Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, September 28, 1922, Image 1

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Ä a LSEY, U N S COUNTY, OkK'-OX. THURSDAY, IE )T . 2ft l ^ a
Northwest N ew ies
H igh School N otes
The M O D E L 47 O L D S M O B IL E
H illa rd
Ackerman and wife,
(Mearlo Stnley, Reporter)
Ira St. Jobos a n d . family aud
The present enrollment of the
Graodrna St. Johns were Sunday
high school is 58.
visitors at J. W . Pugh’s.
Lavelle Kitchen spent Sunday
Wayne Robertson, L-na Bass, i
with the home folks.
! Anna Heinrich and Pearl Pehrsson
Several from this vicinity at* i have returned to school.. There ¡e
tended the Shedd fair Saturday. also one new student, Esther
Mrs. Hans Koch left Saturday
The seniors have elected Wayne
morning for Hood River to help
as president. Red and
care for a daughter who is sick
; white are the colors and red car-
Vere Higbee and
family are ! nations for the class flower.
moving onto the Myer place thi- Cla«s motto, “ Seize the Opportun­
ity .” We are giad to have LaVelle
Palmer join the senior class. 1 his
Mrs. F. O. Salmon won a prize
makea au enrollment ot fifteen
in the nail-driving contest at the
Shedd fair Saturday.
The freshman are to be initiated
G. Meeman and fam ily visited
Saturday evening at the city h ill.
at W . A . M ailer's Sunday.
Beware, rooks 1 1 1 Tbe sopho­
Miss Bessie Salmon spent Sun* mores are going to give you a
day with her cousin, Elaine A bra­ sample of what they had last year.
freshmen have elected
Mrs. W illiam Zellm er called on Ralph McNeil as class president.
Mrs. W. A. Muller Monday after­
Mrs. Brown and Miss Brav are
absent from school this week on
Mrs. B. M.
IFM rs. Alva Sm ith of Albany account of illness
visited her daughter, Mrs. Cuuia Bond and Mona Bond are sub­
Munson, the last of the week.
Is a wonderful car.
Phone 65
Jots and Tittles
Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally
and in Halsey Particularly
Harry Park and wife were H al­ i vested.
The management calls
sey visitors from Brownsville F ri­ Oregon “ the comiug state’’ and
i proposes to invest much more
money here.
Mayor W a l^ ti
and Jav W
Mis. t. E. Walton was at the
Moore went to the county seat
county seat Sunday.
Sunday School Lesson
Teacher of Enxtleh Bible tn tbe Moody
Bibto Inntifute of CfctaRjco.»
C tffk rrlrh l.
W#wts»rn Nww«tp*n*r W nfo«
A lle n A
C ut
H o sie r y
O a r lines of children'« hosiery include every style or
quality you are ever likely to want. Stockings few
school, < l r r » V ot knockabout wear, made with
reinforced heels, ees and knees, for sturdy boys and
gwls— all n i M j ,yictd. See our special School dis­
play this week.
O pe. Satnaday
LESSON T E X T -L u k e 1«-M. 57-SJ
GOLDEN T E X T -H e sh ell be great In
the eight of the Lord, and he shall drink
no wine nor strong drink.—Luke l:li.
R E F E R E N C E M ATERIAL—Isa. 40:3-6,
Mai 4:4-4.
PRIMARY TOPIC—An Angel, Brings
Good N ew s
JUNIO R TOPIC—The Birth of John the
—Preparation for the Coming of Christ.
young P e o p l e and adult topic
—The r is e s and Work of John the Bap-
S c h o o l S to c k in g s
O R years, m o th e r ; o f boys and g irls
h a v e 'lo c k e d to us f o r h o s ie ry s tro n g ly
m ade; t o s ttn d th e w e a r and te a r o f,th e
s c h o o l p la y g r o u n d . F o r as m a n y years
w e have re c c m m e u d e d .
H ave you seen
D on’t miss it at the
Charles Sterling’s brother Thad
W illiam Van Nice visited thf is one of the candidates for mayor
high school Mooday and Helen of Lebanon.
Arm'trorig Tuesday afternoon.
Mesdames • Hadley ajad Lyle
Frank A. Welch of Nashua, N. H.,
Chance were visiting io Browns­
has just retired from the grocery
ville Friday.
business after spending forty-one NOTHING LEFT TO DISCOVER
The New York Life Insurance
years in the same location. For the Explorer Laments Fact That Africa ! company, which D. S. McWilliams
last thirty-five years he has owned
will represent here, inyested $1,-
Is No Longer a Land of Mys­
tery and Wonder.
the store. He never took a vacation
388,853 in Oregon securities Inst
year and has $7,058,670 so in-
in that time, never was sick a single
“There is nothing left to explore
day and was only away from the
in Africa,* is the lament of the fa­
store one day— when it was open.
mous French explorer Bruneau de
Laborie, who has recently returned
from a journey across the Sahara.
Heaven is the only place where He declares that the day of the ad­
you are sure of meeting none but venturous discoverer is over, and
the best people.— Judge.
that of the ordinary tourist begun.
M. de Laborie foresees a day not far
Sing With Grace In Your Heart«-
Let the word of Chriat dwelt In roe off when tityirirft trip$ to Timbuctoo,
richly In alt itlsdom ; teaching and ad­ by motor, airplane, or even walking,
monishing o re another In pualeis and will be arranged bv any touring
hymns and afMrttoal aougt», singing agency. In one feature, however,
with grace In. yonr hearts to the Lord.
Halsey Christian Church
there is room for improvement ; des­
—Coloaalans 8c 10.
ert hotel accommodation and cui­
Church Announcements
sine. Thus, the explorer declares,
Action may not always bring hap­ native cooks have a habit of putting
Christian :
piness ; but ttsere Is no happiness with­
10, Bible rcb iol.
too much toad into sauces, and al­
out action.—EdaraclI.
11, Lord’s Supper.
though toadfish is excellent in small
quantities, over-indulgence may be '
8, Serin
hazardous— to the toad trib?, at
W E H A V 8 >r
Oet. 1 will b? rally day at the
least. The fashions of the ladies Bible school. Our aim is 114 iu
of Abyssinia may influence Parisian atteu lance. P.a i t -
m d on
O p t ic a l
designers, but the Parisienne is not this day.
likely to affect the lip ornament,
Liste .Innés, | star.
which consists of inserting a wooden I
Is the Cause of Many
disk seven inches in circumference i Methodist:
in the lower lip. M. de Laborie’a j Sunday School, 10.
I f yonr eyes give you trouble or
your glasses are annoying
real mission was economic. T ie stud- j Preaching, 11.
SEE U S. We can Relieve You
ied <«tton raising and geographical I Junior League, 8,
problems. for the colonial ministry | Intermediate League, 7:30.
31J tat SL W. Albany. Phone
Epworth League, 7:80.
and thè Geographical society.
Preaching, 8:30.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8.
Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor,
Bancroft Optical Co.
KO. 4
We are today entering upon a six
months' course of study In the Gospel
of Luke, whose general subject is
i “Jesus the World'« Savior." Toduy's
leason concerns the birth of John tte
I Baptist, the forerunner of Christ.
I. The Parents Of John the Baptist
(vv. 6-7).
1. When They LlTed (v. 5). “In tbe
days of Herod the King.'* They lived
j tn a day when ungodliness was rife,
i The priesthood was very corrupt and
the ruling ‘ lasses were wicked. Zach­
arias and hia wife lived In a time
when It was not so easy to he godly
2. Their Character (v. 6 ). They
were righteous before God. To be
righteous before God Is a high tribute.
Many nppear to be gdehts-ou» before
men who are n<it righteous before God.
Their lives were so mated that they
walked In the commandment« ot the
W illiam Templeton of Browns­
ville was brought back from Broo­
ten Springs Saturday, not being
able to stand the treatment there.
The proprietor told him that he
came too late. He has been taken
to Salem to be under D r, K eut’e
H . W . Chance and wife were in
Brownsville yesterday.
(Continued on page <)
Lord blameless. How beautiful It la
when husband and wife are united tn
the Lord and walk together tn fellow­
ship with God.
6. T h ey w ere c h lld r—*. ( r _ 7).
Though tills godly couple were well
mated und they possessed the Joy of
the Lord in their souls, there was a
rj‘iU la'-k tn that home.
II. The Birth of John Premleesl (W .
1. By Whom (v. 11; cf. v. 10). The
angel Gabriel appeared and made
known the good news to Zacharias.
This exalted being, the special mes­
senger of God, was sent to make thia
2. When (vv. 8-14). While officiat­
ing as priest this good news came to
him. Zacharias must have been defi­
nitely praying about this very matter
(v. 13). As he burned Incense, which
typified prayer, the multitude without
were praying.
3. Characteristics of the Child (vv.
15-17). (1) Shall be great In the sight
of the Lord (v. 15). Though the
people did not greatly esteem him he
was highly esteemed by the Lord. T ills
Is Infinitely better than If he had been
greatly esteemed In the eyes of men
or in his own eyes. This Is the esteem
for which we nil should long and pray.
(2) Shall drink neither wine nor
strong drink (v. 15). ‘ The child shall
become a Xarorlte, separating him­
self from the sensuous things and ded­
icating himself to the service of tbe
Lord. (3) Be filled with the Holy
Ghost (v. 15). The energy of tbe di­
vine Spirit would enable him to lead
the people to repentance (v. 10).
(4) Shall go In the spirit and power
oj Elijah (v. 17). In thia power he
was to prepare the people for the
coming of the Savior and the salva­
tion which He was to bring.
III. Zacharias Asking for a Sign
(vv. 18-23).
Although the aged priest wss ear­
nestly praying for the salvation of
Israel the gracious promise of the
angel, which was the beginning of thnt
salvation, staggered his faith. He was
unable to believe that that for which
he fondly hoped nnd prayed would be
realized. Tlie angel gave Zacharias a
sign. He was smitten with dumbness
which was to continue until the ful­
fillment of the promise. Because he
refused to praise God In faith for this
gracious promise God caused his
tongue to be silent until the promise
was fulfilled and his lips could open
in thanksgiving and pr»lae. Though
he waa thus rebuked, at the aame time
his faith was strengthened by the
manifestation of the anpernatural.
God wants us to trust Him, to belleva
his promises, no matter how contrary
to reason they may seem.
IV. Tha Premia« Fulfilled (vv. 57-
When the time came for the birth
of John, Elizabeth brought forth a son
and the neighbors rajolced with her.
On tbe eighth day they circumcised
tbe child and gave him a name accord­
ing to the Instruction of the angel
(v. 18). The name John waa contrary
to the family custom. By means of
writing Zacharias made known the
name which hd would have by divine
Instruction. At this time God opened
I the mouth ot Zacharias and be offered
Brownsville Briefs
Shedd Shots
(By Ralph Lawrence)
(B y Anna Pennell)
Bert S*tcbw*ll and wife have
moved to town. They are living
in Broche’i bouse.
School began September 25 at
Ash Swale. M i’ s Week« o( Leh
anon is the teacher. The school
board baa repainted the buildings,
; inside and out, and purchased new
desks and a new stove, and is to
build a new play shed, aud equip
Word waa received that Vera
Brann, in Portland, had been op­
erated on tor acute appendicitis.
M r*. Dora Davia returned Sun­
day from Newport, where the ha*
W. A. Davenport visited the
been since the 4th of July,
north side school Thursday alter-
Misses France* Fr*erk*en and
noou. He has been attending nor­
m al
at Montnouth and is now Anna Pennell and Metdame* R.
employed as principal at the A. Joiling, A. Clark and L. E.
Lincoln school in Salem. Mrs. Pennell were Eugene «hopper*
I Davenport it one of the grade Thursday.
teachers in the same school. She
Bert Weir, who was cook at the
taught in the third and fonrth
paving plant, left Munday for
grades here for tbe past few years,
and goes to Salem highly recom­
Bill Price and wife left Thurs­
We wish them both
day for Corvallis, where they ex­
success in tbeir new field.
pect to make their home.
Miss Irene Harrison has gone to
Lyman Coate*, who ha* bean
Sheridan to visit her sister, Mre.
Dave Payne. From there she goes ' coo fined 16 hi* home for »everal
month*, waa able to be taken down
to her school near Scio.
to tbe fair, whioh he enjoyed very
Quite a number of out-of-town
people were here to attend the
funeral of Gertrude
Charles Troutman and wife and
Boggie last Thursday. The ser. daughter G ail went to Newherg
vices were held in the Baptist cem­ Saturday.
etery. Mesdames Starr, La wrenoe,
Mr MdElvane of Portland was
Stanard and Burke furnished tbe
a business visitor here Saturday.
Fay Duucan and family of A l­
Cecil Harrison it taking care of
bany spent tbe week end in Shedd
the incubators and brooders for
visiting relative* and attending the
Charles Howe while the chick*
are hatching. Mr. Harrison ha*
bad considerable experience in such
Tbe canning demonstration at
work, a* he ha* run a large chick,
en ranch in Ash Swale for a num­ the high scoool building by Mr*.
Quimby’s club wa* witnessed by a
ber of year*.
goodly number of pleased specta­
H arry Wilion
departed for tors, one of whom said the would
Potawattemiecounty, Iowa, Thurs­ oot have misled it for fifty dollar*.
day of last week. He expects to Authoriliee on the subject declared
be gone several months looking the exhibit of club work unex­
celled by that of any club in the
after farm interests there.
There waa a mistake about
school beginning at Crawfordsville
Constantine, a relative of the
last week. Owing to repair work
being done on the school building, kaiser, who had been made king
school did not begin until last of Green*, was ousted by the allies
and ths kaiser promised to reinstate
him but couldn’t. After the < a r
Rev. M . 8. Woodworth and son the Greeks invited him to come
Valorus have moved Into Mr«. back and he did, bnt the alliee
Moyer'* property over tbe How* would have nothing to do with
garage and with M r. Darling, him and left him to the mercy of
Mr*. Mover« father, are keeping tha Turks, who drove him from
bachelor’* hall.
the Asiatic territory tbe peace
had given to Greece.
F. M. Tindlesnd wife of Brown*, Whipped, he haa now abdicated in
vili* were in H *l*ey Friday,
favor of hia son George.
I /
Basement Specials
If you have never shopped in our basement
store do it now and save money.
M en’s Warm M itts° Cold W eather
We have a thumb and finger mitt with
w a rm
l i n i n g , d e e p C U f f s , hwaehide leather, priced
• OC
Khaki canvas mitts, with finger and OQn
thumb, feather palm, priced ................... A m O v
Army Rain Coats
W © have a nice lot of reclaimed army rain
coats. Thoso coats were made to keep the
American soldiers dry. Snap fasteners. Tail
of coat has gusset insert. They will dM n o
keep out Oregon rains. For..............
Khaki army jackets. A handy work gar- a Q »
ment fo r.................................................... 4O C
W ool Arm y B lankets
Cold weather is coming. Think how useful for
your car or as an extra bed covering a nice
wa: h i wool blanket will be. We have just re­
ceived a new shipment that seem to ¿ 9 o n
be in first-class condition. Yours for
Speaking o f B lankets
We have some fine values in bed blajikets in
our basement.
G r a t t a n aa.l white blasdieta with contrasting striped border
^2 /|g
Blankets with small plaid designs la tan. gray and
$ 9
Extra heavy gray blankets, (nil six*, p a ir
... $3.19
Maid blanket«, extra special, color, blue, pi4k, lavender, tan
and/gray, heavy fleece, priced............................................