(D halsey enterprise VOL. X IIALSBV. LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUG. Jl, I’ .’J Brownsville Briefs s- Calapooia Grange Jots and_Tittles NO. 52 His Sufferings Ended Shedd Shots TLe grange met in a spiclai W ill’am Harrison McMahan (By Elaios Woodworth) called meeting Saturday evening. died early Tuesday morning st hie Amos Simon has a new coat of August 26. (By Anna Pennell) home in this city, aged 61, after paint on bis house. The charter was draped iu mem­ Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally tuff.ring for several years with Mr. and Mre. Charles Troutman cancer. John Blain and family are mov- ory of Brother T. C. Davidson, Ti». spent Sunday in Holley. and in Hahey Particularly Mr. McMahan was horn on Ina iig to the Cecil Harrison chicken ing the oew reluali.tio cermony. Rev. M r. Reid plans moving to father’s farm near Halsey. About ranch for the winter. Mias Del ma W ahl went to Port­ Business letters from the Uuited Mrs. E B. Penland wis among a dozen years ago he left the farm, Tacoma iu about two weeks. Miss Irene McDaniels of Port, States (.ream Separator company land Monday. the Hal-eyitrs seen nn the atresia which is uow conducted by bis Alvan Leach and Mrs. Matt land is visiting her friends, Missoi and the Odell Paint company wer. Mrs. G. W. Torter viaited tie at the county gsat Monday. only child, James McMahan, for Morgan were married Saturday. Gretia and Irene Harrison. i read and discussed, special dis­ I county seat Monday. Bob M illar was io Albany Mon­ whose education the family lived 1 Margaret Coates spent a few far several years at Corvallis I daya with her grandparents, L. Ò" The Howe garage has been m arly counts being offered to grangers. Harrisburg Chautauqua guaran­ day and met his wife on her n Mr, and Mrs Wbeeler withdrew complete^ and Howe Bro«. are Since then the deceased has o c -1 Coates, here, turn from a visit of a few days in to move in the 1st of Septemb r from our grange as they cannot tors are wrestling with a $190 Portland. enpied a fine residence iu Halsey. deficit on last year’s coursj. attend our meetings. \Ve regret Mrs. Grover Barn»« and daugh­ His widow survives him. Road work on Shea bill, betwean CltTord Harold of Albany w. s giving them up very much, The largest deer yet brought of Jefferson spent Rev. C. T. Cook preached the ter Marin here Friday and Saturday dam A light lunch was served after into Albany came from the Siuslaw Koster and Cascadia, employs funeral sermon yesterday afternoon Wed n end ay in Shedd. forty men and will probably last onstrating a 1928 model' B tie. the meeting aud ail ehjoyed the and dressed 135 pounds, 4 the Pine Grove church and all winter. Mr#. L. C. Pennell (and daugh. touring and sport car. sieial hour. Another ' special interment wa# in the cetne e-y near­ lwenty-one people witnessed ter Laura of Canby dtova to Shedd meeting was called for Saturday, Mrs Riley Logan left Sunday by, under the auspices of the Odd Mrs. Carp Hale and daughter the poultry cu llin g demonstration Sunday to visit relatives. Helen have returned from a l-w September 23, at 7:80. at Ralph Damien’s, Shedd, Mon­ fo ra three-weeks visit with her Fellows, of which order the de- daughter, Mrs. Jamee Newmao, ceased had been a member for a Grange Reporter. Harry Campbell, who has been day. daya’ viait to Oregon City, where who lives thirteen wiles from Cor­ quarter of a century. cooking for the A. D. Kern rock they have been vieitlog Mrs H t h ’. Mrs. A. S. Grugett of Corvallis vallis. The attendance at these last rites crusher, left Tuesday for Seattle. eon, George Hale, and fam ily. COSMOPOLITAN CROWD went home Monday alter a visit of was large and the floral offerings Mrs. Georgs Taylor spent several P. le Freerksen and wife and Cecil Harrison, Tom Harri««» The total registration at Harvard several days with Mrs. Fox, Mrs. days at Portland with her nephew, were iu profusion. daughter Frances and Anna Pen. Frank Darling and M . S W.io McNeil and Mrs. Palmer. this year is 6,073. Of this number Everett Standish, who is a patient nell spent the week end at Cas­ worth are off for a motor trip Douglas Taylor. F. M. Gray and The Heat None Too Good She cadia. through California and southern 6,803 are from the United States W. F. White are the appraisers of at the Pierce Sanatorium, returned Friday. On Monday A. C. Arm strong look a and its possessions. The other coun­ Oregon for e couple of weeks. Mr. W idlow s and family of • ittl« tw enty-m ile hike, in addition to tries represented are: Asia Minor, the estate of John T. McNeil aud The Lebanon Big Brother farm ihs walk from his farm Io town, to the Barlow motored to Shedd Sunday Mr. Bsk-ir has boen elects I Australia, Austria, Belgium, Ber­ N, G. McNeil administrator. had 12 boys nine years ego. This temporary president of Albany muda, Brazil, British West Indies, onntt seat, to which was added perhaps to visit their son, Abe Widdown, Grain lias been coming to the year it cared for 125. The hove who is working at Saddle Butte. college. He had been electsd as Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa warehouses at a wonderful rate the have gone from the farm for thia. miles of side-stepping, for he drove be­ yLe-prefid ut, m t at a recent fore him five registeled Jersey cows past few days in «uli< ipttion of meeting the board gave him the Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Den­ the rain which came yesterd.iv. llie ninth, season. which he had sold to Clarence W ild of mark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Cat Fight and Harmony new position. r-i i The general success of the fall Corvallis. M r. W ild met him at the El Salvador, France, Germany, end of the jaunt and took the animals to Delos L la ik , Glenn Krum, A l- Sown grain over that sown in the When the Steinhauers of Greenleaf Jim Yokum and wife, who ac­ Great Britain, Greece, Holland, berta Koontz and Geraldine Cook | spring induces the farmer to get in their new home and Armstrong was con­ took th eir grandparents for a ride companied Fred Harrison and Honduras, India, Italy, Japan, Ko­ attended the open-air baud concert na much this fall as possible, tent to make the return trip as far as Thursday evening they went over to wife to K'ddle, decided to remain rea, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicsfc at the county seat Tuesday eve-1 Some are beginning to turn the H a ln y reposing ou the upholstery of the Brownsville, where the newspaper peo­ there iudcfinalely. M r. Harriaon South jrn Pacific. ple were greeted by many ftiends. ground. — Harrisburg Bulletin. ragua, Norway, Palestine, Panama, n,Dg-’ reported bumper crops of melons, M r. Armstrong has faith in th • regis­ T h i Steinhauers had never seen nor Peru. Rumania, Russia, Siam, tomatoes and peaches. He said R W. Ketaell has bought the All the boys’ aud girl«' clubs In that prices were very low aud one- South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland in iving p’eture businesi at June- the county ars invited to a picnic ter ot the A . J. C. club a s a price booster. heard a radio outfit, and they viaited Iu thia ■ see, w hile tows perhaps Stevenson's drug store, where there is half to two-thirds cheaper than and Turkev. ton City. He and his wife w ill, near the Thomas schoolhouse in their equals in prodjetion clfi jicncy are one. M r. Stevenson sella radio appli­ here. Musktnelons are 8Cb a do >un shows four nights a week at the Scio community Saturday. setting around $40 or $63 apiece, he got ances and a customer (Kenneth Stone, xsn, peaches 11 a bushel and to­ LOCAL COLOR Junction, two nights at Harrisburg Among other entertainment feat a Straight $100 per he ul for the lot, end the H s ls ty radio r a n ) had bought a Jt r i f I A l i o i m l. I * » II 1 - - 1 .. . * • a a • - - matoes 40c a bushel. Such a g >od and one i night at Halsey, and per­ . urea there will probably be a base­ they were not the pick of his herd. part which M r. Stevenson had taken report resulted in Mr. Eggleston Visitor— I gits up earlier at home haps have all other evenings for ball game between Scio and Shedd. He says a grade cow may equal the off bis own outfiL S3 that it was out of and Nelson Cruroe planning going ’an any man in ’is heali town. play. th -re an 1 bringing back truckloads The first deer reported at Harris- registered a n im d in yield of butter fat, o ram ission u n til a new one could ar­ Native—Yoh words don’t mean of those product». Gertrude Boggie, 26, of Shtdd liurg came from the Lake Creek but the extra price which the registered rive. noth'u’, uiggah. I gits up even Hut Harold is nothing if n it accom­ ba- been sent to the state hospital country, to reach which by the calves w ill briug, as well as the extra uiawnin’ at one o’clock. What time at Salem. It is claiitnd that her new low paes highway from June v.t!ni in their mother, should be choose modating iu dispoaition, and lie at once San »tor M iNsry hi» an am ind. does yuh git up? com­ called up Dr. Shelton at hia eyrie on the husband had liesn cruel, ofteu lion City one must go over a bad to sell her, much more than m in t tacked to tbs l o a n bill Visitor— I f ’n I tol’ yuh, yuh striking her and mistreating her,' landelide which the Lanw count> pensates for the coit of starting the herds h ill and in peraon piloted the party which calla for the expenditure wouldn’t onderstan’. They don’t thus contributing materially to authorities seem iu no hurry to with registered animals Instead of with thither. grailes whose progeny can never get in ­ ultimxtely of 8313,0X).033 in rtc- have no time in ’is heah town as her condition. The genial doctor tuned up hla spps- clear away. to the record. lnm itinn of das irt ami overflo w d rata» and everybody in the room en- early as whut I gits up.— Life. land, without interfering with the There ws» again a full house at It is announced that W. C. Tcm- How hard a fight was it to gel jo ed a »rest Including a fine concert prese it roclamttion acts. NEWFOUNDLAND WATER POWER pleton of Brownsville will tie a the Rialto Friday evening t i great high protection, for sny om m odity fro u Los Angrier, candidate for sheriff this fall, the “ The Mysterious Rider,” and By the way, if you want to hear an from soup to nut«, in the highest L is t year 50.00J dear and sever­ A total of 235,000 horsepower is runuing as an independent became th« general verdict was that it was tariff bill ever known? Nothing ideal cat fight, as staged by a full chorns al men were killed by hunters in estimated as the probable output of tha primary law burs him from one of the best plays of the year wits left out, if any senator wanted of robust felines, put on a headpiece and running us a republican if not The comedy, too. which the Enter, listen in while a radio outfit ia being Oregon. a project which comes from a rather pominated nt the republican prise bad announced as unusual, ■ t protected, and paitl for it by de­ tuned up. There are howls and yowls livering his vote for tha com plated surprising locality. The develop­ primaries Mr. Dunlap, who made many laugh (ill they cried. and screeches and spittings and spatter­ b ill.— Oregonian. ment is to be undertaken of the succeeded the slain Sheriff Kendall, in g ! to beat the (cat) hand u n til the We have received the progrrm Humber valley, Newfoundland, with has not stated whether be w dl he All poHtioal parties »re now in tuning hita tha rig h t wave length, and of the Calapooia Valley fair, which W e H ave the expenditure of $7,000,000 with­ i candidate or not. Either of will be at the Crlapo ia metrop practi5e for protection, and free th*n suddenly all i t delightful harmony, in the next two years. The power theso men, on his record to date, EVERYTHING olis September 15 and 16. There trid e a n d tariff for tevnnve as at restful at a perfect calm after a h u r­ ________________ project is tied up with logging and would have the endorsement of the will be no “ agricultural hoes trot” democratic d o -trim are ignored ricane. O ptical other operations in a way which will Enterprise. and therefore no betting on boree >n t forgotten.— Portland Oregon- D. Wesley was a visitor at the e y e s tr a in involve the permanent employment Last Monday an Enterprise races, but cash first prise prises tan. couuty seat Monday. Is the Cause of M any of 1,500 men in the works and 2,000 representative enjoyed a spin in a and ribbons for eeccnd will be H U M A N IL L S more in the woods. The paper re­ new Oldsinobile car which M orloi awarded to horses and cattle in I f your eyes give you trouble or your glasses are annoyiag sources of the island will be very A Dotson, the Albany dealers, a number of classes and to sheep, S E E US. We cau Relieve You largely expanded by the new devel­ were testing out. These are car­ goats, swine, poultry, grain, vege­ Bancroft Optical Co. - opment, which is actually under con­ riages de luxe, From the beautiful tables. preserves and jams and and durable leather ot the uphol­ ladies’ textile work. A first of 11 I i 313 lat St. W. Albany. 1’hpnc tract at the present writing.— Scien­ stery to the last inch of the glosj y and second of 50 oenta will go for tific American. jet finish every part engenders a free-for-all fiftv-yard dash, boys’ sense of elegance and the quiet fifty-yard dash, girls' race, fat power with which the mechanism men a race, ladies' race, women’s Beautiful new garm ents for fall are hero in responds to the slightest touch r f nail driving contest, cracker-eating large numbers, and more are arriving daily. We the chauffeur aud speeds up, slows contest, egg and spoon race and down, backs or tun s about leaves sack race, and 85 for horseshoe are sure you will be delightod old faithful but obs.'ete Dobbin far pitching. with the new styles. in the shade. a They Are Here A Few Groceries for Harvesters (Continued on page 3) Flavo F lo u r.................................. ?1 .6 5 NO HUMMING BIRO Olympic or Crown........ ...............¿ 4 0 Golden W est Coffee...................... 45 M. V. K. Special, 3 lbs................ 1 .0 0 Shasta Tea, 1 lb.............................. 60 Tree Tea, I lb................................. 75 Mother's Delight C o rn ................. 15 P. S. Bantam Corn........................ 25 Premium Tomatoes, 3 c a n s ........ 50 A.