Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, September 14, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Pickling Spices
Mustard seed
Celery seed
Dill seed
Caraway seed
Turmeric seed
Ginger root
Y ou
2 2 * 7 / S w in g A l o n g ................. ................................... Criterion M »te Quartet
W. A. RINGO, Druggist
75c I M am m y’s l.u lla b y __________ ________
2292/ State Street Blues...................................................T h e Cotton Pickers
75c I Hot L ip s ..____ __________ ____ ________ ••
2 2 8 8/ Dream y Mom ents........................................................... Gondolier T rio
75c I Beautiful Dream s.............. .................................................. Riviera T rio
Capfc. W u lff and Lie ut. Z ilu .s
th an k the people of Halsey f. r
2286 / Birdie (fox tro t)------------------------ ------ ______ _____Ishaui Jones
75c I Yankee Doodle B lu es __________________________ ”
th e ir splendid support of Salvation
A rm y work.
5145 / Down in tbs Forest----------------- -------------- -------------Irene W illiam s
I Far Off l.IIe a r a L over’s F lu te ....................- .......... ’ ’
Or. G arnjohst has moved bis
otllce equipment, to Brownsville,
where he has taken the handsome
and convenient office b u ild in g
recently vacated by Dr. Kent
H e is on the lookout for a suitable
residence property there.
50G14/ Lo Paloraa................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Giuseppe Danise
| Torna Sorrento........................... , , ..............................
Alberta Koontz, Nora Pebrseon
and Geraldiue Cook go to Salem
Saturday. They w ill attend W il­
lam ette university (here.
M a y w e play these for you ?
1 he Methodist conference is over
and Rev. ( ’ T . Cook w ill contim.e
is doing
R ib e lin ’ s
in charge o f the Halsey church as and H enry B lakely of B row nsville C ornelius
Not less th sn tw entv
heretofore. This is h it th ird year are her sir te s.
A il are home from the school va­ baths are given to a ir accepted
and the Enterprise ia giving patie nt, one d a ily , so it takes
The county convention of the
tne interna tion al Bunday 6 ch o jl tw enty days to take the cure.
W . C. T. U . meets in H arrisburg tleggOus
George Starr went to C orvallis
Sheriff Dunlap was first to file M onday to see his m other, who is
George A lto rd and fa m ily have
a petition for the next term in s lc w ly gaining in health,
moved from H arrisburg to Irv in g ,
th a t office.
A . Peterson, ’the A lb a n y shoe
where he has become section fore­
Mias N ettie Spencer was the man, expects to move, w ith in a
man on the fa ilro a d .
m ontò, into the new concrete
J. F. MoLaren and wife and a ttraction at tho m issionary meet- b u ild in g be is erecting adjoin in g
little daughter, wrro in towu from
J. E. 'Iru e ’s Tuesday. There was his present shop.
near Peona Monday.
a large gathering and Miss Spen­
of Mrs
H enrietta Starnes is helping her
cer talked of her experiences and Charles Straley, is here for an in ­
aunt, Mrs. W , J. Spreuger, at observations in Iu d ia and ex­
definite v is it w ith her daughter.
brought from
Mrs. John P ittm a n has gone to
Miss O ral N o ld re tt of Summer there.
Eugene to spend the week end
Lakp, who w ill teach a t M o la lla ,
J. S. P latt ami wife and sons w ith M r. P ittm a n ’s sister.
h t« been via itin g Miss Am anda
and H a rry , from A la ska,
M iixn e r. according to the H e ra ld ’s
Faye, son o f George Evans < f
were visiting at the home o f Mrs. Brow nsville, k ille d a three-poiut
P la tt's sister, Mrs. J. A. Johnson, buck
Sunday in the Mohawk
‘ E. (}. Pugh of Shedd ia the on route 1, for a few days. Mrs.
couutry which dressed 155 pounds.
<»wner^ of St. Mawex L a d ’s Lucy Johnson's aunt and uncle from
G uy M erriam is, home from his
453785, the cow th a t ju s t finished A lbany. M r. and Mrs. W ill Skeen,
h un tin g trip iti southern Oregon
a record of 10,516 pounds o f m ilk were there also.
but proposes to re tu rn and attend
and 706.72 pounds of b u tte rfa i,”
Two of Amos R am sar’ a horses school there.
»fates a recent report of tin
ran in to a barbed wire fenae a few
Am erican Jersey Oattle club.
Mrs. L ilia K ir k and C. P. S ta f­
days ago and one of them was so
Ben Loucks has the contract for severely cut th a t i t was necessary ford and wife motored to C orvallis
Sunday to spend the day w ith
the foundation of the American to k ill it.
Mr. S a ffo rd's cousin, M rs. Clara
Legion com m un ity
b uilding at
Stinson the shoe doctor, a t the McCoy. Monday M rs. McCoy ac­
Brownsville and ia w a itin g for the
county seat, whose expected change companied M rs. K ir k home, pro.
cement blocks.
of location is advertised th is week, posing to rem ain >n th a t v ic in ity
A 175 cash prize fo r high rating has an attractive shop, One fea­ u u til a fte r the rouud-up at Peodle
awarded to the county ca lf club ture of it ia th a t every raachiue he to u .
b y the Am erican Jersey C attle club uses is covered w ith a lu m in u m
G. W. M ornhinweg and wife
has been received.
and daughter Hazel and grand­
Mrs. Fannie Blank tu rn . widow
W. J. R ibelin and A. W-'elev children and Hom er's wife picnicked
of former Oregon A tto rn e y Gener- went to Brooton springs, T illa m o ok and attended the Payne auction
" I B lackburn, died a t C o rva llis county. Tuesday to try the “ kelp near H a rrisb u rg Saturday.
Tuesday. Mesdamaa I.illia u Wolfe ore” cure for b o d ily ills and A. D
C. P. M oody, from H arrisburg,
our new railroad station agent,
has rented the K u m p house, forn:-
i e rly \V. H. Robertson's, and his
i fa m ily moves in th is week,
W h m Archie Cornelius locked |
his jew elry store Saturday
n ig h t a la n n e r’s little dog, uu
M / known to him , had dodged inside
M/ , Soon there arose a bow ling a n d |
\j/ >«>ping » good deal bigger Ilian
tbe dog. and it continued t i l l
I f I after m id n ig h t. Then it subsided,
W I and w h e n Cornelius opened the
, door, about *2 Sunday afternoou, J
a much subdued dog escaped.
The fu rn itu re cf the Petrick H
fa m ily , who went to Sweetwater,
Idaho, some tim e ago, was loaded
on a cur here Saturday for (hat
destination, and there were quite
number of wagou loads of it.
Mrs. H ugh Leepar was viaiting
her sister, M is. A I Nelson, at
Shedd the l*et of the week.
Jackie Coogan ix
Five reels of fun **
and sometimes a sob
A Jv J
Also P A T H E N E W S a u d A E S O P F A S L E
Capt. W u lff and L ie u t. Zelrns of
the Salvation arm v Conducted
forenoon and eveuing services at
V the M ethodist c h in ch Sunday,
iw In the evening the C hristian i
W church people went over and made ;
i it a union meeting
Former Chtie '
tia u church Paetor P h illip s par­
Admittance Here 5 Cents
a Line
Card of Thanks
We take this method of express­
our appreciation
of the
sym pathy and services tendered us
by m any k in d friends on the oc­
casion of our recent bereavement.
piiCEe wires that does the mischief.
Wants Thistle Law Changed
T hank you.
The niagneto is responsible. Gaa
J. A . S tevenson,1 leader o f the
M rs . W. H. M c M a h a n
enters the telephone box and the w a r on the Canada T h is tle in th is
J- S. M i M ahan
ringing of the magneto is liable to d is tric t is a disappointed man, and
M rs . M il d r e d M c M ahan
cause its ignition. Officials of tha is convinced th a t there m ust be a
bureau of mines rigged a telephone change in the law before the pest Jackie Coogan Originates
inside of a close’d chamber filled can be stopped fro m spreading a ll
Own Screen Gags
with a m ixture o f air and gas, and over the co un try. There are acres
I t was the first tim e th a t Jackie
made an arrangement whereby tha o f th istles w ith in a fe w miles o f B la ir had seen a monkey, and this
ringer could be operated from tha Halsey, and they are distressing­ one was held on a leash by an It a l­
In a series of trials a ly th r ifty .
ian organ g rin d e r.
Perhaps it
M r. Stevenson begah the cam­ waa the almost hum an antics of
number of explosions were produced.
The first turn of the crank jlid it paign w ith much enthusiasm. He the chimpanzee th a t caused Jackie
signed up n e a rly e very fa rm e r in to make the ta c tic a l blu nd er he
in one instance.
did when he handed the anim al
his d is tric t fo r the w ar.
Lenity and Mercy.
The law requires the occupier a h an dfu l o f coins and to ld him :
When lenity and mercy play fo r a o f the land, w hether re n te r or “ Give thia to your fa th e r.”
kingdom, the gentler gamester Is the
owner, to p revent any Canada
soonest winner.— Shakespeare,
1 histle on i t fro m m a tu rin g seed,
F o r Sale:
Registered Shrop.
I hose who fa d to do so are to be shire rams.
D r. J. W . Cook,
Heaven Often Smites.
ten d a ys’ notice, a fte r Brow nsville, Oregon.
Heaven often smites lu mercy, even given
when the blow is severest.— Joanna w hich the pest m ay be c u t and the
j cost made a lie n on the land. A ll
W a n te d : Goose feathers A n y ­
“ The Dutch have taken H o i love ly ? B y the tim e it becomes one having same fo r sale, phone
la n d .’’ Lodge is renom inated in m anifest th a t a man is n ot in te n d ­ 177, Halsev.
ing to obey the law and c u t bis
th istles they have become so fa r
When you want good Burbauk
advanced th a t w ith in the ten days potatoes order from M. O- M ills ,
. o f the notice, to w hich are p ro b ­ R. F. D- 1, B row nsville. Ore.
a bly added a couple o f Sundays, I
they w
-■ ill
u iiB
n -i> blossomed
i« H in n e a a and
o m e I ln ^ r ’
W . B a rnu m , dentist, at
o f the seed w ill have ripened. A f-
Halsey every Tuesday and
te r the ten days the a u th o ritie s *‘ r ^ aJr>
may cut the thistles, b u t beside«
Old papera, 5c a .b u n d le . En-
those a lready ripe, those blos­
soms about ready to>open w ill lie terprise office.
where cu t and m ature seed. M r.
Stevenson’s rem edy fo r th is flaw
In a try o u t at Scio Tuesday the
in the law w ou ld be to elim inate Shedd Jersey C a lf club won the
the ten d a y ’s notice. I f the farm 1 honor o f represnting the county
er d id not cut them im m ediately, *° lhe ,tOclt
contest at the
in this caa?, the official m ig h t do c’ “ ’ , ta ,r’ T.he try o u t was n l>
it in tim e to p revent the seeding 1 R h L S k ’ "“ L ..,lere,T" rd bu)l calve’ .
M r. Stevenson hired a man o n j . m 2 " ’ n he,,T ’ H am pshire ram
a— ■ » ( I I I , L z I I
a nww
hogs and
I l l s own resp on sibility, to c u t one
Poland China hoge, and those in ­
patch, but the stout, w ood-like
d ivid u a ls receiving the highest
stocks broke the machine and the
scores were Glenn T hu rston , Mer­
job was abandoned.
ton Grove, H arold Thurston, Allen
I lie E n te rp rise w ill here rem ark G ilke y, Looa Zyeett, E d ith Pugh,
that there is no human p ro b a b il­ Paul M cCart, George Gibson,
ity th a t Oregon w ill ever again R obert Sommer, M e rrill Davis and
be free from the Canada T histle, Irene Q uitnby.
as it was a few years ago. W hen
it was firs t discovered in this
C o m in g to A lb a n y
state the s titc h in tim e was not
T h e n ew Fall
taken, and nine thousand stitches,
S tyles a re here.
or nine m illio n , w ill not re p a ir the
damage. B u t by a ll s tr iv in g ,’ an
the tune, to keep it dow n the th is ­
S p e c ia list
T h e coats have
tle may be prevented fro m de
s tro y in g a ll the arable land o f the
in Internal Medicine *or the
b elted and p lain
Dr. Mellenthin
b a c k s ; some
p ateb d p o c k e ts ;
M a d e up in brow n,
grays and blues,
w ith silk stripe
p a tte rn — Just the
thing for the y o u n g
m an.
past eleven years
B ™rafield celebrated the
lS tb by hanging him self i u his
cell iu the p e n ite n tia ry at Salem
His case is thus appealed to the
court of last resort.
D o e s B io t O p e r a te
W ill be at
As usual, both siJes have won
the railroad strike this week ac­ Mond.”y and Tuesday, Septem­
ber 25 and 26.
cording to th e ir several anniuce-
Offi -e hour* 10 a. tn. to 4 p. tu.
ments. We see more and bigger
fa m s ru n u in g through Halsev
H a irc u ltin g ,
No Charge for Consultation
and Shampooing.
Cleaning and Pressing
towns and cities and offets to all who
, call on this trip free consultation except
' the expense of treatment when desired.
$ 2 4 .7 5
$ 3 0 .0 0
The store with a square
deal for every cust<»iner.
In the county court of the state of
i Gregon, (or Linn c ou nty
In th e m atter of the estate of I
I W. H. K irkp atrick, Deceased ( Citation
T o T.. I
R em
Charles K. Kern, Eldon W . Kerg F s'
Hush end to all others unkno w n*G reet
Dr. M ellen th ia is a regular graduate
medicine and surgery and is l i ­
censed by the state ol Oregon.
visits professionally the more im portant
E. C . M IL L E R
P rices,
T hat a telephone may cause a
mine explosion has been determined
by pepenments conducted by the bu­
reau o f mines. I t is not the small
current of elecGucity carried by the
¿ 5?
2297 / Nobody Lied------------------------------------------------------ M argaret Young
75c I Oh I Is She D u m b ? ______________ ___________
Ray Hansel and wife, on th eir
way from Glendale to
stopped a t C. P. S tafford’s yester­
H A Y . G R A IN . F E E D
First-class grinding and grain cleaning done
at any time
- \
will w an t some of these records
No, 23, 11:29 a. m.
17, 5.19 p. m.
The delivery window of the
Halsey postoffice is open Sundays
from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20
to 12:35 and 4;45 to 5.00 p. m. "
0. W. FRUM
F o r the best cash prices see
No. 18, 12:01 p. in.
24, 5.50 p. lu
According to his method of treatm ent
7 -------- “ * ~
"’ '" » « « n
I "e does not operate for chronic append
iH a o b • ton­
icitis, ffall
gall atonia
stones, ulcers of ifn
sils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful results
in diseases of the stomach. liv e r, bow-
In the n^me of the state of Oregon
\ on are hereby cite,! and required tolap'
Pa- w Itt . n fbe
t b . a.»..—
e o i «..___
n t y - ^ . r ~ t r ^ l 7.
M 7 u te , 5
r !^ i N° * I : ,W" ’
) Oregon, for the county of Linn,
at the I
w e,tln B'
h“ rt’ bI“ ',er'
: cheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcer* as J rec-
I »*1 ailments.
i .
7OU t,ave been ailing for any length
'o * m tim
get any better, do
u k e and do not
' not fail to call, as
to call, as improper measures
r* ,h e f
d ,,M le are very often the
to Halsey, Lm n connty, Oregon at 1 caa>e o f >'®u r ,o n E standing trouble.
private sale after advertisement as re-
Remember above date th a t con.
quired by law.
sultatioa on this tr ip w ill he free
Witness, the Hon W . R Bn vac.
Judge of the county court of the state of and th a t bis treatm ent is different.
Oregon for the county of Linn, with
M am e d womeu must be accompanied
the seal of said court affixed, thia 6th
by th eir husbands.
day of September. A. D. 1922.
courtroom thereof, at Albany, in said
^ “ " ‘ v. on Monday, the 16th day o fO c to
I? r; i.92*' u tin o clock
t h i forenoon of
that day, then and there to show cause
why - an order
should not
— -----
«s’» be granted
t r V o 7 o M h / . U'1j d ,T t' n< lhe
i Ainr of tnc aaid o ta tc to m *!! lnt«
l .
7 and « in block 2 in E. Hayes *d d ,ti< £
S e .ll
kbeal i
i u MR k * , v V M , L ^
M ooM
C ’ e rk
Address ;
o lit, M in n .
336 He« ton block. M i neap-