The moat enticing line of K IT C H E N RANGES \ ever seen in Halsey is on display at the store of ’ HILL & CO., with bright porcelain and shining nickel which need no polish. Up- to-Uate (ffioking appatatus ; latest nu proveruenls. F U R N IT U R E RUGS L IN O L E U M S CO NG O LEU M S out— He covert. was »talking a fawn in « utile blow of ths massive forearm woulfl b* Tb* huge fangs TVi the elk this smell was Fear tb self. He knew the ways of men only (Continued from page 1) too well. Too many times he' hod J. H. Thompson and family seen members of bis herd fall stricken at n word from the glittering sticks from the county seat visited here they carried In their hands. He ut­ Sunday. tered a far-ringing snort The Pollyanoa club at Browns­ H waa a distinctive sound, begin­ ville has suspended meetings for ning rather high on the scale ss a the month. loud whistle and descending Into a deep basa bawl. And the Killer knew George Drinkard and wife and perfectly what that sound meant. It daughter Doris were in Halsey was a simple way of saying that the Monday evening. elk would progress no farther down A moving picture illustrating thnt trail. The bear leaped in wild fury. atockraising ie traveling the county The bull seemed to leap straight np. this week but gives Halsey the His muscles had been set at his first go-by. alarm from Turner's smell on the Cecil Quimby spent Thursday wind, and they drove forth the pow­ erful limbs as If by a powder explo­ night at the county seat and W. sion. He was full In the air when the E. Githens and family were there forepaws battered down where he had Friday. been. Then ho darted away Into the Kenneth* Stone visited Eugene coverts. over Sunday and was royally en­ The grizzly knew better than to try tertained by Mr. Howard, a broth­ to overtake him. Almost rabid with wrath he turned back to hla ambush. er radio expert. jo is and 1 ittles Voters o f Linn C ounty: gT that IT IS with full rsaliaation of the responsibilities of the positioo I am announcing my candidacy for the office of county sheriff Having been born and raised in Linn county, I feel that I .m fully coa- vensn t with t s iltin g condition». I f elected I pledge m y ^ lf to serve all the people of Linn county in performing the d ntie. of the office 1 have no interest to terve but that of the people, controlled by no clique or or- g am utioo . I favor the strict enforcement of the law, b elieving that when law» are placed on our book» they are to be obeyed. W. J. MOORE. meeting ments. the foregoing n q '.ire- T Miss Pearl Carey hat returned to her home at Eugene. ¡^uir Peaches, 75c a bushel W3OLRIDGE PEACH ORCHARD. two miles south of Peons. Mrs. Dr. J. W . Cook of Browns­ Bn ng sacks and boxes lowed, the breed had been practically ville spent Friday evening with All the hunts were progressing fa­ v. iped out. A few of them, perhaps, Mr». Wheeler. fled fa rth e r and farth er np the Ces- mously when there came a curious In c.tdes, finding refugee in the Canadian terruptlon. It was a peculiar growl The Brownsville Good Citizen, John Standish, J. C. Standish quite low at first. It lasted a long n ountnlna. O thers traveled east. Io ship league pro|>oses to form a (To be continued.) , eating nt last in the Rocky moun­ and wife and Mrs. Mary Haves tim e, than died away. T here w as no county organization, tains, and countless num bers of them Hsy, Grain, stock hauling, etc. Heavy motored to Corvaliieto spend Sun­ opposition to It. The forest creatures died. At last, as far as th e frontiers­ N. H. Bateman and wife of hauling a specialty. day with F. E. Taylor and wife. had paused In th eir tracks at its first Brownsville visited at W . H . Phone note, and now they stood us if the men knew, only one great specimen Poultry-culling demonstrations remained. This w as a famous bear Chance's Stfbdav of last week. w in ter had come down upon them sud W . H. B E E N E were attended by 28 people at denly and frozen them solid. All the th u t men celled Slewfoot—a magnifi­ Halsey, Oregon Charles Holloway and wife i f Harmony. 13 at Brownsville jmd 7 cent anim al th at ranged fa r and o th er sounds of the forest—the little Brownsville are visiting at the hunted relentlessly, and no one ever at Harrisburg. Wo’ ve no com­ w hispering noises of gliding bodies home of Otis Taylor at Corvallis. ment. and fluttering feet, and perhaps „ knew ju s t when they were going to We have Iota of good run across him. H e was apt suddenly Harrisburg walloped Eugene 4 bird's call in a shrub—were suddenly In July E- J. Henderson’s 217 to 1 Sunday at the former city and stilled. T here was a moment of to loom up, like a gray cliff, a t any bens near Brownsville laid an Auto repairing breathless suspense. Then the sound turn In the trail, and hta disposition won the baseball league penuant Tires, oils anil accessories I grew querulous with age. In fact, ln- on hand and are getting more everv day average of 16.9 eggs each and commenced again. lor the upper W illamette valley. . " • " J * rec! ived » “hipm ent of | stead of fleeing as moat wild creatures Mrs. O. C, Karstens* 93 averaged It was louder this time. It rose and buying**1” *' c , t our F ic e e b* ,ore have learned to do, he was rath er 16.08. Ae far as can be learned from gathered volume until It was alm ost a likely to make sudden and unexpected •n Y v v hV .* * l,r < * ’ u* k of the Harrisburg Bulletin's account roar. It carried through the silences charges. AflOOcow belonging to J. C. it was those cancers of which he onn w X 4 to $40. Very good condition. A ll at pric" In great waves of sound. And In It H e was killed a t la s t; and seem­ Curry was crowded by other cattle bargain pricas. w as a sense of resistless pow er: no was alleged to have been cured at ingly the southern Oregon grizzlies against a wuier tank and a pro. 42J West F irs t at., Albany, Oregon. creature in the forest but what knew Brooton Springs that caused the were wiped out. But It Is rath er eaav jecting piece of galvauized iron this fact. death of Tilden Warden, projyie to believe th at In some of bis wander- ripped a terrible gash in her belly. "T he Gray King," one could im agine tor of the Rowland store. lags he encountered—lost and fa r In Thia was patched up and on Sat­ A R C H IE C O R N E L IU S them saying among themselves. The the deepest heart of the land called effect w as instantaneous. The III tie When Leonard Gilkey started Telephone 16z3 urday she dropped a nice calf. Props, T rail's End—a fem ale of his own The cow waa turned loose and for the Snokaue Interstate fair raecopn halted in his descent, then breed T here m ust have been cubs crept out to the end of a limb. The who. in th eir turn, m ated and fought E xpert workmanship. Watches and Monday evening wae found lying with his exhibits of products he coyote, an instant before craw ling and died, and perhaps two generations in a pool of blood, probably fatally took as far as Portland two M i. clocks a specialty. w ith body close to th e earth, whipped I a fte r them. And out of the Inst brood injured, having got caught in a Donald boys, aged 14 and 16, the OREGON patch of blackberry vines and torn former blind, who had run away about as if ‘he had some strange kind ’ had emerged a single great male, a HALSEY of circular spring inside o f him. He worthy descendant of his famous an­ herself open again. from borne and sought farm work, snurled once in (he general direction ' cestor. This was th e Killer, who in ■ ud returned them to their father. Dealer in of the Gray King. Tlien he lowered 1 a few months since he had left his Mre. Georgia Starr Morse of his head and skulked off deeper into fastnesses, was beginning to ruin the Brownsville, who in an advertise, Professor W . F. Sierr, the new the coverts. cattle business in T rail's End. ment elsewhere offers to give les­ superintendent of tire Brownsville Office 1st door south of school boOse The blacktall deer, the gray wolf, As he cam e growling from his bed sons on the violiu to people of schools, has arrived. The instruct, Halsey, Oregon. even the stately Tawny One, stretched this Septem ber evening he was not a Halsey, Harrisburg and Shedd, ors for the year are: High In grace In his lair, wakened from i creature to speak of lightly. He was Dealer in Real Estate. has had some very successful school, Professor Starr, Mabel Da­ sleep. The languor died quickly In down on all fours, his vast head was Handles Town and Country Property classes in her home town in late vids, Lida White, Gladys Lupher the la tte r's eyes, leaving only fear lowered, his huge fangs gleamed In G ive him a call and see tf be can fix 30 days' credit years. She had thoroughly and Mrs. Bernice Coshow; North These were braver than the I.ittle 1 the dark red mouth. The eyes werff you up. grounded herself in ber art before Brownsville public school, Mrs. W- People. They w aited until the thick I small, nnd curious little red lights F A I .K B R O S ., brush, not far distant from where the glowed In each of them. The K iller she essayed the role of teacher. L. Starr, Mr». Clara B Lawrence, hull elk slenr. began to break down Among her instructors ware W ill­ Nell S. Turner a ad Gladvs Stew­ and p a rt before on enormous, gray iam Wallace Graham of Portland, art; South Brownsville, Sadio K. body. Edwin Ludwig Nelson of Albany McKenzie, principal, and Trula No longer would an observer think a nd George Cherniowsky of Seattle. M iller, Lillian Warmoth and of the elk as the forest monarch, lie She a'so took instruction iu Eu. Lorena Fox. w as but a pretender, a fte r all. The A ll work done promptly and rope. Her announcement open» real king had ju st wakened from Ids The fifth candidate for the reasonably. Phone No. 269.9 a desirable opportunity for thosi- afternoon nap and w as starting forth shrievalty o f Linn county is Frank who wish to attain high rank a-1 to hunt. Richards of Lebanon. The candi­ violinists. Even his little cousins, the black dates are all running as indepen­ bears, did not wait to make eonversa In open oongregational meeting dents, it being too late to make tion. They tum bled aw kw ardly down the Lebanon Church of Christ has new parly nominatione under the th e hill to get out o f his way. For W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 65. resolved that providing any body law. after the a«»aa«inatlon of th e massive gray form —weighing over F . M . f r c n c h a s on s Regular meeting next Saturila» of Christian people in that city Sheriff Kendall. W. J. Moore of h alf a to n - was none other than thut ALBANY ORCO. night. of the last of the grizzly hears, that ‘‘will unite on only those things Brownsville is the only democrat terrible forest hunter and monarch, that are common to all Protestant in the running, and that he ie the K iller him self churches and on only those which popular is seen by the fact that TRUCKING E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHAN6E H alsey G arage USED F U R N I T U R E U sed R an g es, $20 Satisfaction Guaranteed W* TCHMAKER & Jeweler Halsey Garage, Foote Bros. Halsey Meat Market W. J. Ribelin Fresh and Cured Meats Props. F. M. GRAY, We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings Draym an. I. O. O. F. W R IG H T & PO O LE Long ago. when Oregon . n new land to whltts men, in the days of the clipper ships nnd the Old Oregon T rail, the breed to which the Killer be­ longed were really numerous through the little corner north of the Siskiyou» and west of the Cascades. They were a worthy breed! If th e w ords of cer tain old men conhl be believed, th e southern Oregon grizzly' occasionally. In the bountiful fall days, attained a w eight of two thousand pounds. No doubt w hatever rem ains th at thou­ sand-pound hears were numerous. The K ille r Was Cross; and He Dido1! Hut unlike the little black bears, the Care Who Knew I t grizzlies developed displeasing habits They wore much more carnivorous In « a s cross; and be didn't care who ch aracter tlm a the blacks, nnd their knew It. He was hungry too; bat great bodily strength gad power en­ hunger Is an emotion for the beasts abled them to m aster all of the myriad of prey to keep carefully to them- form s of gam e ht the Oregon woods 1 selves. F y the 'an te token, they could take a The Killer moved quite softly. One full-grown steer and carry it off us a would have marreied how silently his woman carries great feet fell upon the dry earth and It couldn't he endured. The cattlg- with what »light sound his heavy pten had begun to settle the valleys, form moved through the thickets He and If w as either a case of killing the moved slowly, cautiously—all the time grizzlies or yielding the valleys to mounting farther up the little hill that them . In the relentless w ar th at fol rose from the banks of the stream. He came to an opening In the thicket, would have to close down hut once. Th* bear d'd not move a single tell- I a little brown pathway that vanished ta le muscle He scarcely breathed. | quickly into the shadows of the cov- The bull was alm ost within strik in g ! ' erta. range now. The wicked red eyes ; The Killer slipped softly Into the could already discern the dimmest ; heavy brush Just at t u mouth. It was shadow o f his outline through the his ambush. Soon, be knew, some of thickets, liut all nt once he stopped. the creatures that bad bowers In the h«ad lifting. The K iller knew th at th e ! h(-art#of the thicket would be coming elk hut! neither detected bis odor nor along that trail onto the f»>edlng heard htm. and lie had made no move­ grounds on the ridge. H e bad- only m ents that the sharp eyes could de- , to waif. The night wind, rising somewhere In tect. Yet the bull was evidently | alarm ed lie stood Immobile, one foot I the region of the n o w banks on the lifted, nostrils open, bead raised. ! highest mountains, blew down into the Then, the wind blowing true, the gria- Killer's face and brought messages that no human being may ever receive. zly understood A pungent' smell reached him from i Then his sharp ears heard the eound below—evidently the smell of a living of brush cracked softly as soma one creatu re that followed the trail nlong of the larger forest creatures came th e stream that flowed through the up the trail toward him. • The steps drew nearer and the slew He recognized It iq an Instant. Ha hiul detected It many times, par­ Killer recognized them. They were ticularly when he went into the plainly thevsoft footfall of some mem­ cleared lands to kill cattle. It was ber of the deer tribe, yet they were man. an odor alm ost unknown in this too pronounced to be the step of any lonely glen. P ave T urner, brother of of the lesser deer. The bull elk had Hinton, w as w alking down the stream left his bed. The red eyes of the grizzly seemed to glow as he waited. tow ard U udauua lam p. Groat though the Mag. w ss only one 'X - W L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S H A R R IS B U R G LE B A N O N Phone 35 . Phone 15 Branches at Brownsville, Phone 37C15. Halsey Phone 166. F rank K irk , Mgr are scriptural” the Church of Christ will ask its pastor, V. K. Allison, to resign, will sell ell ita property and devote the proceeds to benevo­ lent, educational or miaaHnary purpose», and go in a body and take membersb'p with the church Kendall’s majority over him four years ago, when both wore candi. dates, was only 385 in the strongly republican county. Q A N IT A R Y Lz ( Continued on page 4) First class work gusrsnteed A . M. O O LT N A S T IM S O N Are You Looking A head? Ave you saving lor the future or spending all as you got Saver or Spender ? The saver w ill soon he able to own h it own farm or business His success is assured , The spender has a good time early in life, spending a ll, and too late re­ alizes the truth of the saying ’ ’The secret of success is saving." Which One Are Y ou? Save a little each week au.l prepare for the future. Radiar Shop Chiu, and . Barber Batts Amor A. Tim ing “The Shoe Doctor” L A W Y E R A ND N O T A R Y will move to B row ksvii . i . k , 316 W. Second St., ALBANY O kkoon C .C . B R Y A N T Opposite Hamilton's Store ATTORNEY A T LA W Sept. 25th Ctaaick Bank Building, Albany, Oregon. Tell your triends and everybody else T h e F irs! Savings Bank of A lb a n y, Oregon W t Mil Where Savings »re safe ” Be caved friends com m itting to my care for preparation and burial the Claxtonola to m e in and hear it play Sothe remains of beloved ones may feel assured of the same respectful and 2 Setrnder treatment I would wish to be given my own dear one». E very 2 g,wi»h carried out in detail and prices gnaraatetd to satisfy. Best of §®equipment and complete stock. N. C. L O W E ^LICENSED M O R TIC IAN AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR L E B A N O N , O R E. ’ Ik*v nr niarht PSr.nm O • _ ■ . _ a . A utom obile Insurance Fire, theft, collision, property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against ; loss. A ll phonograph records sud needles. W here our ice cream la served there is sure to lie satisfaction. For (he fam ­ ily dessert there is nothing so delicious. W ith each succeeding spoonful you 'll like it more and more. Let us send you some. We have sll flavors. W e sell pints, qurrts, half gallons sad g al­ lons. Clark's Confectionery ET SOMETHING that is stout that is, C A B L E , in place of rope-^-stronger and lasts a lifetime. When jo u buy machine oil don't think any old grease is oil. We have a heavy red E N G IN E OIL, host that can be bought, at 5 0 a gallon. Try it. T W IN E ¡« here. C. P. STAFFORD, A gent. . i G. W. M ornhinweg ♦*********** ****** *♦****•*•*•*•*•***•**> ^****A***********>*****A|»***>»S»M»«MMM»MM»M«»«Hrr