Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, August 31, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    AUG. 31, 1932
ever seen in Halsey is on display
at the store of
with bright porcelain and shining
nickel which need no polish. Up-
to-date cooking appaiatus; latest
Our prices sell goods
a greener tenderfoot tKan ever I tool
I had left She was of tha true breed.
you for. Bruce, the law up here Is
Bruce. You'll call her a hag, but
the law of force. The strongest wins.
she's a woman to be reckoned with.
Tlte weakest-dies. W ait till you s rt
She could hate too—worse than a
Sinior^ Xoy'U understand theu— and
she-rattlesnuke hates the man that
joh ll shake'in your shoes?*
killed her mate—and hating la all
The words grated upon him. .vet he
------ kept —
her __
didn't resent them.
“I ’ve seen Sl-
when I say the word. Mayhe you
mon," he told her.
won't ahHnk
shrink u.l.an
when T*M
I ’m done.
She glanced toward, him quickly,
‘‘This old woman tried to get Io
and it was entirely plain that the
quiet tone In his voice had surprised communication with every stranger
that visited the hills. You see, Bruce,
she couldn't write, herself. And the
one time I managed to get a written
message down to her, telling her to
give It to the first si ranger to m a ll-
one of iny enemies got it away from
her. I expected to die that night. I
wasn’t going to be alive when the
clan came. The only reason I 'didn't
was because Simon— the greatest of
them all and the one I hate the m o s t-
kept his clan from coming. He had
his own reasons.
From then on she had to depend
on word of mouth. But at last—Just
a few weeks ago— she found a man
that knew you. And It Is your story
from now on.”
(To be continued.)
has been selected as manager of go, William H. Robertson and
the county fair aud Rex W Davis Fred Robins,
as ssristaut secr< tary
Charles Sterling sod wife and a
W. F. Price, ou route
pro- Par,J
friends were in Halsey
l>’ses to make a change sod
id ...
10 »u advertisement thia week to
Ed Zimmerman aud family of
»11 — l..e
sell a lot of farm apparatus cheap Shedd are taking a week’s rest at
at a private sale.
The county commissioners ask
L. B. Neal of Halsey is one of
those who oau to do their trucking the buyers of Dew cars from Vick
before the rams. Later on, when B rother* Albauy
the ground is soft, ihe loads al-1
Mrs, Garnjobst and the two
lovable may necessarily be strictly
oldest boya weut to the circus at
Salem Saturday.
Only half as many hunters’ and
Henry Zimmerman and fam ily
fishers’ licenses have been issued
from tbeir
n this county this year as last. got borne Saturday
Give the price another hitch up. outing at Cascadia.
ward and the number w ill be re­
T. J. Skirvin, hit nieco Margaret
duced still more.
aud Miss Buena Albertson visited
Lyle and Ted M cC irt of (he tbs county seal Saturday.
Hsrri.-burg H'dslein club and I.or-
W illiam Zelimer aud family of
ette Sommer of Scio will represent Poller left ou Friday for a few
Litiu county at the state fair days' outing at Newport.
Oue more representative is wanted
P. H. Pehrwon s n l wife and
and a lie is to bccided fcr the
daughter aud Miss Anna Peuuall
vent to Cascadia Saturday for a
’) he teachers of the Shedd schoo’ stay of a few days.
will be; Primary room, Mrs. W.
E. D. Farwell of Shedd has tbs
Turner; intermediate, Mrs. Frances
best field of silage corn he ever
Sperstra; advaucad grades, Mr»,
raised, ft is above ihe head of a
Nash; principal, Mr. Nash: assist­
■nan on horseback.
ant high sch iol teacher, Mr»- R
Mr». 0 . F. Neal and daughter
Meiba went Tuesday to Portland
Though gome hop growers de­
aud Vancouver for a visit with
clare that on account of the low- relatives aud friends.
iess of Ihe price they will not bar
M iry E. Darling of Brownsville
vest their crop this year, there is
work for sll who want to pick and is suing W- 8. tor Divorce and
the dste of opening many schools custody of the children,
will be governed hy that of Ihe trice, 13, Marie, 14 and Ftank, 13.
closing of the picking season
(GcntinueJ ou pave 4)
The yards best cared for have the
best hops. Pickers are advertised
for in this paper to work in a yard
Hint has no superior.
learn all the details; most of them I
first time he began to despair, feeling
. that another night of overpowerloc got from my aunt, cld Elmira, whom
you talked to on the way out. Par)
impatience must be spent before, lie
of It I knew by Intuition, and a little
conld reach Trail's Fnd. The stars
of It is still doubtful.
begun to push through the darkening
“You ought to know first hoW hard
sky. Then, fainter than the gleam of
I have tried to reach you. Of course,
a firefly, he suw the faint light of a
I didn't try openly except nt first—
far distant camp fire.
the first years after 1 came here, and
Ills heart bounded. He knew what
(Continued from page 3)
before I was old enough to under
was there. It was the end of the
stand.” She spoke the lust word with
trail at last. And it guided him the
John Salaeh and wife are hoo e
a curious depth of feeling and a per
rest of the way. When he reached
from Cascadia.
ceptlhle hardness about her lips and
the top of a little rise In the trail, the
e/£s. “I remembered just two things.
The three Dunlap drugstore tit-
whole scene was laid out In mystery
That the man who had adopted yon
below him.
ier* of Brownsville and iheir moth­
The fire had been built at the door was Newton Duncan; one of the
er visited in Shedd Sunday of last
of a mountain house—a log structure nurses at the asylum" told me that.
Jnd I remembered the name of the
of perhaps four rooms. The firelight
Mrs. Horner Mornhinweg of
played In Its open doorway. Some­ city where he had tuken you.
“You must understand the difficul- Perhaps the Faintest Flicker of Ad- Shedd had a visit iari neck fiom
thing beside It caught his attention,
her sister, Mrs. Mildred Alleu oi
and Instinctively he followed It with ( ties I worked under. There is no
m iration Camo Into. H er Eyes.
his eyes until It ended In an Incred­ rural free delivery up here, you know,
ible region of the stars. It was a Bruce. Our mall Is sent from and
The engine aud boiler rooms of
great pine tree, the largest he had ! delivered to the little post office at admiration came Into her eyes.
"He tiled to Stop you, did he? Of the South Sautiam Lumber com­
ever seen— seemingly a great sentinel , Martin's store — over fifteen miles
from here. And some one member of coarse he would. And you-came, any pany at Lebanon burned Friday
over all the land.
But the sudden awe that came over a certain family that lives near here way. May heaven bless you for It, Loss $1200.
him at the sight of It was cut short goes down every week to get Ihe mail Bruce!” She leaned toward him, sp-
Miro A lta Hayes was at tbi
“And . forgive me whut
by the sight of a girl’s figure In the for the entire district.
oouuly metropolis from Sundai
' . '
“At first—and that was before I •aid."
firelight He had an Instant's sense
A. Cornelius, who got home
really understood—I wrote you many
Bruce stared at her , amazement. Until Tuesday.
that he had come to- the wilderness'
i’ridav f o n a trip Io Cow creek,
He could hardly realise tb it this was
hturt at last, that this tall tree was letters and gave them to one of thia
Some pickers of evergreen black- ■•avs deer were verv plentiful. He
the same voice that had been so torn berrie< a t H arritburg have been »aw ns tnwiv a« 22 and saw eigl t
its symbol, that If he could under family to mail for me. 1 was Just a
with passion a moment before, in an making $3 a d a y .
stand the eternal watch that It kept child then, you must know, and I
men while in the mountains the
instunt all her hkrdnesg was gone,
over this mountain world, he would lived In the same house with these
»econd day of (he eea-ion. There
have an understanding of all thing.,
They were Just baby let
but all these thoughts were submerged ters from— from Llndn-Tinda to Bwov- wholesome nature had taken its place.
>f the Ash Swale road will be were lots of hunters going and
All claimed success.
In the realization that he had come aboo— letters about the deer and the He felt a curious warmth stealing
oinpleted thia week.
He onlv heard of one man in that
back to Linda at last.
berries and the squirrels—and all the over him. • -
D elb ert T a n d y of H a rris b u rg ,
He had known bow 'the mountains wild things that lived up here.”
‘They meant what they said, Bruce. who was in H a ls e y S a tu rd s y and part of the country woo was mis-
would seem. All that he had beheld
' aken for a deer and had to be
"Berries !" Bruce cried.. "I had some Believe mo, If those- men can do no
today was Just the recurrence of on the way up.” Ills tone wavered, other thing, they p m keep their word. ■Sunday, has brought home two carried
He thinks there
is a strain on the eyes, but if you
things beheld long ago. Nothing had and he spewed to be speaking far They didn't just threaten death to d er since th e season opened.
should be a very sever« penalty wear glasses especially made for you the
seemed different from whst he hud away, “I had somg once— loqg ago.
me. I could have run the risk of that.
Wednesday, S«pt 6, at 2:30 p.
strain is entirely eliminated.
espected; rather he had a sense that
“Yes. You will understand, soon
Badly as I wanted to niuke'thein pay
for a deer, as it is ail unnecessary.
We grind lenses to your prescription,
a lost wurld had been returned to him. J didn't understand why you didn't before I died, I would have gladly m , the corner stone of the new
Methodist old people's home si
and It was almost ss If he had never answer my letters. I understand now, run that risk.
The following names of Halsey, so they will be as required. Don't neg­
Salem will be laid.
been away. But the girl In the fire
though. You never got them.”
ites who have made income tax re­ lect your ejes. Let us examine them
"You arc amazed at the free wny I
light did not answer In the least de
“No. I never got them. But there speak of death. The girls you know.
I t is said that frogs being raised turns is posted in the poetoflice, today.
gree the picture he had cnrrled of are several Duncans In my city. They
In the city, don't qvep know the word. in tins county for loud will grow with the announcement that more
might have gone astray.”
They don't know what It means. They tv a foot in length aud that the may he milled to the list: Bert 8.
He remembered her as a blond:
"They went astray—hut It was be­
Clark, Rodney H. Cornelina (re­
headed little girl with Irregular fea­ fore they ever reached the post office. don't understand ^he sudden end of legs of one will m ake a mea'.
tures and a rather unreasonable al­ They were never mailed, Bruce. 1 the light—the darkness—the cold—
T h e W oo lridg e peach orchard moved), H. 0 . Davis, Eva A
From, C.
lowance of homeliness. All the way was to know why, later. Even then the awful fear that it Is ! It's a real­ has reduced th e price of peaches Evans, O, W.
he had thought of her as a baby sis It was part of the plan that I should ity here, something to tight against and potatoes and »nnouiiees the Kootnz, George VV- Laubner, D. S,
A L B A N Y . Q A tB
ter—not as a woman in her flower. never get In communication wllh yon every hour of-'every day. There are
McWilliams, Elisa R, and I.ixzie
Just three things- to do In the moun­ new prices in an advertisement in
For a long second he gazed at her In again—that you would be lost to me
tains— to live and love and hate. this paper.
speechless amazement.
Taylor, Grant Taylor, W , A. Rin-
Her hair was no longer blond.
'When I got older, I tried other
Alfred Sleinhuuer and wife of
True,, It had peculiar red lights when tacks. I wrote to the asylum, enclos­ dle ground.” She smlied grimly,
I ’ve lived with death, apd I've Greenleaf »pent Thursday night
the firelight shone through It; but he ing a letter to you. But those letters
The lady is
heard of It, and ,I've seen It all my with the Wheelers.
knew by the light , of day It would be were not mailed, either.
We sell
life. I f there hadn't been any other the granddaughter of the Enter­
deep brown. He remembered her as
"Now we can skip a long time. I «‘ay, I Would have seen it In'the dra­ prise peoplo.
an awkward little thing that was grew up. I knew everything at Iasi
hardly, able to keep her feet under and no longer lived with the family mas of the wild creatures that go on
Joteph K irk and wife, who re­
bar, Thia tall girl had the wilderness I mentioned before. I came here, to around me all the time. You’ll get
graft»—which Is the grace of a deer this old house—and made It decent down to cases hire, "Bruce—or else cently moved from Portland to
Come in and hear it play
These men said Sugene, visited Mr. K irk ’s broth­
and only blind syea eanoot see It. He to live In. I cut my own wood for my you'll run
All phonograph records and needles.
dimly knew that alia wore a khaki- fuel except when one of the men they'd do Averse ttypgs to me than er Frank here. Joseph is a rail,
klfl Tiie—hnd I didn't dare take the road engineer.
colored skirt and a simple blouse of tried to please me hy cutting It foi risk
The best dish for children, as wall as
white tied with a blue' acarf. Her me. I wouldn't use it at first. Oh.
people, during the hot days of
srms were hare in the flre'a gleam. Bruce— I wouldn't touch i t !"
summer time, is a piate of pure, neb ice
And there was a dark beauty about
tbi First National oauk of Albany,
Her face was no longer lovely. Il
cream. There is nothing to cooling and
her face that simply could not be was drawn with terrible passions
nourishing as this. T ry it amt be cool.
But she quieted at once.
She came toward him, and her
“At last I saw plainly that I was s
Cold drinks
hands were open before her. And her little fool— that all they would do for
lipa trembled. Broca could see them me, the better off I was. At first, 1
) the'remaina of &loved one» may feel assured of the same respectful and
in the firelight.
almost starved to death because 1
It was a strange meeting. The fire­ wouldn t use the food that they sent
) tender treatment I w mid wish In be given my own dear ones. Every «
light gave It a to n e jif unreality, and me. I tried to grub It out of the hills
»-wish carried out in .detail and prices guaranteed to satisfy. Beat o f 2
________ _
the whole forest world seemed to But I came to It at last. But, Bruce,
’ equipment and complete stock.
™ , . >
pause In Its Whispered business as If there were many things I didn't come
to watch. It was as If they had been to. Since I learned the troth, I have
Seven loom house, large barn, 8 lots, plenty oi fruit. A hargsin if
brought face to face by the mandates never given one of them a smile ex­
of an Inexorable destiny.
at once. See
cept In scorn, not a word that wasn't
“So you've come?" the girl said. a word of hate.
The words were spoken unusually
'You are a city man, Bruce. You
1 Dav or m e li!
filimi» 9
soft, scarcely above a whlsppr; but don't know what hate means.
Lady attendant »
they were Inexpressibly vivid to doesn't live In the cities. But It lives
Bruce. They told first of a boundless tip here. Believe me, If you ever be­
relief and joy at his coming. But lieved anythfhg—that It lives up here.
more than that. In these deep vibrant The most bitter and the blackest hate
tones was the expression of an un­ —from birth until death! It burns
quenchable life and spirit.
Every out the heart, Bruce. But I don't
fiber of the body lived in the fullest know that I can make you under­
sense; he knew this fact tlje (nstant, stand.'’
that she spoke.
She.-paused, and Bruce looked away
She smiled at him. ever eo quietly. Into the pine forest. He believed the
“Bwovehoo," she said, recalling the girl. He knew that this grim land
name by which she called him in her , was the home of direct and primitive
babyhood, ''you've come to Liuda."
emotions. Such things as mercy and
j remorse were out of place In the
Commercial and Swings accounts Solicited
j game trails where the wolf pack.
! hunted the doer.
A t the fire burned down to coala
“When they knew how I hated
and the stars wheeled through the j them,” she went on, “they began to
•by, Linda told her story. . The two watch me. And once they knew that
of them were seated in the .soft grass I had fully understood the situation.
In front of the cabin, and the moon­ I was no longer allowed to leave this
light was on Linda's face as site ! little - valley.
There are only two
talked. She talked very low at first. trails, Bruce. Due goes to Elmira's
Indeed there was no need for loud cabin on the way to the store. Ttye
If you have lieen drifting along—-pending all, saving nothing—stop
tones. The whole wilderness world other encircles the mountain, With
and think.
was heavy with silence, and a whls
• •
all their numbers. It was easy to keep
per carried far
Besides Bruce was watch of those trails. And they told
\ ‘>u ninat realize Vhat it cannot <o on forever. One'« earning day« are
just beside her. watching her with me what they would do If they found
Btt.ntereil. Now, >hi»e your earning power la the <reateat, aee to it that
narrowed eyes, forgetful of every­ me trying to go past.”
each piyday paya S om rthlw g toward your future Iw dkpknokm cx ,
thing except her story.
“Yon don't mean—they threatened
We will welco.ue jroor accnnt and help you «are.
"I've waited a long time to tell yon youf"
th ia" she told him. “Of course, when
She threw back her head and
we were babies together In the or­ laughed, but the sound had no joy In
phanage, I didn't even know IL It It.
I f you think
Where Ss rings are safe”
Poor per cent m<i no worry.
has taken me a Jong Ume sines tfi threats are common up here, you are
Jots and Tittles
Doing Fancy Work
O * ptom
A ! B etrist.
the Claxtonola
Clark’s Confectionery
N. C . L O W E
Jay W. Moore, Realtor.
Automobile Insurance
Halsey, Oregon
Fire, theft« collision, property damage and
personal liability. Protect you rself against
$ 3 5 ,O C O
C. P. STAFFORD, Agent.
'^e****'*''1 ♦*«►**♦** •‘««w «"W
Be Honest With Yourself
E l SOMETHING that is stout, that is,
C A B L E , in place o f rope—stronger
mid lasts a lifetim e.
When 5011 buy machine oil don't think
any old grease is oil. Wo have » heavy red
E N G IN E O IL , host that can bo bought, at
5 0 ': a gallon. T ry it. T W IN E ¡8 hero.
The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon
G. W. M OI II lì Í Í1 V\