francisco and Th no “ claim on L in n county g it a local woman ro'im free and is supplying him w ith necessaries. (Continued on page 6) BeauTy Banquet Ranges $65 ' « • » « » — L i r a b ra h m a to $92 I « 'a man added another wrfv o f mak- j ’ n g « livin g —cu ltiva tion of the ami Used ranges $20 to $40. Very goed conditon. ■ Alt «^bargain prices. So the system expanded, u n til to­ 422 West First at., Albany, Oregon. day even a paralyzed Flint) man can earn hta own liv in g , provided his brain is intact. Some of the occu pationa most of us consider aide ifm e s i n our a v i­ a t io n are re a lly gigantic i ndus- Before buj injr automo­ bile supplies of any kind it will pay you to come to “ « M. F. B want of Medina, 0 ., or,« of the kings of the honey induDtrv, sava 900 OOP Americana are he ekeepere, predneing WO.OOO.OOO w orth o f honey a vear X “ “ “ Halsey Garage and get prices We handle G O O D Y E A R . F IS H and O A T E S T IR E S and are able to sell von a tire at almost any price yon with to pay. Automobile repairing Willard bet tery service. HALSEY GARAGE Ft Ml IF. BROS . Props, N ina K um p w ont to Kugt nc F r i­ - /S h o p . 16aS day to attend a business college. m. bones Residence, 1M A rchie C ornelius FIR ST SOVIET RACES The horse-racing season started the other day at Moscow, after an interruption of five years. The at­ tendance o f the public was large, despite the admission fee of 1,000,- OtXI ruble«. The promoter lusde profits of amounts expressed in as­ tronomical figures. The ladies were dressed in the lat­ est fashion. The orchestra played the “ Internationals” and varions marches. The entire new bour­ geoisie had come and rivaled the Soviet aristocrats in the spending of money. The Pravda complains that such luxury was not seen even in the time of the czars. I heaved, and he haH-threw It to the ttoor. Then, as it staggered to rise, hi* heavy flat flailed against Its ueck. Again and again he struck, and In the h a lf darkness of the stable It was a dreadful thing to behold. Tbe mao's tori always quickly aroused. was gpon him ; his brawny form moved With th* agility a panther - . of _ _ , — ------ Even whose shallow eyes were usually »« n t to feast on cruelty, viewed the •sene with some alarm. It wasn't that Its was moved by the agony of ths Iwne. But he did remember that horse* cost money, sod Simon seemed totwtnlned to kill the animal before his passion was spent. H ie horse cowered, and ir. a mo­ ment more It was hard to remember he was a member of a noble, high- spirited breed— a swift runner, brainy as a dog. a servant faithful and Worthy. He stood quirt at lost, his hesd hanging low. knees bent, eyes Wnjoutly sorrowful and dark. Rtmon Un broken sea p ahou: fcu I'd done something more than find out where It Is. I'd stopped this non­ sense once and for all, und let a hole through that tenderfoot big eiwugh to see thsough. Then there’d never 6e any more trouble. It's the thing to do now." Simon looked at tils b-other's face with some wonder. More crafty and canning. Dave was like the coyote In that he didn't yield so quickly to fury as that gray wolf, bis brother. But when It did come. It scared him. It had come now. Simon couldn't mis­ take tbe fa c t; he saw It plain tn the glowing eyes, the clenched hnn-ls. the drawn lips. Dave was remembering the pain of the blow Bruce had glveiz him and the smart of the wor^s that had preceded U. “You and he must have had a llttlw session down there by ths creek."* 3tmon suggested slowly, “when your gun was jutum.ed. Of course, he trait f t e . g n c k . 3 r h a f t th « w of tiring tw