ÍNTER PRISE reduced some m illio n s, the pnblic j * ------ — An In d ep en d en t—NOT n eu tr a l— new « paying s lig h tly more than now and i n i PS ii* ^ u b lU h ed • » * ’■> T hursday, hy WM H. and A A W H EE LER . supporters of private schools a great Wm. H W h eeler, E d itor, M fl, a a .... - » '*■ ,* A W heeler. Uualnesa M a n a s e r , d # a l ,eM- We have here th e' - d N e w , E d itor, J a o o m .lj o f . class o f people pro. ’SH™ » != » » ’ i testing against being relieved of a S u b scrip tio n s, »150 < year In ad van ce. T r a n sie n t a d v ertía m e. 25c an inch; p er­ portion of th e ir burdens by the J m a n e n t ad vert leln e, 20c N o d iscou n t p u b lic treasury. fo r tim e or apace In P a id -fo r P aragrap h s," 6c a lin e o a d v e r tis in g d isg u ise d a s new s. Increased wages (to s trike ­ HALSEY, Linn Co., Ore.. Sept. 14, 192J breaker») over those offered the s trik in g shopmen by the Union Pacific is a plea of g u ilty .— Ore­ S T R IK E S DON’T PAY gon Journal. Do yon know why B store r R o g o w a y ’s prices are lowest .’ Beciute bi» it a c u b «tore. a T « w i • a‘ haDd W< "* *ellin« t o ^ J a V" : tj’,nif *Uiran" tJ 25 «*' cent .* „ than at any other place in O r is . it o n ly an indication that j John M cParland, president of the In te rn a tio n a l Typographical a man who wants to earn his wages is worth more than one union, says th s t the fight for 44-bour week coat the organixa whose m ain deeire is to give the tio n $ 8 , 863,848 in the past yem least poa«ible service for them and aella for cash and gives no premium». in 521 jurisdictions w ith 42,831 hold on to b ii graft by the use o f Big stock of all kinds o f fu rn itu re the strike war clnb? members. Strikes are in progress in 124 E very th in g a t low er prices. “ The utm ost a cigaret can do’ ’ cities, and M r. M cParland says the immense sum raised fo r the is the opening phrase of a cigaret purpose “ failed to meet the de­ advertisement. Nobody yet kuowg the level, » ea red lands o f'th e Middle mands fo r free financial assistance. the utm ost a cigaret can do. Cig- .’♦♦>>>X’xe*x*;s>x«x»x»xex»x< West. The reason Is simply that the • • • Just so long as there arete have burned stores, factories wild Ilfs Is practically gone from exists a disposition to regard the and thousands o f acres o f forest, these places. But a few places remain In America where the reign of the strike fund as an out-of-w ork fund but they bave not reached th eir wild creatures, during the night hours i t w ill be impossible to raise lim it. ROGOW AY -------- -------------- <111 u l l , , l l l , l rara 4- — L c_ I You should not miss m P this place it ¡n need of a new range or heater this fait. We have the largest assortm ent of each in Linn county and can supply v o t i r wants at a n J * 22 H E A T E R »■ .rtSsm c. ?!.p*^.^t.b0‘te.n,a"d top-re* $19.50 Sixe 20, regular price 121.50 .................... Z Z $18.50 be , t < n “ »*>» m a t t r e s s e s -............... $6.90 The Strength o f the Pines | Ranges & Heaters! at least, is still supreme. ft M/ \lz w oICi i $ Saving in Price Iron B ed s S p rin g s M a ttresses D ressers C hiffoniers B ed ro o m S ets D in in g R o o m S ets w w MJ V All at New Low Prices. BARTCHER & ROHRBAUGH | ALBANY FURNITURE EXCHANGE $ A lbany And Trail's enough money to satisfy demands. ’ End is one of them. The Southern Pacific is* m oving I be membership meantime de­ Bruce dressed slowly. He wouldn’t waken the two women that slept tn creased from 74,355 to 68,746. more fre ig h t than ever before, the next room, he thought. He crept mu, „ Y ’rnerg' 1)0 yoa know "here F o u r new unions were chartered, w ith no increase in accidents “Good-by, Linda." he said, smiling slowly out Into the gray dawn. He this Hudson Is? ’ which makes the claim of the She smiled In reply, and her old but 25 were suspended and 40 mada straight for the great pine that ihinIv0Ski.e d u ld E,mlra las‘ night. She cheer seemed to return to her. "Good- AIEA uniona th a t the equipm ent was g0. Stood a Short distance from the house thinks she knows. A man told her he surrendered th e ir charters, a net lug to the dogs because of the For reasons unknown to him, the nine hud his trap line on the upper Ump­ by, Bwovaboo. Be careful." loss of 61 unions. "Hl be carefuL And this reminds had come often Into his dreams, lie qua, and hie main headquarters—yon shopmen’s strike look lik e a fa iry A ll th is strike money was paid had. thought that Its limbs rubbed to­ know thaL trappers have a string of me of soroatbing." story. Autnor of “What?" gether and made words—but of the r h 3 * 7 i T a/ «at by union members; but it bad to mou,h of •The Voice of the Pack” “That for all the time I’ve been X m ' bera 8 e , vea b « had ‘ hardly B u t , 8 ln t0 th e come first from employers, who “way—and for all the time I'm going The com pulsory education law esuRht the meaning. There was some But ft is a long way from here. ’ ''XW were obliged to get i t by the in . would relieve eotarians of all the high message In them, however; and * B,™?® was 81,11 8 moment. “How to be awny now—I haven't done any­ thing more—well, more Intimate_ Illustration» by Irwin Myers the dream had left him with a vague far?" he asked. crease of prices charged th e ir cue- than shake your hand." expense they now bear in g iv in g ^X»I«X»X*X»X»XeX»XeX*X»>X< curiosity an unexplainable desire to “Two full days' tramp at the l e a s t - tornors, so the »10.000,000 was tb e ir young a general education Her answer was to pout out her lips light * fOrMt mOnarch ln ‘he day- barring out accidents. But if you Coorrl(k< br Lite., Brava Co. In the most natural way ln the world added to the general H. C. L. 'Ink It lg best—you can start out to- and leave them Use ao teach dog­ Bruce was usually deliberate in his He found to his delight that the uay. * The strikea of the coal m iners SYNOPSIS ma aa much as they choose. motions; but all at once his delibera­ . L WaS even raore lmPcesslve in the Bruce w as a man who made deci­ and the railro ad unions coat a till tion fell away from him. There vhdd morning light than It had been sions quickly. "Then I'll sta rt-rig h t ‘' ' • / ’•» th o f h l. foster more m illio n s than than the p rin ­ seemed to he no Interlude of time be­ ■t night. He was constantly oraed the't'rintr" r ° U “ “ me bow t0 flnd A P ortland Jo u rn a l headline gays tween one Dosltlon and another His ters strikes, and the average c iti- y the sixe of it. He guessed Its cir " so u fe 7 > ~ « o th a t H a ll, aa a gubernatorial arms went about her, and he kissed cumference as about twenty-five feet “I can only tell you to go straight Z3n lias it a ll added to hie bur­ her gently on the lips. The great lower limbs were them north. * candidate, ' 'hangs lik e a sw ord’ ’ Ilnv — Bruce I» » ’ Ivid but baf- den». But It was not at all as they expect­ selves like massive tree trunks Its ot h |B Childhood In an ITen the thing to do Is to get ready ’hsnage. tiBfore h l. adoption by N ew ­ The railro ad ahop workers struck over the republican p arty. Per­ '’n ed. Because Linda hud not known , ° P, 8Urp888ed by flfty f <*‘ nn* Pine ton Duncan, with the ' ria™ on Is a certain lnnd o f Used to Be. Il me. Bruce requested. "Flrst- own girlhood of long and long ago ■ He Am erican workers, Am erican h i i h î ! ’ • th* Boasas la n d s occupied isn’t a land of the Present Time at aH andth»h í V Witr* • tolen fro1" «"• Roaeea, what date does the twentv-vear pe- 'US_ want a wopd alone wfth workers must live w ith in wbat th eir r Aunt u n l ' ^ Elmra?'1? l m ^ ' T i !, . W,UL « « ¿ ¿ .P » tlo ¿ S n S of „. It Is a place that has never grown old. E t i X ? ” ”> work produces, and as long as some “ V e « ‘Then a man passes the last nntpost ^ O n the thirtieth of October, of this o f them get more than th a t there or civilization, and the shadows of ths or something of value I can been « 2 w ill be others who work as hard unbroken woods drop over him. he is had” d e e d e d n?ouJ tMln» U n d a 'V f a t b îî use and you can’t “Not very long. (a |t t Now you M likely to forget that the year Is nine­ and produce as much b u t suffer ?*? ,d M did hl» lande to Matthew Foleer u , UOM M derstand that on that date they will teen hundred and twenty, and that the whlch would c o n t iti K. 2, box 79. have had twenty years of undisputed from p roverty. The average fa rm ­ the day before yesterday he had «pen bÄn " m T < B ,O Pr°P*r'V. h«« possession of the land; they will have er today receives lees than one- aa airplane passing over his house. You natne your »alary. “ ,hot lon« ‘ aD(| C H APTER X Brî f * ’î r?ountatn blood E ? i" ih* Ih e world seems to have kicked off th ird what the uniou declares is a responda ë to the o i l Of tho blood-feud Lnd .ha»' I Pr° V,‘n fa'8e between Its thousand thousand years as a liv in g wage, w hile selfish, clannish X o u t” ” C“ 't e w dr,ve warm man at night kicks off covers; labor untune seize a ll th a t they should you become disabled by any aC and r II things are Just as they used ‘‘That's just right.” cident or any sickness. See to be it it the Young World—a earn and part o f w hat the farmers "And the fall term of court doesn't the blood atonement world of beasts rather than men. a DICK W RIGHT, Hotel Halsey, S S f ,: " " ' • » » *< • - earn and ' ‘h o lle r’' fo r more of it. world vhere the hand of man has not CHAPTER XI yet been fett. He who wing a law suit or a North American Accident Insurance Co,, I .7 . ' u ’ ‘ • ' • M l Ih«™ On this particular early-September strike is usually a loser, and the "Men own the day. but the night la '« to It. Simon told me so the last FOR RENT day. tb - age-old drama of the wilder­ mass of producers foots a ll the b ill time he talked to me." w ild ' t "h Ol<1 " ,y ln * "'n o n » , h * By Edison Marshall X House, barn ; small pasture for rent GOOD HACK OATS or PIG s¿- affi We pay it, BOOK TWO . 400-Acre Farm T urke y and the la tte r won and now i hold* a ll of Aaia M in o r th a t Considered hers before the war. Greece attem pted to oust the T u rk from Europe, b ut was prevented by England. France and Ita ly . Thus the ‘sick m an,*’ who was to bave been elim inated in the settlem ent I of the w orld war, gets a frevb s t a l l 1 instead and continues to fu lfill the prophocy th a t he who k ills C hris. I tia n * sh all th in k th a t he i« doing Got! service. »u The s trik in g railro ad shopmen L , c la im th a t when they s trike t h e y , ” rem ain employe» of the e otn pa n ylj w 11 J. RIBELIN w d '"'"‘h '' ‘h * "f ™ IS ft Q u e s t io n ' o u r c h ild s TPad- S'»»««»«, b r in g h im to i8*“* They were free to q u it work, and they d id eo. By no »tretch of im a gin atio n can they be considered e n title d to re-em ployment, th o u fh i t is offered to them and they may, accept. The arguroeut th a t the e tnpul •o ry education h ill, i f enacted, w ill increase the burden o f taxa- lio n ie g re a tly overdone, The to ta l coet o i educat too w ould be ness was in progress. It was a drama .-.P ntnmed P®’"100« »"d bloodshed, « r ife and carnage and lust and rap­ in e, and it didn't, unfortunately, have a Particularly happy ending. The P'av«'’ wore beasts, not men The nly human being anywhere In the ?i?Ar VlCinlty ’PM ‘h« "Id trapper. rad» « ’. following down his trap line on the creek margin on the wav to hl camp, it (s true that two other W*’th * rather aatoundlng simi­ larity of purpose, were at present com- ng down two of the long trails that His Arms Went About Her, and He led to the region; but as yet the Kissed Her Gently on the Llpe. drama w ig hidden from their eyes. ?,m ?K'‘A r' °f thB pl,,es- L« wh«> trrH, "» *** fW° waa Brute, coming Elmira had gone ln and the c n ,,t was Jnda s cabin. One was Dave Turner, approaching from the dlrec- clear. It wouldn’t come tn his lip» Hom eatates. Turner was nora1 8‘rani"‘ ” he eaid. “to much the nearer. Curiously, both bid t^ e i * ’y ,aM ^ « h t- a n d fh£ •m, "" Wl’h tbe “ "hper Hudson to be leaving •gain/* ** ‘b* pl,y rato «‘ . J ! ? e’‘o*d t0 bl8 « « “ nlohed Kite d J ? “ creature« that her lip» trerohled ever so «llghttT «•pm e ii? ^ J k . *8t* “ tbe,r aftarnown sleep. s lona’ L“ bW,n * » ’’«<+ other T The does and their little spotted ■ long time, Bwovaboo," ntv» renltrat « 3 S 5 a ^ P ln » : the Mncktall «ralght at him “And I hate to hare d r bad not yet sought the feeding you go away so soon ' yawned In his lair, the w olf dosed In "But I'll be back—in . few d ay»“ Tou don't know. x „ o n e 'e v e r » ¿ T * " ’ r * " ,b * P"la"n-people lay o-adowa oB the hot rocks knows when they start out In these An old raccoon wakened from hie ”. T . X ‘h P ace on a high limb, stretched hlffl- there s nothing— n oth ln g-th at Simon t* steal down the limb. He had a long way to go before dark. Hunting was He has no rules of fighting t * “ ln» poor tn thl» part of the woods M w a ^ n b* ,PoaJd ’r* nd» down ig a lu l- rOa1’ * * ewa* c r e r s l ” nd8° D ' C*®P and lock tor w ,‘*r A voyota Is I 8ml,*d '* h»- ■*» n w ally listed ,b* among the larger forest i He fr° ra b*™ h*1- ’’P* J * ' ”” ** b0‘ a*rty though the hom- 1 M t O 9£ta! cat s n l took her hand. wa*--aarty, that & for huntt re to bo von^hTnu1'’ bl8 ,n,era’ ‘ ‘® have h L J dE1Bd The Mvln* or|r |n«tM .rou think ao. Rut L in d a -w e mustn't long and long ago when the world was give up yet We must try ns long as quite young. Refore that time, likely ""• da, remains, n «eems to me that ^ ° " ’ hd ‘¡?* h*” 1" own,‘<1 both the Hie first thing to do 1« to find the trsp- day and the night, and you can im .g- H'*dson—‘be one witness that le ne them denying m ana euperlortty ore'v " S T a n * m,gbt b* able Just as long ns possible. prove to the court that aa my fa- ° ^ OUri* Myln< ** rid<™ions If L.erronnM r. OW"Pd tbe land ,n ree'".’ - applied to cities or perhaps even to h* eouldnt possibly hare deeded It T ram rtd«e8 re . ^ ' p í o m c iris t. • “C ” rara*-. A A WA AT tr OW«-«. H a ro ld A lb ro . M an ufa ctu rin g o p tic ia n . f Jay W. Moore, ...................... ........... -< « v R e a lto r, i .J 5 b‘8 fur' ,b™ b«“ ”