ital letters, many of our colleges and higher institutions of learn­ ing have made the mistake of I No. IS, 12:01 p. m. I formulating rules th a t an.» not For the best cash prices see 24, 5.50 p. iu. R IA L T O T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y vz in consonance with the practice of the most popular writers and SUNDAY MAIL HOURS publishers. The practiqp pre­ The delivery window of tho vails today in esseutia'ly all the Halsey postoffice is open Sundays more important newspaper from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 offices, and in a majority of tne to 12:35 and 4ri5 to 6.00 p. tu. others, of following what print­ ers call “ the down” style in PAID-FOR -------- PARAGRAPHS capitalization. The prevailing * — style of capitalization may be| Admittance Here 5 Cents /IS SI/ illustrated thus: a Line /IS ‘‘President Harding is the A Paramount Picture First-class grinding and grain cleaning done president of the United States; at any time William S. Hart Coming /h Tho story of a man who lived to fight—t il l^ the secretary of state is Secretary | MePon; the Mississippi river William S- Hart, popular Para­ /h his first defeat taught him love. mount star, will be seen at the | flows into the gulf of Mexico T Filled with the clatter of gunshot and hoof- ’J and its waters thence reach the Rialto threater next Friday in his SI/ At'antic ocean; the Southern Pa latest western picture, ‘Traveliu' beats. O n.” This is said to be one of the company operates rail­ society, claims to have heard it in sible. The books are Beating fast with a haert as Mg as all o u t- \!/ eifle written* most dramatic photoplays in roads.” Though they sometimes Labrador in the autumn of 1920. black and corrected in red ink ft doors, JR capitalize pronouns referring to which Mr. Hart has been seen for I wo points occur to me as wor­ the schoolmasters. some lime. Etbel Grey Te rt the deity they respect the inhibi heads a stropg supporting cast tiou of the best authorities and thy of mention in this connection,” U M P IR E ’S “STOREHOUSE’’ said the speaker. “The first is that never do so unless the pronoun For Sale: Registered Shrnp. is ‘‘used emphatically and with­ I havo occasionally seen what ap­ Pandora’s box was never the cause shire rams. Dr. J. W. Cook. pears to be the aurora by day io» the out a noun, thus: ‘‘God moves of so much combative curiosity as Brownsville, Oregon. in a mysterious way his won form of faint clouds having the the hole in the ground to the right ders to perform; we bow before characteristic appearance of the of the home plate at the Polo W antsJ: Goose feathers Any. Him who giveth - and taketh bands and streamers. The second ore having game for sale, phone hinweg; L. L B , E 'ta Taylor: grounds, which contains the supply Jots and Tittles point I raise with some hesitation, 177, Halsey. mystery box, Mrs. GerJner; music, life.” of baseballs used during the game. W hen a pupil of a college as I believe the balance of scientific Mrs. Wesley; mite box, Mrs. Pen Rumor hits it among the voung- (Continued from pige 1) When you want good Burbank land. Miss Spencer gave an inter­ school of journalism graduates opinion is against its possibility. sters around the ball park that the The county fair manager«* are esting talk on places of interest in and obtains employment on one That is, that, judging merely by umpire occasionally forgets to re­ potatoes order from M. O- Mills, planning a “ candidatca’ day.” India, illustrating with pest card of the big dailies, which address the evidence of my senses, I should move the balls at the end of the R. F. D. 1, Brownsville. Ore. If all the candidates iu the county pictures. Mrs. Fox was a visito millions of people through a life say that I had sometimes heard the daily contest As for a basis for from the sister church. Dr. E. W. Barnum, centis^, at time as compared with hundreds aurora, when in rapid movement attend there will be a crowd. this gossip, they mention one boy Hotel Fifiteeu or twenty persons who reached by the pedagog during making a faint, crisp, rustling noise# who sneaked into the grounds after Friday. Halsey every Tuesday and Last wesk W. E. Garrett of gathered at tho Koontz corner a few schoo1 years, he has to un* If this is a hallucination, it is Grass Valley, Ore., visited with a recent^ game, sneaked off the Tuesday evening, to attend the an­ loam what he has been taught very strange one.” John and Mary LaRun, Mrs. Gar­ Old papers, 5c a bundle. En- square board which covers the nounced Salvation Army meeting about capitalization and learn His evidence corroborates that of re tt’s half sister. terprise office. treasure trove and sneaked away were disappointed when there wa- what is the usage of the people, < apt. H. p. Dawson, in charge of Mrs. Lillian Kirk, accompanied no meeting. It was raining so who» make the language what it the British polar station: “The In­ with the three brand new, shiny Tbe federal senate has passe l a horsehide spheres.—New York Sup by C. P. Stafford and wife, Mrs hard in Albany that the army peo­ is. dians and the voyagers of the Hud­ bill limiting the campaign expend­ Janies Drinkard and Mrs. Anna ple thought nobody would turn out The translators of the auth itures of aspirants for places in DROW NING H IM OUT Walton, motored to the county seat to an outdoor meeting. They were orized version of the Bible were son’s Bay company, who often pass that body to f 10,000 and of candi­ their nights in the open, say that Wednesday. surprised when they learned thai dates for the house of representa­ there was no rain in Halsey at the guilty of )a[>ses in orthography it (the sound) is not uncommon.” "Nothing delights Mr. Grabco tives to 16000. William Swank and Florence time for the meeting. Those Al­ and grammatical construction, On the one occasion when he heard Schure of Brownsville were mar bany people don’t know what a such as adding an “ s ” to the it himself he says: “The sound was more than to tell his guests of the time when he was poor and wprked ried a few da vs ago; also Burl S. pleasant clima’o we have over Hebrew plural noun “ cherubim” Tire Oregonian says the pro­ like the swishing of a ship or the in a section gang.” Arthurs and Ruth Marie Chesley of here. posed tariff on wool is “ full of to make an English plural for noise produced by a sharp squall of “Yes, and if any of the guests Idynamite,” and that “ campaign the same place. “ cherub,” and making Paul say How do you like this week’s he was “ of the most strai test wind in the upper rigging of a ship.” lappen to be musically inclined material is furnished democ ats.” The Pacific Co-operative Poultry paper? The editor does not like it that’s the time Mrs. Grabcoin asks But the democrats needn’t get ex. Producers, embracing members in very well, but better than he likes sect,” hut their capitalization of QUEER C H IN ESE "COPY BOOK" them to sing or play something.”— citad. It may bo a year or two pronouns - was in accordance Linn and several other counties, me of Job’s comforters which has before the two talkfests at Wash­ Birmingham Age-Herald. has unainimously elected E. J. diverted his attention from busi with th«» best usages of today. ington finish with that bill, and A curious kind of copy book is Thus we read: “ The Father him Dixon of the Estes-Dixon com- uess all the week. then tba president must eigu it be­ PROSPECT8 U N R EA LIZED used by Chinese children. The ideo­ pauy, Portland poultry brokers, self, which hath sent me, hath fore it is a law. us general manager of sales. borne witness of me. Ye have graphs are so complicated that a “Criraaon Gulch has a great fu- H eibert E. W ilson, tho fuk youngster cannot copy them free­ Mrs. Bond of Albany, mother of minister who once filled the Bap­ neither heard his voice at any hand, but must begin by tracing ture.” Sunday night at a dance at New Mrs. J. W. Moore, who was in­ tist pulpit at Brownsville, has been time nor seen his shape.” ‘Yes,” replied Cactus Joe. "But Grand Rond . Tillamook county, them from a model, as American jured when the anto she was riding convicted of the murder of Herberi that doesn’t impress us old settlers j Phillip Warren, a drunken Indian in jumped a bank and capsized, C jx , a fellow prisoner, when the ‘HEARD'’ NORTHERN LIGHTS children trace maps. An ordi­ much. It’s been a-havin’ it for the I bootlegger, resisting arrest, shot nary copy book such as is used in ’s »lowly mending. She tuay le two were trying to break jail at and killed Glenn H. Price of Mnl>- last fifty years.” out of bod in a couple of weeks L>* Angeles, and sentenced to Sound From the Aurora Borealis Not the lower grades has no space for nomah station, near Portland, Uncommon, Say Travelers the child to write. The pages are 1 Ut the physicians aay it may le prison for life. »nd Grover C. Todd of Woodburn, in Labrador. ARRANGE TO A ID M OTHERS mouths before she walks without entirely covered with copy. Eight prohibition agents and ex-service crutches, although no bones were characters are generally shown on An Illinois grand jury, aftei Ten towns near Cleveland, Ohio, men, and wounded Deputy Sheriff Whether or not the aurora bore­ broken. m lull proteittbut the Herrin mas Holden of Tillamook and was shot alis, so beautiful to the eye, is ever one page, each in a square and each had the benefit this summer of Mrs. Mildrel MoM'iban while sicre was a local matter nnd no accompanied by a characteristic made about ten times the size, of baby clinic on wheels. A complete­ through the body by Holden. He ordinary writing. Over this copy ly fitted truck in charge of physi­ is held for murder. visiting at the Kantsdell home, business of anybody outside th> near Brownsville, was taken end state, has s i far responded to sound is disputed by scientists, but is placed tracing paper and the char. cians and trained nurses furnished , -------- vmiu, auu vraineu nurses lurnistiei At Gathorue-Hardy, in an ad­ actor is denly ¡11. A physician was sum. the general outcry of horror ui acter is drawn as accurately as pos- this free service— Smentific Ameri moned, who told her nothing bin it us to indict one nun and dress before the Roval Geographical Com ing to Albany — --------------------------------------- L™ .____________________ un operatiou for appendicitis would m turn him looie nti bonds li anything more is done in tin save her life. She went to Cor vallis in an ambulauce, ami tin mutter we’ll probably hear of it offending appendix was removed Illinois seems rather proud of be­ and she is now reportod to be re ing wild and wooly. Spfecialist covering. '/r A------------------------ “ m. S. H A R T « »‘T r a v e lin ' O n ’! O. W. FRUM H A Y , G R A IN , R E E D A N D L IV E S T O C K w JR And GOOD ( W E D Y ~ 1 Dr. Mellenthin The Woman’s Foreign Mission­ ary society held its last meeting o* the conference year last Friday, with Mrs. Brandon. The meeting was saddened by the serious ill­ ness of Mrs. McWilliams, the preri dent, who could uol be with the members, and their prayer thought was lor her speeds recovery. Officers elected lot next year were: President. Mrs H ad ley; vice-president, Mrs. Sneed; corresponding secretary, Mrs. McWilliams; secretary, Oer- tru le S n ith ; treasurer, Mary Mil ler; standard bearer supennten •lent, Mrs. Foote, junior standard bearer superintendent, Mrs. Morn * % 'W-K » » j W. A. RINGO, Druggist D o e s N o t O p e r a te Sy the month on F. Jl. Maxwell farm 1'. M. M A X W E L L, Tangent, Oregon ’ W ill be at W ilt trade a H O TEL ALBANY GOOD HACK OATS or PIG Monday and Tuesday, Septem­ ber 25 and 26. Cffi e hours 10 a. an. to 4 p. m. or something of value I can use and you can't V. C. DO JIM, Hahe R. 2, boa 79. A CAPITAL OFFKNSF Dictionaries and treatises cm punctuation «nd capitalisation are not original authorities- on those subjects. They are auth , Mrr. Pri-«'a Canning Compound oritics only as far as they in . Glycerine and rose water dicate the practice of the ma Castor oil • Sheep dip jority of the users of the lan ’ Boric acid guage. > I Ammonia water . Neither the English nor an* I Cream of tartar I Powdered slum other language in general us* I Fsaence of pepsin has been built up nccordiug ti Muslar I seed rule. The effort has been, in Powdered tnnueric Celery seed writing rules for language, tc Saccharin formulate the common, ordinarv Chloroform liniment i practice of those who use it. Peroside of hydrogen ( Powdered pumice atone , W alker's and W orcester’s die Mouth Washes and Gargles ' tionaries fell into disuse in America because they failed to Ltvoris ( present the practice of the Pormazin , people, and Noah Lis’erine f, Auicriean Webster, when he put forth Borolyptol f what be exiled “ an American horodent month wash j dictionary of the English lan Glycotli vmoline ( guage,” made a success because he studied and formulated that .......... practice. With regard to the use of cap Everyday Drug Needs in Internal Medicine for the past eleven years House,barn ¡small pasture for rent TWO DAYS ONLY z FOR SALB—-\ horsepower Electric Motor Used very little dJQZl * p O \/a Enterprise office, Hahey, Oregon. No Charge for Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and is li­ censed by the state ot Oregon. He visits professionally the more important torons and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free consultation except the expense of treatment when desired. According to his method of treatment he does not operate for chronic append­ icitis. gall stones, ulcers ofstomacu, ton­ sils or adenoids. 9 He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bow­ els, blood, skin, nerves, heart bladder, bed wetting, catarrh^ weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rec­ tal ailments. f I f you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any belter, do not fail to call, as improper measures rz’.her than disease are very often the canse of your long standing trouble Remember above date, that con­ sultation on this trip will b® free and that bis treatment is different. Married women must be accompanied by their husbands. Address ; dM Boston block. Miueap- olis, Minn.