9 HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X I HALSEY, L IN N CO UN TY, OREGON. T H U R SD A Y, SETT. Jl, l « J Northwest N ew ies^ High School Notes hat Mrs. W . A. Muller go far recovered from the recent opira’ion (Meade Straley, Reporter) that fhe wag able to be brought homelast Her many many -- , ------------ Thursday. ------- — - j . Sebool opened Monday. Every- friends are glai to saa her hone 0 ie 6eemfid g!ad to be back and we again. ; «ball enjoy this school year. We Ed Zimmerman and family miss the pupils that are gone, but v;aited the county seat Saturday. there are a few who will not return until the latter part of the week. School started in district 39 The freshman class is starting Monday with Miss Lena Keene of off with a boom— twenty-two green Brownsville teacher. freebies. H . J, Farrell and wife and sons G!eun and Cecil were cellers at Toe student bodv officers for this J. W. Pugh’s Sunday afternoon. rear are President, Kenneth Preston Guy Layton and family were Cross; vice-president, Newton; secretarr. Grace Robin­ ■hopping in Albany Saturday. son; treasurer. LaVelle Palmer:, Miss Frost Bass of Halsey is reporter, Mearle Slralev; yell working for Mrs. W. A. Muller lender, Anna Heinrich. Garrett Mesman and family o: We ire glad to have with us this Albany were callera at W. A. Vfliiy Ellen, Kenneth and Roberta Muller's Thursday, an Nice, who recently arrived M ss Francis Freerltsen visited from Lewiston, Idaho home folks Sunday. The sophomores have elected Mrs. Bud Waggener and little Agnes Chandler is class president daughter and her siater. Miss and the juniors have Leone Pal-! Madge Abel, were Sunday visitors mer as their president. The other at the Muller home. classes have not elected officers. Brownsville Briefs W hen in Albany a good place to eat is at & C o n fe c tio n e r y a n d C a fe te r ia R W T R 1F P G e o r g ia IR V IN E H O O D S ta r r < d (o r u u )ìi/a i to aaaounco t À a t ab» u r i t i b a p t a a a a j to m a a t a n c o n a in ta r o a ta d a tu r iy in g V rotin in ^ i a i a a q , S b o t i t i o r ^ t u r r i a b u r y . ita "Wtlt ba in T t a t a a g o n S r p f . ? 7 » ? t b a b o n tà o f ^ K r a . S tin g o . J i l t ( b o a » t v b o e a n n o t aaa m a o n t b a t d a t a p t a a a a r a g ia f a r u r itb . s t i r a . <2. S i S t a f to r i) . S i a t a a g , C r a g o n . Jots and Tittles feel, Miss Beuna Albertson is assist­ ing with the housework at J. W Pugh’s, Mrs. Pugh having latently returned from the Corvallis hospi­ tal. NO. I Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly The high school s’ndents very fortunate in having Mrs. Freeland as assistant principal Ed Warmoth is home from his this vear, and also in having Mr. vacation at Portland. English with us again. With such Duncan McLaren’« estate is Mrs. W illiam Zellmer called on splendid teachers and the co-opera­ tion of the students whv conldn’t valued at $7,617.66. Mrs. Hadley Monday. this year be a success? It will be! There will be a county thistle Mrs. J. P. Ashton and daugh­ meeting at Albany Oct. 12. ters c riled at the Colling home Sat­ Cunning Exhibition Tomorrow Blain Brothers have leased the urday afternoon. Tbs Halsey Thrift Canning club, Cecil Harrison place at Brownsville. E . Russ and sister, Mrs. Knee- L. E W ilto n has filed hie nom­ land, were Sunday visitors at Ü. under the leadership of Mrs. Qnimby, J. Albertson’«. ill giveapnbhc demonstration in the ination petition for the shrievalty. fruit Friday. C -tu:ng home thev came near bump'ng into a railroad tra u nt the Halsey crossing and in making a quick getaway their car struck a post and kocked off a hub cap and got u jo lt that se­ verely wrenched the lady’s back.- Shedd Shots (By Ralph Lawrence) (B y Anna Pennell) School began Friday with a Ed McCarty and wife and short enrollment, on account of hop and prune picking. No daughters left Weduesday for M in ­ pupil will be admitted during the nesota to visit Mrs. McCarty’s tirat semester unless he enrolls be- parent«. I fore October 1. A rthur Albert went to Corvallis . Jim Anderson and wife, with Saturday to attend school. Rev. M 8. Woodworth, attended Tom Brassfisld and wife were the Baptist pionio at Albany Sat­ Albany shoppers Friday. urday. They report a good ser- ■ moo by Rev. Mr. ilin w u . J. McCornber and wife and Mrs, Mrs. H a iti ‘ Moyer of Creswell McComber’s sister, Mrs. Robb of was down the first of the week. Seattle, drove up from Portland It is a mistake about her coming Friday. , to Brownsville to Jive this year. Mrs. \ era Brann left Saturday Thelma and Elbert Harrison I to join her huebaud in Portland, have gone with their uncle, Neleou where they expect to make their Crume, to Riddle for a ehort visit. ' home. Six of the pupils who took the eighth grade examination last week ami received th iir diplomas • re Frank Hale, Doris Dnukard, Hoyt Boles, Edna T u ll, Mary Wooddy and Fay Holland. This makes eleven members of the eighth grade, iu district 62-74 who era euteriug high school with diplomas. Links In The UKIM, POWOH Chain of Health G o ld e n C o ffe e Tea S p ic e s E x tra cts B a k in g P o w d e r fcig : r ; hiHI'lh f,»n Sold on Merit fOlCfkS folgere (^•< m . p ; (joid en ^ s te h in t! Ç o f f î É it A hvion M . V . K O O N T Z CO. Open Saturday Evenings The Albany Herald memtions T J. Rush, Rev. A. M. McClain, Ed Bowers, J. F. Wells, W ill Schrunk, S. C. H unter, F ederick W illiam ­ son, W . H . Putman and R. T. Koontz as among the noteworthy exhibitors of agricultural products at the Brownsville fair. Clarence Evans will show I I Holsteins at the st^e fair. The stock will be loaded here and ac- compying bis herd will be eight calVes from the local Holstein calf club and one Holstein cow and two cslves from the George MscCart dairy Following the state fair they will all show at the Linn county fair.— Harresburg Bulletin G a te f. 1 Knickemicks in ideal bloomers for girls from tt to 18 years. Knicker- nicks are famous for their comfort. Made with extra full­ ness in the hack, they carry the slogan: “Sitting room in every pair." For active school wear we want to shout: “ Wear Knickemicks!’’ J. Techauner, J. H . Samueleon, C The Connecting F o lg e r ’ s Wheras, in the death of W illiam McMahan Purity Rebekah Lodge No, 130, I. O. O. F ., has lost a faithful and devoted member, and While we mouru hie death we real­ ize we must bow to the w ill of our Heavenly Father. Siater McMahan and fam ily, we tru ly live in a world where solemn shadows are continually falling upon our path— shadows that teach us insecurity of all temporal bless, ings and waro ns tbat here there la no abiding stay. Reeolved. T h at our deepest sympathy go to his wife and family and we ooramend them to the Heavenly Father who heals all wounds. Resolved. Tbat a page be set apart in the minutes of our order to the memory of our departed brother; that a oopy be furnished bis wNe and a copy given to the Halsey Enterprise for publication. E sther M B cwd A dda V. R ingo E mma R. T mitx « FOR SCHOOL WEAR I QoWfhCai,, SPICES Edna Gregory left last Sunday for Sand Ridge, where the w ill teach tohool. C. A. Troutman and wife and daughter Gail spent eeveral days The Crawfordsville school began io Porllaod laet week. Monday. M S. Woodworth is R»r Meyer« and wife and principal. daughter Thais left last Friday for Mrs. Alice Moore, our local Yakima to make that place their “ hello girl,*' look her little son to home. the hospital at Eugene Monday, Rev. M r. Nolan, Shedd’s new to have his tonsils end adenoids Methodist minister, arrived F ri. removed. He it getting along day and took charge of the services oioely sinoe the operation. Sunday. Miss Boyse of LaComb is here visiting her friend, Bonita 1 ut- sing. In Memorian A. M - Goltra returned to A l­ bany Tuesday. He will be in bis son’s barber shop on Main Street there. Mr. Goltra made many friends while conducting the shop Charles Schultz arrived Satur­ here and he had many here before. Randall Zellmer spent a few high school tomorrow afternoon. Ned Callaway and wife were in days in Albany the p .st week, Everybody is invited, especially the day for a visit with bis sister, Mrs. D. D Ribelin, a grandson of the Eugene on business Monday. - L. E. Neal. Beuna Albertson spent Sunday houseivites. patriarch W. J. Ribelin, has with the home folks. A. J. Stevenson and wife visited bought the Goltra barber business. The team consists o' three members, C«pt. W u lff and Lieut. Zelms D. O- Steveuson and wife at A l­ J. W . Pugh and daughters Lois Irene Quimby, Geneveive Wells and of tbs Salvation Army came from Jackie Coogan came and went. bany Friday. nd Mtrgaret were shopping at the Bessie Dyk-tr.i. Those who failed to see him missed the county test and held a street ouuty seat Saturday. Mrs. R. B. Forbes of the Dunlap meeting Tuesday evening, but no They will can both frnit and vegetables Drug compaoy of Brownsville wa- a treat, He had a good bouse at announcement had been circu­ and explain the cold-pack method of the Rialto last week. Lavalle Kitchen has gone to in town Sunday. lated aud very leaf people knew Eugene to spend this winter with canning. Miss Helen W illiam s is helping anything about It and the attend- Samples of their canning will be on Rev. A. M. McClain had a beet his grandparents, Johu Bryan and Mrs. J. D. Pittman and going to ance wae small. exhibit and spectators are invited to ask (not a dead beat) eleven inches in wife, and attend high school. school from the Pittman home. questions. diameter at the Brownsville fair. Mrs. Harry P .rk of Brownsville A. F. Albertson sawtd wood for This is their first appearance as dem" C. A. Troutman of Shedd was J. F. Yenner of Browosville, came home from a visit at Mc­ several of the farmers in this cnitrators and it is required as a part of fined $15 and $4.50 coett in A l­ who is old enough to know heitir, M innville Monday and was met neighborhood the first of the week the canning club work. has bought an automobile and run'­ here by her husband with his oar. bany Tuesday for running an When they shall have done this their Oldsmobile truck with a Ford ll himself. Chester Austin has moved to touring oar lioense an $10 and H . L. Straley and family were club work is done for this year, unless J. W. Rector and grandson go' Twin Kalis, Idaho, where he is $4.60 costs for running a for-hire si oppers at the county seat Friday. they compete with the other canning teams of Linn county at Shedd Saturday borne Saturday from a highly en­ employed iu a flour m ill, as he vehicle without the required li­ This they intend to do. Should the, joyed vacation of a month alonj »as io Brownsville. cense. win the county championship, they will the Oregon shore. A new 40 by 80 hern, forty tone , Fred Applegate and wife of he entitled to go to the state iair at Sa­ W e H ave Robert Poor and wife and daugh­ of hay, 800 bushels of grain and Ynncelli were overnight guests at lem next week to compete with teams ter Betty of Portland, Mrs. I n some tools on the Stelp place, east the T. I. Marks home Sunday. EVERY THING that have won in other counties. Waters, W illard Waters and I. of Harrisburg, was burned Satur­ They left Monday morning for the '• O ptical This demonstration work is considered W. Pouttu of Brownsville were day morning. round-up at Pendleton, They very important by the government Halsey visitors Sunday. E Y E S T R A IN were aocompanieri hv Messrs Statistic* show greater returns from The 0 . A. C. recommends dust- (iagerson and Gtorge Bass'tt. Is the Cause of Many money and effort expended in the club Dick Wright went to Harri-burp iig s e e d wheat with copper car­ H U M A N IL L S work than any other department of Sunday. Frank Baumgarter bonate in floe powder as a preven­ I f your eyes give you trouble or education. and wife have taken charge of the tive of smut. The Mttrphv seed yonr glasses are Annoying hotel there and M r. W right wi SEE US. We can Relieve Yon seed company sells the seed already David Arnold has been sued for be clerk in the ho'el office. treated. The company also sells an old hotel bill at the Hole1 ^ 1 1 3 1st SL W. Albany. Phone the powder, ol which two ounces Mr«. Mildred M cM ahan’s con­ Browueville. dition in the recent operation foi will b j enough for a bushel appendicitis wss more serious from seed. the fact tbat she bad overworked Archie Cornelius has quit bach in her recent trip visiting the Re- •#g, Mrs. Cornelius, with beck ah* of the state as head of the babv, came home Sunday from organszation in Oregon. She i their vh lt at her parents’. reported recovering nicely and (Continued on page 3) ! FOLGERS fOIGtR s was expected home today. Bancroft Optical Co. Bud McElvane and wife left Saturday for Portland, Bud ex­ pects to goto Newberg and have oharge of a paving job. gfj 98c nmt« acr. I* (Ml Sites 14 te 18.......... ....................... $1.15 Knickerntcks also come in ladies' sizes, in all colors, of silk and satin ' ’ fllsck sateen bloomers, 6 to K C O N O FLOOR Haleey Christian Church Children’s Hose Church Announcement« We have unpacked hundreds of boxes of hose for children in the lust couple of weeks and we feel (hat we can satisfy almost anybody. Christian : 10, Bible school. 11, Lord's Supper. Sermon, “ The Great Coibmiaaion.” 7, Christian Endeavor. 8. Sermon, " The Wire Fool.” O«t. 1 will be rally dey et the Bible school. Our aim ie 114 in Attendance. Plan to attend on this day. Le»ter Jones, pastor. I Those who passed the eighth grade examine ions and became eligible to th» high schools Sep- i tern her 6 and 7 were District 15. • A rthur Kheul; district 16, Walter Govl, Howzrd Buhl, H 'z e l All phin, Jesse Cooper, b in Oldham; district 18, Josphjne Powell; dis­ trict 87, Norma Farwell; district Methodist: 12. Francis Tanton; district 45 Sunday School, 10. Ruth Long; Brownsville schools, Preaching. 11. Oorts Drinkard, Edna T u ll, Hoy, Junior league, 8, Boles, Dan Sawyer, Frank Hslet Intermediate League, 6:30. district 70, Violet Marietta and Epworth League, 6:80. Floreoce Marietta. Preaching, 7:30. Prayer meeting. Thursday, 8. Prank Ackerm-n and wife of [ Shedd went above Brownsville for Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, Children's cotton school hose in both fine and heavy rib, elastic top, do ible heel end toe, til s tea..................... X m 5C QG Soys' medium weight cotton hose, heavily reinforced heel, toe and knee, brown o riy P . 10*53 OP ¿ O *5 Boys' famous Black Cat ho«e. tiiple knee, reinforced heel and toe sizes 6 t o ll , priced from. 10 M A IN FLOOR « Q 5* P 5 . * p 5 j? «5C ALBANY Hamilton’s OREGON