PAGE 4 IIA LS R Y E N T E R P R IS E AUU. 31, 1920 tnd a carload was being delivered yesterday H a ls e y G arage Auto repairing ng Thethree stage companies run Tire», oils tod accessories Have just received a shipment o il rung between Salem and Eugene Ford wheels. Get our prices before I bave been consolidatei. buying. We h*ve*a large stock of 32x4, 32x3% E. L. M artin bas traded his and 31x4 tires. W ill make special pncei a rich on route 2 to J. T. Vanice on these tires while they last 4 0 /7 a n d a f te r S e p t. tv e io i/1 / s e l l o n /y fo r CASH Halsey Garage, Foote Bros. are home from their outing at iCaicadia. •, . __ . ; J be longer skirts have come. i See the picture in Ham ilton’s ad- J vertisewent. Now if they will stop at the auk les there . w ill be sense in that, A skirit that drags t he ground is filthy and unsaui- tary. B M . Bond and mother, Mrs. , >f Lewiatoo, Idaho, for a wheat ! (arm in that stale aud Vanice has M. C. Bond, motored to Belknap roms to Oregon to grow webs on Springs Sunday. They were ac- 'tis toes. companied home by Misses Mon» Mrs. Wheeler has received sév­ Bond and Cleona Smith, who were irai pinte of nice, fresh buckle- leturning from a hike over the •erries by mail from thoughtful mountains by way of Cascadia. J n/VUSKY K 41L K U A U T IM E North South No. 18. 12:01 p a . No, 23. 11:2» a. m. 24, 5.50 p iu. 17, 5,39 p. uj. A NEW CLEANER 2? S U N D A Y M A IL HOURS The delivery window ol the Halsey postoffice is open Sundays from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12 20 to 12:35 and 4:45 to 5.00 p . m . ’ that rleaas all kinds of grain CLEAN T l F e e d c h o p p in g a n d g ra in c le a n in g d o n e p r o m p tly a t a n y tim e . PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS I b u y a n d s e ll a ll k in d s o f G r a in , F e e d , Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line H a y , e tc ., a t be st cash p ric e s . Mrs. B. M, Bond, who is fishing Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Stalnaker For Sals: Registered Strop- ind otherwise enjoying life at reruVned to their home in Corvallis tbire rame. Dr. J. \y . Cook, I'rout Lake. Sunday after a ten-days yacatior. Brownsville, Oregon. spent iu Hals 8nJ they did Barger. It was adapted from the for r which so many | trip to Idaho and round about, n tt care who elee suffe>ed A ., ia administrator and Douglat Stewart made a host of frieuds Lion Army, . W fo )lay ol the same name which took A ll four who confetaej were lew York “ by storm.” Virginia Taylor, Ed Chandler and Fred luring her stay here. Her sister, people here have warm place in which took abont three months formerly employed In the New V a lli, M att Moore and Josef Heinrich are appraisers. Mrs. Carter of Wells, Benton 'heir hoarts th a t she will probably time. tiud maoy buyers. Vork Central shops. An agree, Swickard are among the aupport- county, came to Halsey Tuesdey Mrs. J. P. Porter and two chil Twenty thonaand young bais, ment was made with the striking ing players. and their brother, Dillard Price, dren, Maurice and Gladys, from ome ol the Woohi'lge orchard calio3 base aod ealfiuh were re­ Philomath visited Mrs. C. T. Cook tnd little Jean went h >me with peaches, advertised on this page ceived Tuesday at the county seat shopmen from the Michigan Ctn- from Friday till Monday. Mrs Ter. Dillard proposes to work io ne on display in the postoffict to ba pi anted ia p»»r-by water». tia l t o ’ ’trade wrteks.” Michigan _ Df ; W Barnum, dentist, at Central strikers, in return for the apple harvest at Hood River window, and they are beauties. __ c m i Porter is Mrs. Cook’s sister. ?0,i ,ey ev#r’ Tue,dsy * ° d It is a criminal offense to dump Ml»» Lillian Saeed earns from the wreck of the special, or any The collapse of the Puyallup Mrs. James Bond of Albany, train that came along, were to and Sumner fruit canning com­ rubbish along the public highways mother of Mrs. Jay Moore, wa» Portland Sunday for a vjsit with wreck a New York Central train, Old papers, 5o Some people are doiug it in this her parent», N. T . Speed aod wife, pany checked canning at Albani bunuie. Eo- oadly shaken up when another great shop« V at » E * lk- ute" r% the ^ e «re ,t 5tl0P’ * terprise office. I f pride in tulo crashed into the one iu which and « tu rn .’ to her employment I r or . r destroy because the machinery at Albani part of the country. odav ' 1 hart, but the place was too closely of their home she and her husband were riding and McM innville was only leased the appearance ’ ’ , , guarded and after the Michigan Mrs. J. W. Drinkard of Portland from the supply house, who re­ country does not prevent their tear Jefferson about a week ago Ih a Rialto gives a rta l treat to- Central wre:k such a hue and cry moved it before the purchase of the disfiguring it in this way, some She was summoned for jury duty morrow evening in “ The Storm ,” was rai»ed that the other conspire came up the la»t of the week to be • t the beside of her brother. W property by the Pacific Northwest body who has such pride may Monday. Her husband reported that which has been popular wherever * * ' to wreck . a — tors feared New York . H . McMahan. Canning company, aud the-e was catch them at it some day and the was suffering from the shock it has heed shown. I f it doesn’t Central train. oot time to install it again for the court may floe them. 4o severely that she could hardly uave a full house again we are “ Wa wauted to kill the fireman thia year's work. The new com­ The yearly pumpkin »how of Eugene bsteballers beat Harris write her name. Mrs. Moore is guessing wrong. and engineer. The others would pany has been buying fruit and burg on the Eugene field last with her mother. Junction C ity has been definitely The grand jury ie .in seteion. not run the trains if we killed a shipping it to Salem, but the plant Sunday, which kaves these two Miss Lillian Barber, sister of Mrs. Mra. Georgia M itchell ia foreman. few ehgineers and a few firemen,” canceled this year owing to the iu thia county will prob.ibly be teams tied for the championship, destfuotion by fire of the show Pittman, returned Tuesday from C, L. Falser of Tangent aud John concludes the confessiou. operated uext year. buildings. which they will try to stttla next A. Clemons end W alter Barker of Sunday at Harrisburg. Bill K irk Halsey are member». Among the The new garage is to be of brick W lll trade a >» a member of the Harrisburg The-study of agricolture will be cases to be considered are those of team. the negroes aocusad of gambling compulsory in Oregon schools a bushel after this term. n<1 aB<1 *rt R’ ttlug mora every day the people?” "Not exactly,” «plied Senator Sorghum. "T only try to be e good to »40 Very good condition All at bsVgain prices. gueeser as te which wsy the people 422 West First at,. Albany, Oregon are going nett.” U sed Dealer in ^ ASK AGENT ABOUT in Real Estate, The old guard fought H iram Dealer Hand les Towa and Conntry Property Johnson again in the republican Fifteen-Day and Season Fares primaries in California Tuesday Give hlm a call and see if he csn fix Frequent service at convenient hours and, as in the past, got beaten. y ou up. with all modern traveling comforts. H iram Was nominated to succeed For further particulars ask agents himself ie the United States senate Now the etal Hay, Grain, stock hauiirg, etc. Heavy by e big majority. hauling a specialty. warte w ill say. at in the oeee of Phone Beveridge, Pitichot end others, w . H. B E E N E that they jnat love the new ctud JOHN M. SCOTT. Halsey, Oregon M at*. We have lots of good » Tuesday follow­ ing sale date Office Ist door south of school bouse Halsey, Oregon. FURNITURE EXCHANGE THE STORM” Sale ditea Pridsy, Satur­ day and Sun­ day First-class work guaranteed Corvallis, Oregon, or phone 7F2 TRUCKING • • f and return Q A N IT A R Y TO F IS O T M « FISH R a n g e s, $20 A R C H IE C O R N E L IU S W ATCHMAKER & Jewel« To provide natural food for trout in streams Sowing through state foreeta, Penneylvania will plant Expert workmanship. Watches and clocks a specialty. aloDg the brook» troee that will at OREGON tract fneeeta. I t has been decided I HALSEY that shad bneh, commonly call«»] June berry, ia the moat desirable variety. F. M . GRAY, THOUUHT FLO W ««» JUST O R IW "Abandoned your garden?” "Yea. Always thought I wanted a nice-looking backward, filled with flowera. like those of my neighbors and made up my mind te plant a few thing* mvaelf thia year, but 1 had no idea it was to much work.” Southern Pacific Lines General Passenger Agent Amor A. Tussing LA W Y E R AND NOTARY B rowksvillb , O regon Automobile Season is all the year around, especially since the paving. Probably half our subscrib­ ers own antos. And they see the sdvtr- ti*euiCDis in tht Enterprise. New Furniture Many of our snbscribers when they come home from their snniiner outings will put in new articles of furniture for All work done promptly aod the winter. The dealer who keep* bis reaeonably. Phone No. 26U.9 name and business before them in these eolnmns will get his share of their trade. The one who don’t w ill not Nnf eed. D raym an . I- O. O. F. W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 65. Regular meeting next Saturday night. The Harvest From now on the farmers will be get- dug cash far the summer's products. They sre the backbone of the country's strength and their trade is the backbone L IC EN SED F U N E R A L DIRECTORS of the merchant’s business. They buy his groceries, his dry goods, h it hard- HARRISBURG LEBANON ” , r * — »katever he has to sell—and their Fhoee 35 Phoa, „ trade is worth going after. Tell them Branches at Men arrested, in eooncction with what yon have for sale. They w ill see Brownsville. Phone .I7CI5. the wrec$iog of a train on the Halsey Phone 14* Frank Kirk. Mgr yowr story if it is published in the En­ terprise. REDS AT THE HELM Striker« Con fees Mnrder- oa« Train Wrecking W R IG H T & PO O LE