¿7 HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X I HALSEV, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, ÍEPT. 14, 1922 be reduced at the next legislature, even if so doing wou’d necessitate reducing the salaries and expenses (By Ralph Lawrence) of the many deputy game wardens The following pupils wrote on now enjoying official ease. A few experienced trappers who one or more subjects in the state examination for the eighth grade may bs unfamiliar with running, given by MTs. Lawrence Thursday expensive automobiles and living and Friday: Doris D rinkard, luxuriously might be employed Lois Henderson, Bonnie Kitehen, and sent into ths byways to k ill Harvey Walker, Paul Riffey, Edna off the predatory animals which game but also TuJI, Mary Wooddjr, Hoyt Boles,, not ouly prey . upon . Dan Sawyer, Frank Hale and Faye ■ d(,Stroy sheep and goats, . n eucb; I quantities in some localities that Holland. ... , , _ , , they cannot be raised profitably v ida M iller has gone to Toledo, on that • 7 account. where she is to teach this year. Brownsville Briefs ■~4(ni. ( t t o r j i a S ta r r ^ M o rss w ltk » i to announce t h a t s h e w i l l b e p l e a s e d t o m e e t a n y o n e i n t e r e s t e d in s tu d y in g V iolin in J i a / s t f , S h e d d a n d Z H a r r is b u r g . W i l l b e In d i a l s e y o n S e n t. SO, a t th e h o m e o f w M rs. d l i n g o . d i l l th o s e w h o e a n n o t se e m e on t h a t d a t e p le a s e r e g i s t e r s a m e w it h . d t r s . of profanity’ Leo Harria of Albany «pent Sun­ ( l «). Their profanity was in despis­ day with hie mother, Mr». P. I. ing the name of God To fall to honor Troutman. God Is to be profane. To use Ills Mrs. Charles Pugh and daugh­ name In any unreal way la to be thus guilty (2, Sacrilego (w . T, 8). Their ters Marie and Kathryn and aon sacrilegious act was |a offering pe,. Harold drove to Newport Friday luted bread and blemished sncrtOcea to be gone several days. Tb bring such offerings to an earthly Lyman Pennell went to Portland ruler would be a gross Insult. Gifts to be acceptable with God must be ou buainaee Saturday, returning Irene Harrison leaves soon to School Opens Monday genuine; must cost something. We Monday. take her position as teacher io a Prof. English and wife and the should give to God our best. There Is rural ecbool on the Halsey road. young gentleman of the infant Rev. end Mrs. Reid are prepar. no Intellect too brillluut to offer In the ing to leave Shedd some time this class with whom they reside and Elaine Woodworth has gone to Lord’s service. The young should not W . J. Carey was ill several daystP*8** 8se how a little transposi­ Creswell,' where she will attond whose orders they are bound to esteem their live« wasted who offer Week for Tacoma, where they ex­ tion musses tbiugs up! them on the altar of missionary sacrl- pect to make their home. high school this year. She is obey are home for business, as this week. Uce (8) Greed (1:10). They were school opens Monday. staying with Hazel Moyer. Mrs. F. 0 . Salmon visits I the C. A- Troutman aud wife and The Enterprise, by a freak of It is important that every pupil county seat Tuesday. types, represented the horns of not willing to open the doors of God's daughter Gail, Mrs. Ray Myera M r. Walker of the woolen mills be on hind the first day. A few house without pay. Our service should The new pavement from Albany Frank Porter's prize cattle as too be out of a heart of levo for God, not and daughter Thais and Mrs. is to move into the Lerwell proper-¡days lost at the beginning are long. I t , cal led them shorthorns for profit. This has a vital application Lyman Pennell drove to Eugene ty on Main street. I liable to have a bad effect on the to Tangent is open. instead of red pohed. Their horns to ministers and evangelists today. To Saturday. Alta Hayes goes to Corvallis are not short, but non-existent. enter Christian sen Ice because of Carmelita Woodworth was in rating all the way through, Excitement reigned high in t The personnel of the teaching todsy to attend 0 . A. C. town during the week end on her worldly gain Is of this type. (4) Wear­ Polgar, the famous bull owned iness ( 1 :12,18). Because of lack of Shedd for a while Saturday raor. way to Linfield college, McMinn- force this year is: Henry F. E n ­ W . A. Muller and son Milford by W illiam M- McBride of Shedd, love the routine of duty become Irk­ ning when the Sunday school ville, which she will attend the glish. principal; Inez I1 reeland, spent Sunday in Albany. has tal^en his place as the first of some. (5) Not teaching the law to quarters of the U. P. church assistant principal. coming year. Mrs. J. W . Pugh returned from the Jersey breed to qualifv for the the people (2:1-0). Those set apart caught fire from a defective Hue. Grade school, Agnes Brown M r. and Mrs. Claire of Salem seventh and eighth; Ethel Bra» Corvallis hospital Wednesday. medal of merit, the American to teach God’s law to the people hove Some of the members were clean. “ are moving to Brownsville to make fifth and sixth; Amanda Mftzuer, a great responsibility aud God will in£ up after a banquet of the night Rev. M- S. Woodworth aud two Jersey club has announced. most surely demuuil an accounting. before and burning up some paper their home. Mrs. Claire is to third and fourth; Minuie Cross, young sous were in town vester. • 2. Against the People (2:10-17; 3:7- plates, when the roof caught fire. teach the Union Point sobool. Sam Snrber says the stories the first and second. day. papers are publishing about big 16). (1) For ungodly marriages ( 2 :11, A bucket brigade was'formed and The following courses are offered G. T . Kitchen and wife aud son cucumbers^make him tired. He 12). God’s purpose In the prohibition the fire wsa soon extinguished, in the high school: 1 Euglish 1, G^meLaw is Expensive of mixed morrtages was that He might Lavelle were Eugene visitors Sun. would have brought bis biggest raise up holy seed (v. 15). The mor- ouly damaging tbs roof. 2 and 8; 2 bookkeeping; 3 ancient (Joseph Patterson in \a q u in a Bay history; 4 French; 5 Latiu 1; 6 day. one to town but hecould’nt find a riage of the bellevsr with the unbe­ Lotus Pennell returned from News) plane geometry; 7 algebra 1; F- O- Salmou and family visited wagon big enough to haul it on, liever today brings confusion Into the Canby Saturday evening. He had N e x t week the now celebrated 8 general science; 9 physics and Mrs. Salmon’s sister in Albany and after he had chopped it up fold of God and turns aside His pur­ been visiting bis granumother, with an ax a wagon load of it pose. (2) For divorce (2:13-10). D i­ Mra. L. C. Pennell. game case of the state versus 10 civic«. Sunday. vorce v u i the source of great sorrow W inkley et al of Corvallis will ^liss Bessie Salmon spent Sat. wouldn't have been worth show­ —even the tears of the wronged wom­ Jim T a il, the bartier, spent ing. again come to trial at Corvallis. Resolutions of Condelence urday and Sunday with tier auut en covering the altar fv. 18). The of­ Sunday and labor day nt the The case cost Benton couuty (Continued on page 3) ferings of n man who had thus treated county metropolis. in Albany. Halsey. Oregon Sept. 9, 1922. possibly 12,000 and a petition his wife would be an ubonituatton to Whereas, I t has pleased P ro v i-1 Guv Layton and and sou Morris signed by a large number of heavy This weak will end the paving God. The tears of wronged women deuce to remove from among us have gone to Silverton fur a few taxpayers was sent to the game Moat of the today are going up to God and make lesson iu Shedd. B other W illiam I I . McMahan, day’« visit. warden asking him to drop the even the prayers of some men an paving craw will then go to New. abomination to Him. (8) Public berg, where the company baa » proceedings. The request of the who baa been for many years a The Harrisburg baseball team wrongs (9:5, «). (a) Sorcery—magic. contract to resurface about seven­ taxpayers was not granted; the loved and respected brother, be i( beat Eugene three times out of Resolved, by Wildey Lodge No. Those who practice such things should teen miles of road. game wardens were not payiog the 65, I. 0. 0. F., That in the pass.| four this year. be regarded as public offenders, (b) taxes. Adultery. This Is a sin of wider extent Toni Henry and Georg« Gould Much of the revenue derived by ing of our brother this lodge has Rev. C. G. Morris remains in than the parties concerned, (c) False and their families left Sunday for lost a faithful and worthy member, the gene commission is from the Brownsville pastorate of the swearing, (d) Oppression of the hire­ Newport for an outing. convictions of persons hunting or the community a useful citizen M. E. church. ling. widow and fatherless. (e) aud the bereaved family a kiud fishing without having one of the Turned aside the stranger from his Carl Seefeld and Annie Laurie and loving husband, brother aud The Corvallis branch of the high licenses in their possession rights. (4) Blasphemy (8:18-16). Smith of Halsey were married a t Linn couuty, for instance, has parent. III. The Severe Judgments Whleh Roscoe Ames hardware company Albany Tuesday. Halsey Christian Church Resolved, That we tender the sold mors Marion coonty Shall B e fa ll the Nation (3:1-8; 4:1-8), has sold only about 50 per cent as many Mrs. Fred Jackson and Mrs. 1. By Whom Executed. This la bunting licensee than there have* licenses as last year. The present mourners our heartfelt sympathy in their time of sorrow and com- Bert Minkley of Lake Creek were done by the Lord. Judgment has been been sold of Linu county licensee Church Announcements fees are too high except for pros committed to the Son of God (Acta through all agenda* T b at store Christian : perous sportsmen and they should mend them to the comforting grace in town yesterday. 17:3081). of Him who sees beyond the dark­ took id 4270 for such I'ceoses ksb 10, Bible ecbool. Scio and Brownsville bave their 2. Time of Second Coming of Christ ness of today into the joys aud mouth and over (500 in M ay. 11, Lord’s Supper. Sermon. agricultural fairs next Saturday John the Baptist was the forerunner ►4L glories of a brighter tomorrow. One reason lo t this, M r. Amee 7, Christian Endeavor. aud Shedd a week later. o f H it flirt coming. Elijah shall be Resolved, Tbat a copy of these •ays, ia the big labor pay rolls 8. Sermou. the forerunner of His second coming, W . Pugh and children and W e H ave resolutions be sent to the bereaved Lester Jones, pastor. 3. Result. For the righteous It will which make mousy mors plenti­ family, one spread upon the min. Mieses Ruth and Norma Farwell ^ every thing Many men there, bsv- be a day of healing and salvation. To ful there. utes of the lodge and one published spent Sunday iu Corvallis. O ptical the wicked It will be a day of burning iug the money, get licanees early. \fethodi6t: in the Halsey Enterprise. Rev. M, S. Wood-worth of Browna and destruction. A book of remem­ He expects an increase in license Sunday School, 10. B ert S. C lark EY E STR AIN brance ta now being kept A day at •ales here when the time for hunt­ ville has taken the pnnc'palship Preaching. 11. Is the Cause of Many J ay W. M oork retribution la coming, , ing fowls arrives. of the Crawfordsville schools. « Junior League, 8, H U M A N IL L S W il l ia m P. W ahl Intermediate League, 6:30. Mrs. Hazel Moyer propose to I f your eyes give you trouble or Committee. Epworth League, 6:80. take boarders - at Brownsville your glasses are annoying Preaching, 7:30. SEE US. We can Relieve You Gradiug of the Pacific higliwa^ again duriug the school term. Jots and_Tittles Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and in Halsey Particularly J, Bancroft Optical Co. through the Sherili tract right of J. L. Fisher and wife have left way, near Harrisburg, recently .Crawfordsville for Wendling, acquired, began Mouday. where M r. Fisher has a mill job. Rev. W . J. Moore of the Metho- dial church at Tangent goes to Coquille and is succeeded by Rev. J. [ Pendleton. 313 let St. W. Albany. Phone t C11, i « s I 3 îri N PlC tS FOLGERS (,piden Gote The Connecting* Links In The Ä 6*XING POWW’ Chain of Health F o lg e r ’« G o ld e n C o ffe e S p ic e s B a k in g P o w d e r Sold on Merit folger s 3 g o ld e n 6 e t> Ç O f f BÉ ® M. V. KOONTZ CO. O pen Saturday Evenings Meeds roes J. W. Drinkard aud George Laubner and Miss Alberta Koontz visited the couuty neat Friday. Mrs. J. C. Booth, wife of a Leb­ anon pbyecian and sister of M>*. D. H Sturtevant, died Thursday evening, aged 45. Andrew Brown and wife have moved into the Robnett house, vacated last week by Mrs. Portia Stewart, who went to Eugene. One of Andrew Christensen's barn» near Rowland was burned Saturday, with 16 sacke of grain, 15 tons of bay aud some f*rm im ­ plements. W . B. Wadaworth, grand patri­ arch of the state encampment, 1. O. O. P ., is swinging arouud the circle and is expected iu Halsey next Tuesday. Chris M artig, a Harrisburg pro­ duce dealer, bought sixty-ooe dozen eggs from L. E. Neil and says tbat be found eyiry egg rotteu. He stopped payment ot a obeck he bad given for the eggs. Tbe seller bad assured him that not ooe of them was mors tbau five days old. How easy for,a printer to make a little mistake that will loom big when the" paper ia printed. At the bottom of column 1, page 3, this week are twenty.nine line« tbat should have followed the first two linee on column 3 of that Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. Rev, C. T. Cook, Paator, Sunday School Lesson (Br REV. P. B FITZW ATER, D. Dt, T tacher o t English Btbls to ths MooSy Bible Instituts of C h iesto.) Csprrlsbc I lls . Wastem N rw m sv r Uatea. LESSON FOR SEPTEMBER 17 T H E MESSAGE OF M ALACHI LESSON TEXT-M al. »1-11. GOLDEN TE X T — Return unto m s, sn 4 I will rsturn unto you, ealth th s LsriS of H osts Ms I 3:7. REFERENCE 1 7 Isa Cor. S4-S11. « MATERIAL—II Kina« Sweaters for Men and Boy« j We have received s big new shipment of fine grade sweater* far hath nun and hnye ; sleo a lot of sport Costs for men. v Boys’ ruff neck sweaters in two color combinations, slip-on style, priced at $ 3 « 3 2 5. « 4 and Sizes 16 to 40. Boys’ extra heavy slip-on sweaters in two-color combinations; also plain. Priced »8. Sizes 36 to 44 Boys' wod Jersey sweaters, high necks. $4.73. ZZ"'-, J»«, , ¿ 1^ »3 x assorted c o lo n .......................» 2 . 5 0 ami Men's heavy coat sweaters in Oxford gray and scat brown, priced.......... Men's extra heavy grade of con sweat­ ers in seal brown and maroon, priced $ 5 $5.50 E»lt. 3:1-7: A cts 30-1». tl PRIMARY TOPIC—God's Pro m iss of ths Savior's Coming. • JUNIO R TOPIC—Offerings That Pleaee OOfl. in t e r m e d ia t e a n d s en io r to pic — w h a t W i Should Give to Ood young PEOPLE and adult topic —» hat the Bible Teaches About Giving. 1 he subject of today’s lesson Is brooder than the text, especially the verses printed. The host way to teach this lesson la to give a survey of the eotlm book. Malachi was perhaps contemporary with Nehemlah ; probably sustained the same relation to Nehemlah that Hag gal and Zechariah did to Zerubbabel. After the completion of the walls of Jerusalem Nehemlah seems to bava been called back to the Persian court, but returned to Jerusalem after a few years. Though outwardly the lives of the people were correct, the prophet pointed out the sins of a corrupt priest­ hood. mixed marriages and a failure to pay tithes. I. Israel's Base Ingratitude (1:1-«). God approached them with the ten­ der affirmation " I have loved you.” It wee the prophet's burden to declare this fact unto them (v. I J. Ko formal and worldly were the people that they filled to see God's hand upon them. The attltnde of (gruel to God Is showo Men’s Sport Coats $ 3 . 75 Brown knit sport coats for men, a very durable garment, at Sport coats of wool heather mixture, snappy styles for general utility wear, priced ....................................................................................... $ 5 - 5 0 Sport coats of knit brown and green heather. These perfect-fitting gar­ ments are found in the wardrobes of well-dressed men. , Priced $ 8 .5 0 New Fall Yarns \ ’» Never have knit garments I>e - 50 Heather ytrn for men's and boys' wear, brown and green heather I 6-10-oa. balls............... ..... ...................................................................... Spanish stocking ytrn. very fine yarn for children's tnd ladies' bote, brown and green heather, 1 6-10-ot. b a lls .................................. Columbia knitting worsted, a heavy yam for men's heavy sox, sw eaters, etc. Bright and dark gray, olive drab, black and white, 4-oz. I T F b a n k .............................................................................................................. Machine weight knitting yarn. lX-us. skeins, 25e each, iaxoay yarn, pink, blue, white, l-oz. balls, 36c each. 40 ^ ' C *| iJVC I OC ALBANY HAMILTON’S OREGON