I halsey enterprise VOL. X I HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEI T. 7. 1922 brothers, the Northern Pacific ra il road, the Great Northern railroad, Hill & Davidson and a ecore of others^ The timber is ready for ( Rv E la in e W o o d w o rth ) Fred H trr ia u n and w ile , E lk in * milling. It must be brought out W o o d w o rth and Grace G * r r e tt of on wheels, hence the railroad Albany left Saturday afternoon to project. go huckleberrying in the m ojn- ONE TH IN G ALL LEARNED ta in s leu miles fro m Scio. Brownsville Briefs —- f f / * » . S a o fg ia S t a f f -^ /K o ftt w itA a a to announea t . i a t a k a u i l l ba p l a a s t t l t o m o a t a n y o n a i n l t f a a t a r l io a tu tly in g V iolin in ^ 1 a l o r y . S k o d a a n d J t n r r i a b u f g . W i l l l a in iR in g o . J ia ta a g on S r p t. SO. nt tk a kom a o f JK ro. J l U f k o s a w h o r a n n a t aaa m a o n t h a t t in ta p i r a t a r . - g ì s t a r n o m a t v i t h ^ A lr s . C . & S t a f f o r d , J ta ta a g . O r rg o n . Efficiency Expert’» Report on the Com. mon Knowledge of the Ex-Service Men. NO. 1 days even the richest man hardly Shedd Shots cared to hire a whole car. Private cars were yet unthought of. (By A n ra Puunell) At about the same period the first Harold Shedd left Saturday for dining cars made their appearance. They were most primitive affairs, a a vacation at Newport. Rex Davis and fa m ily cf Albany long counter running "fore and aft,” ; at which passengers stood while they s p -n t S u n d a y w ith M r. aud Mr». Kennedy. Mi's Marvel Laurence hap D. Tompkins and wife spent the been awarded the Brownsville high The first sleeping cars arrived in school scholarship. She plans at­ the early fifties. They had berths week end at Salem. tending Albany college this win­ along the side« three deep, like bunks A rthur Albert spent the week The president of a big manufac­ ter. Her many friends offer their in a lodging house. The bottom end with bis parents at Jefferson. turing concern in the Middle West congratulations. man lay on the floor, the middle C. W. Kennedy and wife were recently employed an efficiency ex­ man not far above him, and the top • The U n io n Y oung People societv pert to make a report on conditions Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally m Albany shoppers Wednesday. an wdh hVno^ Z e i t ? ™ ! w ent on a h ik in g t r ip F rid a y eve­ in his plant. It was to be a rather Mra. R eid, w ife of o u r m in is te r, ning. for pleasantness to his olfactories. returned last week fro m N ew port, and in Halsey Particularly thorough report, one which would There was no ventilation; the light where she baa spent most of tho Mrs. Murray of Oregon Cits include, among other things, data was furnished by smoky kerosene mmuier. W . A . Carey wac at the cm i.ly J. Jensen and wife of Portland is here vig'ting her sister, Mrs on the ex-soldiers in the employ of lamps, and in winter a wood stove seat Tuesday. arrived Saturday to visit G. R. Alice Moore. the company. M r. and M 'S . V a n A lle u , Mre. gave heat.—Baltimore Sun. Dawsoti and wife of Brownsville. W in ifre d Bosiuger and John T ro u t- The efficiency expert finished his W ill D a rlin g came from eas'eri Frank Workinger an! wife were Mra. Jeueen is Mrs. Dawson's nan o f P o rtla n d w -re » h iv in g Io Oregon for an over-night sti p m job and the president was examin­ at the county seat yesterday. i aunt. 3 'ie d d S M H itd'» b ig h t i, v j- ii IN NO HURRY TO SEE HIM business. ing the result. M onday's raiu drove off the I T h . . ¡ „ i , . „ • « lives. T h e ie was no la n te rn h a ° f lk ^ ei ii ^ ,C1^ ° "This chapter on ex-soldier«, workers who were chaniug out the h io h w a J th U atlurd Yolcnrn of Riddle. Ore . where th e Oak Creek bridge is out. I H^r ‘ 1 is visiting relatives here for a fee now,” he said, “exactly what was the Brownsville mill rac , The car tu rn e d over. AH escaped near Harrisburg, so long in con­ Miss Nettie Spaneer Is having a test, days. He reports a good prune ese heavily reinforced heel. ,, toe and knee, in brown only, size» 6 to I I . priced f r o m ..... “ t z lO ^ X O V Hoyt’ extra heavy hose. Block Cal brand, reinforced heel and toe, known at a leather »locking, size» fc XL............ 35 to 55c Misses' extra fine gauze mercerized Hale, double heel and toe. -for dress wear, shades of brown, black and white Priced fr o m _____ 45 to 60c ALBANY rilton’s OREGON