i E N T E R P R I S E had a large m ajority io both house». Now can you gdess which A n in d e p e n d e n t— N O T n e u t r a l— new « p u b lis h e d e v e r y T h u r s d a y , party opprovss it» work and which by W M H . a n d A A . W H E E L E R . disapproves? W m . H W h e e le r , E d it o r , H A L 8X Y Follow the crowd The Moslems have humbled the ' British lion, Britiao’s allies have abandoned her for the favor of the murderous Turk nod she has beeo forced to forego enforcement of the decree passed In the settlem ent of H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore.. Sept. 28, 1922 the world war that Turkey abandon Europe. The allies may rue this COMPULSORY EDUCATION day. The situation is preguant but i i i intcrutable. A religious war. Mo- The compulsory education o f . , a d r p „ n n to fho ..¡„i.vk . .^ ^ J ^ m m e d a n s aga.net all the rest of children up to the eighth grade the world, may be in the offing in public non sectarian schools ie American. The product of some ---------------- Soviet Russia reports the “ exe­ private schools is unobjectionable I cation’’ ol 1,766,000 persons dur- but others turn out youths with ing its existence. No ivonder that anti-American, seditious and un­ [ ioverument allies itself with Tur- patriotic tendencies. ’ It is the side d f a question. Let The name w ith eu- I sent theiil w ithin six months from the w a s l X d J Wlth . which this cheese date of this not.ee. with the p ro ,e r Take this bed, for instance,’’ she tunity to enjoy all that is coming in the light. ClCQ constituted jta sole oriiri- t to the tvndrrtigned at her res- Mid. “ Have you thought how few to them. I chanced to be on upper nahty, “Obechmtnergauer passions j^ tn « in Halsey, in 'L in n county, Ore- Broadway late one afternoon re­ there are that have the privilege of The tariff bill has become a law. JestspielalpenJ.ranter klot terdeli Dater; and first published this 28th No lawyer, noe anybody else, being sick in a handsome black wal­ cently, when the rattle and roar of «■afruhstncfralaMie» Which meant: Jay of September, 1922. R osa P o w e l l , Executrix Aforesaid. CJsnster cheese, delicate Breakfast, knows what it means nor will un­ nut bedstead like yours, an’ have approaching fire apparatus struck A m o r A. T v s s in g , Atty, for E x rx . their clean sheets taken out o’ such my ear. A number of engines and “-ade of herb» of the Alp®, for the til it has been thrashed out in the a mahogany linen press as you’ve trucks came roaring up the street, «•tivals of the Oberammergau ras- courts and decided tiy the highest got. That ought to cheer you up and I naturally followed in their Citation aici Pl» y performances. of them, probably with a large »ome. anyway, to think of such priv- »ak?. The tire was only a few In the county cdu rt’ of the state of — -------- ------- —. . » y Oregon, for Linn county; m inority of the judges d iiam t ing. lieges.’’— Philadelphia Ledger. blocks away. The crowd collected Hubby—I can’t understand why K • -IK E F IE R Y C H A R IO T ” V In the matter of ‘ he estate of 1 2... W. H. K irkp atrick. Deceased. / L - ltal,c,n And by that tim e it will probably as if by magic. The police were m- you should always show such a mesp ' To L. L G ray; Robert W. Kern, Wisdom ts Ba Daalrtd. h a te been nullified by the passage •tantly on the job. the throng was 1 and cranky disposition in the w - ' f Ttfc spectacle of a flai ning auto- Charles Eldon W . Kern, E. S. la better than rubles; and ing. w jrn- «obijv Speeding through the streets Bush and E. to Kerp, of a new one, quite as difficult to all Wisdom pushed back and the firemen got to all others unknown. G re e t­ the things that may be desired are ing: W iA e-A t what other ri;me ghould •« ‘.acaan, N. H., one night re- construe, for tbie law was about not to be compared to I t — Proverbs work. In the name of 41ie state of pregon. ‘Tn the midst of the confusion I I show it, may I ask.? You’re not fly gave the resident« a decided You ate hereby cited and required to ap­ two years in tbe making and we 8 :11. | noticed a street organ pushed fran­ h«re during tbe real of the day. • c ck. The car, owned by Cla ude pear in the county court of the state of may expert its successor within a The T ru ly V aliant. Oregon, for the connty o f Lm u, al the tically along Broadway. I supposed *• Decato, ignited suddenly while it courtroom dozen more years. T be tru ly valiant dare everythin« thereof, at Albany, in said the owner was trying to get out of JEWEL CMC HELD HAND BONES »■ w being filled with gasoline D e- county, on Monday, the 16th day ofCeto- except doing any other bodv an In the way, which would have been the e rfo hopped into the scat and spa, I ber, 19J2, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of fltrxoge, Isn’t it, that the d em o- Jury.—S ir P, Sidney. H. M. Workman, an automobile • way from the tank and other com- that day, then and there to show cause case in any other city. But not so why an order should not be granted cratlc and republican leaders do in New York. The street musician tourist who became lost in the wild ' «stible objects in the vicinity. A authorizing and directing t h e ’ adm inis­ not agree as to the value ftf the knew bit audience. Working with country over tha Wyoming h De Ire extinguisher put an end to the trator of the said e«tate to sell lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in block 2 in K. Hayes addition work done by congress which has might and main, he fought his wav brought . strange relic to Living-' «tunings of the fiery chariot. •.to Halsey, I . i i n cohnty, Oregon, at joat adjourned. O o e party de­ through the crowd until he reached »ton, Mont. Workman stumbled 00 p riv a te sale after advertisement as re- , Bvfllnntng Day , ^u 1 red by law. clares th a t the lawmakers have a position directly In front of the to an old cabin, he say», deVDld 4 I f any man w ill come a fte r Me, let \Vitness. the Hon. \V . R UlLVEtJ. Laundry sent Tuesdays fire, when he stopped and ht«re but sn old tabla accomplished much end the other mm deny himself, and take u p his J n d g : of the county court of the state of » « tu ig on tbe table he fonnd a si) Dyeiug. Cleaning and Treating grinding his organ. Oregon for the county of Linn, w ith th at they have wasted tbe eeesion cross, and follow Me For whosoever the Seal of said court affixed, fhis 6th »•r-platad jewel casket of rich p. ' ~ T . ' rai,Kel «1 n c h pa . w ln M v * hl8 Jlfe • ‘“ ‘I >'-*« U «nd who- — e221