Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, September 07, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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S u b a c rlp tlo n e , >1.50 a y e a r In a d v a n c e .
T r a n s ie n t a d v e rtis in g . 16c an In c h ; p e r ­
m a n e n t a d v e r tis in g , 20c N o d is c o u n t
f o r tim e o r space.
In ' P a id - f o r P a r a g r a p h s ,’* 6c a lin e .
N o a d v e r t is in g d is g u is e d as new s.
H A LSEY, Linn Co., Ore.. Sept. 7, 1922
/ I
SEPT. 7, 1920
E N T E R P R I S E small arms is in a pockel, there­
A n » «d e p e n d e n t— N O T n e u t r a l— n e w s ­
p a p e r . p u b lis h e d e v e r y T h a r a d a y ,
by W M . H . a n d A A . W H E E L E R .
W m . H . W h e e le r , E d it o r ,
M r * . A. A . W h e e le r , B ualnesa M a n a g e r
a n d L o c a l N t-w a E d it o r .
fore an ordinance against carrying
concealed weapons would seem to
lie in violation of a constitutional
The hours wnich young children
devote in the public schools to tbe
courses of study prescribed by ou'
school authorities are none to o ’
much in which to fit tbe young;
mind to fill its proper place in
complex American life. The com­
pulsory education bill leaves par­
ents or guardians free to give all
tbe religious or other instruc-
tion they please in all the other
ours of tbe year.
J Ranges & Heaters f
Halsey, Oregon
y o u should not miss this place if in
need of a new range or heater this fall.
We have the largest assortm ent of
each in Linn county and can supply your
wants at a
5 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
Saving in Price f
The Strength
Of The Pines
Under tbo caption: “ Importance
of Livestock Seen When Grain
Crop Proves Small’’ a farm writer
Iron Beds
C h iffo n ie rs
expatiates on tbe wisdom of keep­
ing cattle and horses as a fource
B e d ro o m S e ts
While crowing over their “ vic­
income in case of a shortage of tory ” in tbe nom ination of Hiram
D in in g R o o m S ets
field crops.
Johhson iu California the dyed-in-
If tbe course advised would the-wool republican organs also
work out ss be seems to think it exult that his majority was a good
will this would he a great d is­ deal smaller than he had enjoyed
Author of fh e V o ic e o f the Pack
covery, but as usual when one who previously and not nearly as great
Illujfraiions by
baa no ¿experience condescends to as he expected. Most com plaisant
r w in M g ers
tell farmers how to run tbeir husi po'iticians and easily pleased 1
nets his theory is fallacious, as is
Because striking railroad shop­
abundantly proved by the experi­
ence of farmers all over this valley men have been enjoined from med­
who are forced this year to sell off dling with men who are doing the
some of their cows and other stock work they left a general strike of
Copyright by L»UU. Drown, and Co
friend—and friendship goes far In tbe dentli spared them, ‘they would see
because the hay crop is as short as all union labor is threatened.
helped him farm it hardly realized mountains. And my father was shot Folger's son come back again, and
That threat is a bluff. A universal
assert bla rights. They sold that a
th at of grain.
They were still a little while. Bruce l hot possession was In h is name. A nd down before a week was past.
I he clan had acted quick, yon ses. new champion would arise and rig h t
It is wise to have a variety of strike would cut off the fuuds on arose and threw more wood on the fa th e r was a dead shot. I t to o k a
long tim e before th e y co u ld k ill h im .” When Eolger heard of It, before tbs their wrongs. But mostly death didn’t
products on the farm and not carry which the strike leaders are fa t­
I he coldness th a t had comp over dawn, he came to my father’s house spare them. Only old Elm ira Is left.
all the eggs in one basket, hut tening. They will sidestep such a
“W hat became of tbe aecret agree­
“And you want me to tell you all?" h e r w ords did n o t in th e least hide .her and carried me away. Before anotb
she asked hesitantly.
ment I do not know. I haven't ony
depth o f feeling. She gazed m oo d ily night was done he was killed too.”
wheu the grain crop fails because
The perspiration leaped out on hope that you do, either. The deed
O f course. Why did I come here?" in to th e darkness und spoke alm ost In
of drouth the hay crops falls with
There are good and bad in every,
Bruce's forehead. The red glow of was carrier! down to the courts by
“1 ou won’t believe roe when I say a m onotone.
it. This makes the price of bay thing. Mr. Roosevelt drew a dis­ that I ’m almost sorry I sent for you.”
Sharp, one of the witnesses who man­
“ B u t Sim on— Jnst a hoy tl.c n —and the fire was In his eyes.
He fell almost where this fire la aged to gef past the guard, and put
high and that o f . cattle low, as tinction between good trusts and She spoke almost breatldessly "I l'a v e , h.’ s b ro th e r, and th e o thers o f
didn’t know that It would be like this them ke p i a fte r us lik e so m any huUt, with a thirty-thirty bullet In hit on file soon after It was written. The
farmers hasten to dispose of those had trust«. Jazz is often de­ That
you would come with a smile on wolves
rest ts shorn. Simon and his clan took
T he re was no escape. T he
them when t was twenty-one
they cannot afford to foed o’ver the nounced but we are unformed th at your face and a light In your eves, o n ly th in g we co u ld do was to tight turn
In case of my father’s death. Folger up the land, swearing that Matthew
winter. Stock will be scarce next ‘ capital musicians enjoy good looking for happiness. And Instead b a c k - e n d th a t whs the w a y we was to he my guardian until that time. Folger bad deeded it to them the day
of happiness—to find all this?"
lea, lied io hale.
A man can hate.
"Folger knew the risk he ran. but be had proc «red I I They had a deed
spring as a result.
jazz.” There are benighted tribes
She stretched out her arms to the Bruce, when lie is fig h tin g f o r his he was a bravs man and he did not to show for It— a forgery. And the
If more stock were kept oti the w in pray “ Good God, bless us; forests. Bruce understood her per­ home, li e can le a rn I t v e ry w e ll when
care. Besides, he was my father’s one thing th a t they feared, the one
fectly. She did not mean the woods he sees his b ro th e r fa ll dead, o r Ills
weak chain, was that this secret
average valley farm, instead of so guod devil, don’t curse u s .”
agreement between Folger and my
In the literal sense. She meant the father—or a s tra y b u lle t h it liis w ife.
much grain he! ng sold and the straw
father wonltl be found.
primal emotions that were their spirit. A wom an can le a rn it, too, ns o ld El
W« fail to appreciate the claim
burned, the fertility <»f tbe soil and
“You see what that would mean. It
"To know the rest, you've got to go m lra did, when she finds her son's
i s drouth-resisting power would be that the direct prim ary, the initi­ back a whole generation. Bruce, have body in the dead ha ve s. T h e re was
would show that ha had no right to
deed away (h a land, as ba was simply
retained. Stable manure not only ative and the referendum ought to you heard of the terrible blood-feuds no la w here to stop It. T he lit t le sem­
that the mountain families sometimes blance o f la w th a t was In th e va lle ys
holding It In trust for me. Old Elmir«
affords plant food but forms humus be done away with because frauds have?"
below regarded It ns a Idond-feud, a iid
explained tlie matter to me—If I get
d id n ’t b o th e r Its e lf ......... It. Beside»—
which improve) the mechanical a-ecom m itted Under them. The
mixed up no the legal end of It, ex­
"Of course. Many times."
"These mountains of T ra il’s End at firs t we w ere too proud to c a ll fo r
cuse It. I ( that document could he
condition of the soil. If tbe straw ten commandments and every
have been the scene of as deadly a help. A m i a fte r o u r num bers were
found, their forged deed would be ob­
that is burned or left to rot in other law are sometimes violated blood feud as was ever known In the few, th e tr a ils w ere w a tch e d — and
viously Invalid. And It angered them
stacks were spread upon the
that they e«suld not find It.
West. And for once, the wrong was those w ho trie d to go dow n In to Ihe
Robert M LaFollette has been all on one side.
valleys— never got there.
"Of courtM) they never Bled their
ground, it would add much to the
forged deefl— afraid that the forgery
One a fte r a n o th e r the Rosses were
"A few miles from here there Is a
renominated fnr the United States
lmnius content.
would be >*.scovered—but they kept
wonderful valley, where a stream k ille d , and I needn’t m ake It any
suinte in the Wisconsin primaries flows.
It to thaw to any one that was In­
There Is not much tillable land worse fo r you th a n I can h e lp — by
by morn than two to one, and the In these niAiintalns. Bruce, hut there, te llin g o f end» k illin g . Enough to sav
terested. I*git they wanted to make
themselves a t U1 safer.
old-guard republican leaders have along that little stream, there are al­ th u t at last no one was le ft except
“There had been two witnesses to
The Eugsno Register is repub­ discovered that they just dote ou most five sections— three thousand a fe w o ld men whose eyes w e re too
the a green,»«. One of them, n man
acres—of as rich land as was ever dim to shoot s tra ig h t, and m y own
lican in politics, hut it differs from La Follette.
plowed. That tract of land was ac fa th e r. A n d I w as a baby th e n —Just
named 8b arp. died— or was killed—
thoja organs of the party whose
shortly af-ier. T h e othet, an old trap-
MUlred long ago by a family named bo m .
"T h e n ope n ig h t m y fa th e r — seeing
gar name,g Hudson, was indifferent to
Those fellows who whoop for Ross, and they got It through some
thinking is done for them by the
the whoha m atter—he was Just pass­
kind of grant. I can’t he definite as the fa te (ha t was co m ing down upon
bosses and which, parrot like, “ one big union” will find it if they to the legal aspects of all this story them — to o k th e la s t course to defeat
ing through ana was at Folger's house
proclaim that all blessings flow lock bom s with U. R. A. Tbis They don’t matter anyway—only the them . M atth e w F o lg e r— a connection
for dinner the night Rosa came. He Is
by m a rria g e — w as s t ill a live . Sim on’s
•till livtag « tbeiir mountains, and he
from their party and all evils from country is not ripe for a revolu­ results remain.
cla n hadn’t a tta c k e d h im yet. H e had
•night Ue of value to ns yat.
the other. 01 wheat it reinarttv: tion, unless it comes through the of the first order. They were virtuous ' no share In the land, b u t instead lived
“ O f r o u r s e the c.lan did not feel at
b alb t.
all secure. They suspected the secret
men too—trusting every one, and oh ’ I In ib is bouse I liv e In now. H e had
W heat lately has been selling
what strength they had! With their a fe w c a ttle and some p a sture la n d
agreement had been mailed to some
arouud a dollar again, and “ dol­
H arding has retreated to the own hands they cleared away the for ! fa rth e r dow n the D iv id e . T h e re had
on« to take care of. and they were
lar wheat,” once a famous slogan,
afraid that it would be brought to light
eat and put the land Into rich pasture
no longer stands for agricultural wall in the railroad strike situa­ and
Evidently W atching the Effect of when the time waa ripe. They knew
hay and grain. They raised great h a d n ’t been w o rth th e e x tra b u lle t.
tion and with his back against that
H er Words on Hor Llstonor.
“One night my father left me asleep
herds of rattle und had flocks o f sheep
perfectly that their foqg ed ‘deed would
Moreover, it is not at all what mural obstruction he proposes to too.
and stole through the forests to talk brain. Which one of the clan killed never stand the teat, *,» one of the
the wheat raisers hoped for and stand and fight.
It was then that dark days began to him. They made an agreement. I him I do not know—but In all prob­ things he do was to prevent thetr claim
expected when they induced con­
to come. Another fam ily— headed by , have pieced It out. a little at a time. ability It was Simon himself—at that ever being contested. ThiK meant to
gress to place a high emergency
the father of the man I call Simon— J My father deeded all his land to Fob time only eighteen years of age. And keep F> ger's son In ignorance of the
Y o u name your salary .
migrated here from the mountuin dis | eer
Folgers little boy—something past whole ’ xutter.
duty on wheat imports.
" I can understand now The enemy four years old—wandered out In the
tricts of Oklahoma. But they were
T hope ; can make that cl tar. H ie
The duty seems to have had very
deed fro a my father to Folgei* was on
not so ignorant as many mountain clan pretended If was a blood-feud moonlight, to find his father’s body.“
little effect on the price of wheat.
The girl was speaking slowly now record, 'nlger was dead, and .Yolger’s
Many observers assert that it has > should yon become disabled by any ac­ people, and they were ’killers’ Per the Rosses. Although my father knew
haps that's a word you don’t know.
evidently watching the effect of bar son woo j have every right and op-
cident or any sickness. See
had no effect at all. lu any case, !
thetr real aim was to obtain the land. words on her listener. He was bent
Perhaps you didn’t know It existed
portnnltv to contest t h e clan's eh dm to
D IIK W R IG H T , Hotel Halsey.
the doctrine long urged vainly by (
killer ‘ I" n man that has kllFed oih«-r v
W" " W dnrp k l,‘ forward, and his breath came In queer
the land. I f ha could get the no »tter
" ‘ a i,
disinterested economists is now be- j North American Accident Insurance Co., meto
whispering gusts. "Go on!" he o r Into conr . he would surely wtn.
ing driven home to the fanners
n il Bruce, after you are used to It i t
1 'nself n "uld f a l l sooner or dered savagely. "Tell me the rest
‘T h e »-road thing to do was to »fin
These people were used to It
'«ter. hut he thought that to kill EM-
themselves—that the priceof wheat
Why do you keep me waiting?"
me over. I was Just a child, and It
because they wanted tbe?e great lands
St'° "
cards -and that
la determined not by legislation inj j z x z x
The girl smiled again— like a sor looked tfco easiest course of a l l That v
-m y own father , hom e-,hey beg«, , " ° h“ , ° ° “ Uch •‘ven for S,mooa eeress. "Folgers wife was front ths why I -»-as stolen from the orphanage
any country, hut by the wmbl ' 4 0 v "2ACI*C
market conditiods. This situation,
plains country," she told him slowly. by on» of Simon’s brothers. Tbe Idea
“ As
< foreseen to whnt lengths thpv
F air building
At first they made no w ar on th e' would go"
I f she had been of the mountains she waa simply that when the time came
the ccouoniists say, is bound to
Three m iles from
Folgers The Folgers. you must know. ’ Brace leaned forwnrd
might have remained to do some kill­ I would marry one of the dan and es­
continue us long a t America ex­ Halsey.
were good people, too, honest to the kllle d -M n tth ew Folger?" he ssfced^ I ing on her own account Like old El­ tablish their claim to tbe land forever.
ports more wheat than it imports,
Inst penny. They were connected, b y !
mira herself remained to do—killing
"Up to a few weeks ago It seemed
because the prico of all wh$at in
lie didn’t know that his face had
marriage only, to the Ross family.
on her own account! But she was to me that sooner or later « would win
(hi« country, lor domestic use as
gone suddenly stark white, and that
They were on our side cleur through.
from cities. Just as yon are, hut she— out. Bruce, you can’t dream what It
a curious glitter had come to hla e jfs
wt II as foreign use, depends on the
At the beginning of the feud the head
unlike you— had no mountain blood In meant I I thought that tome time I
price that can beobtaintd for the;
She wasn't used to death, and could drive them out and make them
of the Folger family was just a young
— Matthew Folger—called up vague
export surplus.
man. newly married. And he had a m em ories th n t .seemed to reveal g reat perhaps
She nni she
' didn’t
s * know how to hats. pay. a little, for all they have done.
Edison Marshall
All at New Low Prices
We pay it,
The adm inistration has put its
foot down. Railroad workers may
quit wheu they daru please, but
workers1 ob!“ ruct ° ‘her r," lrond ! Doing Fancy Work
The federated unions believe L M. J , j ! * *
f wear glasses especially made lor you the
th e y are stro n g e r th a n tb e govern strain is entirely elim inated
in s n t, and the stru g g le is on.
" e g rin d tenses to your prescription.
Uncle S*m ’lows as how be can j*°'bey will be as required. Don't neg
throw any o lio r wrestler on this
here globe, and we believe lie c a n
The United States constitute n i
says: “ The right of tbe people to
keep and carry arms shall not be
infringed.” Every cifiien there­
fore has a right to carry weapons,
and tbe natural place to carry
son after a while.
'T h e newcomers called It a feud
But It wasn't a feud—It was simply
Oh. Jes, we killed so n * of
them. Folger and my father und all
his kin united against them, making a
great clan— hut they were nothing IP
strength compared to the usurpers
Simon himself was Just a hoy when
It began But he grew to he the great
*•* power, the loader cf the enemy
••Ian before he w-as twenty-one.
“Yon m ust know, Bruce, th at tpj
own father held the land. But he was
so geaemus that his brothers who
tru th s to him
" le t
F o ig c r
go on
w o u ld
i f -I "
T h e g ir l sm iled g rim lv
me go on M r fa th e r.d e e d e d
th e lund
T h e deed w „ re
record so th n t a ll th e w o rld
know th a t r . !_,.r owned It tnd
- inn k ill, , , h im
w . 7 p i . ln“ ;
to r the p u n ■ OS Of
examine them
Q p te m entrüst.
alu an v :
Harold A Ihm.
Manufacturing optician.
there was also a secret agreement_
drawn up in black and white and to
he kept hidden for twentyone years
In this agreement, Folger promised to
return to me the only living heir of
Ihe Bosses—the lands acquired by the
deed In reality, he was only holding
llo m in trust for me, and was to re-
Seven-room house, good bnrn. one. Mock of land, plenty of fruit.
Price MOO. $2 0 down, balance $1' per month. See
Jay W. Mcore, Reaitor.
,,T h
' kn e "
how t0 bp a f r a l i
But fbey*ve tricked me. after a l l I
thought that I would get word to Fol-
<er s son. who by Inheritance would
have a d ear title to tb„ land, and he.
hadn’t even known h* with the eld of the courts, could drive
»<’ « * •
He had gone these usurpers out. But Just recently
r m found out that even this chance
n k.hf
bna*D ««*-late at
8he had only one thing left— Is sit but gone.
h e r baby boy and her little foster-
_.7.W?thln a ,aw mor« weeks they
d au g h ter-little Linda Iloaa who is will have been in possession of the
before you now
Her only thought land foe a fall twenty years. Through
was to get those children out of that some legal twist I don’t understand,
dreadful land of bloodshed and to ir s man pays taxes and has undis­
hide them so that they c u W never puted possession of land for that
mme back. And she didn’t even want ¡rogth of time, his title Is secure.
them to know their true p are n t*«. They fille d to win me over, but It
She seemed to realise that If they had ^ k s
won > n W i
known, both of them would return TT»e only way that they can be defeat-
a .a s tiros— to collect their debt*
Is for that aecret agreement—
Sooner or later, thnt boy with tbe Fol- between my father and Folget— to re-
get bio,id m him and that girl with
•rpesr. And P y ,
the Ross hlood would return, to at­ •11 hope of th a t
tempt to regain their ancient holdings,
« m « e earto , between
and to make the clan pay!
J » * * “d Oetofcer th ir tie th - when
' All that wag left were a few old
heir twenty years of undHputcd pos-
women with hate In their hearts and »Mnvn la culminated. :psere .« e m s
a strange tradition to take the place
ha chance to c«at«»( them—to
of hope_ They said that some time, if make them brjgg that ^or--ciN?eed into
1 neT 8 o r ,h a f ahp w ent a lm ost ,u-
? "P
8“ h ’ o f ,h a t
„ T L l,»
8 ttn ,B th * P1®*