K IT C H E N RANGES Fall Hats are here ever seen iti Halsey is on display at the store of HILL & CO., with bright porcelain and shining nickel which need no polish. Up- to-date cooking apparatus; latest 'improvements. A wide variety of s t y l e s at various prices. Among them you will lind a style that pleases. FU R N IT U R E RUGS L IN O L E U M S CO NG O LEU M S Oar prices sell goods Thirty-six different blocks, shapes and colors to choose from. L. E. W alton «as at the couuty scat Thursday. (Continued from page I) Muir Peaches, 75c a bushel H a rry Davis was a passenger to C. J. Shedd is visiting his b ro th, A lb a n y fcaiuiday. er Solon in C alifo rn ia. W 3O L R ID G E PEACH ORCHARD. two rule» south of Peoria. Bring tack» and boxes F rank and Aurelia M a rk h a rt Charles F a lk ami wife went to were in A lb an y Saturday. the county seat Saturday. Mrs. M. B. T a y lo r of C orvallis The season s union meetings At B ro w n sville have been completed. came in on Tuesday’s train. F rank Porter had his shorthorns M 's. J. C. C urrv and Mias Net- Hay, Grain, »tock hanling. etc. j lie bpeucer visited P hiltnath Sun- at the fa ir a t Vancoover, B C, hauling a specialty. day. The grand ju ry refused to in d ict Phone TRUCKING Mrs. L illia n K irk of Atl.eua is those negroes fo r gam bling at . _______ here v is itin g form er friends and Shedd. ueighbors. Clay Moo ly of H arrisb urg is H. B. Baker, form er m ille r of slated fo r the ra ilro a d ageacy at i Browusville, .is s till pulverizing Halsey, wheat near T urner. Mrs. O- I'. Neal and Melba have Mr. and tyrs. I. C. Pram ivell returns 1 from ib e ir i * ation t iip ¡spent Sunday afternoon at the hall in Wasniogton. gunib at H arrisburg. Charles F alk and w ife and M sa W ilm e tta Forster went to the Rev. C. T. Cook went to Salem 1 Tuesday to attend the anuual cou- couuty seat Thursday, Heavy W . H. B E E N E Halsey, Oregon CANITARY v p Barter Shop and Baths First clast work guaranteed the light before that time. We’ve lost, A M CO LTRA after all. And only one thing re- i mains.” . He looked np to find her eyes full Ik e grau 1 ju r y ’s w o rk was short 'ference, which opened its first upon him. He bad never seen such session yesletduy m orning. and poiuted and it was discharged eyes. They seemed to have sunk so at the last week end. deep into the flesh about them that J. C. Standish went to Portland only Inrid slits remained. It was not that Saturday n ig ht to spend the two Dealer in 1 he Southern Pacific has n ig h t her lids were partly down. Rather holidays w ith Everett Standish, patrols on its traegs to guard It was because the flesh-sacks beneath who is at tbo Pierce S anitarium . against train -w reckin g strikers them had become charged with her pounding blood. The fires glow was A Southern Pacific bridge a Mrs. A lice C hialvo, a fte r her in them and cast a strange glamor quarter of a mile beyoud Shedd visit w ith Mrs. George M axw ell upon her face. I t only added to the was somewhat .damaged but rmt has gone to Lewistou, Idaho, to strangeness of the picture that she destroyed by (ire Thursday night. reside. sat almost limp, rather than leaning ¿0 day»' credit forward in appeal. Bruce looked at Miss Ceclle M ayberrv came J. W. Spranger of Shedd picked her In growing awe. I down from Eugene F rid a y and an early Crawford peach that But as the seconds passed he seemed visited Miss Georgina C lark, who measured 9J inches in circu m fer­ ao longer able to see her plainly. His ' went home w ith her Sunday eve­ ence both ways. eyes were misted and blurred, but ning. they were empty of tears as Linda’s D. W. Stevenson and w ife. Miss Dean Tycer came from southern fane Stevenson and M ary Grutze own. Rather the focal point of his brain hod become seared b.v a mount­ Oregon Sunday and was met at the were v is itin g the Stevensons here ing flame within himself. The glow tra in and taken home to Browns- F rid a y from A lb a n y . of the fire had seemingly spread until ville by his sister, Mrs. W ..C . El- E lton Sawyer went home to To- It encompassed the whole wilderness more. world. coma Thursday after spending his Mosdames Clara Starr, Ed Starr vacution w ith his grandm other, “What Is the one thing that re­ mains?” he asked her. whispering. and Georgia Morse and Mrs. M rs. George M axw ell. She answered with a strange, ter­ Morse’s little son W in field of M r. and M rs. O lliv e r arrived rible coldness of tone. 'T h e blood I Brownsville w ire at the, Wheeler F . M . F R E N C H & SONS from P ortland Sunday to spend atonement,” she said between back C u s t o m e r , home Sunday. ALBANY OREO. "Not Two, but Three,” She Corrected, abor day w ith the lu d y ’s fa th er, drawn lips. in the Hollow Voice of Uncounted L. E. Penland and wife of Mack Suwyer of B row nsville. ALBANY, OREGON Years. Pendleton have been v is itin g the CHAPTER X Don’t fail to hear C aptain the fire. They turned, and fheTndon- I be form er’s brother, E. B. Pen- Practical Shoe ! When the second hand of the watch land, and other relatives and W u lff of the Salvation arm y at the llght showed a bent old figure hob­ In his pocket had made one more cir­ bling toward them. Repairing. Methodist church next Sunday at friends in Hulsey. cuit, both Bruce and Linda found It was old Elmira, her cane tapping 11 a. m. He w iU 'd e liv e r a good Office 1st doar south of school hom e Miss Rena W alker went S atur­ Fine themaelvea upon their feet. The ten along in front of her; anil something sermon, which w ill inspire aud Halsey, Oregon. day to Brewster, W ash., to attend alon had broken at last. Her emotion that caught the moonlight lay In the gladden anv who w ill hear him . school and in e id e n ta llj*p ic k apples had been curbed too long. It broke hollow of her left arm. Her eyes still Cspt. W ill IT is from the A lb a n y from her in a flood. glowed under the grizzled brows, H andles Town and Country Property, during the season. She expects to corp. She seized his hands, and lie started he gone u n til J one. Give him a call and see if lie cm fix “Not two, hut three,” she corrected, 501 Lyon at , Albany, Oregon. nt their touch. “Don’t you under In the hollow voice of uncounted you up. M tb . D. S. M c W illia m s was ta k ­ M sses Fav Proebetel and Gretia stand?” she cried. “You—you—you years. In the magic of the moonlight H arrison called at the Wheel«) en to an Albany hospital Thursday are V o lg er’s son. You are the boy It seemed quite titling to both of them home Sunday on th e ir way home md operated on the next day for that crept out—under this very t .._ that Rhe bhnuld have come. She was to Brow nsville from Eugene. appendicitis. M r. M cW illia m s re­ to find him dead. All my Itfp Elmtrs one of the triumvirate; thej' wondered L A W Y E R AND NOTARY and I have prayed for yon to come G retia w ill te ich school at S jio mained w ith her for rem ainder ol why they had not missed her before the week. She is doing well and And whHt Hre you going to do?" next term . It was further than she had walked B rownsville , O regon w ill probably be home betore our Her fuce was drawn in the white In years, but her spirit lind kept her What a relief comes to the s trin ­ next issue. light of the moon. For un Instant he np. A ll w ork done p ro m p tly and seemed dnzed. gent, money market in a common- She put the glittering object that Mrs. C. W. S tandish o f Browns­ Phone No. 20V.9 “Do?” he repeated. " I don't ktwiw she carried Into Bruce's hands. Il reasonably. ity dependent, upon ru ra l industries ville took out a h u n tin g license what I'm going to do.” f i r its income when the year’s was a rifle—a repenting breech-loader “You don't!” she cried. In Infinite of a fnmous make and a model of princip al crops begin to go to and w ith her husband and W. scorn. “Are you Just clay? Aren't Amon and wife went to southern thirty years before. It was such a m a rk e t! yon a mnn? Haven't you got arms to rifle as lives In legend, with sights as Oregon to h u n t deer. Miss L i l ­ strike with and eyes to see along fl fine as a razor edge and an accuracy A rth u r Rudo'pb of Lompoc, lian W arm oth accompanied the W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 65. rifle barrel? Are you a coward -and Cal., nephew of M is, M ellin K nott, party b ut came home w ith o u t h u n t­ as great os light Itself. Loving hands Regular meeting next Saturday a weakling; one of your mother's had polished It and kept it in perfect arrived Tuesday for a b rie f visit ing any game. blood, to run away? Haven't you any­ condition. night. a t the home o f Mrs. J. C. B ra m ­ thing to avenge? I thought you were D ou't go h u n tin g in viola ion of ‘Matthew Folger1« rifle," the old well. His aunt had not teen him the law. The deer season is Aug, a mountain man— that all your years woman explulned, “for Matthew Fol­ lor fifteen years. In cities couldn't take that quhllty ger’» son.” 20 to Oct. 1; china ph* asnut ■ > nd away from you I Haven't you any q uail, O .t. 15 to Oct 31; ruffled is all the year around, especially since The M e lh o d i-t church held its LIC EN SED F U N E R A L DIRECTORS And that Is how Bruce Folger re­ answer?" turned to the land of Ids birth—as last q u a rte rly conference Monday - r.mse anil native pheasants, closed the paving. Probably half our subscrib­ HARRISBURG LEBANON He looked up, a strange light grow­ most men do, unless death cheats evening at the church, 'dosing up t ill the game commission seei fit to er* own autos. And they see the adver­ Phone .15 Phone 15 ing on his fuce. “You ineun—kill­ them first— and how he made a pact the year w ith marked success ’'pen it; sege he is. J u ly lf> to July tisements in the Enterprise. Branches at ing?” to pay old debts of death. fin an cia lly. Tire church desires •31; prairie chickens, Oct 15 to Oct, Brownsville, Phone 3 7 0 5 . “What else? To kill—never to stop 81. (To be continued.) killing—one after another, unUl they Halsey Phone 166, Frank Kirk, Mgr the return of Mr. Cook. are gone! T ill Simon Turner and the As usual, the Brow nsville schools G o ne to th e D oqs. whole Turner clan have paid the debts open on F rid ay (tho 15th) to gat they owe.” Headline— “Hertnita Ent Grass and From now on the fanners w ill be get- the registration and p re lim in a ry Bruce recoiled as If from a blow. Bark." We slionld rnther expect thron tiug cash far the lumpier'» products. work o u t of the way so all can set­ Bereai ed (rien Is com m itting to uiy care lor pre.nration and h iri.il “Turner? Did you say Turner?” he to moo or n liln n y —Boston Tran - rlpt They are the backbone of the country’« asked hoarsely. the rem ains of beloved ones may fed i-iu re d u f t r. - , -,i • re»;i«ctfol . »1 «■ tle down to business on tim e Mon­ strength and their trade is the backbone day m orning. W . F. S tarr, fo rm ­ “Yes. T hat’s the clan's name. 1 a tender J ■ ■ * * treatm ent I would wish tu b e given my own de ir ones. Every a? of the merchant's business. They buy thought you knew." erly o f the Alsea school«, is the ish carried out in detail and pr.ee« guaraute.-l to satisfy. Best u f £ his groceries, hi» dry goods, his hard- Bruce understood now his unpro­ new superintendent, and Miss ^ e q u ip m e n t at)d complete stock | ware— whatever he hat to sell—and their voked attack on the little boy when >adie M cKenzie of P ortland sue- trade is worth going after. Tell them he had been taken from the orphan­ S d X “ . ‘u r a r “ “ i 1” - age on trial. The boy had been named ¡^L IC E N S E D M O R TIC IAN AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR your story if it is published iu the En- Turner, and the name had been enough (Oontinped on paee 4) | terpriae. to recall a great and terrible hatred L E B A N O N , O RE. We have lots of good that he had learned In earliest baby­ hood. The name now recalled it again; Lady attendant the trnth stood clear at last. It was We sell the key to all the mystery of his life ; P ric es; $3.00 to $ 7 .0 0 b la in Halsey Meat Market Fresh and Cured Meats F A L K B R O S .» Props. We make a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings CLOTH in g c o ) The store with a squart deal lor every A. Peterson W. J. Ribelin Dealer in Real Estate. Dress Shoes a Specialty Amor A. Tussing F. M. GRAY Drayman. L 0. O. F Automobile Season W R IG H T & PO O LE The Harvest 5;; E. L. Stiff N. C . L O W E FURNITURE EXCHANGE I.crn FI TRIMITf TRP o“ “ D‘y °r ”igllt p1' ,,e9 • x o iîfM S îiiîm tœ æ m iiiiiiiia î« « « « « Used Ranges, $20 j **» •* 4 F M It stirred him more than all of Linda's words. In an Instant all the tragedy of bis babyhood was recalled—the A a. î 540. i a —_a condition. All * <• at « I ♦ to Very good hushed talk between his parents, the bargain prices. oaths, the flames In their eyes, -and 422 West First st., Albany, Oregon. Anally the body be had found lying so still beneath the pines. It was always the Turners, the dread name C O R N E LIU S that had filled his baby days with horror. He hadn’t understood then. I t had been blind hatred—hatred with­ out understanding or self-analysis. Expert workmanship. Watches and , As she watched, his mountain blood clocks a specialty. mounted to the ascendency. A strange OREGON transformation came over him. The HALSEY gentleness that he had acquired in his years of city life began to fall away from him. The mountains were claim­ ing him again. Bis voice waa cold and bard whan Electric .H a irc u ttin g . Massaging I he spoke. and Shampooing. 1 * “Then you and I are no relation Cleaning and Pressing whatever.” N H N H M ««e t *♦<« 4PM W W W4M4NI»W«»« à Automobile Insurance W I C. P. STAFFORD, Agent. I BARBER SHOP ><*« m *^******** Be Honest With Yourself E. C . M IL L E R “ Nona." I “But we fight the same fight bow ." "Yes. Until we both win— or both if« .’ Before he could speak again, a atrangc answer came out of the dark ness. "Not two of you.” a croaking nld voice told him. It roee, th rill end frgckvd, from the ih id o w i beyond ♦« 9 h i C C. B R Y A N T ATTORNEY AT LA W Cusick Bank B u ild ing , A lbany, Oregon. f -i 1 C If you have been drifting along—spending all, and think. ving nothing V on must realize that it cannot go on forever. One's earning days are numbered. Now, while your earning power is the greatest see to it each pa) lay piys S o m e t h in g toward yonr future I n d r p k m d b iic k , W c will wale »m« yonr aceau-it and help you save. !■ The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon Where Savings are safe ” Four per cent and no worry. * * » * * * » - * > * * W * * ^ * ' * *♦ *» *,> » ***.*•♦ /• Come in and hear it play All Fire, theft, collision, property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. I T T ARCHIE J ATCHMAKER <& Jeweler J the Claxtonola phonograph records and needles. Where our ice cream is served there it sure to be satisfaction. For the fam ­ ily dessert there is nothing so delicious. With each succeeding spoonful you’ll like it more and more. Let us semi you some. We have ell flavors, t i e sell piuts, qurrts, half gallons aud gal­ lon«. Clark’s Confectionery Kf SOMETHING that is stout, that is, C A B L E , in place of rope-—stronger and lasts a lifetime. W henjou buy machine oil don’t think any old grease ¡soil. We have a heavy red E N G IN E OIL, best th at can be bought, at 50<: a gallon. Try it. T W IN E is here. G. W. Mornhinweg