HALER Y ENTERPRISE PAGE 2 H ALBST S u b s c rip tio n « . *1 SO a y e a r Io a d ra n c a . T r a n a ie n t a d r e r t la ln v . H e a n In c h : p e r ­ m a n e n t i d v a r t i r l n r , 2»c N o d lac c u n t f o r t im e o r apace. In P a id - f o r P a r a g r a p h « ,“ (c a Una. N o a d v e r t is in g d la g u le e d a a new a. - I r . j i — i . . _ i --------------------- .. . ■ When that times comee what i« L to prevent the victors from subdu­ ing America, aa Germany might have done if she had truimpbed in the late war ? Yet our government passes by on the other aide and says: “ The* are not our neighbors. It ia no affair of oura 1 ” a HALSEY, Linn Co., Ore. Sept. 21, 192: L Go this year to E N T E R P R I S E torious over the whole of Europe A n t n 4 e { i* a d a n t— N O T n « u t r * i — m w o - p a p a r, p u blish ««! « v e ry T h u r a d a y , by W b H a n d A A . W H E E U : R W m U . W h e a la r . E d it o r . U r a . A . A . W b a a le r . B u s in e s s M a c a s e r a n d L o c a l N e w * E d it o r . ____ ■ SEKT. *1. W*> OREGON STATE FAIR Salem, September 25 to 30 ROUND T R IP $ 2 .2 4 Direct to w ----------- F A IR T A X -E A T IN G COM M ISSIO NS GROUNDS A H E L L ON E A R T H Toe Enterprise in its last issue j copied some remarks of Joseph A Turkish government is a hell Patterson, published in the on earth. Whoever dares deny Yaquiua Bay News, in which he that Mohammed is the prophet of God it deemed an enemy of God said that a large number of ta x ­ payers of Beoton county bad peti­ and it it held the duty of good tioned the game warden to drop Mohammedans to slay unbelievers, the notorioua Winkley case, which and no form of torture ia deemed an improper accompaniment of had already cost* Beuton county 42000 in an appeal trial which re- aucb slaughter. •nlted in a hung jury. M '. Pat­ The nominal bead of the Tu rk­ terson said: "Th e request of the ish government ia the recognized taxpayers was not granted; the bead of the Mohammedan religion. game warden waa not paying the He is today a prisoner of the »Hits taxes, ” in the late war, but all of Turkey The case was tried last week sod io Asia is in a nominal revolt the jury put an end to the farce against him and at actual war by acquitting the defendant. with the civilized world. Game aud fish commissions are In the late war Turkey took the among the outstanding causes of wrong aide, and when kaiaeriam our high burden of taxation, and fell she waa defeated aud ac­ we cannot get rid of the forty cost­ knowledged her defeat and made a ly and useless commissions as long treaty with the victors accordingly: as we continue to re-elect the leg­ The United Stales had not de­ ist itors who have created aud con­ clared war with Turkey *ud wia tinued (hero. The public pays in position to accept a mandate more for graft than for service io over the Christian nation of Ar both federal and slate, govern­ meoia and deal peaceably with ment. the Turks, who recognized the W ith Germauy potentially on Armenian nation. ally of (he T urk, as she was in tbe The president of the United world war, and with soviet Rus­ States stood as the most respected, sia, which is cruel and blood­ most beloved and ponsquently thirsty as the T u rk, openly throw­ moat powerful man of this or any ing all her power on the sa ue side, other age. He w •« able to force snli-Tnrkisli Europe has a giant- the self-seeking nations which size job on its hands. stood as world victors to reedgnize a new era in which the rights of Agsiu the stand-pat republicans man were to be superior to the mailed fist in international affaira. attest their joy over the nomina­ It was the first time that this had tion of a fteak for the federal sen­ been possible, and it may be the ate. Thia time i t ’s Poindexter. last. Rut our president chanced to belong to the political party which was in the minority, and f ir parti •an advantage he and all that be had accomplished were sacrificed. The league of nations waa scrapped. The Armenian man date was refused. N. C . L O W E Lebanon’« Reliable Funeral D i­ rector and M ortician Large stock ; fine equipment, includiug two good auto hearsee Knees most reasonable. Lady attendant Lebanon, phone 9. S T IM S O N Then tha Turks in Asia took heart. The one nation ' which- commanded their respect stood will move to aloof and they organized a career of bfhod and lust which, beginning with tbs butchery of tbs Greeks ALBANY aud Armenians in the east aud Opposite Ham ilton's Store north of Asia Minor, has swept the country, endiog in the capture of Hmyrna and the slaughter in cold Tell your triende m il every body else blood of the people, who bad been promised protection, and the burn­ ing of all of the Christian portion Electric Haircutting, Maseog'ng of the city. and Shampooing. And the United States adminis­ Cleaning and Pressing. tration folds its arms and sayt: •’ It ia no affair of oura.” “The Shoe Doctor” 316 W. Second St., Sept 25th BARBER SHOP E. C . M IL L E R The blood o, actually millions of ; JKOtt RENT slaughtered innocents is on her head. She could hive prevented this horror, "Inasmuch as y« did Ksir building« Three m ilej from it not unto the least of these ye did , 400-Acre Farm It not unto me.” W J. RIBELIN A juhad, or holy war ( Moslems •gamut unbelievers) wan threat, cned, or perhaps ordered, by the ahiek ul Islam during the lata world war, hut the forluuea of I Turkey were doubtful and beyond ' •ome outbreaks of sedition in Egypt and India tbero waa but (•to t retpouae. A different face ii seen on affair* today. Britain has permitted or helped, and France ha* helped the Turks to drive the Greek« from Asia and Mohammedanism lifts it* head. SPECIAL TRAIN Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat., September 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. Going 8:09 A. M. Lv. 9 32 a . M. A r. 9:40 A. M. Ar. HALSEY SALEM F A IR G R O U N D S Returning A r. 7:82 p. M. Lv. 5:46 p. m . Lv. 5:35 p . m . & You should not miss this place if in ’ need of a new range or heater this fall. : We have the largest assortm ent of each in Linn county and can supply your wants at a w-a wx— a i nib » Saving in Price C h iffo n ie r s S p rin g s B e d r o o m S ets M a ttre s s e s D in in g R o o m S ets m inn-i factoring d e p a r t m e n t stands high in the estim a­ tion of everyone. We art liable to eee then» iu will furntzh you the right glattet actual warfare with the so-c«lled at We the right price. Chriatiau nation* of the old world very toon. Russia ha* an army aod very little else, and that army will be on the aide of the Turk*. J (t take* no atretcii of tha im agi­ A L U /k N Y . O A f A nation to pioture the^lohammedan people, who outnumber the Chris­ Harold Albro. tiana io tha world, »»reaping vie» Manufacturing optais«. • O p to m e tris t. \»z 3! dz d/ dz dz dz dz I dz All at New Low Prices. 5:50 p. m . A LBA N Y F U R N IT U R E Albany EXCHANG E Oregon LEAVE YOUR CAR AT HOME It’s, cheaper— more convenient— safer to use Southern Pacific trains. For further particular* ask agents or write the only return for If wag to be a promise that Hudson would not tes­ tify in Bruce’s behalf. And a hundred dollars was real money! Just a little matter of a single glance down his rifle barrel at the figure In the silhou­ ette of the fire glow—and a half-ounce of pressure on the hair trigger. Half D ave studied him closely. “What good Is It going to do you to remeiu- oer?” he demanded. “I ain't saying that It’s going to do me any good. At present I ain’t got nothing against the Turners. They’ve ______ ____ i always beep all right to me. What s CHAPTER X I I —B ru ce seta out In between them and the Rc««es is past M a rc h o f a tra p p e r nam ed H udson, a w ltnesa to the a g ree m e n t betw een L in d a ’s and done— although I know Just In fa th e r and M a tth e w F o lger. what way Folger held that land and C H A P T E R X I I I . —A g ig a n tic g riz z ly , no transfer from him to you was le­ know n aa th a K ille r , la the te rro r o f the gal. But that's all part of the p a st v trtn lty , because o f hie size and fe ro c ity A s long as the Turners continue to be CHAPTER XIV my friends I don't see why anything should be said about It." Simon Turner had given Dave very Dave speculated. It was wholly definite Instruction* concerning his plain that the old man had not yet embassy to Hudson. “The first thins heard of Brace’s return. There was this Bruce will do." Simon bad said. no need tw mention him. “We’re glad “la to hunt up Hudson—the one living you are onr friend," Dave went on. man that witnessed that agreement “Bnt we don’t expect no one to stay between Boas and old Folger. One friends’ wifJi us unless, thev benefit to reason Is that he’ll want to verify some small extent by It. How many Linda’s story. The next Is to per­ furs do yon hope to take this year?" Author of suade the old man to go down to the “Not enough to pay to pack out. “The Voice of the Pack” courts with him as his witness. And Maybe, two hundred dollars in bount­ what you have to do Is line him up ies before New Year—coyotes and for our side first." wolves." IDuftratlona by Irwin Myers “You think—" Dave’s eyes won­ “Then maybe fifty or seventy-five dered about the room, “you think dollars, without bothering to set th e ’ that’s the best way?” CopyrtBht br U tU e. Brown A C«. traps, wouldn’t come In so bad." “I wouldn’t be tellln’ you to do It “It wouldn’t come In bad, but It It I didn’t think so." Simon laughed— doesn’t buy much these days. A hun­ 8YNOP8I8 a sudden, grim syllable. "Dave, you're dred wanuld be better.” a bloodthirsty devil. I see what you're C H A P T E R I . - A t th e d eath o f hie foster “A hundred It Is,” Dave told him thinking of—of a safer way to keep fe th e r, B ruce D unean. In an eastern c ity , with llnallty. r«r elyes a m ysterious messa