HALSEY ENTERPRISE PAGE 4 H alsey Garage Auto repairing Tire«, oil» and acxesaories Have just received a »hi pine nt of Ford wheel« Get our pri.r» before buying. We ha vela large »tock of 32x1, 32x3% j apd 33»4 tire« W ill make soecial prices Oo these Urea white they last 4 @n a n d a fte r S e p t. / to e u t l l l s e / l o n ly fo r CASH Halsey Garage, Foote Bros. Tele phone 16x5 Props. (Continued from page 3) A lb a n y college open» Sept. 19. Mrs. George T aylo r visited the County metropolis Tuesday. W. W . Alliugham of Coburg, income tax collector, visited his »nc.'s, J, C, Bram well, Friday. Miaa Florence Hoover of H arris- burg and Guy Bram w ell's three daughters baye been visiting th e ir grandparents, J. C. Bram w ell and wife and G raut Taylor. Contesting w ith forty-three boys and girla of the co u n 'y Ted Mc- C art of H arrisburg scored the highest in stock judging at Scio. 24. 1920 Rialto Wanted! x Friday I bave installed a A Ben," 8 H a m p to n Production ZANE GREYS I that deans all kinds of grain CLEAN J J F e e d ch o pp in g and Vetch- Clover- Grass- M z $ Oz A NEW CLEANER F o p u ld r gra in cle an in g done w /|3 p ro m p tly at any tim e. sy J I b u y and sell a ll kinds o f G ra in , Feed, $ O . W . FR U M MURPHY’S SEED STORE ALBANY, OREGON it baa been extended in tbe con fectiooery business come forward now and settle eo she .r.ay dost up the books before leaving town. The Southern Pacific w ill carry There wae a large gathering at passengers to the county fair from the services held by the Salvation points in the county and from Arm y io front of the Koontz »tor- C orvallis and Jefferson for a fs r- Tuesday evening. Every aoidiei and a hal*. who was io service in France c«mt Mrs. L a n d rith andaou Lawrence home w ith a warm place in hie o f Shedd have gone to visit at Flat •eart for the Salvation Arm v, anc R 'icii, III. the cordial sym pathy of the bud­ E. Abraham was at the county dies was manifested on th is oc seat Tuesday tiltin g out fo r a oas'on. M o n th ly meetings may be b u n tin g trip . We presume that held if suitable quarters can be lie got some of those Winchestei obtained. goods advertised in the E nter­ M r. Byerley has q u it buying prise by the Roscoe Ames hard­ evergreen black Imrries. So many ware store. pickers were careless and brought n borrios that had stood a day or Brownsville is puzzling over tin problem of raising funds to clean wo after picking, ao th a t they out the caual so that it w ill bring would become m oldy before fin ally enough water to that new power disposed of. th a t there was n There flume. I t ie also reported that profit io h andling them. funds fo r the com m unity building »4» » chance to make some money picking berries, hut dishonest o- are slow in coming in. areless pickers have k ille d Ifie Tangeut property owners wn th goose that would have la id golden princip al street want to pave i> •git». tiiis fa ll. Mrs. VV. A. M u lle r of Potter F rank L yn ch ’ s leg was broken in went to Albany Tuesday tor m edi­ two place« when a stallion reared cal advice. and cowing down h it him w ith iti W ith the installatio n of Prol. foie'oot Saturday a H arrisburg It. E. Baker as vice-president ot Mrs. A. P. Phillip« of the county \lb a n v college next m onth, un- seat was here Tuesday n ig h t mid ier a r rang- raeuta w hich he and went Io Shtdd yesterday selling Prof. W illiam « have made w ith the corsets. U. ° f G. the work ot the schools of education io the iw o in s titu tio n , Fred Kooe, ren ting land neai w ill be correlated and in trans A lb an y, has been fined $10 fo< ferring graduates credits w ill be failure to co t thistles when n o ti­ fied. Other offender« are in danger interchangeably recognized. Tadpole» th a t are expected to of punishm ent. grow in to bullfrog« whore legs w ilt Dr. Y ork and wife and Thom«- form an addition to our delicacies Se«vey and wife of Eugene, O. B are being d istribu te d by the fish Ktaluaker and wife of C orvallis nd game commission. Some have D r. Barnum and fa m ily of H a rris ­ beeo planeed in waters near o tr burg, C. P. Stafford and wife and oounty seat. Kidney Sm ith and fa m ily of Hal J. H . Rebhaa of B row nsville »ey picnicked Suuday a t the Co home fro n bis tr .p to Seattle. burg bridge. $ i DINGO'S DRUG STORE Eyettight Specialist t)F EU G EN E Will make his next regular visit’to Halsey on A U G - 2 7 nt the HOTEL («lasses carefully fit­ ted. ( ’barges reason­ able. S a t i s f a c t i o n guaranteed. Wait for nim. S U N D A Y M A IL HOURS The delivery w indow of the H alsey postoffice is open Sundays from 9:15 to 9:45 s. m. and 12:20 to 12:35 and 4:*5 to 5.00 p. m. D r. E. W . B a rn u m , dentist, at H o te l H alsey every Tuesday and F rid ay. ffiDKBW N B uster K eaton “ The Scarecrow. Crawford Peaches, $1.50 a bushel Burbank Potatoes, 212C ' ^ - : W O O LRIDG E PEACH ORCHARD. two nites south of Peoria,’ Bring sacks and boxes ONLY $3,90 HALSEY Improved 64-acre farm for mile from Hal- rent one-fomth sey. Inquire F R A N K M A X W E L L, Tangent, Ore. to Portland and return Sale d ites First-class work guaranteed A M CO LTRA W . J. R ibelin Office 1st door south of school house Halsey, Oregon. Dealer in Real Friday, Satur­ day aud Sun­ day Return lim it Tuesday follow­ ing sale dele A SK A G E N T A BO U T Estate. Fifteen-Day aud Season Fares Handles Town and Country Property Give htm a call and see if he can fix Frequent service at convenient hours you up. with all modern traveling comforts For further particulars ask agents E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHANGE So -hern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Ageut. We have lot, o'. good USED FU R N IT U R E Amor A. Tussing on hand and are getting more every day Used R anges, $20 to »40. Very good condition. All at bargain pries« 422 West First at.. Albany, Oregon. TCHMAKER& Jeweler OR. ROYAL J. GICK I MYSTERIOUS RIDER' Expert 1 If your skin is sensi- J tive and von are par- £ ticular about the qual- J ity ot the powders, a creams, lotions and J sonpa that yon use, g buy them at No, 23, 11:29 a. ui. 17, 5.39 p. nr. m oving locomotive. The d river and tbe reading rooms, I5 by 20, who wrecks a car in th a t way in the fro n t of tbe b u ild in g . The ought to be deprived fo r life of a .gym nasium or a u d ito riu m w ill be license to d rive, and if a life is lost I 50 by 81 aud w ill have a seating in,the collision be ought to pay the capacity of over 700. The shower penally fo r manslaughter. baths and dressing rooms w ill 2 bottem 4-horse gang. E x­ with D .lh e rt Tandy, Len Owens and be beneath the stage. The b u ild ­ change lo r single bottom . V. C. ing is to face K ir k avenue. Miss A lta W ooley of H arrisb urg Robert M ?Kim . C om m , Halsey, K. 2, Box 79. were here Snnday. Miss Bernice M ille r, a Browns­ Claire A d a m s and W. J. Lane, the B ro w n sville v ille school ma'am, and Delos Co- Old papers, 5o a bundle, En- Carl G antvcort jeweler, and wife were over here show of th a t c ity were m arried terprise office. Produced tj in P ortland A ug. 18. in their car Tuesday evening. Benj B. Hampton The workers in tbe w orld, among Lawrence T a y lo r and Glenn and a n d h is associate». Michael C ollins, founder of the other things, support 6,179,000 Earl F rum got home from th e ir Zane Grey P ictu res Ineorp Siuu Fein and head of tbe Iris h soldiers, 158,000 o t whom are io Crater Lake tr ip early th is week, free state a rm y, has been assas­ the U nited States arm y. Mrs. H illa rd Ackerman of sinated. T. C. W ilson, a I ootlegger at B row nsville passed through today The t ig steel corporations have Also on her way to v is it her m other at raised the pay of th e ir 300,000 Baker, lost his auto, h is load of liq u o r and a leg (n o t a bootleg) Shedd. laborers 20 per cent. in a battle w ith officers in which Mrs. Georgia Mores of Browns­ be was defeated the other day. F ra n k A lb e rt slipped and fe ll v ille intends to organize a v io lin iu a roaring comedy, I t would have paid h im better to ■ class iu Halsey next m onth. Mrs into ’ ’ the d e v il’ s te a ke ttle ,” a hot do honest work. >» fM oias's daises in B ro w n sville spring at K la m a th F alls, Sunday ! have been em ine n tly successful. and was fa ta lly scalded. The governm ent is checking up ' She is a lad y of ta le n t and before ou the number o f the men in the * i he took up ¿caching took in s tru r- H unters have already begun cipal auff-re th o u ld b e th s f jo I who arm y who have bad experience in Irives it. News dispatches led i s tio n from musiciaus ot high stand k illin g men for deer in Oregou this railroad pork. T his is given out to understand th t this occurred ing in Ibis co u n try and in Ger­ year. in connection w ith other railro ad when On t M- Shelton was k ille d many. For additions to state b uilding s strike news. Meu who refuse to near Lebanon two weeks ago Sun­ The foundation of tbe Ainer ican work on the ground th a t e q u ip ­ «294,277 is asked fo r. day. We are now ¿informed that Legion’s co m m un ity house at m ent is unsafe tu.iy lo3e valuable this was an error and th a t Shelton Brownsville is under construction. seniority rights if th e ir co m plaii t was a passenger in th e:ar of his The Times says: The size is 50 by I i found to be baselce3. brot '«r-in-law , who drove it iu to a 115 feet. The Hags w ill be 20 feet, A R C H IE C O R N E LIU S DRUGS No. 18, 12:01 p. »n. 24, 5.30 p m. A d ra m a tizatio n of Zane Grav's story “ The M ysterious R id e r,” w ill go on tbe screen at the R ialto F rid a y evening. Robert M cK im , C laire Adams and C arl G antvoort are in tbe cast. Tbe comedy ifia t follow s i t is som ething out of the o rd in a ry . M r . A. H- Q uim by visile I Dr, and Mrs. M arks weut Io Yoncalla the first of the week for co m ty met • p rlis Tu-e lay. a viait and tbe doctor w ill do somr The Oak Plain acboolboase h u n tin g w hile there. a new roof and o ther im prove inenls. A new c u rta in w ill probably ie | The d w e llin g bouse at Second p u tin at considerable expense at tbe R ialto toon. E nterprising J ♦nd I I m eet« was moved nut of business map of Halsey have con­ tbe way for tbe new garage yea- tracted for advertising space on it. lerday. T h e Enterprise would be glad, Mrs. Stewart this week publisher ■»hen an autom obile runs in to s a request th a t those to whom cred- moving railro ad tra in , if the pri- ; UA 1L Sooth Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line 1 Bring ns your seed to . clean Proper erjuipinent Experienced men Accurate accounting n a iiv A V A V North P A ID -F O R P A R A G R A P H S H a y , etc., a t best cash prices. SEED Jots and T ittle s W o rk on the new Lebaoon-Cai- cedi* road began yesterday. AUG. As a story that mingles adventure, nature study and romance, it is undeniably of the front rank. M r. Marshall knows the w ild places and knows the ways of the wild creatures that range them— and he knows how to write. Like “ The Voice of the Pack,” his former suc­ cessful novel, it contains an intim ate and detailed knowledge of the Oregon woods that is fascinat­ ing. Aside from being a strong story o f romance and adventure, It has the characteristics of a woodland idyl, rich in poetic fancy and throb- bing with a reverent love for a nature which is unspeakably wonderful, both In its majesty and in its all-pervading hospitality. LA V TER AND NO TARY B rownsville , O regon Automobile Season n all the year around, especially since and the paving Probably half our subscrib­ ers own autos. And they see the adver­ OREGON tisements in the Enterprise. workmanship. Watches clock« a specialty. HALSEY F. M. GRAY, New Furniture Many of our subscribers when they come home from their summer outings will put in new articles of iurniture for A ll work done p to m p tly and the winter The dealer who keeps his name and business before them in these reasonably. Phone No. 269.9 columns will get his share of their trade. The one who don’t will n o t Nuf ced Draym an. I. O. 0 . F. ■ A n O re g o n S to ry b y an O re g o n W r ite r , no w ru n n in g in the E n te rp rise W IL D E Y LO D G E NO. M . Regular meeting next Saturday night, The Harvest From now on the farmers w ill he get- liug cash for the summer's products. They are the backbone of the country'a strength and their trade is the backbone of the merchant's business. They buy LIC EN SED FU N ER A L DIRECTORS hiagroeeries. his dry goods, his hard­ HA RRISBURG LEBANON ware— whatever he hat to tell—and their Phone 35 Phone 13 trade is worth going after. Tell them Branches it what you have for sale T^ey w ill see Brownsville, Phone 3 7 0 5 . your story if it is published iu the En­ Halsey Phone 164, Frank K u k Mgr terprise. W R I G H T & P O O I.E